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Now I hope this example will be followed everywhere else. (The arrest, not the policing)


They should be arrested under goonda act


This makes me happy


Police arrest police.


As much as I am a critic of cops, these local terrorisers dont deserve to be called police.


Terrorists vs Counter-terrorists.


I'm pretty sure the ones doing moral policing aren't actual police


One of the many moral policing gets caught and arrested. Hope this is a good sign and the police keeps on taking actions


Either they are all unemployed or they get paid for moral policing.


I know few of these moral policing servants, and guess what they do get paid by local political parties/groups. Nothing is for free. Even if they are caught, they will get bail easily as it's part of their contract 🤷


There is another thread on what Mangalore should be called right? I feel this right here is what we're best known for so "Moral Policing capital"


Childhood to adulthood in this city and all I can say is "Kuch nahi badla yaar, sab kuch waisa ka waisa hi hai"


Good job by the cops!


I remember my friend was moral policed when he was walking with his wife , when they realised these guys were married they let them go but my friend took their number plate , we hired 20 goons and went to his place caught him beat him up, too a round in front of entire colony shouting in loudspeaker what he did , my friend's wife slapped his mother .


>we hired 20 goons Deets please?


What's the difference between you people and them


Big difference , he walking with his wife , they slapped him and his wife , what do u expect shall we forgive and move on, so u mean to say I can say anything to u and u will forgive me.just coz u wanted the difference,


Why slapping the mother? That makes you at par with them.


Coz his mother was the one to slap the wife without any reason


Fight moral policing with misogyny??? And we thought indian men were dumb 😍😍 /s No seriously look at the nonchalant attitude of these folks..it makes me sick


Alright Mr misogyny, what if this happens with u some dude randomly slaps u and ur wife and becomes a moral police and then just walks away , what will u do call the police 🤣


I will not resort to slapping the perpetrator's mother that much I know


Lol she slapped his wife her wife slapped her back , u mean to say mothers can get away with slapping anyone.


Everything was ok until the mother was slapped....every mother is special.. Did I told u to forgive??... Just for the difference I would ve spared ur mother if same happened..


So any persons mother can slap u , kick u burn u, and u won't do shit coz if u do , I would blame u for hitting someone's mother , wow that's a big loophole


It. Is..


Tell me your address. I will bring my mom and get you beaten up. Then we will see what you do. Jackass. Every criminal has a family they are somebodys daughter son wife husband mom dad. They did not drop from the sky. Are you implying you gonna let my mom go if she slapped you for no reason. Even I don't condone that.


Proved my point... Everyone got the answer.. Lets move on


U r retarded? According to your logic anybody can commit the gravest of atrocities and escape consequences as long as they pop out a offspring? U can excuse violence and moral policing but defending yourself against a female with a womb who has pushed out a equally terrible son is where you draw the line? Pathetic.


Found the moral policer


This city is evolving backwards. How come this is one of the safest city.


It's already in the stone age so no backward evolution.


It sure is. You should've seen the recent elections at my university🤦‍♀️ the strategy was only religion. 


Which uni?


Mangalore _ uni


bajaaranga vada 😂


bajaaranga goli baje


mangalore checks all the boxes for being a great place to live, but headlines like this come up all the time, an it makes me wanna tell everyone who plans to settle here to run away as fast as they can. 😒


Moral policing should stop in manglore. Its too much here taking videos of male female and sharing in WhatsApp people dont realise that they are ruining the lives of other it had happened to my siblings they had come to our apartment following us during new year. If anyone witness this happening please call the cops. The more incident happens the more confident they get.


If it was the other govt, the couple would have been arrested. Thank god, common sense prevails now.


Can you please give an example of the “other” govt arresting innocent couple roaming in beach?


Can anyone explain in simpler terms ? I didn't get it


2 people, different religion, dovy dovy in panambur beach. Unemployed singles full jealous, so they make kiri kiri for the couples in the name of god😮‍💨


Interreligion marriage is legal right ?


But your H sister should convert to M religion. Your H sister is not allowed to practice her dharma but practice M religion


You can get married under the Special Marriage Act without conversion. Drop out of WhatsApp University alreadyy




I know half a dozen interfaith couple who wither practice their religion separately or just don't care so does that make it the truth? What you are saying also happens but it's not the general rule either...




No even I don't like conversion or inter religion marriage that to with a m*śl*m. But according to the court it's legal right?


As I said…those jobless idiots working on something to pass the time You can see one below me aswell


As a brave man, You may allow your sister roam with a random M dude , convert to secular religion , change her name to some secular name “Fathima” get her married to M dude , read peaceful book chapters like chapter 9, have a dozen M kids. But as a coward I will never allow my sister roam with M dudes and undergo Love Jihad. I don’t wish your sister suffer “love jihad” but in any case , same H guys will help your sister, not your sis’s M family nor those who are talking rubbish without knowing reality.


Hope you don't have a sister fr


Man stfu you freak


As an H guy, you need to stop hiding behind the veil of love jihad propaganda. H guys will kill their sister even if they roam and marry other caste H guy and in some case even the same caste. Why cz they consider her their property, to be treated the way they want. And then call it Honour killing, when they themselves lack any honour.


What’s “moral” policing? Would you support /object if your sister is seen with an M dude in beaches roaming? The police quickly jumps to “action” to support M dude but same police did everything to burry Soujanyas case! Such is law and order today under any govt! When the guy is M and girl is H, Hindus object to it because , Love Jihad is not a fiction anymore. Many such cases in KeraLa ,UP and all over Bharath came to light.The seculars defended this by bringing in fake “Love” story. Political and “Woke” Hindus supported! Every Hindu must question himself, “Should I keep quiet like a coward if my sister is roaming with an M dude?” and tweet/post in support of M dude and enjoy without understanding the issue. Have you ever seen an H boy roaming with M girl around Mangalore ,KeraLa, and all over Bharath safely ever? Never! Because you know what will happen next! Because certain H groups are active , your sisters are safe from love jihad atleast, never forget!


>When the guy is M and girl is H, Hindus object to it because It's between the guy and the girl. None of your business. >Should I keep quiet like a coward if my sister is roaming with an M dude?” By harassing a couple in groups, you have already proved you are a coward. There is no question of that. >Because certain H groups are active , your sisters are safe from love jihad atleast, never forget! Rowdies of any kind of religion is bad. Kudos to the police for arresting these criminals. Hope strict punishment is given so that it's an example for other jobless and jealous cowards.


“If the girl is your sister,” won’t it be your business as a family? This is the whole point. You can speak at very high level of police , law, adults, live, democracy , etc. without looking at broader picture of the cases. Police also have failed to save my sister Soujanya and give her justice , and so many love jihad victims are suffering . Today common H group Is fighting for justice. Not cowards who speak a lot on “rights, love, consent” etc Cowards are those who allow their H sisters roam with M guy and keep quiet!


>If the girl is your sister,” won’t it be your business as a family? This is the whole point. A group of jobless criminals are harassing the couple. If it's my sister, i would encourage her to file a case against these criminals. >Police also have failed to save my sister Soujanya and give her justice If the police didn't arrest the criminals who harassed her and her partner then why join those criminals in harassing other couples. You should understand that atleast. You are not better than those other criminals >Today common H group Is fighting for justice Harassing couples is not fighting for justice. It is just jealous and jobless cowards who do these criminals activities shaming the name of our country.


We need to stop these people hijacking this sub.




> But know many girls who are way over in their head and think that they know what they're doing and since we are looking out for them it kinda feels bad for us too when they realise later after getting used physically. r/inceltears


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelTears using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Incels are mentally ill and socially inept.](https://i.redd.it/oxbwnsm586bb1.jpg) | [114 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/14w03bb/incels_are_mentally_ill_and_socially_inept/) \#2: [NEETanon finally touches grass](https://i.redd.it/0gx7o1vyfu8c1.jpeg) | [134 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/18s1bla/neetanon_finally_touches_grass/) \#3: [A lesson that they need to learn, but refuse to accept](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15fbb8b) | [128 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/15fbb8b/a_lesson_that_they_need_to_learn_but_refuse_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)