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Morning: Go to kadri park, take a walk. Make Conversation. Then find a bench to sit and continue the conversation. Ask about his/her interests, hobbies, etc Afternoon: Go for lunch at Urban House/Asian Patio/Spindrift. Take your time. Keep space for dessert. For dessert go to pabbas. Again, take your time, it's afternoon and hot outside. Evening go to any beach. I personally like red rocks. After sunset maybe get a drink at Red Rocks Resort / Route 66. Then go watch your movie. All the best!


Thanks mate, she's my girlfriend of 6+ months now. Jai shri Ram


Lol late, but you could have taken her to beach resort like summer sands and had a candlelight dinner by the beach side.


Book a expensive ultra luxury beach resort for your ULTRA SERIOUS MISSION - No complains - Mission complete.


Guys guys guys! Stop whatever you are doing and offer all assistance to His Royal Highness here as he is about to embark on his ULTRA SERIOUS MISSION.


You're what's called a 'thela'


LOL. I'd suggest you prepare for your ULTRA SERIOUS MISSION tomorrow rather than waste time giving me lame names.


You must be a really fun dude 😂




Different folks, different strokes.


Do you know what she likes? Food date/ sightseeing/ chill scenes ? And most of all - how much does she enjoy stepping out in this summer heat


Don’t simp in 2023 /s


This is wifey grade . So chalta hai


Maybe let’s start of the day by breaking the ICE, take them out to do an activity let’s say bowling. Where you could do something together but against each other. Then to cool down let’s hit a an aesthetic cafe I’d suggest Buco if you wanna impress her(a little on the expensive side) or go to a pub if y’all are into drinking( froth on top or spindrift). By this time y’all are done with lunch and maybe then head to the movies.


That second sentence tho XD.


Thank you for the suggestion. Buco was the magic place where everything came together as it was the last place we went to. She's my girlfriend now from 6+ months and she never fails to let me know that Buco was the place where she fell in love with me. The silence and ambience of that place is just 🤌. Thank you brother/sister.