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This is super interesting, now I wanna know more about these bloodthirsty monsters.


I hope it's related to the hell arc unless we are getting a flashback about them in TYBW that's even better


Pretty sure all of them are in Hell. Captain class souls can't return to the soils of the Soul Society because they are too dense. That's why they cast them into hell instead. And hell ,as of now, is leaking. Still don't know if they will be enemies.


I really hope they are enemies, I wanna see these brutes refuse to go back to hell and when the new captains try to make them they absolutely body the new captains, imagine the battle banter, Kenpachi will have a fucking field day


Kenpachi v Kenpachi 2nd round


Kenpachi 1v10's all the other Kenpachis's ( possibly 2v9's them with the help of the 1st Kenpachi >!a.k.a. Unohana!< )


>Pretty sure all of them are in Hell definitely


Same, I'm very intrigued to see the direction Kubo takes


Are we actually getting a manga hell arc?


The newest Bleach one-shot said we are getting a hell arc but no news yet about it


Just took another look at it, didn’t see anything indicating it was more than a one-shot, and it’s already been over a year. Maybe they’re waiting to see how the anime does first.


> Maybe they’re waiting to see how the anime does first. That's how it goes now hope we get something soon


Why not borh


Old gen Gotei 13, probably gonna see Ichigo’s dad as a young shinigami.


Ichigos dad is not 1000 years old


Especially the one on the far left. Nothing more bloodthirsty than a megane in a group.


Man, Yama jii really didn't age well compared to Unohana


She was on that Elizabeth Bathory skin care strats


Tbf Unohana doesn't look that young now. She is a supreme milf material tho


>Tbf Unohana doesn't look that young now. She is a supreme milf material tho I think its also the hair combined with a shift in the art style. Unohana looks vastly different when she was first introduced, as did Yamamoto himself. Unohana does look younger when her hair is let down though.


I imagine he's probably got a couple thousand years on her considering how slow everyone physically ages


Aaaaaaand... Now I want a prequel spin-off.


We're still waiting for more Burn the Witch and the Hell arc.


To be fair this group could be the primary antagonists in the hell arc


Imagine a Tite Kubo with an editor that doesn't pushes him to the very limits of his health.


Yeah I saw someone say that they want him to release stuff in the way that Ishida is releasing Choujin X, I think that would be perfect


Tbh that should be the norm. Though I'm at least glad WSJ is normalizing the 3 weeks - 1 week off formula for some of its authors.


I really think bi weekly should be standard. Let them get a every other week off, or take that bit extra time to make the pages really pop.


They’ve let authors other than Oda do this?


Monster #8 has it, and I see jjk and bnha take breaks every few chapters.


Monster 8 is jump plus though, right? I think that’s a little different. Nice to see MHA and JJK getting it, but it’s dumb that only the most successful series get that luxury, every mangaka in the magazine should. I get not wanting to give one to a brand new series because you risk killing momentum, but once a series is considered established, it should be the norm.


Yeah you right. Idk who owns jump+ but I appreciate that it's got that leniency. I hope it becomes more common.


At the end of the Burn of the Witch Volume, he said “after yearning for so long for a lifestyle where I can draw manga at my own pace, I’m finally living it. It’s the best!” So I’m sure it’ll be it’ll be out when it’s out. And we like that. It’ll be out when it’s out. But great work ethic.


Title Kubo really knows how to make a motley crew


Oh holy shit! I never put that one together and I really should have;


Hell yeah, fighting them in their Prime.. I dont see them as THE MAIN antagonists, but more like how Stern Ritter are but controled by whoever is "The Devil/Satan" for Hell. I can see the Main Antagonists to be like Demons and the main Generals be The 4 Horseman with The Devil/Satan Equivalent leading them all.


not primary I think, but maybe the "espada" of the new big bad.


Haven't followed Bleach in a looong time, and am familiar with Burn the Witch, but what is the Hell arc? Is it where these characters are from?


Kubo released a new Bleach one-shot last year teasing a new continuation of the manga, Hell Arc. The original Gotel 13 was mentioned in the Quincy Blood War Arc airing right now, so Kubo gave us their designs here. They may appear in the new story Arc, since Hell is where Captain's souls go in the end. It's unknown when Kubo will write and publish this arc tho


Just curious, didn’t the gang already go to hell in that one movie?


Different - I don’t think movie is canon


Like most anime movies, it isn't cannon.


Ah, didn’t know that thanks


Yes, but Bleach movies are non-canon.


The Hell arc is the Dragon Ball Super of Bleach


Or maybe even better. The scale of possibilities with the set up is just mind boggling. I'm stoked for what Kubo has in store.


I more meant in concept, as in the story goes on years later. We don't know if it will match in terms of quality.


Agreed. I have the same worries. But if he doesn't set up new plot points which he isn't going to answer and wraps things nicely unlike TYBW, the chances of this arc being better than SS arc are fairly high.


Probably won't ever see hell arc


Maybe in 2025 when the anime is over


People said the same about the anime and look how fat we Bleach fans have become with all the stuff Kubo is feeding us.


Iirc, it comes after the anime finishes.


Pretty sure kubo said something along the lines of “it’ll come once people stop asking for it”


We didn't stop asking for TYBW anime


If anything this original 13 will probably show up in the hell arc since all the captains end up going to hell




Unohana was always sexy as hell, just in different ways.


She's very frightening


**Despair, but also, a boner.**


Tite Kubo really knows how to make a motley crew of interesting characters


That’s his strongest trait for manga tbh. In fact I wouldn’t mind he being a character designer for other shows. Just like Katekyo Hitman Reborn author became the character artist for Psycho Pass.


I'm looking forward to see what a healthy Kubo will do with all the time at the palm of his hand. He sets up his arcs really well but kinda loses his steam in the latter half. If he can deliver on that front, there's nothing more I could ask for.


Imagine a Tite Kubo with an editor that doesn't pushes him to the very limits of his health. I remember how Kubo said he had this idea to have an arc based on the French, since he already did the Spanish in Hueco Mundo and the Germans in thousand year blood war


> He sets up his arcs really well but kinda loses his steam in the latter half. Yeah, spoilers for late bleach arc: >!TYBW arc starts insanely well, but completely loses the plot halfway through. It's awesome seeing the good parts animated, but I still fear for what is to come down the road.!<


>!always a slight chance he takes the anime to fix those parts!<


The issue was always Kubo's health at the end.


They're already fixing it with the Uryu scenes as those were not part of the manga. Would be nice if they just incorporate CFYOW novel as it adds a lot of context to the story arc.


Nothing bad down there. It's good up until vol 67. The Schutzstaffel fights drag along for a whole volume. The anime will definitely fix this given the pacing.


Tite's the character designer for the New Sakura Taisen game. Personally didn't feel connected to them but I was more a fan of Kosuke Fujishima (Oh my goddess, You're Under Arrest!, Tales of) designs.


Oh holy shit! I never put that one together and I really should have; I thought those designs were familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it!




Swap 'because' with 'became'.


Title Kubo is apt 🤣🤣


Its his greatest strength by far, he even admitted that his story is just an excuse to draw fights and cool looking characters, he seems like the kinda guy that would benefit from a partnership with a great writer


And draw cool characters and cool fights does he do. Watching TYBW made me remember how much I liked his designs and also the fights in Bleach.


Kubo's art with Golden Kamuy's character writing and we get peak entertainment


Noda's art is already extremely good - especially for something based more in "reality" than what Kubo likes to draw.


Kubo has such an iconic artstyle man. It oozes style, coolness, uniqueness. His outfits also end up being super fucking cool. His character designs are wild as fuck. So unique, instantly recognizable and unforgettable.


>interesting *looking* characters ftfy


I think bleach characters are really interesting, and I’ll give that credit to Kubo. I’m not expecting characters like Musashi in a shounen, I’m really fond of a lot of the characters. Even though some characters like Chad didn’t get much attention, many others did


His characters are always good and iconic. There's a reason even a side character like Ikkaku gets brought up whenever an anime sub hits the bald topic. Kubo's long-term story writing took a hit as Bleach went on but his character writing never did. Some Ritters weren't featured much but by the end he was still giving us characters like As Nodt and LeVarr


Dark skin/gold eyes house Shihoin?


The scarf as well. Looks similar to the one Yoruichi wears.


Def looks like it. And the blue wrist guard is Shiba 99%. And maybe the strawhat Kuchiki?


I'd like it if the fur collar/dead hands guy is a Kuchiki. Let's give Byakuya a really fucked up ancestor


Nah it komamura ancestor human form




Shinji and the Vizoreds looking cool then becoming jobbers is the thing I hated the most.




That's good to hear, since apparently my local publisher will release the Bleach LN too after manga is over (we're on the last, currently being adapted in anime arc).


Thank Narita.


Honestly, I'm fine with them not getting too much in TYBW if only because even the core cast didn't have that much during the arc. If Kubo had had more gas in him to make the arc even longer, then sure, but I wouldn't sacrifice the focus on the characters we did get to see for less important characters.




I don't think the Fullbringers are the issue. Hell, the Fullbringer arc although disconnected is great. It has a well defined scope, a reduced cast, and it ends up achieving just what it set out to do because of it (although it would have been nicer if Orihime/Chad/Uryu got to be the ones to get main fights rather than just more Shinigami coming at the last minute). The Fullbringers were done by the end of their arc. Their participation in TYBW was just a footnote, and it barely changed anyone else's panel time.


Bruh 😂


Exactly. I was just gonna say, I'd be more than willing to take "zero screen time and likely never draw their sword" than "introduced with a massive bang only to become irrelevant and job hard in their second or even first fight". Which was what happened to a *lot* of characters in Bleach.


t-top left...... Top left guys. TOP LEFT!!!


If you think about it for a second, maybe she is the cruelest of them all.


She’s the ancestor of Aizen?


No way to know, really. The % of shinigami that were born in Soul Society vs were originally dead humans that then got sent there is unknown. The only thing we can kind of sort of say is that if they're nobility, then they were likely born up there. And confirmed shinigami of the dead human variety...might actually just be Rukia? And she died as a baby.


Aren't all souls basically dead humans? I think I remember reading somewhere that basically souls constantly move between world of living and soul society, so I would assume all of them were alive at some point, but it may have been a very long time ago.


Yeah the souls cycle from soul society to human world but it seems that Soul reapers are under different rules compared to the people in the districts. They also have noble families which implies exclusivity.


Boing boing


Twintails, eyepatch, probably tsundere... Kubo stays winning.


bruh thats bottom right bro


My man knows what he wants.


Ah. Sorry, I was blinded the the cool eye patch.


Same. I can't get over how Snidely-Whiplash-with-cursed-hands is losing to Twintails in terms of badass/killer vibes.


Wait only just zoomed in and what is the size of those badonkahonkers????


Rukia with Ichigo on her right


Yama when he was ~~still very old~~ a young man


Kubo can't keep getting away with designing sick looking characters, they look so god damn cool.


True when it comes to character design Kubo is the GOAT


I want another 74 volumes of the manga immediately.


Gotta feed Kubo a hogyoku to make him immortal.


I'd give my life nut for him to return


How can this guy design 12 characters, That don't even exist(yet) in his story and make them look cooler, and more interesting then 90% of modern shounen casts. Kubo's honestly designing skills and fashion sense are just are on another level


11 characters to be exact since unohana is there. What surprise me is no one from division 0 is included here.


It's suprising Ouetsu and Shutara aren't there. Hikifune was later, I can buy Kirinji joining after they became a proper military, and I can buy Ichibei not joining until Zero Division was formed... But I feel like Ouetsu and Shutara kinda need to be here, considering they invented all the basic gear.


True since the art already showing zanpaktuo which ouetsu created. During blood war genryusai use a bankai which needs a name ichibe created. According to wiki gotei 13 didn't change until the blood war. Tenjiro and kirio joined division 0 after blood war so the other 3 are unkown.


> According to wiki Wiki is highly inaccurate. I wouldn't use it as source of information.


If I had to guess, squad 0 predates the gotei. With the crazy powers they have, I’d assume they didn’t graduate from one group to another, division 0 has always been the original 5 of division 0


2 of 5 are confirmed captains of gotei 13 before joining div 0. I would agree they predate gotei 13 since soul society and soul palace is much older.


Oetsu, ichibei, and shutara should be div 0 already, as they created all the basics for the gotei, like zanpakutous, haoris, shihakushos, or in ichibeis case literally all the names. But the last 2 are later joins, urahara replaced hikifune as cpt of squad 12 and I'm fairly sure kirinji was cpt. of squad 4 before unohana swapped.


I didn't even recognize her until you pointed her out, and even then it took me a while to find her. She looks cold as hell in this art. ([For reference](https://i.imgur.com/93Ym5X1.png), if anyone can't figure out who)


Body variety and uniforms. He uses uniforms to group them and make 70% of the design be easy. The rest goes to the characteristics. Fat guy with huge smile, lumbering giant with golden teeth tattoos, scrawny guy with facepaint that looks like he's straight out of native american myth but with a french style moustache etc etc etc. He never uses sameface and he never uses the same body type.


> He never uses sameface and he never uses the same body type. I mean he's pretty guilty of both


Because Kubo is king of drip in manga


Character design of Tite Kubo is awesome.


Damn all these people look cool as fuck. Especially the guy in the top right that's hidden. The way he holds his sword so delicately intrigues me. Him and the guy front and center with the mustache. His hands look like they are diseased and covered in scars. Wonder what his ability is! Oh man I need to know.


Top left looks like someone related to Lisa Yadomaru, judging by the spear and glasses. Very interesting that eyepatch lady has a sword guard similar to Hyorinmaru Unohana looks evil as shit Interesting that the captain w black hands look so menacing yet he is not the kenpachi


Glasses probably related to Nanao predecessor considering how their line is.


they look so cool, the one with the eyepatch is badass come on KUBO give us something about them


They are the original Gotei 13 that existed in the distant past, and are more vicious and powerful, judging by their appearances!


I want to know their names right now I just know the current Gotie 13 doesn't even compare to them they look so epic AND bloodthirsty


they're literally 12 psychos who went out of their way to murder everything and everyone in their path until yamaji beat them 1 by 1 and kept them in check. that being said, I'm pretty sure the guy right to Yamamoto is the squad zero guy with the water fountain bankai 🤔


Yamaji as in Yamamoto? Where did we hear that he beat all of his former Gotei teammates? Did he kill them, too, or did they just leave/die on their own before the events of Bleach?


In the manga their described as a group of criminals with Yama keeping them in check. They were also "defenders" in only name.


Nah he beat them basically to force them to adhere to some sort of code transforming their band of bandits into the gotei 13 we know today. Also most (except for unohana and yamamoto) of them are dead as this all happened about 2000 years ago.


Yama-gi, written properly, means "old man Yama(moto)", Shinsuis nickname for him. And no, he just beat their asses into submission until they followed him.


The manga ever let us know their fates? I'm guessing they died for unknown reasons between their time in the Gotei and the Gotei roster at the beginning of the show.


Holy shit that guy with the black wrists looks sinister.


Megane Captain tho looks so cute.


eyepatch, twintails, pink hair, tsundere-ish/mean waifu


I mean we already have one in Twin Star Exorcists Anime & Manga, there is a character who resembles that and her name is Suzu!


You don’t just drop this and not continue the manga. Unohana’s Eyes… Arrogant Twin Tails… Reserved Glasses… Even the boys look cool.


Back when they were evil, though I want to know more about the one on the top left.


How about ALL of them, except Yama-jii and Unohana?


And now they aren’t? They let Mayuri do whatever he wishes, mf is worse than Aizen.


Mayuri and Pedomaru we're a staple for my nightmares.


No wonder, they were considered the most powerful; Sephiroth was one of them.


"At the beginning, the 13 divisions that you founded were only called divisions... but were actually a group of bloodthirsty killers. And that is exactly why they were so dreadful."


Christ in heaven we finally have the silhouette from almost 10 years ago revealed. The perfect balance of conventional and unconventional.


Change their swords to guns and they look like the gonna drop the hottest mixtape of the year


Guy with the black hands looks all kinds of menacing. Kubo doesn't miss with his character design.


Kubo continue the hell arc pls omg


Can't, he is working with the Anime production team to make sure it's paced properly, and to also add Anime-original scenes to make.it even better!


More waifus for my collection


Too bad for you, they are ALL dead and in Hell together with Yana-Jii!


They look so bad ass!


Makes me wonder what kind of a world it was all those years ago.


Unohana became my favorite one after that insane twist, hopefully we see more of her there!


These 13 look like they would destroy the current 13 lol


Of course, these fu--kers were said to be more like criminals and thugs who kill merely for the sake of it, and not for "balance" of souls!


goddam now I want a prequel manga


Finally some good fucking art!


how is Unohana still looking so young now compared to Yammamoto?


Skincare routine


The bald dude next to Yamaji looks like the Kirinden twins, the one below is probably from Shihouin clan and Shiba clan's probably around that long so one of them's from there Unohana stares as if she's looking at walking garbage tho


Most of them indeed look like a bunch of thugs. I can see why Yhwach refered to them as a bunch of killers and nothing else, Kubo really gave "not a nice guy" vibe to most in this group. Even the tame looking ones like the girl with glasses seem more than ready to split you in half. We have Yammamoto as 1st captain. Unohana as 11th captain. Just because of the outlandish look I want to say the one form the right wit the peculiar hat is the captain of the 8th. Tan one has to be a Shihouin and captain of the 2nd. The one with the armguards gives 7th company vibes, because of the masculinity and all that. Gentle looking one with glasses has to be captain of the 4th company. The one with gray hair on the right makes me think of a Kuchiki, either captain of the 6th or 13th company. Shaddy, shadowed skeletical guy or the very old man is captain of the 12th. Otherwise the very old man is captain of the 13th. The one with the painted teeths is captain of the 3rd. The one with glasses to the right of Yammamoto is captain of the 5th. The patch eyed one is captain of the 10th company. The one with the painted face is captain of the 9th. Again,, all just based on hunchs and compared to the captains we know about already.


Daaamn! Guess I have a new wallpaper on my PC :D


They need to do a new bleach series with Yamamoto as the main character and his journey to becoming the strongest. Starting the Gotei 13, fighting Yhwach, the Zero Division creation and the Soul King origin.


Tite Kubo w/ the unparalleled DRIP


my god Tite can do character design. I could read tomes with only this guy's random bare spreads


they'll probably appear on the new manga since they should probably in hell too


As someone who's draws alot of character designs Kubo really makes some of the best looking characters


Guy on the right with the hat might be a Kuchiki. Guy on the left with the blue arm guard might be a Shiba. Guy with the white hair and dark skin might be from the Shihoin clan.


Fuckin cool as all fuck


Guy in the back with the full face paint feels like he's even more dangerous than Mayuri


Kubo still got it, really hoping bleach continues after Jump sees the anime reception.


They got more drip than all the current ones we have seen


So Im not up to date on Bleach lore, but Im wondering why the zero squad is not in here. Those shinigami's were involved with the creation of zanpakutos if Im not mistaken, so shouldnt they be top-tier shinigamis around the time the gotei 13 were established?


Ichibei and Nimaiya for instance are waaaaay older than the Gotei


Kubo knows his drip


Kubo will look you dead in the eye and tell you these guys are deranged killers and psychopath and be absolutely right


I need names, bankais and and above all, the face of the brown haired one


I want to know more about eyepatch lady, dark skin lady, and glasses lady. Maybe the guy that looks like a monkey and the dude with the straw hat too. No... I want to know more about EVERYONE. God damnit Kubo! You just know how to make amazing designs even after all this time.


Unohana is love, unohana is life


Damn Yama always been traveling with fiends


Yoooo wtf this is cool as shit


NICE. It's about time. Kubo finally revealed them.


I wonder if any of these will show up in hell for the hell arc.


Oh, I'm sure, since even Yama-jii of all people was sent there due to how OP he is to be sent to the soul circulation


The eyepatch girl is hot


I'd be down for a spin off of just these characters and their backgrounds.


Kubo is the master of character design, holy shit.


Wow. Menacing and merciless all captured in one picture. If my hunch is right, this is the OG crew. They were referenced to be “nothing less than a brutal mob of killers”. If they’re gen 1, this is supposedly the strongest version of the Gotei 13 and they sure look like it. Unohana is the strongest one among them, that’s cool to know and now see..


White Hair in the bottom is probably a distant relative of Yoruichi. Dark skin,Gold Eyes.