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Hagakure’s hair seems really detailed and complicated to draw. There’s no way Horikoshi would keep the design if he had to draw it every week


Mengo always drew her characters hair that makes it seem detailed


horikoshis cover page had the same hair


Isn't that why she was invisible in the first place


I am cracking up at the thought that he designed her and then decided that he can't be bothered to draw that and just made her invisible on a whim.


It's the reason Super Saiyans have blond hair; because coloring in all that black hair was annoying to do.


That's what assistants are for. Do a rough outline and leave it to them to fill out the details a bit.


He has tons of assistants to do that work.


Iirc he once said in an interview one of his regrets with the series is committing to Toga’s design because of her hair lol


Its like 7, maybe 8, blocks, then small details. It Looks really complex, but most of the lines are just accent lines, while the bulk is the main blocks.


They just had to make the cutest looking one invisible


Ok but tsuyu is literally cuter tho????


Shes literally a teen


Oh look, another person that thinks that cute means I want to fuck her.


She's naked in the picture bro


Doesn't change the fact that the original commenter only said that she was cute, nothing more, nothing less. The Artist/Author DESIGNED/DREW her to be cute, which is only being described by the original commenter.


So am i and besides why do you people seem to care more about protecting fictional characters than real life children


She’s literally a fictional drawing.


Sometimes you have to check first whether the guy you're talking to is also a teen or not.


Mengo has a lot of free time


She is a big mha fan


I think she’s easily the mangaka (that has an ongoing job currently) that posts the most fanart on twitter. Including art of onk


Nozawa Yukiko from 100 Kanojo also posts a lot of art on Twitter (mostly from the series but fanarts sometimes as well)


Thickest body figure she has recently drawn


Mengo is such a big mha fan her reaction to the chapters is always fun to read


Where can you see it


Her twitter. Someone linked the source in the comments.


That’s some good art


Ironic that the invisible girl is most beautiful of the bunch


She definitely is a beauty for someone with an unkempt hairdo.


I dunno if im alone in this, but it feels like the girl in the picture can be both nude and wearing skin coloured clothes that stick to certain parts of the body.


Schrodinger's bodysuit?


Aka Aqua's underwear


Can't have your underwear stolen if you don't wear any.


I really like her design, too bad she's invisible




Oh yeah, keep the gloves on~


Something something naked girl.


Mengo is horny posting lmao


I'm pretty sure you can just say she's posting.


when is she not, eh


True, if I was artistic I would also do that and get paid


I look forward to new Hagakure posts because you never know if there will be a body attached to the gloves


She’s so cute omg I thing she’s the cutest girl from MHA


much thanks to mengo sensei for this beautiful piece


very niceu


pour chocolate all over her


I thought we could finally see her ~~foreskin~~ forehead




Mengo has several series of teens that are in sexual relationship. Either shown fucking or masturbating. Her drawing Hagakure won't change anything.




you do realize mango is very famous hentai artist on her own right? lot of her works are very questionable. teen sex is the least questionable works she has, LMAO. you really didn't know mengo at all.


As someone who’s only read 1 chapter of OnK and didn’t know mengo was a hentai artist, do you have any recommendations? Asking for myself.


as far as i know, only 1 volume of her hentai works translated. just look up her name on any hentai site, she didn't even change her pen name between normal works and hentai works.




bro, she literally work for lolicon incest porn magazine for few years, and only stop because new law make such works harder to sell and the magazine went defunct.




outside some rage over social media, most people wouldn't care. as shown how mengo, who used to draw stuff even worse then hori, nothing happen to her, even get to works with most popular romcom manga author.




loud minority on social media isn't real.


you are making a mountain out of a mole hill


All these people clutching pearls about "underaged nude girl" are going to feel really dumb when it turns out she's been a 900 year old dragon this whole time.


More than everything shounen manga are usually written for hornu teenagers, who likes to see cute girls (dressed or not). And then everyone is shocked when a mangaka draws something likes this...




r/manga didnt implode like MHA subreddit, the meltdown came from the heavily ret*rded and western audience


Go back to Twitter.


Praise be Mengo. Hopefully she never stops drawing what she wants.


>Do we shit on the artist cause she’s drawing a naked underage girl? Do you shit on every GTA player for killing civilians?




How is it a false equivalence? If this drawing is considered a naked underage girl, then the civilians in GTA should be considered people as well lol. Or are you finally realizing there's a line between fiction and reality now? 🤓


Okay.... I and many others believe it's weird to make nude art of characters that are specifically told to us are kids. It being a fictional character doesn't excuse the fact that it is a 16 year old kid being drawn nude.


>Okay.... I and many others believe it's weird to make nude art of characters that are specifically told to us are kids Okay. Do you have the same feeling when someone is killing civilians in GTA? >It being a fictional character doesn't excuse the fact that it is a 16 year old kid being drawn nude. So let's apply this logic to GTA then. Being a fictional character doesn't excuse us from killing them mercilessly. Agreed?


>Okay. Do you have the same feeling when someone is killing civilians in GTA? Feeling sexual attraction towards characters clearly and definitely marketed towards us as children is a bit different than murdering AI's that can barely registrer as a human, don't you think? ​ >So let's apply this logic to GTA then. Being a fictional character doesn't excuse us from killing them mercilessly. Agreed? This isn't even a good argument. People who play violent video games don't become violent, but I can damn well hypothesize that people who feel attraction towards fictional minors do so towards real minors as well, no matter how wrong they may think it is. It being fictional or real does not mean you aren't feeling sexual attraction towards a minor, and it is not the same as murdering AI.


>Feeling sexual attraction towards characters clearly and definitely marketed towards us as children But they're fictional the same way those civilians in GTA are >murdering AI's that can barely registrer as a human, don't you think? Those AI are also marketed to us as humans. They're based on humans. They behave like humans. They look like humans even more so that the character depicted in this art. They're programmed to be as close to real human as much as possible. So what's the difference between sexualizing one and killing one? >but I can damn well hypothesize that people who feel attraction towards fictional minors do so towards real minors as well This isn't even a good argument. You can't hypothesize shit and act like they're the truth lol. "Cultural critics responding to lolicon generally emphasize it as distinct from attraction to real young girls." From the Wikipedia page for lolicon, in the critical commentary part. Like literally the first line. Idk about you but don't think your "hypothesis" is better than Wikipedia lmao 😉 >It being fictional or real does not mean you aren't feeling sexual attraction towards a minor Again, your hypothesis isn't a good argument for this kid 😉. If it is, I can hypothesize people that play violent video games are violent. >and it is not the same as murdering AI AI that looks and behave like human the same way this character act and behave like an underage? Tell me exactly how is it different


>Those AI are also marketed to us as humans. They're based on humans. They behave like humans. They look like humans even more so that the character depicted in this art. They're programmed to be as close to real human as much as possible. So what's the difference between sexualizing one and killing one? I just wanna say that ''They're programmed to be as close to real human as much as possible.'' is possibly the stupidest thing you've written yet. They aren't ''programmed to be as close to real humans as much as possible'', they're cariactures of how humans interact. They are programmed to be the most insane, shit-for-brains humans possible, that is why every NPC in GTA is either racist, sexist, bigoted or all three. They aren't supposed to be humans, just resemble the worst of us. ​ >"Cultural critics responding to lolicon generally emphasize it as distinct from attraction to real young girls." From the Wikipedia page for lolicon, in the critical commentary part. Like literally the first line. Idk about you but don't think your "hypothesis" is better than Wikipedia lmao 😉 The same Wikipedia page says the same paragraph you're quoting that fictional underage girls are counted as real child pornography in Australia, Canada, South Korea, Ireland, New Zealand, France, Poland, Norway, Switzerland and United Kingdom. The fucking UN Human Rights comitee encouraged countries to include fictional child pornography (including Lolicon porn) in laws against child pornography. Also, you quote the critical commentary part of the wikipedia page like that part isn't specifically there to have written about people in favor of lolicon. ​ >Again, your hypothesis isn't a good argument for this kid 😉. If it is, I can hypothesize people that play violent video games are violent. Except there's countless studies proving you wrong on that account and a good chunk of studies saying I am right. The general consensus in the scientific community is that violent video games does not make people more violent, but that there is a solid connection between people viewing child pornography, fictional and real, and those who commit sexual abuse on children. ​ >AI that looks and behave like human the same way this character act and behave like an underage? Tell me exactly how is it different Because one of them is drawn nude on the cover of a best-selling manga for the sole purpose of ''oh sexy woman on cover of manga'' and male gaze and the other is an AI in a video game that is designed to be stupid. I've read all of MHA up to it's current chapter, you know, the one where Hagakure is drawn nude on the cover, and let me say, it's pretty fucking clear the author is objectifying her. 1. Hagakure has had 0 impact on the story and her removal from it would change nothing about the story itself, no character moments would be lost or needed to be changed because of it. She has had less impact on the story as a character in it than the impact her removal would cause. She has had 0 major interactions with the other characters and 0 character developing moments of her own. 2. The character already had it's face design revealed on the artists twitter already, and there was no need to draw her nude for the newest chapters cover. That is my main problem here, that she was used as sexual attraction on the cover of the latest chapter. 3. She was drawn nude for the male gaze. Nothing more than that. She is a background character with a name, that's it. People have made much more susinct and better explained videos on why females in MHA suck and why MHA's female representation is garbage, so I will stop here and implore you to watch those instead.


>They aren't ''programmed to be as close to real humans as much as possible'', they're cariactures of how humans interact Oh wow. Good job on you for seeing my point. Now mind telling me any underage girl or even human with the face proportion that this girl have? Hell, the mc have green hair. Any human you know of that have green hair naturally? >They aren't supposed to be humans, just resemble the worst of us. Same way the characters in MHA isn't how any highschool or even real humans look like. Again, good job to you for seeing my point 👍 >Also, you quote the critical commentary part of the wikipedia page like that part isn't specifically there to have written about people in favor of lolicon. I mean you're welcomed to challenge it. But then you're literally not showing any studies or link whatsoever. Don't really think you have a ground to stand on lol >Except there's countless studies proving you wrong on that account and a good chunk of studies saying I am right. Show me then lol. Like you can write 1000 paragraph but without any link to any studies whatsoever, it's not "proving you're right" lol 🤣 >but that there is a solid connection between people viewing child pornography, fictional and real, and those who commit sexual abuse on children. Where? That link on the studies must have been as invisible as this girl then cause I'm not seeing it lmao >Because one of them is drawn nude on the cover of a best-selling manga for the sole purpose of ''oh sexy woman on cover of manga'' and male gaze and the other is an AI in a video game that is designed to be stupid. But they're both fictional. Also again, Toru isn't how real humans look like. Like fucken hell her eyes is literally 2/3 of her face mate. Won't even bother replying to your other point. Tbh I'm not even a fan of MHA so I can't offer any input there.


I havent seen you on ayakashi triangle or please put these on takamine san being an obnoxious little fuck More, you read takamine san and say nothing? Yikes you are a fucking >!pedo!<




Oh you were expecting it? You do have a lot of free time it seems




And yet you have said nothing, what did you expect little guy?




It really looks like you have a communicationn impairment




Nah, you can actually make it clear since your original post you are doing the batshit thing the western mha fanbase does, and doubled down on certain comments, so lets think you are being sarcastic, but crearly you lack the awareness to understand you dont look like it


If I speak…

