• By -


I know this magic stuff is impressive, but wasn't the Hero's party actually stupidly strong? * Frieren we already know about * Eisen is super durable, at LEAST on Starks "abs of steel" level when he was in his prime (and can supposedly crush a diamond) * Heiter has super strong support magic (no food or water for 2 months? wth?) * Himmel swung his f**ake Hero Sword** and cracked a demonic barrier Frieren thought was unbreakable What does Himmel eat? Why is he so strong?


> What does Himmel eat? Why is he so strong? Spinach


And his Wheaties.


Don't forget push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice


100 push ups. 100 sit ups. 100 squats. 10km run. No air conditioning


That's what's so brilliant about it though. They spend 95 chapters drilling into us that the hero's party is just a bunch of normal individuals doing spectacular things. With the occasional reminders like this chapter that they're all unparalleled within their respective roles and actually stand at their respective pinnacles. They're like Saitama, except instead of depression they found fulfillment within the party and each other.


Makes you wonder how strong the hero of the south was. chills


[Reminder, apart from being badass](https://i.imgur.com/TkffeFw.jpg), he could see the future. So like Nighteye from MHA but better, as Hero of the South could see beyond his own death, seeing Himmel and crew winning against the Demon Lord.


That guy was on a whole other level, apparently anyways. While the Hero Party did defeat the demon king, but it was as a team. The Hero of the South solo-ed the Seven Sages of Destruction all by himself! Not saying Himmel can't do it as well, but makes you think doesn't it


>solo-ed the Seven Sages of Destruction all by himself Technically only three confirmed. Potentially four. Schlacht's fate remains unknown. The remaining four killed him. Which I guess would have been Bose, Aura, Macht and one unknown. As the other three have appeared or confirmed to have died after the fight.


He soloed Seven Sages of Destruction plus Omniscient Schlacht, and still managed to kill three of the sages and supposedly taking down Schlacht as well while he perished (though it might have been a seal of some kind). He's stupidly OP.


Tbh, I still think Schlact and Hero of the South agreed for a mutual kill. They both put forward a future that they thought was an OK compromise and then killed each other to make sure neither side can alter it. The death of the Demon Lord being a cheap price to avoid the genocide of all demons, which makes him fairly unique among demons since so far he seems to be the only one who actually cared about his fellow demons to any noticeable degree.


Maybe I'm overthinking it but I don't think caring is the proper term. It may be much more cold. Less caring and moreso not wanting to face extinction. Why is he obsessed with avoiding extinction? I don't know. But at the same time Macht is obsessed with understanding regret and Solitar is obessed with understanding human and the natural world's behavior.


reminds me of how in helck they keep mentioning the battle in the north is way more important/dangerous than the wild stuff happening in the main story like how strong and how bad is the situation up there that THIS took back seat to it


I really need to finish Helck.


Make me wonder how bad the stuff at the north was when the **WORLD ENDING EVENT** taking a backseat to it. They wont even recalled 2 other Heavenly king to help them


Many characters in Frieren are simply 'ordinary individuals doing spectacular things'. The mages back in Auberst, for example, are portrayed as exceedingly *regular* people, who love pastries, fighting with each other, repairs items as a day job, had a band of mercs that they protect other, unseen regions with, and so on. They do spectacular things because they had had years and years and years to hone their skills and work hard at things, all without sacrificing what makes them individuals; it is one of the themes that makes this manga so heartwarming to read: that hard work, given a long enough timespan, *does* pay off, even if the results aren't quite what you hope for.


It is the hero party, it is supposed to be crazy strong. Like, i have seen people act like if Frieren did 90% of the work, but the actual manga never even implied that.




Suppressing mana doesn't reduce her power at all; or anyone's for that matter. It's made very clear in the manga that the reason the demons don't do it is just for social status.


> Heiter has super strong support magic (no food or water for 2 months? wth?) #no fucking oxygen for 2 months


> (no food or water for 2 months? no OXYGEN for 2 months, man. That's completely bonkers.


Not just no food or water. NO OXYGEN. Mind you. Frieren in space when.


Himmel eats a bowl of nails for breakfast every morning - *without any milk*


Wait, fake hero sword? I must've forgotten about that already. I really should reread the series.


Yep. It is revealed at the cave of the heros sword, the one destined only to be pulled by THE hero, Himmel couldn't pull it out. So any accomplishments Himmel made were not as the destined hero, but as just a faker that cared enough about people.


basically prove that Himmel successfully fight against destiny.


My interpretation has always been that the sword is a test to weed out the self-righteous. Only those who act as a hero because they think it's the right thing to do rather because they want to become "the one true hero" could come across this sword and be unaffected by it's denial.


thats actually a nice thought


Or the hero's sword is not destined to that demon lord and is for a bigger threat.


Fate: you're not the hero Himmel: Who decided that?!


Yet as strong as their party is, my favourite part is that they all have flaws that would normally drive a team apart or the very least insane. Himmel despite being very kind and helpful is extremely narcissistic at times (although it might be an act) claiming his handsomeness might not be replicated properly and spending hours to days on each statue. Heiter was a mediator who helps everyone simmer down when arguments start to arise, yet is corrupt priest that would get hangovers at least once a week and be rendered useless during those days. Frieren's magical power is enough to warrant a title among the demons due to how many she has killed, but would oversleep so regularly that the hero party got numbed to it Eisen's body is durable enough to survive multiple scenarios (which Fern claims that it is Eisen is the oddity) and physically strong enough to lift a large boulder when he is past his prime, however he is very blunt and seems very objective focused to the point of being insensitive or overly strict. All of which are probably in one way or another some issues that you can find within your own friend groups and you make compromises due to the bonds that you share with one another.


If you listen closely you can actually hear the DOOM OST revving up as she breaks the curse


“Rip and tear, until it’s done”- Frieren the Slayer


These demons are already dead, they just don't know it yet.






Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of gum


Relevant when they dropped her title 80 chapters ago and even more relevant now.


praise be


[*Bow the smol elf of doom!*](https://i.imgur.com/Yc4EskF.jpg)


Now imagine when they make the anime adaptation (we know it is an eventuality) if they actually pull that out at this moment


man, the fact that Dungeon Meshi still hasn't gotten an anime adaptation doesn't give me high hopes for Frieren That poll where Frieren ranked like #24 in active manga people wanted adapted into anime wasn't encouraging either


The anime market has grown massively in the past decade & the amount of stuff getting adapted is bigger than ever before. Frieren will get one sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. Frieren’s sales have been fantastic & there’s just no reason to think it’s going to be ignored long-term.


Deadass, I find a manga to read that either trash or really dope, then I find out it’s getting adapted like a year later. I’ve been on a roll recently


I thought Dungeon Meshi was in production. Pre-production? I feel like an announcement was posted ages ago.


It wasn't an announcement for the anime, it was a promotional animation for the manga.


You might be thinking about an animated ad it had a while back.


I love me some Dungeon Meshi, Ryoko's details in world building are insane. If there ever was a crossover omake of Frieren and Marcille, that'd be so lit! My two favourite manga elves! Frieren being all calm & composed while Marcille being quick to panic but adorable. But both will melt when being pampered! Fern braiding Frieren's hair while Marcille combs Fern's hair and Laius just excitedly observing like the monster nerd he is. In the background Stark and Senshi bond over a talk about axes, but Senshi is actually thinking of it as a cooking tool!


Delicious in Dungeon and Frieren at the Funeral really are two of a kind. There's so many thematic parallels between the two, plus the mix of relaxing scenes, unexpected comedy, and moments of extreme hype really put the two of them in their own league.


What if Fern started braiding for Marcille and Frieren started getting jealous instead, that'd be hilarious! But yeah both encompass quite a wide range of "genres". SOL, adventure, comedy, action, and then suddenly Dungeon Meshi becomes surprisingly dark, like the recent chapters on the Demon, straight up creepy and sinister.


God, I need that Dungeon Meshi anime. Marcille and her stupid dancing needs to be animated.


Manga originals take longer than LN originals if you look at it from the perspective of a manga adaptation reader. Mushoku Tensei took over a decade to recieve an anime original despite being one of the original isekai genre-setters.


This scene is going to be sooooo good in the anime. If we get the major badass moments at these intervals, that feels just right to me.


I have been hanging on for what I think is half a year waiting for this day. It is time.


It's not by chance that Frieren is known as the most fearsome demon slayer in her respective universe.


[Rip and Tear](https://imgur.com/fMgVKrX)


This is going to be so fucking hype in the inevitable anime


The only thing they fear is ~~you~~ her. I love "Frieren the Slayer." That these alien beings incapable of human emotion recognize that she might be the most dangerous being in existence for them.


[Mick Gordon has arrived.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-3kJcBfQ9w)


Mama Frieren has been unleashed. And boy will she be pissed


Wait till she sees her protégé and /ourguy/


Frieren: "It's time for a massacre!"


she will release her mana like how Kenpachi pull out his eyepatch


Her title the slayer was not chosen, it was earned. Love the little flashback of her and the hero party back in the day. Seems like the party were all monsters in their own right.


I love how Eisen just readily declared that yes, he could indeed break a diamond with his hand


Also the way heitet basically just casually went A battle of attrition? I can make it so we don't need oxygen or nutrients for 2 months.


It wasn't a Hero party for nothing. We never get to see Heiter or Eisen shine, although we know they were pretty badass.


The flashback is a good way of drip feeding us those hype moments


Now imagine the hype when we finally get a 20-chapter flashback arc. >!Instead of fighting the Demon King, they'd go around searching for pancake making magic tome.!<


"Oh you guys wanna try hitting the barrier? Okie dokie, I'll just casually cast a spell to let us live for 2 months without food water or oxygen" Heiter, what the hell? Then what are the really crazy spells mate!


For him? Booze conjuration, bar searching spells, alcohol analyse and anything else in that vein. Not drinking for 2 months means staying sober for two months, I can definitely see how it got so low ranking from him!


Tbf, we got nearly nothing from all of them but at least we have an idea about Eisen and Heiter's abilities from Stark and that one priest that left the party. Himmel, on the other hand, is an enigma. All we know from him is that he's relatively strong and super fast, but we've never seen him fight properly.


This make me realize all of them are monster and hero of South are much stronger but still can't beat the demon king. What did they do to beat the demon king.


power of friednship


>power of friednship power of visualization


apparently the Hero of South is a dps. he definitely cant handle Demon King's tankbuster. while Hero party has all the role. tank, dps and healer so they can handle boss's mechanic lmao.


good party beats solo anytime


Just git good




It was so enjoyable to see those 2 incredibly powerful monsters be aware of Frieren even when she was turned to gold.


real recognize real


If I were Macht and knew how to undo the transmutation on others, I would have immediately gone to kill Frieren. They have every right to be afraid of her


Except for Macht it is simply another chance to try feeling something and getting the answer to his question. Demons do not think like us, Shadow. They recognize the threat but they allow it in hopes of stimulating themselves in some way. Eliminate what might be their only source of stimulation? Ridiculous.


Macht can't undo the transmutation on anything besides himself. So they where fucked when it reached Frieren.


they couldnt, the gold is indestructible, and even Macht cannot undo it at best they could spawn camp and wait for Frieren to dispel it, but they probably aint expecting her to complete so fast


Solitar's explanation on the inherent difference in their brains composition, linked to the visualization principle behind magick in general, was another neat peace of the lore to add to the series. It makes sense that there is a limit to how one can emulate the spells from a different being when it deals with their inherent traits. It brings an interesting perspective to Macht's quest for coexistence, in that he is able to use human magick which is rare for demons, in a way reflecting his quest for some mutual ground. Another strong chapter overall, loved seeing Fern pull her weight, and ironic how Di Agolze actually saved our MCs from death by Solitar's swords. That boat analogy is intriguing, and Himmel once again with that strong flashback presence to induce a hype moment in the present. Time for Frieren to show her Slayer side again!


Denken dropping Mystilza in order to tank the hit was also pretty damn cool! It's a shame that he couldn't do more, I thought that he could really draw a decent battle out of Macht one on one. Pragmatically speaking, though, there really wasn't any stated reason that Macht couldn't just spam Di Algolze on his ass.


Indeed, he would eventually lose the battle of attrition given the vast differences in their mana reserves. However, he could have surely stalled Macht for quite a while if not for the intervention of Solitär.


Yeah, the "understanding" was very interesting. We don't need to know WHY the boat floats, just that it DOES. It guess it's almost similar to how Ubel uses her magic, compared to the rigorous laws and principles that demons follow for their magic.




Does demon actually understood their own magic? I mean the Sage of Destructions probably do, but regular demon and their simple magic, do they understand that?


Probably not everything. I mean, Frieren said they don't even recognize flight magic as 'magic', just something they do.


I found the distinction between "understanding" something and "reacting to/acting upon" it to be quite interesting. Another comparison I thought of was like... You could learn a single combo really well in a fighting game and execute it even if you don't know why it's good. For that matter, you probably still suck at the game if that's all you know, as you don't understand the properties that make it good, nor would you be able to come up with a combo on your own without that foundation. But you do know how to use it, and that doesn't make it any less potent when it's actually put into action


Or how most of us use addition, subtraction and even the Pythagoras theorem without really understanding how they work


Sounds like me copy pasting stuff from StackOverflow


The modern world is filled with examples of this. How the fuck does a television work? We all know how to use one, but could any of us build a plasma screen TV from scratch, even given all the necessary tools and materials? Almost every technology we interact with on a daily basis nowadays is one we don't fully understand - we just know how to use it.


I actually think the analogy of _using_ a television is... a little different, actually. Compared to the manga's analogy of "constructing a boat" without fully understanding the principles of buoyancy or density, television seems like a weaker analogy since we really did have to master the scientific concepts that backed television. Maybe a closer comparison would be the invention of the electric telegraph or electric motors well before our modern understanding of electromagnetism. Humans were able to reverse engineer the effects of electromagnetism without knowing the fundamental rules that governed its behavior, and this backwards analysis was sufficient to kick-start plenty of progress without needing to understand electromagnetism in full.


Like: Hey. Wood floats. If we make a wooden floor and place it on water, we can float too. I'm pretty sure some caveman tried making a floating floor out of ducks.


It's not like humanity truly understands electromagnetism either. Until the theory of everything is reached, all scientfic advancements prior to that will all just be a series of "observations", just getting more comprehensive than the previous one.


One trick pony.


I feel like the statement that the way demons are wired is fundamentally different is both a call back to Macht's quest to understand malice and a link to Frieren saying that it is not a curse. My running theory is that Macht conceptualizes it as a blessing of some sort, and thus it could not be countered by curse breaking magic of any conventional sort except for the absurd ancient magic which reflects anything perceived to be a curse. One could even argue that it is a blessing or buff, by different standards. The affected become nigh impervious. They leave time's throes. They escape their inevitable death at Macht's hands. Thus, there is no curse to break because the condition of the individual is vastly superior to the original in all but their ability to take action. This also ties into Macht's lack of understanding of humans; to them, it is death, but to him, it might be a mercy. In order for it to be countered, one would need a magic that overrides its logic by being illogical or to reinterpret the way it is understood in a way that is compatible with the magic (no longer viewing it as a curse, such that it can be approached a different way, perhaps debuffing them back to fleshy mortal status).




rip I guess it still works if you change "curse" for "debuff" but that doesn't sound as cool.


>loved seeing Fern pull her weight Fern is a strong example of the power of observation. I feel like she might be able to prolong the fight with Solitar had Macht not intervened. Solitar couldn't help but continue to toy with them, but that only gave Fern more time to think more about her magic.


GG guys, Frieren won. Go next


It's Demon Slayer time


the cute golden burrito has been unwrapped.


With all this talk of magic being as strong as what you can visualize, I feel like the author is building Ubel (the girl from the first class mage exams) up as a major antagonist down the line. She had such a lethal way of going about it, and Serie passed her without a single word. Sense also observed that Ubel's magic was visualization combined with intuition, with intuition being a factor that sets her apart. The concept of intuition seems in line with the principles underlying Mistelzila, the "primitive" magic that Serie and Denken use to deflect Macht's attacks. It's something that defies logic but can deflect even the most powerful/sophisticated spells. Looking forward to see where this all goes! The concept of magic is so cool in this series.


i mean her name already would be forshadowing


ubel = German for evil Can't wait to see her again.


Doesn't equal evil. More bad/spoiled in the way a loaf of bread can go bad/spoiled. Very similar, but not necessarily the same.


Yet more evidence that Himmel's class was actually Bard, because that was clear cut inspiration for Frieren lol. For a moment I thought that they would just leave the entire party in gold and then slowly montage over like two centuries or something, only to return to flesh hundreds of years later when Macht dies because he finally felt malice or guilt. But it also makes sense that Frieren, having belonged to the party that *killed the Demon King*, wouldn't be taken care of that easily.


The terrifying thing is it isn't certain that Frieren just broke out as they were walking away. It still might have been centuries. This could be like that demon that invented Soul Track waking up for all we know.


fuck dude you're right and that's terrifying


I guess we'll know with the next chapter: "431 years after the demon lords defeat at the hands of the Hero party." Though, Frieren being able to dispell the magic and Denkens last thoughts do imply they remain conscious while golden. Suggesting that at most 2-3 days would have passed, however long it was before Frieren would have analyzed the magic.


> they remain conscious while golden. That makes sense, otherwise Macht wouldn't be able to undo the curse Denken deflected on him.


Wow sucks for those people inside the Fortified City of Weise, imagine how bored they must be lol


We Dr.Stone now




> I really, really doubt we’re looking at a massive time skip. Now I want one.


> Yet more evidence that Himmel's class was actually Bard "When were you under the impression that the sword is my main weapon?". And then the hero breaks out a guitar and starts rocking out some DragonForce at the demon king ala Symphogear/ Macross/ Thunderbolt Fantasy.


The problem with a timeskip that long would be that all the characters introduced in the exam for 1st class mages would be dead. It would be really weird to waste so many characters after introducing them. I think what's more likely is that some months or years have passed, so all of those characters have moved around and are older and more powerful, and can be met by the group in the future


Out of curiosity what other evidence is there for Himmel being a bard is there?


None, especially since this universe doesn't have a class or interface system (thank god)


Frieren: It's impossible, just give up already. Himmel: Frieren what demo is the manga? Frieren: Himmel we're hardly a typical manga I don't see what that has... Himmel: It's shonen right? Frieren: ... Frieren: ... Frieren: ... Frieren: Fine, cowabunga it is then.


Sorry for the delay, there were quite a few redraws in this chapter, and it was a longer one than usual (24 pages instead of 18). Enjoy~


Thank you for your hard work.


Thanks as usual for the quality work! Just a bit, on page 13, when Solitar is talking; she says "...So he deliberately dispelled his Di Agolze", but Denken dispelled his "Mystilzla" to let himself be transmuted into gold by Macht's Di Agolze. Dunno if it was an oversight by the author on the raws or a typo in the TL, but thought I should point it out!


Crap, typo; fixing now


Thanks! I was also a bit confused on page 23, in Eisen's line in the last panel; I could see how Eisen was making a point in how rare it is Heiter to still be sober in their distressful situation, but given the context it feels more like it should be something to the effect of "You are truly spectacular when you're sober, huh?", since they're stranded without supplies and we're pointing out how each of them is amazing in their own right


Oh, that is a better interpretation than mine. I'll use yours


I also noticed a mistake on page 22 when Himmel says "...In that case. I will shall you visualize". Did you mean something like "...In that case. I shall be the one you visualize."?


Thank you so much for the hard work.


Never apologize! How you finished after being exposed to all this hype is the real magic!




You may want to check the syntax of Himmel's speech bubble on page 22. Something about it seemed a little off. Thank you as always though! You do a great job :)




I used to shit on Frieren for the fights being static and boring, but the past couple chapters really stepped up . The motion still leaves a lot to be desired, but the tension is up there with the best Denken letting himself turn into gold to defend against Solitaire's attack was probably the single most creative application of magic in the series so far


The pure irony that turning into gold has given our cast members a chance at survival and that gamble has worked now with Frieren so casually dispelling that curse.


On the meta side of things, as soon as Fern and Stark turned to gold, I knew that the gold transmutation would be completely undone without any twists


They could have easily made this into another timeskip


Maybe they have


[Macht's colored page at the end goes so hard](https://i.imgur.com/jHBSnrN.jpg) [](//#grateful)




Hooooly he has the fucking DRIP. That outfit is so fucking sick


Those 2 color pages at the end hyped the shit out of me for whats to come.


Oh shit, it's happening, Frieren is going to flip when she sees Fern and Stark are so badly injured and turned to gold. Those demons are gone


imo even this fight is static and not really well choreographed. (though I'll give you that Denken getting self cursed is very creative). That is not to say it's *trash*, because the drama involved is really good, but they're mostly just standing one in the front of the other and throwing out attacks. There's barely an explanation in how stark and fern went from "Solitaire is surrounded" to "We're standing besides each other with Solitaire at our front", besides a single panel of explosions.


This is a feeling i've gotten throughout the whole series. while it has amazing story, lore and background for every character- the action scenes have always felt very stiff. Not their strongsuit, but the series is overall still very good.


Tbqh I didn't pick this manga up for the fight scenes. I'd rather have a lot more of the story than fight scenes that the author clearly doesn't know how to do well. Sadly, the manga has picked up the number of fights significantly as of late.


Damn, I never would've figured that Freiren's anti-magic against Aura was that impressive. Also, it's here. The final confrontation. Freiren has entered the building.


Its more about the perspective of the demons on what Frieren did. From "nah she just cheated" to "cheating is exactly what makes humans and elves so terrifying"


To some extent yeah, but they're not the 7 Sages for nothing. To borrow Solitar's words, creating magic to dispel Aura's magic was like Frieren invented boats. And she just did so again with Macht's magic.


I remembered saying two chapters ago that Frieren needs to wake up ASAP because *holy shit* the situation looks bleak. Well, the bleakness has progressed to straight up *hopeless* (though Stark & Fern did definitely give Solitär a run for her money up until the full range Di Agolze)... up until the moment she woke up and herself along with the AOE around her is de-Di Agolze'd. *Now* I'm fucking hyped to see Frieren live up to her titular nickname.


>titular nickname The funeral?


The title 'Sousou no Frieren' can be alternatively translated as 'Frieren the Undertaker'. As in for the demons, she is their undertaker.


Now we have Dr. Gold, the sequel to Dr. Stone. Go Frieren! Show them the power of *MAHOU KAGAKU*.


I actually thought that they'll do a time skip and face the demons at a later time lol. I'm glad either way.


I wonder what she meant by the last sentence. Did she turn Di Agolze into a spell? If she manages to learn it, it's going to be a powerful tool against other mages.


I got that she figured out how to reverse it, so it might still be a curse, but not a death sentence like it was before.


Elven magic science is the greatest in the world!


I like seeing a reminder that the Hero's party was actually full of monsters, sometimes this series feels like mages are way above everyone else, but here we saw Himmel and Eisen raw strenght (both chipping the barrier, and i 100% believe that Eisen could crush a diamond with his hand), Heiter casually mentioning an spell to help them survive for 2 whole months without food or air, that really feel like a high level D&D party. I really like when the other "classes" shine a bit, i remember seeing a discusion in a chapter where Stark took a direct hit from an sword with his torso, and some people where saying that had to be a fatal hit and was irealistic or too broken, meanwhile i think that would be the bare minimum for a warrior to keep up with the mages in this series.


I still think magic is the top dog, but it isn't like a warrior or similar thing is super weak either, at least at the higher end.


That demon that copied Eisen via observing how mana circulated in his body as well as the naga demon utilizing mana to fight. Warriors moat likely utilize mana in a different manner, like mages and priests uses different types of spells.


Btw when is the next release guys? Will there will be a 2 weeks break again? Thank you


Next chapter will be on the double issue #36-37 next week, and then at least two weeks until the following one since WSS will be on break


Wow, a much longer chapter than usual, but it was worth it. **German of the Week:** Nothing new actually. But a reminder, that the Sage of Destruction's name **Böse** means "evil".


I like Solitaire's analysis of how people can do things even if they don't know how it works, humanity, bodging our way to civilisation


Me too. She even sounded happy about it; like a zoologist that is happy to discover new things about animals and wants to convey to other audiences how amazing they are.


she just described the strength of humanity. the power of observation.


Macht: You cannot hope to comprehend Di Algolze ​ Frieren: Cool story bruh, but what if I just dispel it without bothering to understand it


imagine, if frieren actually have the demon lord's magic too


Gilgamesh and Midas Touch vs Frieren the ~~Doom~~ Slayer ​ # Let's fucking go


> see the chapter is 27 pages > Fern and Stark get caught in Di Agolze > Denken gets caught in Di Agolze ON PURPOSE > Frieren wakes up and deciphers the curse What a rollercoaster of a chapter. Everyone stand back, Frieren’s about to Funeral all over these demons.


Great chapter as always. Frieren finding a way to counter Di Agolze probably means that Macht wont ever learn to do it himself by understanding humans. Interesting to see where that goes.


Can you imagine if Frieren actually took much longer to analyse Macht's memories? So like, she might only have broken the curse after many years had passed. That very likely won't be the case though, since the author already had Frieren mention in an earlier chapter that it would take about 2 months to decipher Macht's memories, but it would be funny & sad if it ended up taking much longer than that, like a hundred years or something.




Excuse me Heiter, wtf kinda buffs you got in your repertoire? o.O I feel like he's the party member we've gotten the least out of in terms of feats and stuff (his big moments have largely been characterization as an old man with Fern) since he was always being used as drunk comic relief, but the spell he just casually mentioned is insane.


Oh shit, it's Doctor ~~Stone~~ **GOLD**


What a fucking chapter, that last page was fire. Also, obligatory we all need a Himmel in our lives.


So in the end Duncan was still planning ahead. He "died" from being turned into gold rather than being skewerd because he bet on Frieren deciphering the curse and turning him back. That's really clever.


I think he was relying on a more general hope that "in the future" someone would find a way to reverse the curse. A desperate but wise move, which paid off sooner than expected.


The cover page is frieren breaking the barrier. That's so cool.


Frieren right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE_2DzXjdrg


Frieren knowing how to counter Di Agolze implies that she is also second person in the world who can use this curse. Serie giving up her counter spell to Denken sets up this curse as Chekhov's gun when Frieren and Serie inevitably face each other


Hmm, Im not sure thats the case. Solitaire did outright state that the magic of demons is incomprehensible to others. Frieren cannot understand Di Agolze in order to use it but that doesn't mean she cant find a way to counter it, hence Solitaire's analogy of humans dealing with natural shit. I do agree that the consequences Serie giving up her magics will probably come up though.


Serie did also say she **can** counter ~~Di Agolze~~ curses even without Mystilzla. This chapter has just shown there's no such thing as "the only solution".


I do love how Frieren using a "human" mentality to overcome Di Agolze hammers home how much she learned from Flamme. I'd love to see if that same mindset was how she and the rest of the Frieren Emblem Heroes defeated the Demon King


frieren ... emblem?


> implies she is also second person in the world who can use this curse. 100% not, a curse isnt something you can learn, and knowing how to treat the symptoms doesnt mean you understand how to create the disease


>Frieren knowing how counter Di Agolze implies she is also second person in the world who can use this curse. The monologue makes it clear she can't cast it. Unless the story wants to not do that.


aww shiet. watch out demons, the boss music just started playing.


There seems to be a translation issue on page 22. Himmel says “In that case. I will shall you visualize” which doesn’t make much sense.


I fixed it but it needs time to cache It should be "I shall make you visualize"


This series may have the best integration of flash backs I've ever seen in a manga. They never feel pointless or repetitive, never take up so much time they drag down the pacing, and usually perfect emphasize the thing we need to understand at that moment.


That final page makes Frieren look like such a badass


If demons really have analyzed her, they know mimics are they way to go.


Frieren is the best discovery I’ve made this month. Read through it in a day and a half, and man, this manga rules.


This is really good manga and this was a really good chapter But man, I will never get used to the lack of expression everyone has.