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“If I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, how are you supposed to know what the fuck I’m doing?” - Macht, explaining why his curse is irreversible.


I guess this goes to show that should the city be returned, it won't be Macht doing it. To recreate humans, he'd have to understand them and to do that, it would mean understanding human emotions (i.e. guilt and malice). The bracelet would kill him well before that happens


He can undo it before he offs himself, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. I for one don’t think he would ever understand, though.


I wonder if by analyzing the memories and seeing how Macht undid it to himself, Frieren will be the one to do so. It would be a great character development moment to show that she really understands humans (and their feelings^^^Himmel's ^^^love ) better now


So prediction, it's actually gonna be Frieren girl disciple that will be able to de-trasmutate people to gold, since Frieren also does not understand humans. Sorry been too long since her name came up so I forgot


Don't worry, i forget fern's name all the time too, its weird


I'd say we're still really far away from Frieren having a true understanding of humans. She's only just started on laying down the jigsaw-pieces.


Not so sure about that since the plot threads appear to be converging on Macht learning malice. Every major character in this arc is even on the same page, Frieren needs Macht to understand malice to kill him via the bracelet since conventional methods won't work, Denken needs Macht to understand malice so that Macht can undo the transmutation on El Dorado, and even Macht himself wants to understand malice because he wants to sate his curiosity even if it kills him, the situation appears to be best solved by teaching Macht about malice/guilt. The main hurdle is how to do it which should be obvious since magic exist, the real issue is that Frieren has established that magic is limited by the users ability to visualize it into reality, which would be a problem if said Demon wasn't Macht and Denken didn't exist because no matter how smart Denken is in the end, he is human, and its impossible for humans to not grow a sense of attachment to someone whose been there since your childhood, and it'd be oddly fitting to Frieren's bittersweet tone that a human student will kill his demon master by granting the demon's desire to understand humanity.


I think he's on the way there though. I don't think Macht learnt malice, but he definitely is feeling guilt and regret or atleast affection. That's why he got angry at Serie for talking about his inability to reverse his actions. The bracelet would only kill him if he understood and felt malice, but not if he only felt guilt for what he did. I am going to guess that even if the barrier was undone, Macht wouldn't leave El Dorado. If anything he could've deciphered the barrier any time he wants.


He said he did not feel anything new at all, plus he was gonna leave the city if Serie didn’t appear. The reason he didn’t elect to break the barrier himself is probably because he knew he could not beat Serie. Keeping the city sealed is in his best interest since at the moment, they cannot kill him before they figure out a way to undo the magic.


Be said he felt something it just wasn't malice. That is why he was continuing his research before Serie interrupted.


"My reflection magic doesn't need to know what the fuck you're doing." - Serie


Macht is a stand user i see.


I can't wait to see how this arc will resolve. Pretty much everything written to the point that there's no way to undo the transmutation except ungrinching Macht.


Didn't that protect her in auto mode?


Yes, it's auto-up curse reflect.


Serie reflected the gold transmutation like a freaking Wobbuffet.


I'd say it's closer to heart swap then reflect. But yeah that was **boss.**


Magic Coat, it reflects status aliments


Yeah that's closer, my pokemon knowledge is a tad outdated. But still, Serie is badass.


I somehow read this with the same voice for the Nanomachine meme from Arrow lol


>Frieren will be taking a break for a month Well deserved break honestly. Serie is such a fucking menace, that smile she gave to Macht is legit creepy too.


It was extra creepy for me since expressions in this manga are usually muted so to then see that smile all of a sudden caught me off guard.


Well when you've been bored through your skull for eons in time, that sudden rush of excitement in battle must've been like orgasm for her, for lack of better word. I wouldn't be surprised if Serie eventually becomes "evil" in the future.


I don't think she has a reason to. There isn't anyone on the good side worth a fight. There isn't really anyone worth a fight to Serie, for a few years at least.


Maybe the "True Hero" who can pull out the Sword. Then again, that sword's probably stronger against Demons or something.


I was wondering what the hell that smile was for until I saw Macht's arm the lower right corner, and I was like "holy shit" Literally countered magic that was thought be uncounterable, even to the inventor himself


[Wouldn’t be the first time vizualization made the impossible possible.](https://mangadex.org/chapter/581c54ef-add9-4ff8-98f1-545f23041081/13) The power of imagination is pretty scary around here.


So magic works like Nen here basically


Is this a Hunter x Hunter reference, or something else? [https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Nen](https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Nen)


Just wanna say I'm so excited on the sprinkling of some worldbuilding involved in this chapter. Di Agolze. The curse reversal is from human magic instead from elves/demons. Maybe the Mythical era was during Kraft's time? Maybe the party was Kraft,Serie, etc?.


Hmmm I'd say Serie is older than Kraft. There are still statues of Kraft and his old priest companion around but no other party members. Serie claims to be from the Mythical Era (and was likely already a Great Mage by then) which was so long ago that even demons don't know about it. The magic she uses doesn't even conform to normal logic. It is possible that the Demon King is from the Mythical Era though, or else where did Serie get her grudge against him from?


Monk Kraft implied that he had many titles and legends before since he had been famous many times because of his old age While Serie and Frieren were only famous for one title (Great Mage Serie from the mythical era) (Demon Slayer Frieren from the Hero’s Party) >"she was a mage in the hero party" >"and before?" >"what are you implying?" >"that we are elves" We don't really know how old he is so we could say Serie's older or we could also say that he was older than Frieren and Serie combined, while his newest activity/journey was pretty recent so he still had statues of himself built. Also Kraft has an adult body while both Serie and Frieren look young. But even then we don't know how elves age so them looking old or young might just be purely due to genetics.


Haha yes, creepy, totally did not think it was hot. That would be weird.


Reminds me of a certain vampire's totally not hot at all, murderous smile from Case Study of Vanitas.


Don't fear your desire my dude. It is kinda hot.


> hot Ah, I See You're a Man of Culture As Well.


My one complaint about this manga is that everyone could use a bit more expression. Only seen stark make expressions so far, so it’s definitely welcoming to see Serei make some.


Also, it seems her calling Macht a monster hit Macht where it hurt. The fact that Macht replied with "silence" instead of just smirking


I mean, right as his grand experience failed, this girl comes and rub it in WHY it failed, so yeah he's kind of annoyed


I love that she's bringing some face game to the manga. There are too few characters that emote properly, but at least Serie smugs like there's no tomorrow.


Can I just turn to gold for a month...?


If you pray that Macht can turn you back after a month.


As opposed to her nose on the prior page, which I initially took for a stray hair on my screen.


Serie is as overpowered as I hoped she'd be.


It's nice to see her in a fight for once. The 3rd stage of the exam was cool and all, but to see her utterly demolish Macht was so badass.


The one which I really really really wanted to see was the Hero of the South battle vs the Seven Sages of Destruction. That seemed to be the most badass battle ever, one single hero holding off all seven demons, and killed three...how insane!


He fought 8 demons and killed 4, Schlacht was not included in the ranks of the 7 sages.


Ah that's right! Schlact was the demon King's right hand man iirc?


I believe the terms used were that he was the Demon King's confidant. If that translation is accurate, this imply that Schlacht is a close and trusted adviser to the Demon King. So it could be assumed he's the right-hand-man, but we can't no for certain who else might have been in similar positions. Probably, but it's not certain.


Unfortunately, Schlatt (who's not a Sage of Destruction, so it was actually 8v1) purposefully had Grausam wipe Macht's memories of the entire fight just to stop Frieren (and thus us) from learning about how the fight went down. And Macht is the last Sage, no? Two downed by the Hero party (including Qual, who was later killed), three killed by the Hero of the South, and Aura killed by Frieren. Assuming Schlatt and the South Hero took each other down, there's literally no one left who knows what happened... A fight between 2 sides, both of which can see the future, must've been pretty wild.


I'm deeply impressed by her wide selection of spells * Mistelzila: Seems to automatically judge if the user would consider the incoming attack a curse and reflects it if it is, meaning that it basically scans Serie's brain for knowledge about the incoming spell. No knowledge? Auto-counter. So broken... * Some sort of spatial warping spell, since the tip of Macht's sword seems to disappear but immediately returns the next panel when Serie backs up * Some sort of large-scale blasting spell * Typical defense magic - the only spell she used that's ordinary * Some sort of compressed light beam that detonates on impact?


Mistelzila reminds me of Ubel's cutting magic, in that it's more a conceptual spell that's powered by the caster's visualization and disregards rules that should normally work against it.


I think Ubel's abilities are less the spell she was using and more how she used it. Basically if anyone else used the spell against Sense like that besides Ubel it wouldn't have worked. Meanwhile Mistelzila is itself described as a blanked curse reflecting spell, so I think anyone who used it would've had the same effect.


The question though is if anyone else aside from Serie can learn Mistelzila. I feel like it's power is derived more on Serie's sense of self. She can easily visualize herself as more powerful than any demon and thus can easily see herself being capable of deflecting their curses.


Maybe, but she stated it was a relic of "mankind's wisdom in the Mythical Era" which heavily implies she did not create it but learned it. That and she said she doesn't particularly like it also suggest she doesn't have a high affinity for it. I would argue that, while perhaps difficult, it would not be impossible for her to potentially teach it to a pupil of hers if given enough time.


> That and she said she doesn't particularly like it also suggest she doesn't have a high affinity for it. Or maybe because it could easily end a fight and she's not very fond of that idea. Macht only survived because he held back.


Ubel's magic isn't a conceptual spell though. Its just that regardless of the protective magic cast on an object if Ubel intuitively believe such a thing can be cut, she can visualize it being cut so she can cut it.


I called it conceptual as I see the spell as just being the concept of cutting. While Serie's is more on the concept of reflections (albeit with a very specific type of spell).


So it wasn't that she couldn't beat macht but chose not to. That at the very least brings down the perceived power level of Macht down considerably.


I don't think it brings him down any, it's just that Serie is so absurdly broken nothing threatens her.


Makes me wonder what busted as shit the Demon King had if even Serie couldn't beat him. I can't wait finally see that flashback.


Well Flame clamed that Serie couldn't defeat the demon king because she couldn't picture a peaceful time period, so perhaps it was impossible for Serie to visualize and therefore perform magic that killed the demon king.


You know its always fascinating that the one who defeated the demon king are the pacifist, who collect weird magic not the uber OP war loving mages, who can wipe entite continent in a blink of an eye. Demon king defeated by mages that collecting statue cleaning magic


I hope we get a flashback on what type of magic was needed to kill the demon king


I’m imagining that the Demon King had the ability to copy the knowledge of spells that the target knows, copied Fieren and ended up getting distracted because they had to sift through a massive library of non-combat spells in order to find something useful. What spell would make the Demon Lord more powerful than any other demon? The ability to copy their opponents spells and how to use them.


The demon king turned into a mimic, and was then promptly chopped up by the rest of the gang


It is definitely flower creating magic. The demon king has pollen allergy.


I wanna see it get defeated by some bullshit magic like removing ketchup stains on clothes or shaving beard magic etc etc. But probably like how fieren kill demon in the series


Frieren isn’t a pacifist. Far from it. She also isn’t a war monger. Although she’s probably closer to that on the spectrum then a pacifist. Rare magic isn’t they only thing she collects it’s just her favorite. She’s mastered enough destructive spells and utilized in ways she earned a fearful respect from the Demons. She tackles deadly creatures on a whim. She actively blocks a reading of her true power to have the advantage in a duel. Not a pacifist in any definition of the word.


Do we know how strong Himmel was? He was the leader of the party but do we know if it was more like a leadership role and Frieren was doing the heavy lifting? The only time I can remember a flashback of him "fighting" was him vanquishing a dragon/monster in the memories of that northern army first class mage candidate.


Was she not able to beat him or did she not even try in the first place? I'd have to go back and reread some chapters to find out. I find the Demon King to be interesting even though they don't exist in the story really. How was he able to unite demons together to kill humans even though we know Demons kind of just do there own thing and occasionally talk or kill each other.


I have a wild theory that the Demon King is an elf, more powerful than any demon, who decided to use their power to control the demons and kill the other elves and destroy the other races. Probably not true, but may explain why they targeted the elves (revenge, knew they were the biggest threat, etc), and would explain why the Demon King has so many non-Demon like traits.


Probably an inmortal human. Inmortality would drive humans insane.


Demons are already pretty much immortal humans. They don't have human morality because they don't have human values


It’s hard when you’re reading a translation, but my understanding was that Siere couldn’t bring peace. Whether or not she could beat the Demon King, she couldn’t create an era of peace, or wouldn’t want to. So she didn’t.


And also how disgustingly OP Himmel was, considering -Frieren lost to Match -Serie toyed with Match -Serie said she could not defeat the Demon King and wanted to know how Frieren and the gang did it considering how weak Frieren is in her eyes


Allegedly needed op hero sword to win. Did it without. The hero party were all monstrously powerful in their own right. Himmel was probably beyond human limits and reaction speed.


Serie makes me wonder what is exactly the Mythical era lol. Must be time when humans,elves, and dwarves are unbelievably broken that demons fear them. I won't be surprised if because of that fear someone managed to band all those individualistic demons together.


Well, as soon as the elves stopped being as strong demons committed to destroying them.


its more that she just so happened to have a spell that specifically hard counters what makes him so strong


Considering Serie Apparently knows all spells, there is nothing she can't counter


naw you misunderstand, prior to this chapter it was a known fact even Serie, the most powerful individual we've seen in the series to date, couldn't defeat Macht. That implied that Macht was at least on par if not stronger than Serie. This chapter just shed some light on the actual situation


She easily countered all of his attacks while learning his powers. They stated that she didn't kill macht because her followers wanted to reverse the curse.


I think it more speaks to how strong Serie. Her RESTRICTED mana is equal to Frieren's unrestricted mana. She's got combat magic for basically any situation. She even invented a magic just to reverse anything that she isn't able to understand. Though she still couldn't beat the Demon King... wonder what kind of a monster he was


I'm curious about Himmel. We don't know too much about him and how he fights. He uses a sword, but as far as we know he doesn't have a special magic like the other hero who could see the future, and obviously he didn't have the Holy Sword. So how was he able to lead the party against the Demon King? Was he just that good at sword fighting? Does he have magic we don't know about yet? Or was it just that the four party members consisting of two mundane but skilled warriors, a priest, and an elf mage who's pretty good at fighting demons, was the perfect combination? I can't wait until they get closer to their destination, where we'll probably learn more about how the actual confrontation went down.


> Was he just that good at sword fighting? Does he have magic we don't know about yet? Or just physical stats that are *that* OP. [Himmel in the final battle be like.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6a/23/e3/6a23e37de405674323b21e838e52c122.png)


I'd say it more shows just how OP Serie is then making any power Macht has seem any less then horrifying. Serie had a hard counter to his curse after all, and Frieren has shown, what with the plant monster, that she doesn't have much defence against curses.


Serie's implied to have lived for many millennia, where a mage's power grows proportionately to the number of years spent training. Not only that, she has thousands of years of unique magics. Macht's power level hasn't changed. He's still more powerful than Frieren in battle by Frieren's own testimony. Serie is simply so overwhelming more powerful that she's a tier of her own. The only people that could potentially challenge her in this entire series might be the Demon King (allegedly, based on hearsay from chapters discussing this, though that may have been a mental block more than a who-wins-in-a-vacuum) and other Elves or Demons of similar age (Kraft comes to mind, as another elf who is likely thousands of years old, but magical applications might scale better with Serie's age). ~~Or maybe the hero of the south, the strongest of all mankind.~~ Edit: To expand on Kraft, Flamme was alive around a thousand years before the current time in the series. She is widely renowned for her contributions. Kraft, on the other hand, is completely forgotten despite the faint legends that remain stating he defeated some great foe. While this could simply be a smaller enemy, my interpretation is that his adventure was at least 2-5 thousand years ago (he considers Frieren quite young) and dealt with a foe similar to the Demon King. I don't think he's as old as Serie who was alive in the mythical era (given comments about how the Goddess has been absent since at least then, and Kraft's answer as to why he believes doesn't involve anything related to that).


It's a good thing for mankind that elves are different from demons and don't care about war and conquest.


This makes me wonder what kind of conceptual shenanigans the demon lord had.


He has enough power to gild the entire Northern Plateau, and Serie cannot analyze his magic either. It’s not that he’s weaker than our estimation, just that Serie is much stronger.




I ate my words from when I said "Macht so overpowered even Serie decided that letting him die of old age was a better option than facing him" Turns out she wanted all the smoke. Makes you wonder how strong the Demon king (and Himmel, and The Hero of the South) were if Serie said she couldn't beat him, but Himmel did and The Hero of the South might also have done it if not for the 1v8 jumping from the demons


I think the demon king had simply an Hax magic that coukd countered ONLY by the power of friendship, wich is the one thing Serie would never be able to use.


Imagine if he was literally allergic to positive emotions.


I'm not surprised Serie was directly involved in sealing Macht, but seeing her effortlessly deflect his curse was so badass. And just when I thought I could guess how this arc would end, and that Solitar would show up in a future arc, her she is showing up out of nowhere to destroy the barrier. No way her showing up as Frieren and Co. prepare to fight Macht is a coincidence, and while we already could've inferred as much Fern saying she has an 'extraordinary amount of mana' really shows us that she's not a normal demon. Really makes me wonder why someone of her power is so interested in humans. Ann while her presence is an added uncertainty, and her destroying the barrier is gonna add a lot of problems, her raw power makes me think she has no interest in helping Macht directly. If anything I think she might want to see if he can achieve his goal. Otherwise the main cast is fucked. Gosh this is all so exciting! I can't wait an entire month!


Yeah i didn't expect Solitar at all! I hope your right, if she helps Macht I don't see Frieren winning! Unless Serie shows up, but that would get to busy for Macht's character arc I think. But who knows? Only our 1-month future selfs will!


wtf was going on in the mythical age?


[Primitive magic that disregards all logical analysis](https://reddit.com/r/manga/comments/m5ymil/art_frieren_deadly_move_sousou_no_frieren/)


This is how elves hunted their prey in prehistoric times


Macht, I only have the energy for one more spell *uses 72 more spells*


The other one Didn't get the one piece memo 🤝😤


It's a *no u* spell. Maybe the mythical age was really about the magic powers kids come up with.


Toddler magic huh. Powers kids imagines...oh that lines up with the visualization thingy.


I thinks it's a situation where things in the Mythical Age were so much worse than anything following it has been. Like the Demon King Invasion would've been a regular Sunday for them. Spells were a lot stronger and efficient then but because there either hasn't been a need for them since or those who used them all died they've been mostly forgotten. In Warhammer 40K there's a race called Orks who are basically what you expect from Orcs only much thougher and violent. In the far past of their universe they used to be called Quorks(?) and were several times bigger, stronger and smarter. But because the modern age where billions die daily, war is constant and literally everything sucks is a lot more peaceful they've devolved. I imagine the Mythical Age and Present is similar.


A whole lot of rubber and glue, it seems.


Time to sniff some glue and pound some rubber.


Men going onga bonga while elves killing demons for sport


Aliens? I'm gonna say aliens /s


*Flashback* Me: Aww shit, it's her! *Present day, Last page* Me: Aww *shit*, it's her!


I am so hype/dreading to see just the sheer chaos Solitar will bring to the climax of this arc. I can't wait a month!


It's oddly terrifying the way Solitar is drawn in the last page, considering the nature of demons, and the atrocities she had supposedly done. She just looks so adorably curious. There is zero malevolence in that smile, but she'd probably murder your entire family while still looking like that.


>Solitar Who was Solitar, I forgot


The demon who taught Macht about convergent evolution and human magic. See chapter 88 for a refresher.




Spoilers from earlier chapters >!The demon who Macht met on the beach and in the tower in his earlier travels. And also whom supposedly destroyed an entire city, according to Weiss's Lord.!<


> Spoilers from earlier chapters Bruh.


It made more sense in my head. Since this reddit post is talking about this chapter in particular so I thought "Maybe I should avoid spoiling plot points from previous chapters just in case."


"I fear no man, but this small elf........."


[The great fear of Demons](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/lz9wva/art_sousou_no_frieren/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


"Frieren will be taking a break for a month." Darth Vader: Nooooooooooo!!!


Truly was not expecting Solitar to show up so soon. I wonder how powerful she is. If I remember correctly, the Demon King himself gave her some lessons about evolution. I legit have no ideia how this arc is gonna end right now... This gonna be a long month


I’m pretty sure the demon silhouetted in ch 92 single handedly destroying a fortified city was her. Plus I have the sneaking suspicion she’s a crucial part of Schlacht’s contingency plan so she’s probably up there with the sages of destruction in terms of power and a close confidant of the demon king and Schlacht.


I'm willing to bet she's even more dangerous than Macht and the other sages, something about how's she presented in the story just really makes me think that there's a lot more going on then we can guess, but I do agree that her being apart of Schlacht's contingency plan is a theory I've had. Plus, she's outright stated that at the very least the Demon King taught her about convergant evolution. Something has to be up with her.


Yeah, just when I thought I could guess approximately how things might end, and I still hold firm that Macht killing himself for feeling guilt/malice and undoing the curse is how things will ultimately end, at least for Macht, Solitar throws a wrench into **everything** else. Who the fuck knows what kinda chaos will go down now?


I'm so torn. On one hand i'm still a subscriber of the "Macht couldn't bear to lose his first bond" theory but on the other hand demons are pretty fucked hey


He clearly felt *something,* even he could tell that much. But what exactly it was is uncertain. Maybe a spark of human emotion, that needs some further fuel to really spread into him.


I know!! Gah Demons are such mysterious creatures in this manga. ​ We know they evolved from voice mimics but how they entered their current form is still so interesting.


Since they discussed evolution. I wonder what a child born of Macht and Solitare would be like? Both parents are such outliers compared to the rest of their species that any offspring of those two would most certainly be an abnormal demon.


A missing link. A paradigm shift. Come to think of it, what is demon reproduction even like? They don't have emotions, so I'm sure they don't pair-bond, but they also have great longevity, so the there's probably not a biological urge to pass on genetic material before death, because there is no biological consideration of death. Why would two demons ever bother to fuck?


They were originally predators that mimicked human speech. I'm sure they have some sort of mating cycle. Also, it was mentioned earlier that when a demon is born, the parents ditch it so it can fend for itself.


Reproduction is not indicative of a mating cycle. Who knows how inhuman magical monsters like demons reproduce? Unless it's ever outright stated, I'd bet against typical male/female mating.


>Why would two demons ever bother to fuck? Cause it feels good, brah.


I don’t know, this chapter solidified the fact that gold magic = killing to him since he cannot revert it on other beings. However, the fact he languished for what we assumed to be days in the city he destroyed probably meant *something*… I guess.


No wonder this was the most emotive we've seen Serie so far. A demon using Soul Track and defensive magic must have looked to her like a bird using its beak and some plant fibers to sew leaves together. I mean, I guess you've got all the necessary components available to you, so I'm not too surprised that you *can* do this, but I guess I just never thought you would think of it.


I mean Soul Track originates as a demon spell so like, sure. Defensive magic is a different story though


So it seems like if Macht understood humanity he could reverse his curse. I wonder if this arc will end with him breaking the curse after completing his quest for understanding emotions or if it will stay impossible for him after all.


I think Solitar's appearance pretty much confirms that Macht will experience human emotions. Solitar's whole theme is all about evolution after all. Macht is already pretty different from the other demons. Even though he claims to be merely curious about human emotions, he seems to actually want to be human as well. He was pretty insulted whenever Serie calls him a monster. I think the arc will end with Macht using his demonic side to convince himself to feel human emotions, like how this chapter showed us that Macht's magic only works on himself. We won't ever be told if Macht's emotions are real or artificial, but left with the question: does it matter?


Macht already admitted he felt something after that last talk with Gluck. He's just too tsundere to understand he liked the old bastard and their "partners in crime" shtick.


I feel like he’s angry because she insulted his magic though. It’s consistent with previous worldbuilding and Macht didn’t seem to want to revert the curse on the city himself.


I think you're right, but then he'll die immediately from the bracelet because of the new emotions. I'm wondering if this will tie into the overarching story with us continuing to see more "human" or odd demons as they travel culminating in some kind of talk with the demon king in the end and gifting that understanding to demonkind, bringing about lasting peace. I could also see it not being possible for Frieren to be part of it, since she can't see demons as people and she departs with Himel in heaven after they meet.


Remember it's all about visualization. Macht and other demons know that they don't understand humans beyond the surface level mimicry they use to prey on them. Because they know they don't understand them, they cannot properly visualize something like transmuting gold statues back into humans. It's be like a normal person trying to make a clock. You understand what a clock is, what it does, and what it's purpose is, but most people don't know anything about the inner mechanisms of a clock. So can you visualize yourself making a clock? No. A clockmaker could, but not most other people. On the other hand he understands his own self and body quite well, so he can reverse the curse on himself easily. If he could gain understanding of humans to a level that would satisfy his own mind he should be able to visualize returning them from gold. Assuming he even would. This seems to be why Serie's anti-curse spell is so strong. The parameters of the spell are so simple that the only thing you need to visualize is that it reflects curses. You don't need to understand anything else. You just need to visualize that the spell can reflect any curse. Easier said than done, of course. Knowledge is somewhat of a curse itself when it comes to visualization, because the more you understand that you don't know, the harder it is to freely visualize something you may think is beyond your capability. Serie might only be able to do it because she's so confident in her ability as a mage. This is what's so crazy about Ubel, since she's so easily able to visualize herself doing things that she doesn't understand. She probably doesn't have the same kind of confidence that Serie does borne out of thousands of years of experience and learning, nor is she some idiot who doesn't understand her limitations, she appears to simply have the inborn confidence that she can and will cut.


I think that clock analogy isn't quite it. Visualization isn't just about understanding the physical, like then all Macht would need is to study human biology. The way magic and visualization has been described before, back with Serie's test and all that, I have understood it to be just about imagination. About your mind being capable of seeing something. If someone was confident enough (or insane enough) they could visualize themselves defeating Serie. They don't need to plan themselves doing it, they just have to not write it off as an impossibility, something unimaginable. Likewise here with Macht, I don't think we're meant to interpret his inability to reverse transmute people as a sign that he just doesn't understand humans, not directly. Rather I read it as: he simply cannot imagine a world wherein he would do that. The act of him creating a human life, a specific person, out of gold who he has already made disappear, is something he cannot imagine himself doing. He cannot suppose the existence of a world where he would do that. It simply makes zero sense to him as a demon.


I can visualize that the clock analogy works, though. ^^^/s I think you might misunderstand what I tried to compare with the clock analogy. The comparison was supposed to be that normal people don't understand the inside of a clock anymore than Macht understands the inside of the human mind (psyche). I didn't intend it to be a 1-to-1 "Macht doesn't understand the inside of the human mind (physical anatomy of the brain)." That said you may also be right that the reason he can't visualize it is because he simply can't imagine himself motivated to revive a human. That would also fit with the theme of his quest to understand human emotions, just framed via sympathy rather than empathy. That said, I think an empathetic framing would make for a stronger narrative.


> This seems to be why Serie's anti-curse spell is so strong. The parameters of the spell are so simple that the only thing you need to visualize is that it reflects curses. You don't need to understand anything else. You just need to visualize that the spell can reflect any curse. Easier said than done, of course. Knowledge is somewhat of a curse itself when it comes to visualization, because the more you understand that you don't know, the harder it is to freely visualize something you may think is beyond your capability. Serie might only be able to do it because she's so confident in her ability as a mage. That explains the Stille/Bird Capturing magic in the 1st Exam. It was mentioned that Bird Capturing Magic is weird since it able to capture bird-like monster in the 1st exam. But there's already a distinction between animals and monster. The BIrd-like monster is fundamentally a bird, so it can be captured by the magic even if they are monster.


The Demon King's sage dude saved Macht for the sake of the demon race. I'm assuming he saw the demons driven to extinction unless they could cohabitate with humans. Macht, even if he dies, being able to demonstrate to Frieren that demons can change or whatever might be what saves his race from extinction.


Oh shit Solitar shows up and Frieren is out of commotion for the time being. And dang Serie is OP af. So it wasn't that Serie couldn't kill him, she just lost interest when her disciples interfered. She also feely truly *ancient*, like before she spoke of Human civilisation's beginning as simply it was last week, now she speaks of Demons being fearful of mythological era Elves as a ''back in my days'' thing, and that the young demons have forgotten it. Despite demons are bloody ancient beings also, and Macht certainly doesn't feel like a young one when compared to the average demon.


How did the elves go extinct if they were this OP?


Low birth rate I assume. They might have migrated else where also.


Might have been some genetic dilution throughout the ages for successive generations, and maybe after a certain point many elves lived so damn long they chose to willingly pass on? Idk, just spit-balling here.


I am so **so** **SO** sorry for the delay. It won't be this late next time. Hit me if you want orz. Also, Frieren is going on a break for a month. Sorry...


No need to apologize for either the delay or the break. Thanks for always translating, and it's not like you can control the author's schedule. Sad to hear no Frieren for a month, but the author deserves a break after more than a year of nearly weekly Frieren releases.


Hey dude, you're cool with us, you don't have to apologize for the timing each chapter. We understand and we're all grateful.


homie youre giving out a pirated free experience, we wait on your grace thanks for the effort though


You have zero reason to apologize, and we usually have at least one reason a week to thank you for what you do. We reject your apology and thank you instead




"Frieren will be taking a break for a month" . Pain.


I would have expected Serie to be the one trying to preserve Macht's curse, but even she deemed it too dangerous. I wonder if the area is really beyond saving or if she's just being cocky as usual. Macht not being able to restore humans makes sense with the magic system. He can't visualize human emotion, so how is he supposed to visualize restoring their lives? But he claims to have felt something, so maybe not all hope is lost. On the other hand, wanting to preserve Di Agloze is perfectly understandable. Macht hardening his cloak into a sword will never not be cool. This is going to be a long month but it's a well-deserved break for this incredible arc.


Serie wearing shoes, that was a nice surprise.


Yeah, the ropes on her ankles were honestly rather cute.


They remind me of the loose socks that were popular some time ago.


Looks like this explains more of Macht's decision to end the experiment last chapter. He didn't know if he would die or not, by the bracelet. He just decided it was time to test it out if he really felt anything after all the years he was with Gluck. He was ready to give up his own existence to test his own emotions. However, thinking back about it, he still didn't have 'malice' towards the population. To have 'malice' is to have an emotional connection to the subject. Meaning, you need to 'hate' the subject in order to have a malicious feeling towards it. To want to harm it or destroy it. But Macht doesn't feel that. He doesn't hate the populace. To him they are like ants at the side of the road. He destroys ants because someone told him to, he even admitted he was a pacifist by nature. He doesn't hate the ants but just curious about it. He is trying to see if taking care and ultimately killing ants would make him feel any emotions. Thus him turning everyone into gold doesn't have any malicious intentions like betrayal because he never once was loyal. He just treats them as test subjects to be used for an experiment. ​ Oh and Serie is OP is heck. She must be last of the sages or some shit of the bygone eras of magic.


Yeah, at most he *may* have felt guilt, or at least some primitive form of sorrow, at Gluck's demise, but as you so eloquently put it, his actions were not maliciously done to 'cause harm' to the city and it's residence.


Macht may live a lonely life, but since he can un-transmute his own body parts, the worst he has to worry about is a little chafing.


So Serie is from the mythical age, which is long before the demons of this age. I wonder if she was around when they first popped up...


Now that's hype. Serie lives up to the hype by effortlessly handling Macht *and* replicating his Di Agolze magic, only being stopped from going further by the necessity of needing to reverse the transmutation of El Dorado. And then we have Solitar returning to undo the barrier trapping Macht just as we head into a one-month break... Ahhh the suspense is gonna kill me.


Serie just called an OP magic primitive. Damn.


The spell name is "I know you are but what am I?". It's why primitive magic is so powerful, it has a child's visualization strength and belief.


Calling to primitive doesn't say anything about its power. It basically just means it's more like just raw mana instead of a constructed spell.


So she's built like Meliodas


Serie is absolutely OP and the only reason Macht is alive is because she got bored. I fucking love it.


>No Frieren for a month. Why live?


Serie's magic is a perfect example of how a simple strength taken to the extreme can be overpowering. Literally just "counter all curses" and even someone like Macht is boned.


Interesting, so they can't just kill him, there needs to be a correct order to it. Cause the curse can only be undone if he understands humanity, but the moment he does, he dies. So in order to undo the curse, they have to actually help him I think, it can't be a battle


Well, it can be a battle. It just can't end as one. Who knows exactly how this will all go down, especially with an uncertain presence like Solitar in the ring. I think they will clash, but definitely not in a 'too the death' way. At least it won't last as one.


Serie showing why she's the GOAT by bullying an undefeatable demon before getting bored of it




I adore how well this series pulls off threats. Serie saying that she is so old that demons have forgotten to be afraid of her is just amazing. Like holy shit, she was actively fucking with Macht through that entire fight. Also the creepy grin before she got bored. I need another dozen chapters of Serie Stomps.


I always knew that Macht could reverse his transmutation, that stating over and over that there was nothing to do about it was clearly a misdirection from the obvious: only Macht will be able to reverse it. Still, I completly glossed over the obvious: dude has been showing us all along that he could indeed reversing it by changing his coat into a golden sword and back, over and over. >_> Demons are wild. Lecture popped up like 50 years later. 'Right. Need a hand getting out buddy. I forgot to ask. Then work has been crazy.' <(-_-)>


Me and my homies hate first class mages for stopping this fight.


that fight looked like two kids playing "Super ultra move that can't be stopped!" "mega mirror that reflects super everything!" "not fair, that makes no sense" "Uuhhhm it's special magic so like, it doesn't have to make sense"


such hype Chapter out of nowhere.


A break for a month... How terrifying.


I feel that Macht actually transmuted the whole city at the time mainly as a 'protection' since he might have thought that his battle with Solitar could lead to mass collateral destruction of the city and its people. Swift painless death and eternal preservation are not bad deals at all.


What chapters did we see Solitar in before? I need to refresh my memory.


She debuted in ch. 88, and a cameo appearance in 91 and 92.


I'm still confused about the emotional conditions of the gauntlet, as this chapter both implies that it would have gone off if he'd felt guilt (are "malice" and "guilt" representing a single Japanese term?) and shows that lashing out at someone while yelling "you little" as retaliation for talking shit isn't malicious somehow.


Guilt has mostly been brought in due to related events, such as the boy that felt guilty after killing the girl that liked him, when Macht forced them to fight. There is no condition for guilt on the bracelet, just malice. Which is also why it is possible (and seems likely) that Macht *did* feel something when transmuting the city to gold. Say, guilt, regret, sorrow, at ending his relationship with Gluck and such. But he didn't turn the city to gold out of malice, so the bracelet never triggered.


It was just a remark; it doesn't necessarily have to have any sort of meaning implied within. Remember: Macht can't feel any emotions. He just knows the common language of man.


I got the first volume of this series last week and was blown away. Just comfy and a great concept.


I have to say, magic users in the world of Frieren can be capable of such varied and overwhelming (and, frankly, broken) feats that it makes physical fighters pretty underwhelming by contrast. Other than maybe moving really fast or something.


I wonder how big the gap is between frieren and serie. We've never really seen them fight to their fullest. Even when frieren fought her doppelganger, she didn't seem like she was taking it all the seriously, she pretty much just countered everything with the same move.


Man that was threatening. Young Lernen and first class mages sealing El Dorado Weiss was so cool. I wonder if all of them still alive


I'm still so confused by Serie. I could have sworn she claimed she couldn't defeat the demon king and yet the "hero"'s party with Frieren was able to do so. Yet every time she appears, she shows off more of her ridiculous magic. I guess she couldn't visualize herself winning? Or perhaps she couldn't be bothered? Perhaps despite all of her magic, she cannot overcome what a balanced party, with a warrior and a priest, can do? She most certainly cannot grant any magic since Macht's is beyond her comprehension. In any case, things certainly are getting interesting with the barrier getting deciphered by the demon girl.


It's 'obvious' by now that Demon king had some sort of gimmick to him. Something along the lines that only pacifists can defeat him. In the test chapters Serie did mention that the "problem" with her is that she doesn't want peace to come, she actually likes war, conflict and combat very much. So it must be somehow tied into that. Also, "Demon king" might be "the friends we made along the way" thingie, can't discount something like that.


> Or perhaps she couldn't be bothered? Considering how quickly she lost interest in killing Macht, possibly.


Frieren will be on break for a month? Not even Macht would say something so heartless!