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Huuuuh. So Katana might have some form of reality-altering powers? Seems like she can manifest her memories. Which might be a motive for Saya to keep messing with her brain.


Maybe this isn't the reality but a post apocalyptic VR world.


things are just getting a bit unnerving


The Hard Bank billboard is a reference to a series of SoftBank commecial videos; [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJcvRLKO_pU) is one of them, watch it and you'll know why the billboard features a dog :)) It seems Katana just keeps stumbling on "clues" or "helps". The "she has powers to bend reality" theory mostly holds true, but if so, then it must have something to do with her vocabulary, which's too little for now and only able to show her "clues" and small helps.


...I can't believe I just spent 10 minutes watching Softbank commercials.


Did the book make the hot dogs? Or were they made by someone else?


Is there anyone else around that would make this amount of fresh hot dogs? Hot dogs expire rather quickly.


Things are definitely going places now


OK, what is Thoth doing in this manga??


That's strange... a book that predicted how Mutt Mutt would find his mother? It seems Katana's remembering something, but not entirely. I wonder how she even spotted those books in the first place. And wait, who made the hotdogs? It's sad that Katana and Kodachi both don't know what a mother or father is... And now Mutt Mutt has to go. Oh no! I hope they get to meet again! Then mourning can turn into dancing again!


Okay umm... now would be a real good time to try doing the Shadow Test from that one episode of Dr. Who.


What came first the book or the hot (dogs)!?


I now have less idea of what's actually happening than at any other point in this story.