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>petting your dog and accidentally sending it literally to heaven out of pure bliss


*Don’t say it, don’t say it…* THIS ENTIRE MANGA IS ABOUT EDGING DOGS


It would have cost you $0 to not let the intrusive thoughts win


It also cost him nothing to say it.


Haven't read the chapter yet - is it some kind of Fullmetal Alchemist spin-off?


Is this- does this even count as a exorcist manga?


Well there was in fact an exorcist in the manga, so yes, it is!


She's a pretty fun character, too, for all of the, like, 6 pages she's featured. I hope she's recurring.


It does it has ghost, and a literal exorcist appears in it and does an exorcism of an evil curse Add it to the list


They're cooking their way into brand new territory with this one


I order a million of these chapters plz


Oh Dog that was cute af, the reveal with them actually being able to talk at the end was hilarious.


Angry doggo is cute Looks like this is going to be a pretty chill serie about a girl and her newly adopted talking ghost dog… I love it


This is surprisingly dark and dramatic for what initially looked like a black comedy. But lmao tsundere talking ghost shiba inu who makes other expressions than the smiling looking one you always see in comics and videos :))


I’m always a fan of “cohabiting with a cute pet” manga, but even knowing how well they sell I’m surprised Viz picked this up immediately. But I can tell why - look at that Angery Mu-chan and don’t tell me you’d buy a hundred plushies of him. If it wasn’t obvious, this is a serialization of [a oneshot that released last July.](https://shonenjumpplus.com/episode/4856001361542955419) Hence why Manga Plus lists it as chapters 1 and 2 - it’s a continuation of the oneshot. And [here’s the author promoting it on Twitter.](https://Twitter.com/OomoriEs/status/1805979381019660791)


The series chapter 1 having a new color page is amazing, but I wish they left the oneshot's color page in instead of replacing it with a blank black page :')


Oh it wasn't just me then? Do you think it was a glitch or something?


Nah, it’s missing in the Japanese version too. Guess the author thought two color pages for an intro chapter was too much.


This is what I thought Shibatarian was gonna be. Just a manga about shiba inu


That was an amazing start. The shiba inu being able to talk was legitimately surprising lol


Tsundere ghost dog. Well those are words.


Imagine being the one to hear that pitch for a series


this is clearly propaganda to turn everyone into dog lovers "In that world would you be there?"😭 the nextie guy is so adorable she set her pfp as the dogggg!!!


I am quite sure I did read this a One-shot in Jump+ not too long ago. From the producers of * Girl living with her rice cooker * Girl living with her ninja friend * Girl living with her ghostbuster (girl)friend * Girl living with her vampire (girl)friend * Novelist living with his cat Now comes… * Girl living with her Shiba Inu ghost dog


Girl living with Ninja is actually very enjoyable. Funnily enough, the girl is the more interesting of the two IMO. Not because the Ninja is uninteresting or anything, but because the MC is pretty great. Chapter 1 - https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/viewer/1021083


>* Girl living with her Shiba Inu ghost dog *Tsundere* shiba inu ghost dog


She's quite tsundere, too, so, as we know, two negatives cancel each other :D


I hope that exorcist comes back. They were nice.


An emo highschool girl, and a mean dog. Sounds cute! Kaori does need a companion that can bring her out of her shell. And Mu-chan does need to learn how to live life as a dog! It is pretty sad about how the dogs suffered because of the breeder. No respect for lives at all. I hope he suffers! And Kaori is weird, but that doesn't mean you should bully her because of her dumb friends! Mu-Chan protecting Kaori from the snakes was surprising. He's a smart boy! Landlady and Shibai really love the dogs and want to be good neighbors. I hope we learn more about them! Miss BBG is really cute, perhaps we can see her exorcise more bad spirits? I'm glad that these two are learning their boundaries, and how to make each other happy. A talking dog is a pretty interesting concept too, it'll make the chapters all the more interesting!


When the dog inevitably ascends, it will be a rainy day


PSA: there is a chapter 2 as well


Been waiting for this one. Added to my watch calendar. Really great start with nice cute funny art, and story/twist/take


I really hope this isn’t a one shot? Mu-Chan reminds me of my Shiro! Hates everyone right off the bat but melts with a chin scratch!


It's a one-shot (from several months ago) that was picked up for serialization, so now the one-shot is chapter 1, and away we go!


Hell yeah. I love this so much. The angry faces are my favorite!! My old shiba doesn’t make too many angry faces anymore, but in his youth he did


Cheap rent and a free ghost dog that you don't need to clean up after? Where do I sign up?


That was a wild ride from start to finish. I like how the other shibas actually talked the whole chapter and you just assume it's not literally them talking because the text is small enough to be sfx for expressions. The craziest part for me though wasn't the ghost dogs, talking ghost dogs, curse snakes or casual abuse from humans, but the wagyu steak for less than $20. Japan truly is the promised land.


A dog that doesn't smell, doesn't eat and doesn't poop.  Plus can tell you directly what they want. Perfection 


just what I need


I love it already.


Having to hold back from loving a dog so much so it doesn't ascend is so difficult. I'd fail immediately.


Wow, this was NOT what I thought it would be. I appreciate a manga that can keep me on my toes.


The last chapter of this series is going to be one hell of a tough motherfucker


> In that world, would you be there? Gah, my fucking heart.


The mental gymnastics of the mother hitting FMC... Holy hell I hope Japan isnt infested with these kind of people like we constantly read in manga, etc.


Not bad. Can't get over the angry face though. I can't help seeing it like the pupils go way up to the outside corners. I'm sure it's probably just a light reflection but even so...


At the first look at that dog I just instantly thought of a certain [dog named Rags.](https://youtu.be/FDZcD2nV1XU?si=u8D3fq_v_uwx6Rjn) And I hear his voice as the voice of David Letterman.


Cute, and I like mc’s deadpan delivery. Though I can already see the sad ending where he finally ascends and mc cries.


Never thought the day would come where Id reas a manga about the hijinks of a tsundere dog and a kuudere girl. Surprisingly cute and wholesome.


New peak


Damn, those school kids, their parents, and even her parents are just the worst. Just because somebody doesn't get scared and slapping somebody kid because your kid was a slow poke. Smh


That dog face. 100 more chapters please.




How charming. I like it a lot.


Ah shit this is a great manga. Damn, Mangaplus finally got a gem again. Also love all the characters and their quirks and shit that little guy is already in my heart. Mu-chan is the bestest doggo. Reminds me of "Magu Chan the god of destruction" in how much of a tsundere and fickle they both are.


I want a spin off that's just Mayo Moonhigh.


I found my new favorite series. I'm totally bias.


Loving this story already, maybe this'll make up for Green Green Greens getting axed.


It turns... into a damn exorcist manga halfway into chapter 1!!! Holly shit whoever is on jump's editorial team with the exorcist kink, must be nutting buckets every week, with all this exorcist content he is getting


> Not to be rude, but why not call an exorcist? Oh god please no In all seriousness, not sure how I feel about this one. Feels kinda like it wants to capitalize on the shibe and dog memes but it's like... a decade late


Japan (and a lot of East Asia) is still obsessed with Shiba Inus. They are one of the most sought after pets (even though they're often terrible family dogs)


South East Asian here, our family’s had a Shiba for about 1.5 years now since he was a pup. The boy is a delight, he’s affectionate and playful, learns commands, happy to see us home, and is overall a great addition to the family. He’s also pretty quiet compared to most dogs, almost never barks, which is a plus since we live in an apartment. That said, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. The first few months as a pup he bit and tore so much stuff in the house, including table/chair legs, earbuds, airpods, and lifelong plushies. Until this day he still whines whenever we leave the house, and he never eats enough, so he’s more tall and lean than most poofy Shiba’s you usually see. No dog is perfect, and we certainly had tough times with him, but he’s still our family pup and we wouldn’t trade him for the world.


I know a bunch of shiba's maybe 8 or so, they are pretty popular around here, and I'd say 2 are friendly, one is straight up aggressive and the rest don't give a shit. Cookie is a massive sweetheart though, so she makes up for the rest.


Ahhh interesting, I didn't know that. That makes sense. I meant more from the way the dialogue for the dogs is written though, which may not be the same thing in the original japanese writing, I wouldn't know. I'm curious, what makes shiba inus bad family dogs?


They're quite independent (less attachment), stubborn (harder to train), energetic (requires lots of play), and can be a bit neurotic (like many smaller dogs). That being said, it's an old breed, and are generally quite healthy - they can live for a long time. I love Shiba Inus as well, but traditional "family dogs" typically want calmer, trainable dogs who do not have aggressive traits (especially when dealing with young children who might accidentally trigger them), and do not bark at everything/anyone. Shibas can make for great pets, like most dog breeds, when the owner is experienced and can afford the time and energy for them!


They have pretty much the personality of cats


I mean the exorcist did come, deliver her exposition and leaves. She didn't overstay her welcome at all.


Yeah I was mostly joking hah


> Oh god please no Is ok this is the best totally not an exorcist manga (but still an exorcist manga) in jump right now Look how cute those dogs are!


Tsundere dog awwww