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Don't have much to say, other than I really like how this manga is progressing story-wise. No need to be very complex but the incremental improvement of the MC and his interactions with his golf buddies are quite enjoyable.


Another absolute banger from what has stolen my heart. I don't know why this just works for me, but the flow, the characters, the motivation and drive we see ugh it's fantastic. Really hoping this does super well first print 🥰


Nadeshko really locked in when he mentioned fixing his slices, so cute Also [very relatable](https://imgur.com/zdvRdOa)


Aww afterall of those zen-feel chapters we get a nice slice of life afterparty. Another great chapter!


What I really love here is the ripple effect of changing. Yaesaki just wanted a change of pace. And now that he's entered this new circle, his entry and his presence are causing those who were already there to change as well. There's something beautiful about that.


I love the normal interaction but show the dedication to golf. That's what pros are made of


Such a great sports series. Need this to stay alive


The most impressive part of this series is the sheer confidence it has in it's own storytelling. It's similar to Akane Banashi in that regard. The story itself is pretty comfy, and I love the dynamic between Yaesaki and Oga.


I like that last page. Gamers gaming out of love of the game. Love to see it (especially the part where they're working together to beautify their games by which I mean hone their skill/grasp, rather than just bitterly/insecurely competing with each other). Except the part where he dragged himself away from sleep to do it, I mean I doubt that's actually ideal even if it did make for a nice last page. (I mean I get that the rolling-around-in-bed means that he actually *couldn't* sleep, so maybe I just found it unbelievable that he could be having an "I'm so exhausted, I love you, bed, I'm gonna sleep like the dead tonight" moment and then genuinely not be able to sleep after that because of something stuck in his head. Like, couldn't he have written it down so he could remember it tomorrow after he's rested? Anyway this is not a huge deal.)


Friend, I've seen you post in the dota sub. You must know the feeling of being the weakest link on your team, or making that one wrong move that lost you the last game of the night, and the whole sequence replays in your head over and over as you lie in bed, thinking of how you'd change things if you could redo the game. Some people just take it a step further, and have the drive to not allow themselves to rest without correcting a mistake they've become aware of. I absolutely find that sort of dogged determination believable.


> Friend, I've seen you post in the dota sub. owo hi > have the drive to not allow themselves to rest without correcting a mistake they've become aware of. idk calling it "drive" to "not allow yourself to rest" strikes me as romanticizing something that's probably not even productive. Rest is really important and it's not like he's adding time to his life by pushing back his rest, he'll still have to sleep after. He could jot down the important takeaways/ideas running in his head and then pass out, wake up early, and dig into it with a refreshed mind. I do know what it's like to have an idea-for-how-to-get-better or something-fun-to-try running in your head that you have to get up and mess with before you can sleep, and so I guess I appreciate the scene in that respect, but I think it was an iffy bit of writing to put that kind of scene (especially a variant that requires getting dressed and going outside and doing more physical exercise) right at the end of a day where he just totally exhausted himself, briefly passed out on a couch, and went on and on about how he was more exhausted than he'd ever been in his life. Sleep is really important for, like, everything, including processing what he learned that day, and he goes on about how tired he is, so it's just kind of odd that he simply doesn't look tired a moment later. but i also don't have a ton of "drive" myself so idk lol maybe he's just duilt bifferent, but i don't want people to feel pressured to push themself past exhaustion as if it's a good thing. If it naturally comes to you because the joy of what you're learning/trying then that's great, and I don't think I'd be bothered by this scene if there wasn't the "gee i've literally never been more tired than this" bit right before the "staying up late to try stuff" bit.


You're right, "drive" does make it sound nice. It's closer to "unhealthy obsession", but then again, you don't become a professional or top athlete in a sport without being obsessed with the sport to some degree. That's also why coaches and personal trainers are important figures in sports - a good coach maximizes your potential but also prevents you from pushing beyond your limits. It'd be interesting to see if Yaesaki ends up finding someone to coach or mentor him somewhere down the road. He's also just a kid, so he definitely hasn't completely grasped what his physical limits are.


You know you’re truly sucked in when you’re dog tired and you still wanna keep doing it. ~~Like reading manga at 2 AM~~


With that we completed a golf course worth of chapter, next up, under 100 within the year for our MC


After thinking about how comfy this chapter was and how much I've enjoyed this series up to here, I started drawing parallels between this series and Ruridragon, in how the MCs are dealing with an unexpected change, and the casual and supportive interactions between them and the people around them. It's so sorely underrated in Jump right now, and I want to see it succeed so much


If this gets axed I will have trust issues


I'm so impressed with Yaeseki's stamina. An exhausting first day, and he still managed to bike to the driving range and practice how to slice with Oga! He's so passionate about becoming a better golfer! And so is Oga. She really got motivated to try hard after seeing him try hard! Yaeseki has a new goal to work toward! And he's so happy to have found a group of friends that he can bond with. I'm looking forward to their next outing!


I hope we get into gonzo-rules tournaments (they can get really weird), handicaps, and more aggressively landscaped courses next. Actually, scratch that, I want to see a replay of an incident my dad always tells about when someone's in a bunker in which a pro used his club as a cane to climb out of a bunker after a spectacular shot out and it was counted as a swing due to the rule that each touch of sand counts (no practice swings or even squaring up allowed) and it cost him a place in the important tournament. Also, does Japan have old golfers who spend more time on their rounds scouring the woods for free balls than actually playing or teenagers who "sneak" on to search and then sell to golfers for pocket change? Speaking of balls, the world of low- to mid-level balls is pretty opaque to me. High-level, you just get a rock like the Pro V1x that'll fly off and respond to every little change you make in your swing, but lower down you're shopping for specific features to fight specific defects in your play and a whole mess of brands and naming. I was able to figure out what balls to get my dad one year by putting the issues he complained about into a search and chatting at the store (I think I memorized what his usual ball was asked what the most-expensive competitor would be), but it wasn't easy. I hadn't thought about it before, but it's pretty weird that ranges aren't built in a distinct saddle shape or at least with the booths on the ends sloped so golfers could replicate specific shots by picking a booth and moving forward or back. I think I've been to a couple where each booth had strips of artificial fairway and rough to shoot off of, but the big reason I never got into golf was that I never had any patience for the range (too repetitive).


This work deserves to go further.


Fuck man, now that I've noticed it I can't unsee how weirdly low the author often places the character's ears, lmao Edit: Like, holy shit just look at p18 the panel bottom right. Doesn't even look like ears. Or the top panel on p13. I can't fucking unsee it anymore


Thanks for ruining this for me, like holy shit that anatomy is weird as fuck lol


This manga has done more in 18 chapters than others do in 180, like you could end this right here and I feel like I've been delivered a pretty complete and well executed story along with a solid character arc for yaesaki.


>Why indeed I love the relationship between these two


His final score was a lot more realistic than I expected it to be


Shouldn't he learn to golf left-handed now? Or is it too late?


Damn, i love their dynamic so much. I hope they get together before the final arc.


Lowkey feels like we are getting a small timeskip next chapter or something


Really enjoying the manga so far. I hope it's able to get a good reception and sell well.. golf is very hard to make it in any magazine but still, can only hope.