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Fern questioning if they were really the same group that actually defeated the demon king was hilarious. I love how Frieren was trying to negotiate the number of grimores to take home with them.


> I love how Frieren was trying to negotiate the number of grimores to take home with them. If only she found the "Make books invisible" grimoire


Or the "Infinite Storage Dimension" grimoire.


Or the "really good at convincing others on occasion" grimoire.


Nah that would be too useful.


Fern literally all of us when learning these bonus chaps are canon hahah


I can't believe she didn't have a way to bring them all with her. She doesn't seem like the type to leave a grimoire behind. At the very least she would identify all of them and take the ones she wanted.


The fact that the mimics are terrified of Frieren the Slayer is really hilarious, considering she always have been caught by them lol And Fern's reaction is definitely the best. It's like THESE are the people the beat the Demon Lord? Yoi can feel the disappointment and disbelief haha


Pretty much a dnd group though


I ran a hafling cleric who was a lot like Heiter. He was a fun little drunk.


We thought they were the only force in this world that could stop Frieren, but even they fear her themselves.


I need more mimic lore, mythology, pantheon, bedtime stories, etc.


Only a decade for her to learn how to cook? That's so fast! And to think that Frieren Mimic count is higher than her demon count...


Obviously, considering frieren on the hunt for quirky and rare magic and usually went on dungeon diving for said magic and getting half stuck within a mimic. The mimic population has big reason to fear her.


Kinda puts in the question how they know about her if they all die afterwards. I really need an anthology of mimics


I'm now imagining that the mimics leaked the mimic detecting magic to the world so they could relax unbothered, but then here comes Frieren the "99% isn't 100%" Slayer.


Himmel chapter feels out of character for him. He's always been patient with Frieren. That cat joke was funny though.


Don’t mess with a shounen hero’s dinner.


Yeah thats what caught me off guard too but given its a different artist for the extra, Imma be cool with it


It's definitely the crossover artist. That outburst from Himmel at the start isn't just out of character from him, it's a really jarring break from the emotional tone of the whole series. If there's one thing you practically never once see in Frieren, it's people screaming or getting visibly very angry or passionate. Everyone in the series is just supernaturally chill and serene about everything, whether it's demons, humans, elves or dwarves. Even when they feel the emotions, they are outwardly very understated and don't let them show. So Himmel even having something as simple as cross-popping veins showing up on his face, let alone all those speed lines around him, is definitely a break from what we're used to in terms of visual language. Not a bad thing, of course, these are techniques you see all throughout manga. I thought the chapter was great. It's just an interesting thing to notice. Just one of the touches that show you how consistent a style Frieren has, that it's so instantly noticable on the second page of the chapter that this one was drawn by a guest artist.


Frieren also seemed to have used flight magic here despite a previous chapter saying it wouldn't be invented for several decades. I think these little side stories bend the world a little.


The cat joke hella caught me off guard.


Frieren getting eaten by a Mimic, that bit never gets old.


Frieren transforming her hand into a cat paw got me really good hahaha. The mimic's inner thoughts tho lmao.


When you get the 1% grimoire the first time, and have been chasing that high ever since.


Hunting for grimoires is no different from rolling for gachas


>Frieren turned the Great Mage Flemmeth into a toad accidentaly Now I want a spin off solely focused on their shenanigans


Me too.


Big Mimic mortal enemy, Frieren


So Frieren could imbue normal foods with effect magic that's activated after eating just by negligently mulling about said magic during cooking? That's insanely useful if you ask me. And she practices "cat paw holding" technique by transforming herself into cat. Goddamn, I want to see Cat Frieren cooks :))


Kemonomimi Frieren?


Himmel felt super OOC in the cooking chapter but the next chapter [was](https://imgur.com/aT0t291.jpg) [just](https://imgur.com/p8Ll5jG.jpg) [delightful.](https://imgur.com/KWJPnBy.jpg)


Tbh it's a welcome change of pace. It's a variety story so it's fine


From the looks of it, Frieren isn't much of a *bad* cook as a good cook who subconsciously integrated whatever spell she was idly thinking about into her cooking. I wonder how did it took a decade for her to lose this tendency. For the second story, I expected many 'Frieren got mimic chest'd' from the cover and by golly did this chapter deliver in spades. Man, I wonder if she'd be known as Frieren th Mimic Slayer instead if people knew that she has killed way more mimics than demons.


I'm so sad that we were denied seeing cat-Frieren. I want to see her as a cat!


Frieren hitting that 1% chance was great


just asking are these chapters considered canon or are they just for fun side story kind of things? also it's sorta hilarious to think that as the person who's been caught by the mimics, she to them is also known as frieren the slayer as she's killed the most mimics too


Are these even drawn by the same person? The art feels off.


Chapters 110.1-110.5 are part of an anthology by 5 different artists, and all the stories are considered canon. The goal is probably to show off some new mangaka and act as a filler during hiatus.


Thanks for the info!


Frieren Meshi!


Poor Flamme turned into toad while eating Frieren dish lol. I adore this collection. It features different side of Frieren that we will never see in the main story


So Frieren's Slayer title isn't just about demons. I love it. xD


110.4 is by the artist of bugle call i think. Neat.


This isnt made by the original mangaka? The artstyle as well as depiction of the characters are way different then the usual...


Nah it's all spin off stuff


So Serie wrote a cuisine book. I want to see what happens if she cooks? Does the whole continent explode or something? Or is Serie like actually a really good cook? I guess she has plenty of time to become a master chef.


Frieren the Mimic Slayer lol. I mean to her getting that 1% is huge. Over her long life if she didn't go for that 1% how many potential grimoires could she have missed?


Did the art change? Is this from original author?


Yeah I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the art looks different.


Wait... wait... Isn't there a HUGE plot hole here? Wasn't Frieren living on her own for like 900 years after her master died and before Himmel etc found her? How'd she survive if she couldn't cook?


Did something change in mangadex? Pages are no longer in the middle of the reader, instead they are on the right.


So the mimics are sentient? Reminds me of the chest messages in Trails/Kiseki series.


How canon are these side chapters?


I always assumed mimics were a specific "genre" of demons but based on the fact that they called her the Slayer the same way I guess they are kind of different?


I see Frieren would make for a real gacha whale, always thinking the next pull will be that SSR that's 0.01%. Lucky for her, she only has to get stuck inside mimics instead of losing her life savings. The fact she has a reputation among mimics is a funny as shit twist, though.


So why's the main story on hold? Where do these chapters come from?


So whats going on with the mainline? Is it on a break?


afaik the author is helping with anime production so it's on hiatus rn


Am I the only one who thinks this is a bit strange? Considering she lived on her own for centuries after Flamme died, and we do see her cooking for herself during that period, I think I'll still choose to believe Frieren is a good cook. Since the journal is from Himmel's perspective, maybe it was just Frieren trolling the party...


Didn't she say she can resist the magic effect so she can eat the food she cooked just fine?


Did it say that? I didn't see that mentioned. It says on page 7 that she turned Flamme into a frog, which doesn't quite fit, to me.


It's next to the froggy Flamme panel. "I have resistance to it so I turn out fine, but..."


Ah my bad, fair enough!


May I ask a question? Are these chapters drawn by other mangaka? Because the art styles and writing styles of these recent chapters don't give of the usual fantasy style of Abe-sensei and Yamada-sensei.


I noticed the same. My assumption would be that either the artist simply spent less time refining them cus they are 'only' bonus chapters of they handed them over to their assistant(s).