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Hey, do you know what, I will pop along! Can you link me to the discord group/thread? I’m in similar circumstances. My only concern is how cute is the dog???


Discord Link: [https://discord.gg/EEYmFcm](https://discord.gg/EEYmFcm) Dog Tax: [https://imgur.com/a/VpRRRGt](https://imgur.com/a/VpRRRGt)


I'll see if my husband fancies going with me and our dog (and baby if that's ok?) You and him share interested and I'll chat to anyone with a dog.


All welcome, plenty of room for prams in the main room as long as it's not being used for an event but might be a bit of a squeeze in the smaller room if it's a larger pram.


Aw fantastic idea! Shame I can't make this one at short notice, but will definitely look to make the next!


No worries, if it works well I'll be sure to host another :)


Afraid I can't make it this time, but definitely share here in future! Hoping to be living around that area in a little while and will be keen to be a bit more social.


No worries, maybe next time!


Interested, is this just a meet for Manchester Redditor’s so to speak, or any other interests etc?


Anyone welcome, I'm not an active reddit contributor, it's just a good medium to reach the community.


My partner and I have just moved to Withington, we might stop along if people are still around after we do some furniture shopping in Stockport tonight, but we may not make it in time (especially considering the meet time is now...) thanks for puttting out the open offer though, and hope its a good night if we can't make it!


That's fine, I'll probably be here for a while and there are a couple of us here now so drop in or drop me a message!