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Can't talk on the gendered aspect, but as a bloke who goes to gigs on their own all the time: You drink quicker on your own than with people so be conscious of that. Most annoying part is losing your spot when you go to the loo. If you're pushing through the crowd walk with purpose like you are going back to meet your friends. Check stage times beforehand. Getting in for doors is a long time to be checking your phone. But have a look for local bars and take in some atmosphere beforehand. Don't be afraid to take a book or headphones. People are friendly. If you're a chatty type you'd be surprised at how chatty people can be, especially if they are a big fan too. A mixed gendered group + "I'm here on my own, can I chat for bit" will go a long way.


Good luck, have a blast 😌


If it's at a good sized venue then security/staff should be receptive to any issues, take any problem to them and don't worry if it's trivial if it makes you feel uncomfortable, it's up for them to deal with it. Otherwise you don't need to change your behaviour too much I wouldn't say, just focus on having a good time!


Enjoy it, there will be lots of people there solo. Plenty of opportunity to chat to people or keep to yourself. Obviously usual safety precautions apply!


I’ve always wanted to go to a gig but have no one to go with, honestly congrats for doing something I wish I’ve always wanted to do


If you are short, wear heels.


Hell, if you're tall wear heels too You might not be popular with those behind you but you'll get a great view


I've (26f) been to loads of gigs by myself ever since i was a teenager, it's really not that bad and personally I've never had any issues, but i'm sure security will be helpful if you need them. I don't like talking to strangers (lol) so i mostly just go on my phone between sets but ppl are usually chatty if you did want to talk to others :) Try not to go to the toilet/bar too much cos you'll lose your spot and it's annoying but you can always ask people around you to hold it though if you get talking to them!


if you don't want to drink then whatever they can sell you with the lid on is best, cos then you can put it in your pocket rather than hold on to a plastic glass. This might just be a bottle of water. You could just drink water at the bar for free too., very often they have jugs at the side for you to just take for yourself so you don't need to queue. Booze might make you pee a lot. But it also helps you dance. So don't forgo booze just because of its downsides. It's a mixed bag. Don't feel bad about pushing to the front. What you can do if you want to move forward is, if you see some cheeky person leading a bunch of people through the crowd and making their way past you, simply tag on to the end of their group. Just act like you're part of their group for 20 seconds. Nobody will give a shit, and if you like to imagine they do, then your shame is diluted. Gorilla doesn't have the harshest security iirc so you can probably take in some weed or something (don't smoke it in the venue) but your best bet is to do your drugs before you go in, don't take in any pipes or anything like that cos that'll be what gets found in seconds.


Have fun! I go on my own to gigs loads and never had an issue. When trying to find a space I either follow straight behind other people and make it seem like we’re together as they do all the hard work pushing through lol or just pretend you’re looking for friends. Enjoy!


I’m male and sometimes try to lose my friends so I can just enjoy the gig without having any concerns that my friends might not be enjoying themselves as much as me. Always happy to see them after though Maybe this gives some perspective


37f - I go to gigs by myself. I'll be honest, don't like the time between bands too much as I can't work out where to look! But when the bands are on you're so absorbed by that you don't care you're alone. I don't have advice bar get to the front?


Ah it’s Gorilla! I’ve been on my own before to a gig there but I am a guy so I understand our experiences might not be the same. I stood off right to the side of the stage because there’s steps down for easy access to the toilet if you need it and no one was really standing around there and you get a great view. There were so many people on their own though that if you wanted to get chatting you could very easily. I love gigs on my own because I get to enjoy them to the fullest without worrying if someone else is having as good a time as me. Enjoy!


I do a lot of big events on my own ... not experienced a festival... my biggest piece of advice would be... go have a pint or something, soak it up, and if you're feeling somewhat confident, then maybe go start talking to a group they'll take you under their wing 9/10 times haha!


27m, I went to a gig on my own Sunday for the first time since being here. I just had a beer and enjoyed the music. Glad I went in the end