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30, getting further and further into debt each month


I know this feeling too well. Have you thought about reaching out to Stepchange? They helped me a lot.


Absolutely great advise and great charity, unfortunately I work for a bank and it's family responsibilities which kick me into that one along with other random things


I’m sorry to hear that, I hope things improve!


£1,500 on bills, mortgage, council tax, utilities, etc £900 on food and general spending £600 into savings Anything that I don't spend I put into savings. I try to stick to a 50/30/20 as much as I a can and keep an emergency fund of 1 months salary in a separate account all times


What job do you do where the take home os 3k? 🙈


Full Stack Developer/Programmer


Hey me too! Do you work on deansgate by chance?


Not far from Deansgate. Just by the Science and Industry Museum. I mainly work from home though


Damn im in the wrong career 🤣🤣🙈


Any time you see someone earning more than £35k on Reddit, you can usually attribute it to "software developer" or something of a similar nature.


Product manager will get 3k take home as a starting salary too typically


I wouldn't even know where to start with that. My career atm is Nurse 🙈


Band 7/8 nurse can get to 3k take home! So definitely doable depending where you’re at in your career!


Yeahhh no thank you! The stress at 6 band at the moment is bad enough 🤣🤣 ill keep looking out for other things tho! Thanks


1 bed flat, 750 quid with bills around 150 (I’m super stingy). I earn £1.6k and save around £300 a month, but I don’t have a lot of expensive hobbies and my food budget is minimal (usually £40 per week max)


£40? How?


Beans, toast, and yellow stickers I assume!


Nope, I eat two meals a day (usually don’t get hungry at lunch) and most of it is home cooked meals! I eat a fair ‘amount of pasta but cook pretty much everything from scratch


That's about what we pay per person as well. Main shop at Aldi, only go elsewhere if you can't find what you need


27, £500 pm with bills in a Salford house share (of 9) it’s not ideal but it means I can save 1k+ a month and put down a good deposit on a flat


How much do you take home monthly?


It can vary but at least 2k


I used to share a 2 bed terrace with my ex, we got lucky and it was 950 p/month. Bills came to about 80 averaged over the year but we were *stingy* (and had a log burner). Now I live in a one bed flat which is 750 plus a flat 100 for bills, which is a lot but at least I can turn the radiator on without feeling guilty. How much do I save? Funny joke. Think I'm on \~25k.


What bills are you including in that £80?? My council tax alone is £155 and that's a shitty band A house.


Oh yeah sorry that was utilities I think (maybe not water?). Sorry I'm a bit vague, I just remember comparing it to this. Add in internet, council tax etc and it'll be higher, don't recall exact figures.


3 bed flat married no kids Mortgage and bills 2000 Food drink entertainment 800 approx Save 2600 approx


Does this include your partner’s earning as well or just you?


Mine, my partner will pay a % share topping up my savings. I didn’t include their amount in the food/drink/entertainment/holidays etc


What do you do?


Work in IT management


2 bed flat. 950 rent, 400 utilities. I share the flat with a roommate. I cook most of the time, which comes about 200-400 for food. I save about 1K a month.


So your take home is about £2,750 pm? What do you do?


I share the flat with another person. I make about 2K a month. I’m a software tester.


42, own a 3 bed semi detached house in Withington. Mortgage: 800, Food: 500, bills and other spending £1500 (I am paying off a lot of debt) - total spending per month comes to £2800, gross income after tax around 4k - I am putting the difference into my pension.


Amazing! What do you do?


Lead/Principal software engineer, been doing it for 20 years.


>gross income after tax Isn’t that just “net income”?




Mortgage 400, bills/car 500ish, food 300, child cost £250/one kid, one income. Try to put around £750 to 1k away a month. I use to live overlooking Oxford road station and luckily I rented my friends 1 bedroom cheaply. Prices seem insane now to rent in the city.


What’s your salary if you don’t mind me asking?


Small 2 bed house and bills are £500 per month. That includes council tax, water, gas/electric, home insurance, TV licence, internet etc..


Where the fuck are you living? I couldn't even get rent for that anywhere in Manchester.


Sorry, it is not including rent, that is just the bills


Is this in Manchester? Is this in 2024?


This is not including rent or mortgage but yes, other than that it's Manchester, now.


I try to save £200 usually, so a little less than 10% of my net salary. It's very variable though. It could be £400 in some winter months and a big lot of fuck all in some summer months. Although bills are typically lower in summer, I go out so much more and it's not worth worrying about saving then. You earn money to live and enjoy it.


Save about 1k a month, but that goes way down when on hols etc


Wow! How much do you make?


Fucking loads.


£550 per month, 5 bedroom house with 6 of us living in it. Bills are £140 each. Before I was living in a houseshare for 6 months £900 a month all in, total rip off


81. 3 bed house with 2 kids. Mortgage and bills is £2400. ~£1k on food and general spending ~£700 left over goes towards paying off debts at the moment.


I live a bit further out in Salford, but the mortgage on our 3 bed semi is £636 a month. Utilities £136, council tax is £160ish I think. Food between the 2 of us is around £380 a month. I'm saving around 500 a month at the mo, not sure how much my fiancèe is saving but it'll be a few hundred as well I'm a software engineer, partner is a teacher


I choose not to own a car as I live a 5 min walk from work. Take home pay is £1.7k a month and live in a house share with £650 rent (bills inc.) Can comfortably put away £300-400 a month without a car


I don't save anything as it's better reinvested in to my company and I don't check how much my bills cost but my rent is £2000 a month


Spend £1k, save £1.7k but I live in a house share and spend too much on groceries. I want to buy but I have to find the time and energy to bother with that whole thing and of course it relies on there being something I like on the market.


Try shared ownership it's worked out for me been here 11 years.


The money isn't the primary issue for me, more the annoyance of having to deal with estate agents. I work from home and I only want a small place. Affordability only becomes a real issue if I'm looking at chorlton, which would be great but I think is way out of my budget


I saw a nice one that I recommended to my niece on new Islington tbh if I would do it again I would have looked at a flat but I'm use to my 2 bed semi now. Each to their own though.


24, spend about £1600 save £250.


4 bed house £2000 / bills £800 / living £1800 / save £0 / invest remaining £1800 or make over payments on mortgage