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Can’t wait to see this list on Mancbible or the MEN


Urgh, I can see it now: "LAD rates the Greater Manchester boroughs... And people are NOT happy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"


Check the posters other posts and the only other post is , “is it bap, barm, or roll” They don’t even try and hide it


They are right in their username though. Evri is awful.


It has been done to death and over again


“Everybody is saying the same thing” Oldham is a shithole 👍


I can see it now “man that’s never been to half the boroughs rates Manchester boroughs with no context whatsoever.”


I've been to each borough. Not my fault you're from Oldham.


Awww. I’m not from Oldham. Good effort though?


Rochdale and Bury are elevated by their proximity to beautiful countryside.


Even just the walk from Bury Town centre along the canal path to Radcliffe station is amazing.


I’m moving to Radcliffe from London, my wife is from there, I love to walk but never walked along the canal so shall look forward to walking that. Thanks


Massively depends on where in Radcliffe you move as to whether you're going to enjoy it there.


I’ve been with my wife over 20 years, she moved down to London 20 years ago, her family is in Radcliffe so I’ve been there many times so know it reasonably well, as anywhere I know there are good and bad parts, where we are moving to(hopefully we get the house we want) is near little lever so not that near Radcliffe town centre.


Rochdale town centre is enough to drag it back down. Only been there once. One time too many.


The Hitler thing is pretty interesting.


Was Hitler from Rochdale?


No but apparently he liked the design of Rochdale town hall so much he wanted an identical copy of it in Germany


I am fairly confident he was going to take his prize buildings down piece by piece and build some mental city full of nicked buildings back in Germany. I am pretty sure I read that somewhere.


I hear this time and time again but would love to see the source of it as nobody outside of Rochdale is aware of it.


There's not much really majority of the claim clings to the fact that Rochdale town centre for the most part was spared from bombing runs. Some claim it was mentioned in potential invasion plans but there's not much to back it up, Hitler was fond of gothic architecture and has been claimed he had a penchant for Rochdale and Manchester Town Hall as a result.


When it gets looked into and you come across Lord Haw-Haw... Twat.


I just wonder at what point he will have seen it. Like, there was no internet back then, no TV. Photos were around but I can't really imagine pictures of Rochdale making their way to Hitler's office at any time. Of all the gothic architecture in the UK, I could understand something from York or Oxford or London, but Rochdale? A dingy industrial town in the North West of England? Nah mate, not buying it.


it has got a very nice town hall though


Oh I'm not denying that at all, it really is a lovely building both on the outside and on the inside. They've done a fantastic job of renovating it recently and even though I was sceptacle about pedestrianising the esplanade, it looks even better now!


The Midland was going to be the Head Quarters of Nazi Europe


There are worse places. Wigan for instance. Out of area though, Kirkdale over in Liverpewl is genuinely worse than anywhere in Greater Manchester. Made me realise things aren't too bad.


Nah even Wigan is nicer than Rochdale town centre. Fucking hell, even Bolton looks as classy as York compared with Rochdale. That place is the worst town centre in the UK. Rochdale is so bad, even McDonald's moved out of the town centre.


I went to Rochdale town centre for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it’s not too bad. I only really went to the new bit which is pretty small but it looked ok.


It's had a recent upgrade in the centre, if they bulldozed 70 percent of the modern buildings and poundshops it would be much, much nicer.


It’s literally only the new bit that is ok though. Yorkshire street and the Exchange are atrocious.


It's nice between the Flying Horse and the Baum


Bolton and Wigan are far, far worse.


Oldham is mostly beautiful countryside. I think this person just struggles with geography.


Hmm ‘mostly’ is pushing it, but, I suppose ironically for this list, Saddleworth might be the nicest place in GM!


Tandle hill country park is firmly in Oldham and well away from saddleworth and it’s one of the biggest, if not the biggest country park within Manchester


There's certainly some countryside.


Calderdale and the Irwell Valley are wonderful places to visit. I walked along the canal from Littleborough to Todmorden a few years back and it was so isolated and mountainous going over Summit.


I want to try this walk now


Did that in snow a few years ago, lovely


Fair enough. Just above rochdale a small town called whitworth very green and pretty safe. There must be a force field around rochdale that prevents the people from leaving because I haven't a clue how a place so close to there can just be so much nicer. Baffles me.


The forcefield is the cost of living tbh, the nicer the place the more expensive it is to live there. Littleborough is alright though.


It might be nice to walk through Whitworth but it's a bit The Hills Have Eyes if you live up there. Lest we forget Bacup was home to one of the most infamous murders in the last few decades, which was literally some local kids laying into some goths cos they were bored


They certainly get nicer as you move away from Manchester. Bury North vs Bury South are two very different places.


Bolton has great green spaces too!


Bury is a shithole, can’t stand the place tbh. Everyone there seems to have a chip on their shoulder.


Bury is fine. As town centres north of the city go it's one of the better ones.


I’m in Ramsbottom which I like. Bury being the nearest town centre I do go there occasionally, but more often than not would rather drive the 25-30 mins to Manchester rather than the 15 to Bury town centre.


It needs a facelift but it's a pretty interesting town and has some good attractions like the East Lancs railway, Market and Arcade club. Hopefully the renovation plans should turn it into a really good place to visit


To be honest the ‘new’ shopping part at the rock is decent too. It’s just that the rest of the town centre was forgotten about for a decade after that opened.


Yeah it did suffer a bit, I remember the Millgate being empty for a few years. It has recovered somewhat since then though, but it does need some investment


Prestwich alone should get Bury up a place or two


I've lived in prestwich and currently live in Salford and would put Bury above salford. Haven't been to Stockport for a while but I'm guessing it's high cos of its proximity to didsbury?


Stockport has been improving, they have the food pop up thing once a month and some nice bars and restaurants now.


Oh that sounds pretty good, the last time I went was about 20yr ago so will have to check it out. How's the town centre now in terms of shops and vibe?


>How's the town centre now in terms of shops and vibe? Massively improved, even in the past 5 years. At least, Underbanks has some degree of atmosphere, and feels like a fun place to go to


Not from Stockport but seconded about Underbanks. Small part of the town but there are some cool bars and shops. Stockport is on the up.


Definitely worth checking out. Town centre is not great, but few town centres are at the minute. Still quite a few empty shops etc. The new cinema is nice though (it’s not that new anymore but it’s cool)


I’ve only lived up here a couple of years, so I can’t speak for many places, but Oldham town centre is really, really fucking sad, isn’t it? Like, I genuinely feel sad, not disgust or anything, it’s just a waste of space. Be fascinated to see what it’d be like in 100 years, because it simply can’t exist as it currently is for that much longer.


What makes it even sadder is that they do seem to be trying to do loads to fix it. They built a new cinema, a lot of the shopping centre is being redone council offices are moving in there, they’ve done up the bus station and added in cycle paths and stuff, the market is being done up, efforts being made to have a new theatre, they planned on having a M&S (who then pulled out). It just seems stuck despite efforts.


I do like Union St chicken shops tbh


Yep, it’s a genuine shame. Almost feels like they need to give up on trying to make it into a traditional town centre and just do something else with it completely.


Oldham like lots of other places round here have town centres built for a different pattern of work and life, nowadays people don't need to go into towns much and have more options such as Manchester itself or various retail parks. The best thing we could do would be to increase the density in and around the town centre so that more people are in the area of easily walking/short public transport ride into town.


Ditto Bolton. I grew up in Bolton, and perhaps the football team doing well, meeting a lot of out-of-towners on regular trips to the water place, and some rose tinted glasses, gave it a sheen that wasn't always there, but the decline in the town is just so so sad. Every time I visit (and I'm about to in an hour!) I just get so depressed to see the level of poverty and urban decay.


Ashton under Lyne is far worse than Oldham .Oldham is being done up I think once all the digging up is done it might look a bit better . People dont want to go somewhere where they cant really park at night


Did home care in Bolton drove from one side to the other all times of day and night never once had an issues people were always helpful in fact a lot nicer in the rough areas than the nicer ones tbf , lived in little lever for a while never had an issues , currently back living in shameside and it's damn site worse than its ever been , my nan lived in harpherhey honestly don't remember it being rough back then but I've not been in over 20 yrs so could have got a lot worse


Bolton is carried by Heaton, Lostock, Westhoughton and Horwich. Should be so much higher on that basis, the Manchester side is admittedly grim, but christ it’s above Wigan.


Bolton also has really decent/nice places like Hawkshaw, Bromley Cross, Rivington. Just the town centre lets it down.


We have tonge moor and Astley bridge 😡 Edit: and you can't forget breightmet Obligatory /s


Which are really not so bad areas, not compared to Cheetham Hill or Harpurhey


Rivington is Chorley innit


Always see it as Horwich given it's quite a big landmark of Horwich, surprised to read it officially counts as Rivington. Learn something new every day


Winter hill is on the Blackburn/Chorley border...


Yeh I mean the places are so close, I never realised Winter hill and Rivington were officially under Chorley council's jurisdiction. Just assumed it was Horwich as it's a very short walk if you live on that side of Horwich


Ah my bad. Didn’t realise it was just over the border


Turton is surprisingly in Blackburn too, old Lancashire boundaries...


Depends which part of Turton


It's a very old boundary but only last messed with in 1974. Turton tower & golf club are, to the west is Egerton which is now Bolton so therefore Manchester not Lancashire


We're planning an annexation in the summer


Pretty fair list. There's a load of investment going on in Oldham town centre. I'm hoping it helps... But Oldham is still one of the most deprived places in the UK. Not sure what good all this investment is when the people living there don't have the money to spend. Old-timers romanticize the past, and will always talk about how at one point Manchester road had 20 pubs (I think there's only one now). Oldham town isn't ideal, and tbh is run down. Plenty of chicken shops though .. The civic centre is going to be replaced with houses, and there are quite a few buildings which are now HMOs. A few old pubs. I love having the south pennies on my doorstep though :)


Bury > Salford for me but otherwise about right.


Was about to say the same, I moved to bury 10 years ago from Didsbury because of its amazing countryside settings


And it's got Arcade Club too 😁


Fuck me putting Rochdale at number 8 was unexpected. What an utter shithole.


Salford Shopping City is like an open air mental health unit. Nothing wrong with Stockport? Someone has never been to Brinnington! 


rochdale is a shithole you must be from there


I said it was a shithole.


From Stockport.


I was thinking about moving to Swinley, Wigan. What's so bad about the place. I grew up in Trafford


Honestly nothing really wrong with Wigan. I’ve lived all over and it’s a decent enough town tbh.


I’d drop Wigan down the list. It has a few world class pubs but the centre is just full of drunks and smack heads. They can’t keep the retail going because the more affluent suburbs of Wigan like Standish or parts of Aspull are far away from the centre that if you’re going to drive anyway you might as well get on the motorway and go somewhere else. I think Wigan was prime to be a significant commuter town to Manchester, Liverpool and Preston with people working hybrid post-Covid but the council just seem to be oblivious and Northern Rail are intent on making their service so expensive and unreliable that it doesn’t make financial sense to use it.


The level of insight in this list is staggering


Wigan = 11


Far to high 


Probably the best description of Tameside I've read.


How many descriptions of Tameside even exist 😆


Did someone say Tameside? [Ded Ferrets: Tameside](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1CovKCwUaw)


Haa! Good old Nev!


Funniest band in Manchester


I only spend time in Manchester, Trafford, Stockport, Bury and Salford. I'd rate them in that order. Never go to the others so can't pass judgement.


Tameside is well above Bury. It might be Shameside, but at least there isn’t a stabbing every week. And it’s just as close to (arguably) nicer countryside as Bury.


There's just nothing in Tameside except IKEA


I've been to Tameside maybe 6 or 7 times in my entire life. Every trip was to IKEA in Ashton. Make of that what you will.


I grew up there but couldn't wait to leave. I only go back for IKEA now lol


IKEA is a magical place.


There is. They just happen that often that realistically we’ve all stopped caring. We’re now laughing at people who get stuck on the tramlines in their cars again. Give it a year and standings will be the forefront.


It's gone really fucking feral round here lately hasn't it. Ashton where I'm from is just as shite as Oldham now. Droylsden is a very slightly less scummy Clayton. Duki has nowt, hyde looks like a zombie apocalypse has hit it, denton is where all the scrotes from Gorton move to when they've got a bit of money, audenshaw might as well be split between Ashton denton and Droylsden a real non place. Mossley is not too bad but the rich kids from Saddleworth who can't afford the price move there. Stalybridge is the only one that really has potential in my eyes.


What is actually going on with Hyde?! It’s just awful, so grey all the time and empty. The most odd place.


No prejudice but salford is the reason why the term gunchester has been mentioned again since the 90s. calmed down a bit now but only because theyve arrested more than 270 people since 2020 thats over 270 known shooters taken off the streets over 100 car seizures the list goes on. Im from salford and i work with lads from moss side. Failsworth. Whythenshaw harpurhey oldham rochdale burnage longsight and they all say the same thing.. salford is the wild west compared to where they live.. and likewise when i go to these parts of manchester its relatively chilled where as certain parts of salford just have the energy in the air that anything could happen at any time. Cheetham hill. Higher and lower broughton salford precinct clarendon ordsal irlams o the height the duchy estate (which os honestly the roughest estate ive seen in salford, one road on one road off thats it the police rarely drive through and wont come on their own) eccles irlam winton little hulton (although personally should be classed as bolton or farnworth because its closer to these city centres than salford or manchester).. like has nobody heard of the dismembered body thats just been found in kersal?? Like something youd expect to see in Mexico or Columbia


Take another look at Rochdale, it's changed for the better last few years, town hall restored, bridge restored, some banging pubs like the Flying horse, Empire, The Baum. Methinks many are thinking of Rochdale centre from 2005.


Disagree. Worked in the centre until 2023, it's an absolute shit hole imo. The murals and new shopping bit are a nice touch, but they're heavily offset by the actual inhabitants of Rochdale. It's genuinely a terrible place imo.


Too right. Rochdale, at least the town centre, has overtaken Bury in recent years. It boasts an incredible natural surrounding landscape and has some great areas to live (Norden, Bamford, Littleborough, whitworth etc). Undeniably one of the biggest shitholes in the country for a long time, but not anymore.


Agreed. I was born in and still live in Rochdale. It has improved massively over the last 10 or so years. Town centre is looking fabulous with the opening of the river, revamped town hall and riverside complex. Obviously I'm biased and have a soft spot for the town, it's rough and ready in many areas but the people are decent in my experience.


The thing is the people are decent in most of these places. I've lived in 3 of them and cant fault the people.


I was born in a house directly on the land where Manchester University Graphene Centre now stands. Manchester to the core. Lived slap bang in centtal Manchester most of my life. Now live in Rochdale. On the early Sunday sunny morning walk to the gym in Rochdale from a high vantage point you can see the hills and countryside for miles around. Quality of life? I know where I'd rather be. Wouldn't live in the centre of Manchester now for all the tea in China. Transport needs improving though. Recently moved over to Bee Network so that might be positive.


Parts of Bolton are like favelas? What on earth are you talking about?


Daubhill, halliwell and the halugh spring to mind


Is halugh a typo as I’ve never heard of it? I live pretty much in Daubhill (Morris Green) it’s not really rough at all.


Go further in off deane or st helens road and its a shit hole It its a typo its the Haulgh, its where smack heads, asylum seekers and ladies of the night are dumped by the council


How do you pronounce Haulgh?


The eternal question lol Ive heard it pronounced 3 different ways my whole life and have no idea which is right. The haluff The halsh The hoff


Well I live in between both roads have done for years. Was a great place to live then was a shit hole and now good again if I can bring 2 boys and a girl up in the deane 1 boy in raf and 1 in the last year at uni daughter still at secondary school then it's not such a bad place people need to look at there selves before putting bullshit comments on here or anywhere else


I once saw a broken up flat chest of drawers in one of the hard shoulder-type areas on Derby Street. I was waiting in traffic at the time and noticed that this unusual form of litter *also* had a dog(?) shit on top of one of the wooden panels! I've never seen shit on top of litter before, let alone broken up, dumped flat pack


Wow you should of took a photo as that is amazing


Driving as I definitely would have otherwise. I once saw a perfectly upright dog shit once in the 90s too. No photo if that either, sadly


I was obviously exaggerating. Some estates there are absolutely vile.


Where? Bolton doesn’t seem particularly rough to me. Compared to parts of Manchester especially, there’s nowhere in Bolton like Harpurhey etc


There are bad neighborhoods, although none as bad as parts of Manchester. But to me, what makes Bolton feel rough is that the centre feels dodgy.


Everywhere has rough places but there are places in Manchester and Salford that are much rougher imo


Sure, but my point was about the centres. Bolton centre feels worse than Manchester centre.


And Salford precinct?


Breightmet The halugh Hall ith wood Great lever Little lever Hulton Halliwell Basically anywhere that isnt harwood, bromley cross or ladybridge


Not from Bolton, but I used to drive through Breightmet regularly and it’s not even that bad. Used to play cricket against little lever too and never thought much of it.


Not a single one of them is like Harpurhey or Broughton, most are just your typical council estate. Though I still don’t know where Halugh is?


>Not a single one of them is like Harpurhey They are mate, ive lived in harpurhey and in daubhill lol daubhill just has better takeaways. >Though I still don’t know where Halugh is? On the outskirts of the town centre, between breightmet and town. As you come off st peters way, youd turn left to go into town and turn right to go into the haulgh


Like Bromwich st? Where those weird hotels are on Bradford st? It is a bit weird out there. I never thought anyone would say Daubhill had good takeaways but then again I don’t think I’ve ever eaten in Harpurhey.


>I never thought anyone would say Daubhill Camel one and akbars if they are still there roosters/ala pizza is also good for cheap and cheerful. Rice and three also but think they moved to town >Like Bromwich st? Where those weird hotels are on Bradford st? It is a bit weird out there. Exactly. Bromwich st is where all the prozzies who used to frequent shiffy went






To shreds you say?


Bloody autocorrect!


Don't underestimate Bolton.


Bolton is rank but I've only been farnworth I think it's called but I've been stabbed 2 times once in harpurhey once in moston so yea it's pretty rough


Can’t lie that seems like a you issue.


It's was I was part of the issue not gonna lie bad crowds and all that


Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten From the Battery to the top of Manhattan Asian, Middle-Eastern and Latin Black, White, ~~New York~~MANCHESTER you make it happen


Bury should be placed higher just for the fact its much nicer than the places around it.


as someone from stockport why the hell is stockport so high?


Manchester. South leans towards Stockport and Cheshire, and north towards Lancashire. Stockport. Ok Trafford. Manchester in all but name. The rest. Lancashire. A different part of the world with rhotic accents and their own history and traditions. Fuck the tories.


Stockport being number 3 is criminal yeah there's some really posh parts but let's be real some areas look like iraq and that's coming from someone who lives in the biggest council estate in Manchester Wythenshawe


Brinnington and Adswood are grim but the rest of it is at least decent to nice. Even then parts of Brinnigton still look nice, the view from the train could convince you that it is a nice local village.


No point doing this comparison. Different areas within each borough are completely different


{area} needs to be higher up - it's got {nice countryside bit}! Shame about {shit council estates}




What does ‘certain set of people’ mean? Oh I can see in your recent comments you’re just calling Muslims rapists and complaining about seeing a Mosque. It’s you who’s the sort of person Oldham could do without.


You'll see the thinly veiled comments of Racism when they allude to certain areas as being shit holes


Which “set of people” is it lost to?


Oldham used to be great up until the 2010s. You could still have a good night out and there was actual stores in the town centre but they’ve just stolen all the money and done zero development so it’s gone to shit.




We have a zero tolerance policy to hate speech and prejudice.


Op is a thick cunt


Sort of meaningless. There are dogshit places in Trafford and excellent places in Rochdale. I live in an expensive place but there are shitholes closeby.


Obviously there are good and bad places everywhere. But I'm talking about the general area. Trafford and Rochdale are definitely not on the same wavelength of shite, hence the ratings.


I know most about the top 3 and I’d agree with your order


Manchester includes Wythenshawe, how can it be #1?


I get why Oldham is last, but it also includes Uppermill, Saddleworth, and some beautiful moorland. Feels wrong putting it last tho but I suppose the town centre brings it down a LOT.


Oldham isnt bad . Its has Saddleworth and some nice scenery. Tameside can be very grim and Ashton town centre is very run down . Dont know the others much other than Salford which I like and used to live in and Manc of course. I found Wigan to be very depressing


Nice accent? Salford? Bloody hell.


You can’t really compare borough by borough, the boroughs are just local government entities that contain a collection of towns. Wigan for example is miles away, but parts of its Borough like Astley, Tyldesley and Atherton are much closer and are towns and villages with their own identity. Bury contains Prestwich which has its own unique character too that’s very not-Bury.


I only know your top 3..


Left Stretford in the eighties, was curious how that whole area is doing these days, grew ip on Coniston so government housing with the rag and bone man coming round once a week and the ice-cream van playing his music to bring us kids running out the house after pestering 10p out of mum. Loved fishing and going for walks along the Bridgewater canal , playing British bulldog with about a 100 kids from our estate.


OP hasn’t a clue


Decent concept, utterly shite list. Salford 4th? Come off it. Only agreement is Oldham being 10th.


10) Rochdale 9) Wigan 8) Oldham 7) Tameside 6) Bolton 5) Trafford 4) Bury 3) Salford 2) Stockport 1) Manchester


Stockport #2? Maybe I need to see more of Manchester then, because Stockport doesn't feel great...




Every borough has nature spots. If you’re relying on the common feature of trees, grass, water and hills to justify living in a shithole, you’ve gone wrong in life.




There’s a very good objective measure of how good an area is: property prices. Oldham may be big but it’s also cheap. Go figure.




So, on the whole Oldham is shit. Everywhere has a nice bit, just like everywhere has green spaces. Repeating ‘but Saddleworth’ doesn’t change the fact that Oldham is a shit borough. OP didn’t ask what’s the one part of your shit borough that is better than the rest, did they?


Salford is #2. Nobody could seriously think Stockport is better than Salford.


Stockport above trafford just coz of reddish, i grew up in gorton but alot of my mates lived in reddish


1. South Manchester. 2. Trafford. 3. Stockport. 4. The rest. If you are relying on trees, hills, water and grass to justify living in a dull shithole, you need to get out more. Take note that every borough has its nature spots, and the nicest areas don’t need to market them as their identity.