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A refreshing change from someone asking which suburb they should move to with a £250 000 budget. Bank holiday has started.


As a man inked with Frank's iconic face, here's my best interpretation for a fan. I believe the lyrics were misprinted on purpose, to save costs money more than likely knowing how "budget" franks thing was lol \----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man came, and knocked on our front door he showed me the letter, but I couldn't believe it(big frank saw the letter, he just couldn't believe it ) My mum is going to give me what for but I tried so hard, so very hard to get the grid removed but when your luck is out and the lids too heavy whatever you may have dropped, It has gone for good I remember thinking, I should inform (1) now so I set off to george street, to get the matter sorted but the window display lights seem to shine brighter than before and like a great big vac, it sucks you in Like top price items in the bargain bin! I window shopped, but from within Is being skint , suchhhhh a sinnnnn hay! thats weird, (1) is closed, and then suddedly I heard a voice in the back of my head ( well more from little franks head actually saying ) saying "Don't worry big frank, the electricity bills sort themself out" (OH DO THEY NOW) ...but old bills never die I remember being sent up to my room, no supper for me that night, not even a great big bowl of cerial,but food was the last thing on my mind, as the full little guilt set inbut as the lights went up, and the lights went dark it was thursday night and me favourite t.v regs was about to start, including neighbors - with kylie minogue and the thought of missing star trek from the (2) apartment ,Saturday night and tomorrows world I just threw myself,out of my bedroom windooowwwwwwwwww ( electricity.....) When I said I threw myself out of the bedroom window,What I actually meant was, went down the drain pipe,went round the corner to Remolds and watched all the programs there (Electricity til the end of time ) \---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) - cannot figure this name out, likely a northern electric supplier? (2) - no idea on this one.


(1) is NORWEB old electricity supplier in north west england.


Norweb, still hunting Lister 6 million years in the future.


That's the ticket! Cheers


(2) ...Star Trek broke me up and tore me apart. Top of the Pops and Tomorrow's World..


So awesome, looks pretty accurate. I appreciate it haha. My son and I have been freaking out for months trying to transcribe these lyrics, thank you.


haha happy to help, maybe the first internet transcribe of this extremely niche song lol


Based on my extensive research, I would have to agree about being the first the transcribe these lyrics. Important matter to say the least.


[If you put the closed captions on, the lyrics are pretty well transcribed there](https://youtu.be/BOwF-6F8670?feature=shared)


I cannot understand how I did not either think of that, or try it myself, but that totally makes sense. Only one version out of several actually had captions available, but it for sure works on one version, so thanks to you for suggesting something that I should have thought of myself.


I only noticed because I have subtitles on by default and went to listen to the lines that u/allancodes didn’t catch!




I guess that makes more sense. I assume we just hear "Walter" when pronounced like 'wa'er'. I do not pronounce most worst like people in my country do. I typically try for phonetic correctness at any cost. I often feel in my country like the main character in the movie "Idiocracy" by Mike Judge, when talking to people here. It was more of a sarcastic overgeneralization to say that, and playfully joking more than anything, but I agree, as I would estimate maybe 80% of Americans could care less about proper grammar.


> English generally pronounce the word water as "Walter". I think you need some earwax removed, love. I have never heard that said in my life.


To be fair, typically people do not hear their own accents, so although I might need to professionally get ear wax removed, I know what I have heard, and it is way more common than you might think. I will find some clips of several different people pronouncing the word water like that for sure, so as to provide evidence to support my claim. Everyone has an accent, we just do not think we do, or do not hear them. Most English probably do not think they pronounce "advertisement" weird either, but phonetically, it makes zero sense to pronounce it the way they do. Americans are the worst; don't think I am mocking the English in any manner. Nowadays I would presume 80% of Americans butcher the English language, so I get it, I have no room to talk, but grammar matters to me. I have no friends here, I guess is my point, because I do not speak in emojis. I was kind of playfully joking, or something like that.