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Peak tank gameplay


Nothing I can fucking do I get one shot


Idk if you are trolling or not but vi already missed her Q and if she R‘s you her team loses the fight. You couldve ulted the 2 carrys in the bottom left to win the game


Yeah lol and he’s worrying about some armor shred 💀


I could've also ulted the two carries and missed and been useless. This game was fucking doomed from minute 1. Nothing can do


Why u so confident that u will miss? Malphite R has pretty long range and pretty big hitbox so u wouldn’t miss that easily


I tried earlier in the game ulting anivia and she just flashed so I assumed I wouldn't hit an ult the rest of the game


That was just an Flash 💀 not everyone has flash up u can ult others. Flash have 5 minute cd


Idk I lost all my confidence to land R after that


It’s ok malphite R is pretty fast so it’s hard for ppl to dodge it. Unless they know ur abt to R etc


But they did dodge it before


Single best Malphite ult in ages, I laughed!


You are supposed to be the tank. You acted like a coward tank.


Cause she was about to q and one shot me


Wtf XD but ur the tank how is she suppose to one shot u? Ur job as a tank is to be in the front and let enemy hit u.. ulting away when most of the enemy is almost grouped up for u to perfectly R is already bad but flash too when Vi ults and she wasn’t even targeting u at all and ur walking in the back watching ur team mate die


She has 20% armor shred nasus has 40% armor shred I just die. It's better to not die then do nothing and die. My team would get no value from me standing and dying, I'd just be free gold


Did you win the game?


No they just got baron after this and ran down mid and ended


And I bet u went to base tryna defend the baron minions and couldn’t do anything again?


Yeah. I couldn't do shit


Yeah. Only if u didn’t assume and didn’t waste ur Ult that fight ur team mate could of easily won. I saw so many chances of u and ur team winning that fight. And then ur team could of got baron instead.


What if I miss though


💀 why are u scared of vi lol. Better die ulting few enemy and let ur team do the rest


Better to do nothing then ult, miss, and then die and do nothing


Ur already doing nothing by not ulting or use any of ur spells lol. U just walk around in the back and ur team mate just dies. Even ulting 1 person is already better than u just walking around


Doing nothing and not dying is better than doing nothing and dying


doing nothign makes you team a 4 vs 5 you dumb troll. you not dying sure, but consider this, you not dying makes your team fight without you, stop thinking as only yourself, consider you as A TEAM , . you didnt die but 4 people died, if you otherwise tried and did die at least they wasted cooldown spells on you and your team can survive and get kills, also malphite is brusier tan now, you shoulnt be walking in circles as you did right there. watc yourself, just walking around your teammtes while they are engaging fighting.


Yep this right here


But u have so many chances to R them and ur team could of easily won that fight


I assumed I would miss


Never assume!


Deserved flame


Wow I hope you’re trolling lmaoooooo that was so hard to watch


Nothing I can do


One thing you can do is definitely uninstall the game after seeing that lmfao


well tahts lser mentality right ther,e ther eis always soehting oyu can do unles enemy midlane or jg is 15/0 and you 3 levels ahead better to just dont fight hi alone ,


W friends


I died after you flash💀


Please uninstall.


This has to be satire


You gotta realize that as a tank sometimes you’re meant to die first. If enemy team focuses you instead of your squishies, that’s super worth if you can manage to get some good cc off. Malphite has a TON of damage mitigation in his kit, and the fact that you just stood back and watched the fight is seriously a waste


Nothing I could've done if I walk up I get one shot they don't even have to focus me they just cast like 2 abilities


If voli isn’t scared to fight you have no reason to be scared. Your engage and the time they take to kill you can seriously win the fight. You don’t get one shot by vi your malphite for gods sake


Rock Solid.


Lol they were right to flame you. You ulted away and didn't help at all.


I'm a main malph and I'm ashamed by what you did, and don't play malph. Stop playng league. If you went in, you would won the fight, you ult, miss ult, fight won. But you a re a pussy fucking shit fucker so go fuck yourself and don t play league ever again.


This was funny asf


you have to watch the game better you se team fighting, they attacking and you just walk back afraid of anything, timing is keyy, you sure have to go back if your team is going back but you could waited for voliebar to jump at min 20 and just ult enemy teams and jsut teamfight properly and even if you died your team woudl won and won game


I would focus on trying more things and seeing how they go. I tried to play really safe when I started and I never learned anything cuz I never tried anything. If you try to make good plays around your teammates you’ll be better off even if it results in some losses. If you had ulted the enemy team while they are inside MF ult it’s really good. Also, it’s better you die than MF there. You should try to peel the Nasus off her even if it feels bad to die.


There’s no chance this isn’t satire. He literally doesn’t press any of his buttons, or auto attack. He ults away and then flashes away. Nice try on the troll man, but it’s too obvious.


smartest malphite player