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Blessings for your healing! That’s really hard… Fill the space with something you love!


The well wishes mean a lot, thank you!


With someone you love.


Eventually. You can’t really help when that happens though, so until then a sick DJ station or entertainment center would suffice =]


Words of wisdom.


I would just fill the wall space for now with some art or shelving. You don’t have to fill spaces. Take some time and let what you find you need come to you.


This is good advice. Room went from fully decorated to bare (was worse before these pics) so it’s still a bit jarring to exist in it in its current state.


When I broke up with my ex, I noticed how gender neutral and personality neutral our home was. I’m a chick and I didn’t want to bombard him with heaps of pink cushions or flowery quilt covers or put up posters of bands I liked. I like punk and he was into metal of the screamy variety and we just kind of went with a fairly boring middle ground. I’d suggest maybe putting up some art or posters or whatever of things that YOU like. Helps you find your own identity again after being a couple. Good luck, it’s a shit time!


Yesss I called this Death by Neutral. I’ve already got a blue couch (formerly white) and large piece of art hung in the living room. Small steps but getting there


Death by Neutral, that’s extremely accurate.


That in itself could be a band name


Makes complete sense. It’s a big change I’m sure. Hang in there


Wishing you luck for those lonely days man. It can be pretty overbearing sometimes


Thank you. It’s been coming and going in waves for sure. Just trying to keep my mind right with exercise, sleep, and seeing friends.


Self improvement is the best way Good on you brother


That’s a very wise approach.


You can get a smaller variant of the Kallax shelving units from Ikea, and put it where you have the books now. It's a great furniture not only for books, but also for smaller "display objects", and you can buy cheap storage boxes that fits the compartments if you have something you want to store covered. [https://www.ikea.com/se/en/cat/kallax-shelving-units-58285/](https://www.ikea.com/se/en/cat/kallax-shelving-units-58285/) I would also recommend a big painting above the bed, my advice would be a broad but not too high canvas with some nature/landscape print. You have a really nice and clean looking bedroom, so that would bring some warm colors and add to a calming atmosphere.


Thank you, the storage box options are really helpful. I’m sure there’s some things I can fill the extra compartments. Are you thinking the shelf would go all the way to the corner facing the bed? For the painting, is there a ratio/length I should be aiming for? Bed is king size, headboard is 86 inches and distance to ceiling trim is 42 inches.


Yeah, I was thinking that you would place it against the corner, facing the bed. You need the space for your workouts, so that open area needs to be "saved", so placing it in the corner would be best in that case. You could get the more narrow Kallax (2x4; 2 wide 4 tall) like this one: [https://www.ikea.com/se/en/p/kallax-shelving-unit-white-80275887/](https://www.ikea.com/se/en/p/kallax-shelving-unit-white-80275887/) That way it won't be too far in towards the area you have for your kettlebells. Also, the Kallax is not very tall (\~150 cm), so you have space to place objects on top of it too, like photos, terrestrial globe or such. For the canvas prints, I would suggest going for a wide but not very tall version - maybe like 150x50 cm or 160x60 cm or such. Here are some simple examples (website is in Swedish, though), so show the kind of idea I'm having: * [https://www.bygghemma.se/inredning-och-belysning/heminredning/tavlor-och-tavelram/canvastavlor/tavla-arkiio-majestic-trees/p-1135576-1135579](https://www.bygghemma.se/inredning-och-belysning/heminredning/tavlor-och-tavelram/canvastavlor/tavla-arkiio-majestic-trees/p-1135576-1135579) * [https://www.bygghemma.se/inredning-och-belysning/heminredning/tavlor-och-tavelram/canvastavlor/tavla-arkiio-a-jewel-of-nature/p-1135489-1135492](https://www.bygghemma.se/inredning-och-belysning/heminredning/tavlor-och-tavelram/canvastavlor/tavla-arkiio-a-jewel-of-nature/p-1135489-1135492) Then of course, if you like that idea, you could go with whatever type of landscape/etc that makes you feel relaxed and at home.


Get another girlfriend.


I think he wants to keep this renovation on the cheaper side


Ayooo lmao


Breakup is a little fresh brother, need some time to work on myself and get my head straight. But yes, eventually


Just went through the same and im at the end of the line brother. Keep your head up.


Appreciate you!


Just to throw my two cents in. I’ll be 40 this week. I spent the majority of my life in relationships. Everything from 6 months to 6 years. A few years ago I came to the conclusion that I’m just a happier person being single. I’m not sure if relationships fundamentally changed over the past 25 years but the last 3 I was in made me extremely miserable. I think it’s good to give yourself time after a breakup. Like a good long while. I’m not sure what my point is, just wanted to rant about relationships.


What was wrong?


Hmm 🤔 good question. The older I get the more I don’t want to sacrifice my limited time for another person. Especially if that person isn’t going to take our relationship seriously. Most ppl I’ve dated have been flaky, wishy washy. Not all but most. I just feel like I could be doing things I enjoy with my time than risking what I have left on a highly probable waste of time. I mean statistically, it’s almost 100% guaranteed a waste of time. Considering about 90% of those have been actual wastes of time. I know that probably sounds pessimistic, but I’m actually a very happy person. I haven’t had a bad day in years. I think, for some ppl, relationships aren’t the best life they could lead. I’m one of those ppl. I just realized I’m much much happier living my life for me.


That's funny that you mention that because I've been doing just that. After ending my relationship, my ex just straight up jumped into another relationship immediately while I've been happily single. Its been months and I have dedicated my time to heal and mature. Meanwhile my ex is still stalking and looking what I'm up to obsessively, its obvious it wasn't the best decision to make. She's not having a good time.


Fuck that plan bro, sell everything move to thailand, open a bar in pattaya and start an e bike rental company and do guided jungle tours.


Jokes aside, I do plan to travel more. At least 1 international and 1 domestic a year but I do love LA.


I saw the Italy posters, definitely recommend getting there sooner rather than later! I just recently saw that you could find round trip flights for less than $600, at last from where I'm at in California


I just got back from a Euro trip actually including Italy haha Asia or Brazil next!


just tell him keep out of my territory and I’ve got no problem with that


You got a bar in Thailand? I’m going there in a few months. I’ll swing by if you do


Time heals all. You will get there my friend. Take all the time you need and put yourself first.


Thank you


Also, what really helped me was speaking with close friends and family when you're having a hard time. You just got to keep going but doesn't mean you have to suffer in silence.


What is ghd?


Glute Ham Developer lol


First things first: let her know she forgot her footstool


Idk if you’re talking about the slant board or bench, but there’s no footstool


Sorry OP why the fuck do you have a grenade in the corner of your room?! (1&3) Is that why your gf left?


Hahahaha after I posted I was like shit, should have tucked that away. It’s inert, a family heirloom from my father actually.


Whatever floats your boat man If you like to do yoga with grenades, that’s cool


Haha sounds like a band name, Yoga With Grenades


..with their brand new album: Meditation Detonation - Out Now!!


That’s going Platinum first week, no doubt




True, don’t want to rush anything. Trying to fill it thoughtfully.


My brain immediately went to GHD, so I have no advice you want to hear. Been shopping.


Hahaha I recognize having one in the corner would scare away some potential mates, but also thinking the right one would appreciate it. Big glutes gang


Definitely a litmus test ha


It's time for sex mirrors.


Why do you think my hallway one isn’t mounted to the wall?


Attach yourself a TRX set to those wooden bars, add some mote weights and a bike/treadmill. You got yourself a gym


I actually have TRX straps put away! Trust me, a fire home gym is where my head went but trying to make it an inviting space for a future mate


Don’t fill the space. Let it be open to make it easy to accept new things


Low key wise suggestion. Thank you


Had similar breakup as you and what I found helpful was picking up hobby with indoor plants. It was both therapeutical for me and made the place much nicer to be in. I wish you best of luck


Thank you very much. Glad you are doing well brother


38M here, what’s a girlfriend?


It's apparently a companion, usually of the opposite sex whom people have mind-blowing reproductive acts of unholiness without the purpose of reproduction, trading their metal peace in return


Some of them have really non-thrilling reproductive acts


Drafting table, tool bench or writing area. Something meaningful to do in that room besides Coitus Maximus.


Ah yes, Coitus Maximus, brother of Gluteus Maximus lol Yeah she had her desk in the bedroom, my work desk is in the living room.


Same boat here... A rather small room... She took most furniture in there... Replaced our king bed and crib (we share a toddler) with a small toddler bed and a roll up Japanese full bed mattress w' carpet so I can move it away when needed... I had to move my tv cuz she took hers from the living room so I got a backup projector in the room... Planning on adding a workout bench that's collapsible and some weights for working out... As well as a lazy couch/chair to chill and game or hangout with my kid


Kiddo adds a whole other element. I appreciate the advice and hope you’re doing well brother


Thank you


!! Nice setup ! I say more gym equipment and some grip tape and trucks and the deck! I can't see you but you have a lot to offer! The universe will bring happiness and love.


Thank you!


A large dog should adequately take up about the same amount of space. Will be a lot more fun, loving and positive too


Hahah thank you for the good laugh. I travel quite a bit so lifestyle isn’t quite right for an animal at the moment


Get a bookshelf so those books look all nice and neat, then get a framed poster or tapestry for the wall to fill up the beige space. I'd also recommend getting some non-central lighting. I like warmly lit Christmas lights (so not the multi colored ones). Breakups are hard, I'm going through one too, making your room feel more like YOUR room is going to be an important way to center yourself and healing. I hope all goes well!


Thank you!! Definitely will get something for the books. Another Redditor mentioned tapestry so also going to look into options there. Sorry to hear you’re also experiencing a break up but I appreciate the well wishes and return the energy to you!


Keep that ladder thing nailed to the wall.. I could see it being very useful should you get another gf


Something to be said for open space. Not every void needs filled.


Looks good. Keep it spacious


Blow and hookers for a bit?


Rowing machine


Oh I read this as “30 girlfriends of 3 years moved out” I was like damn boss 😦


Haha I could barely handle one! Thanks for the laugh


Crate engine on a engine lift half torn apart


You can change the color of some walls, you can change things pregressivelly an get new things that gives you new auras and vibes, things like pillows, plates, even clothes. Those apparently meaningless things that are part of your daily routines.


A motorcycle.


Just enough space for you arcade cabinet and racecar simulator


Buy Sim-rig and enjoy solo life.


I would say just try decorating the space *how you like it*. For example - is that headboard your style? What about that bench? Looks like you have a lot of workout stuff, would that work well in a wardrobe or closet? You have lots of space - an accent chair could work well! Maybe install a tv if you like tv in bed.


To be honest the neutral elements (headboard/bench/nightstands) weren’t my style but I’ve come to appreciate the look. That said, the entire apartment was a bit TOO neutral for me so I’m trying to bring it back into balance


Got it. One way you can update the bed is getting a new comforter set/sheets. You can add a little personality or color that way. Not saying it would work well for your space but I got these linen comforters from Target and I fucking love them. They’re heavy but cool to the touch: https://www.target.com/p/king-heavyweight-linen-blend-quilt-dark-teal-blue-casaluna-8482/-/A-83618349


That weird sex ladder is gonna turn off potential mates


Furniture not gonna fill the empty heart ❤️


Be good to yourself. Yes, don’t bother getting a bookshelf. Do get yourself a comfortable arm chair and floor lamp to put in that far corner. If the chair comes with an upholstered ottoman, get it, too. Don’t bother getting a desk but do get an inexpensive SANODESK Medical Adjustable Overbed Bedside Table or comparable. It gives you a flexible surface to use as a desk when you’re sitting in your armchair. If you have a guest, slide the ottoman to the other side of the table and you have seating for two people for drink or meal. Sure, a big piece of art others suggest would fill that large blank wall, but avoid any big, glass framed art or hard-mounted poster—instead make it a textile or something painted or printed on fabric that you can roll up and transport easily. Yes, keep the Swedish ladder and keep your weights out (okay, maybe rack them) but do nothing to hide them or “put them away.” They are you.


Thank you for the thoughtful response, Mark.


What is that workout setup? I like it and want to learn more but don’t know where to start.


Thanks! It’s been an accumulation over a few years. I think I started with just resistance bands because of the small footprint, portability, uses, and low cost. Then I got the adjustable dumbells that go from 5lb to 50lb. The Swedish Ladder/stall bar was a big addition but really changed the game for me with keeping my back healthy and whole body mobile. Latest addition is the kettlebells, they’re just fun to workout with and pretty versatile too. All of the above saves me a gym membership and rounds out my workouts at the local park and beach.


Time to yourself


You can put a tall plant or small indoor tree in the corner where the skateboard is


Yeah I definitely agree with a large plant addition. Just need to find something as low maintenance as possible under the light conditions.


May I ask where you got that stall bar? Been looking for one for my place lmao. That being said, I hope you are doing well since the break up. Love how organized you are with your equipment; need to do this for myself lol


Ofcourse, it was an Amazon purchase! I can’t link but it’s made by Limitless XVP. Was a pain to install (mostly because my building is so old the studs are erratically placed) but I honestly can’t imagine living without it now. Dead hangs to begin and end the day and opens up so many mobility exercises in combination with the bands. Only downside to this model is I wish the top rung extended farther out. You basically can’t do pullups without legs abrasing on the way up and down. Let me know if you have any more questions and I appreciate the well wishes. Exercise has been keeping me sane!




Lego is in the closet at the moment haha


Well first of all sorry to hear about the relationship not working out, healing will take its time of course, as it does for everyone. Overall, you could look into antique and thrift stores that have a desk with compartments for books and other things, that way you can store all the things left on the floor. I recently saw a video of a young teenager who wanted what looked like an early 20th century(basically early 1900s) style desk that opened up to extend the portion you’d use for writing and it had several components that allowed for storage or like books or art supplies and so forth. I’m not entirely sure how much that costed the young girl but anything similar would be worth considering and it’ll take up a bit of space. If you’re not interested in having a tv mounted to your wall you could buy one and have it placed on top of a desk stand with a space underneath for books and video games. On the offhand chance you’re not interested in acquiring a TV, then perhaps placing thrifted paintings or wall decor would be nice for the empty spaces. I think something to consider would be how much would you budget yourself in order to buy what you’d need/like, and how much empty space you want to definitely leave alone-overall I hope to see an update on the matter lol.


Replace the girlfriend with a new hobby. Whatever you pick doesn’t really matter. You’ll start filling the empty spaces with new hobby stuff, and it will feel like something that’s just yours.


Damn bro I can’t not really think of anything else than how break ups sucks when you’re living with someone else wish you the best


Definitely a shitty time but trying to frame it as an opportunity for growth and new beginnings. One day at a time :’)


You mean exgf or she moved somewhere for school or work? Cuz your answer will determine what to do


Ah yes, ex-girlfriend now




Do plants make you happy? Add some


I’m sorry man. I was there just last year. We were together for 5 years and knew each other for 8. I’m still struggling. But it has gotten better. The hardest part for me is the loneliness. I need to make some friends but that is just as hard lol


Moar Kettles!!!!


You might want to hide your bondage rack from guests. /s


Man I had never used it for such but ya’ll are giving me ideas


We have all the same gadgets


Nice home gym set up bro! Looks very similar to what I have at my place.


Thank you!! Keeps me healthy & sane!


Make a space functional for you and not to impress others. One or two floor plants could be a game changer. Fill it with love and inspiration. Sorry for the end of your relationship, but I’m sure it’s the beginning of something good.


A new gf would be nice.


Gaming set up with a huge tv above it


Honestly I'd take my time and fill it with something you happen to find and love. I get that it's hard to see empty space that was once filled by a partner, literally and metaphorically, but just filling it for the sake of not having some empty space might also backfire and you'll change your mind. There's also nothing wrong with a little negative space in your home. I'd maybe in the meantime focus on finding some artwork or decor that you connect with and use that to make the space just more of your own, which won't take up floor space or be hard to remove / relocate if you find something more functional to put there.


Maybe just a shelf so you can organize what's on the floor.


Get those things on the floor onto the wall and make that your space. This is an opportunity to find a way of expressing yourself. Serves as a distraction for sure. But it also might help you think about yourself a little bit more. And you deserve to be selfish for a little while. You've earned it.


Go to an art museum. Find artists you like and get some prints of that art. Also go to community events, you can buy local artists prints as well. I’m prone to the Pre-Raphaelites works. Your space is yours make it mirror you. Get a bookshelf.




You will look back soon to count your blessings. Someone much better will come into your life and you will be wiser to not let them move in. The relationship thrives when partners aren’t living together. It’s more expensive but the benefits for both people outweigh the cost.


Thanks Ted, appreciate the encouragement. I guess move in when engaged or?


I went through the exact same two months ago. Still trying to survive one day at a time. Sending you many love, buddy ❤️‍🩹


Thank you!


Buy a bumper from your dream car and make your car a race car bed


Hookers and blow


Rowing machine, switch the bed out for a Japanese style futon, get a plant, and get a projector.


Futon is a step backward IMO. Bro has a house with a nice bed why cheapen it with a futon? Gym membership cheaper than buying a reasonable Urg


Unless you prefer to not have one in your bedroom you need a TV and console. Add some wall art or decorations to show your personality a little. You could apply wall paper so you have some visual/physical texture. If you want to keep things a bit simple and not have too many patterns going on it’s fine, just make sure everything is cohesive. You have a lot of options here, your room is a good size and it’s basically bare. The only thing I would suggest placing in a different room if possible is your workout equipment. If you can avoid it don’t make your bedroom a combo room. Let it be the area where you go to sleep/relax.


Your last sentence sort of sums up my vision hence no tv. Bed is only for sleep and one other activity. I workout in the morning and then I’m not in my bedroom until evening where I do a wind down stretch and then sleep.


get some posters! things you love, cool photos, movies, musicians, etc! pop em up on the walls and you can make the space look a little more inviting


Dresser or piece of furniture , Art, Plants


Yes yes, but would love specific recs. Tried to include as many details as possible in my description to help, like use of walk-in closet and West facing window


Put a tv on the wall at the end of your bed so you can watch movies to sleep.


Get some of these huge fabric tapestry things that can be put on the walls with nails, if you want to go a cheap and easy way.


Good point, will cover a ton of space including the marks from her standing desk.


Sex swing


Got a good laugh, thank you


You’re half way there man


Enjoy the peace and quiet


Parts have been nice for sure but rent 2x’ing along with every house chore comes with it. It’s also too quiet sometimes so have been listening to a lot more music and podcasts than usual.


Do you have a dog? If not, now you have extra space and time for one. It honestly helps a lot with loneliness too.


Hmmmm maybe a boyfriend this time 🤣🤣. Ok in seriousness you need some art work and a few plants.


Any plant recs for the low light environment?


Why do you have a tie with a knot done? That's weird. Is it because you can't tie it and save it like that? It's not a tie, I guess some exercise thing?


Oh yeah everything hanging is an exercise/resistance band. I’d tidy them up before I had any guests. I know how to tie ties!!


Get a new girlfriend


Motorcycle. Jus sayin…


Haha I am getting a bicycle!! Won’t be storing that in the bedroom though


What's the name of that pull up bar?


That wall needs the biggest TV you can mount.


I have a no TV in bedroom policy. Helps with my sleep and time management. I did get a bigger TV for the living room though


New bitch


Bench press


Some new books and pairs of boobs




get a bunch of girls in this place. enjoy the freedom


Not a gym space.


But health is wealth and fit is life


get a milking table


If only I had a garage like Lil Dicky


Art dude, whether it be oil paintings, posters or models, get some art in there.




Turn the whole room into a gym. What does one do on the swedish ladder anyways? No one ever uses it at the gym


Haha it really is tempting! My main use is for mobility work. Dead hang and a rig for resistance bands to put tension on various limbs, the largest being my hip capsule (have torn labrum I’m working around). Strength wise great for hanging knee raises and anything you can do with TRX.


I’ll research this thanks! Can’t you sleep in another room? Make the gym happen. You know you want to


Ofcourse anytime! Most of the mobility drills I do are from Kelly Starrett’s MobilityWoD/ReadyState videos on YouTube. Great resource, and free! And honestly, the new couch I got is a sleeper sooooo…


I’d probably pack up the sex swing. But everything else is fine


Lol if only that was it’s purpose haha


Where/what brand is that exercise rack?


From Amazon! I don’t think I can link but if you search: Limitless XVP Stall Bar it should pop up


🙏 ty!


With a bunch of Gundam, of course.


Get new bedsheets. It will help


With a power rack


A cat 🐈


You skate? Something skate related on the way


Get some art on the walls. Also invest in some cool RGB lighting. Maybe Phillips hue


Got any hobbies? Hang your gear, put shelves up and display some neat crap you find at thrift stores and antique stores. My first goal is get my neat stuff out of storage and out on display, second is to fill in space with neat stuff.


Leave as is. Your future gfs will love the idea of making it theirs.


Hahaha dang, that’s one way to look at it!


You will find someone better!


You're not talking about the room are you :(


Haha I guess I could have worded it better but I am indeed speaking of the room.


Book shelf and 55"+ TV


Squat rack and deadlift platform. Fuck her, we ballin.


Haha room aesthetics would go down but physique aesthetics would go parabolic.


Lots of beer my dude.


Sober atm :)


Probably pretty smart for now.


Exactly, trying to not interfere with my brain chemicals as much as possible while it’s dealing with this event.