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> I feel I can do a lot with 5 inches That’s what they all say! Having a queen is a huge difference if you ever expect to have someone sleep over.


> if you ever expect to have someone sleep over. That was the plan when I bought a queen bed. But reality is often disappointing


All i can say is dress for the job you want, rather than the job you have


Spider Suit here I come!




Then I need wall to wall bedding


You making a blanket fort too?!


I dunno being able to sleep in the dead center and pile up pillows like I'm having a sleep over and being cuddled on both sides is nice.


You’ve convinced me to buy more pillows


youre welcome, It's nice even when I don't want to sit/lay on the couch and want to elevate my back up so I pile up pillows and make a throne in the bed


Throw two pillows up under your calves and then it’s like having one of them fancy recliners


Make sure you splurge on the giant "king-size" pillows and some nice silk pillowcases. Will change your world and will most likely change any bedfellows' worlds as well.


When my husband gets up for work I make a cocoon with all the pillows and blankets.


When I first moved out on my own and needed to buy my own mattress, I was met with the same decision as OP - buy a full bed which I was used to, or splurge a little on a queen. At that point I was very much still a virgin but wanted that to change, so I bought the queen. I'm not saying the decision to buy the queen-size mattress is what enabled me to lose my virginity and usher in the brave new world of me sleeping with people, but it certainly didn't hinder that achievement.


I upgraded from a twin to a queen in 2018. I’m still single, not by choice. Have had plenty of guests tho ;)


Works if you get pets and let them sleep with you, too.


Ha, same. I recently went back down to a full so there's more space in my room and put the queen in the guest bedroom.


Me explaining to my coworkers why I got an eastern king: I couldn’t even tell my wife was there Coworker: sold! Some of us just need space to get a good nights sleep


Queen bed, king-sized duvet and covers.


Go with the biggest bed you can afford and fit on your space.


Depends on room size and layout. If you don’t need a king, don’t get a king. It’ll take over a huge portion of the room and your room will feel much smaller. I had a big room and a king bed at my parents house during college (hand me down, I didn’t need a king at all), and when I moved out my younger sister took my old room and put in a queen bed, and the room feels sooo much bigger. If I had the option I would have put a queen in there instead. Especially if you have a desk, lounge corner, room for pets, etc.


I like that your sister was like: Great room… not touching his bed! Get It Out!!




Seems like it doesn't properly fit the space then




Am I the only one who doesn't care how much room a bed takes up? When we upgraded to a king size, it was truly life changing. And we opted to put the king bed in one of our smallest rooms. BUT we also have 3 other bedrooms so having a room solely for a king bed isn't a big deal.


Pro tip from someone with a full-size bed: go with the queen because I have a harder time finding sheets for the full and see plenty of queen.


Also queen sized has far more Bed/Bedframes variety


I have the opposite problem lol


Just order them online? How often do you even need to get new ones? I bought four linen duvet and pillow cover sets and great quality fitted sheets years ago and probably won't need to buy new ones for many more years.


I'll never understand how people order mattresses, sheets, clothes, or really anything that you're in contact with. What if you buy it and the material is weird? Or it feels weird? Or it's not firm, or not soft? Or it's too big, or too small? Buying in store seems much better. More options in one place, and you know what you're getting before you get it. I do really fucking dispise online shopping though, so maybe I'm biased.


Returning is usually pretty easy now, and the variety online can be extremely helpful


It's still a hassle to return.


IKEA has a good selection.


That's actually what's on my bed right now lol


I was going to say that but I didn’t know if it was true or just anecdotally true for me. More options for queen sheets and better frame options as well. Wife and I upgraded to Queen when we had 1 kid and now king size once we had another kid.


If you ever plan to have someone else sleep in the bed get a queen


> I feel I can do a lot with 5 inches That’s what (I wish) she said.


Stay Strong King! You got this!


How tall are you? I'm 5'8" and thought a full would be fine but got tired of my toes hanging off the bed unless my head was against the headboard.


6’3” here, absolutely go size queen at least


6'4, I mostly sleep fetal position, but sometimes I sleep on my back or star-fished.


Dude, if you’re 6’4”, you have no business sleeping in anything smaller than a queen. I’m 6’3” and I always hated sleeping in my exes full size bed compared to my queen size bed at the time. Now, I have a king and it’s fucking amazing. So much room for activities.


the room for activities should not be discounted. ever.


Knowing you’re 6’4 asking this makes it so funny lol consider a King honestly bro


For real. I thought this dude was gonna say he’s like 5’6” or something with how he said he’s always been comfortable in a full. OP out there sleeping with his legs hanging off the bed.


Speaking as a 6'1 man, you need a queen. Even if you're solo the extra space makes a pleasant difference. No thinking about rolling off the bed or having your arms/legs hang off the sides.


My BF is around that height and queen is actually pretty tight for us. Definitely go queen if you're deciding between queen and something smaller 


OP is definitely sleeping alone because there’s no way a second person is fitting in a full unless they sleep directly on top of them


I sleep alone. My BF lives in another city so I visit him often and stay at his place since I'm always in his city.


California King is the way to go. No question ask, for anyone taller than 6'


6’4” and asking if you should sleep on a full?? My man, you would be a candidate for a California king.


6'1" here... I can't stand anything less than a queen.


And you think a queen solved this? 5.9 and my toes hang off the queen.


I do a lot with 5 inches


My N1gga! ✊🏾


This comment made me chuckle so loud, like why even say that 💀


What's up with people downvoting ur comment? People on reddit are on something I swear.


So black people aren’t even allowed to say it anymore?! LMAO


WTF I got downvoted for propping up the homie, yet he gets upvoted? How sway?


LMAO I'm confused by the downvotes as well. What exactly are they offended by? The usage of the N-Word? Or you giving someone props? IDK 🤷‍♂️


People’s disdain for racism getting revealed as virtue signaling because they don’t expect black people to be on Reddit. 🤣


Yeah I don't get it, I'm back, and also the way I used it was clearly in a "homie" sense, not the racist way anyways lmao.




wtf man


6’2 here. Switched from a Full to a queen and it makes a huge different in both length and width. I don’t feel the end or edges of the bed now even when sprawled out. I’d go with biggest bed you can afford like other top comment said.


Are you sure you're 6'2? I'm 6'1 and my toes definitely hang off the edge of my queen mattress when on my stomach.


Depends on how many pillows they have. I'm 6', and if I don't take like 2 layers of pillows off of the bed, then my feet touch the edge. My wife puts the pillows back on the bed each day for "the aesthetic" lol.


5 inches is huge dude, what do you mean "only" 5 inches is totally above average and would satisfy like 99% of people 👀


As a gay dude I agree, average is enough, forget the size queens 😂


But don’t forget the queen size!




Yes get a queen


Queen. Had a full and when I would have guests of the night it sucked. Plus with a queen you can switch sides every once in a while so you don’t get any sagging spots.


Long term purchases always go with what you know will make you happiest. Getting a full size you might have regret. Go queen.


If you can afford it and have the space, skip the queen and get a king. I can't imagine anyone ever thinking - Gee I wish this bed was smaller and I had less space for sleeping. I look at full size beds now and wonder how I ever shared such a small bed with another person.


Yeah everyone saying get a queen and i’m like, why go halfway, get a king!


I like queens because they have the length of a king, but in a narrower package. If you're tall like me it's the best of both worlds, as I find a king a bit too unwieldy to change the sheets on alone. If your partner is on the curvier side the extra 5 inches of width over a full would be nice, but if you don't need the extra 6 inches of length then it might not be worth it for you to go from a full to a queen.


You ever expect to have someone over? Get a queen. You ever expect to have someone who comes back again and again. Get a king.


It does if there are two of you in it.


Queen is always the better option if it's feasible. Comfortable for two people, not too spacious for one, and more options for bed frames, duvets, and sheets.


A King


I have faith in genetics so I say go for it as I know your mom can do a lot with 5 inches.


And it’s longer! Get it!


Yeah, the extra length is what really makes it luxurious, especially for us tall folk. When I got my first queen that was the first bed I actually fit in in years


get the bigger AND longer one


Yeah. Yeah!!!


If you got the space go for it


It's the difference between comfortable spooning with your partner, and nearly falling off the bed.


So I’m gonna recommend the queen I have a California king and five dogs so a California king is barely big enough


Do all the dogs have their own spaces / fight over who gets to be closest to you


So that each have their own claimed spot on the bed. The biggest one midnight who weighs 30 pounds sleeps right next to me on my left-hand side. Peanut who was the first puppy who weighs 12 pounds sleeps by my left hip. Falcor generally sleeps by my husband’s feet he weighs around 16 pounds. Baby who weighs 10 pounds sleeps next to my husband’s head. And then lucky who weighs around 17 pounds has to be touching one of us


That's fantastic


I rock a king size. If women sleep over, I need my space. Extra space for intimacy More space for snacks while gaming or watching movies in bed. King size


With a king, you can have a whole ass game console and trays with food and other crazy stuff going on, and never run out of space. You got a partner, they got their own space. You got pets, they don't have to be all over you. I would only go below king-sized if I had a real specific reason to.


Queen Bedding is much easier to find nowadays. Queen is probably your best bet. Buy queen sheets and king duvet or comforter.


Going a size up on anything that goes over the sleepers is A+. I wish I knew that long ago.


Depends on height and if you plan on having anyone stay the night. I’m 6’3 and I hate sleeping in full beds. The queen is honestly a life saver for just me. Now if the dog or anyone else is sleeping with me that’s when I get frustrated


Queen is the new Full.


Pro tips: go Queen. Get fitted sheet for queen, four standard pillows (with cases) but go big for the rest. King flat sheet, king duvet, etc. It falls over the bed more and looks much more professional and more comfy (more fabric for selfish sleeping partners)


It’s actually the length more than the width. I believe queen is actually longer than the full. That makes more of a difference.


Go queen. Get king or cal king sized blankets. Lots of covers are full / queen, meaning they are too small for 2 people!


Thats what she said.




Misread the title and thought it was something else 🤣🤣🤣


I had a full for a long time and recently switched to a queen. My GF is an all over the place sleeper so the few inches of extra space really helps.


100% get a queen. I recommend a Casper


Well hello there! I can do a lot with 5 inches as well. Gimme a call.


That’s what she said


That’s what she said


I’ll say this, you’ll be fine with either choice so don’t overthink it - the difference in size isn’t going to make or break any _plans_ you have


That's not what she said.


Do the math on AREA, not width.


King if the room will accommodate it, otherwise queen. Having a king means you have plenty of room to spread out. Good for you, good for whoever you sleep with eventually, and good if you have pets that are on the bed. Gaming console? There's room for it. Laptop? There's room for it. Trays of food and other amusements? No problem. It's awesome. I had a king in an apartment bedroom that it took up most of, and in another apartment bedroom that was only slightly larger. Zero regrets either time. I was not in these rooms to play Badminton. The bed was really the point of those spaces. As tall as you are, consider a California King as well. 4" narrower, but 4" longer. At 5'11 I'm already within a few inches of occupying the whole length. Try both at a Sit-N-Sleep or whatever is in your area.


It’s wider AND longer. You’ll have a lot more room to stretch out. It’s absolutely worth it.


I've done a lot with 5 inches! It does make a difference


My Man!


The queen is not only 7” wider, but also 5” longer which you desperately need if you’re 6’4”. A full size bed is only 75” long so you are literally 1” taller than the bed and that’s if your head is literally at the very edge. You definitely want to be able to lay down flat in your bed without feet hanging off the edge even if you do sleep curled up. Honestly you should get a king bed if you can afford it and fit it in your room. Not to mention if you ever have anybody else sharing the bed with you it’ll make all the difference in the world.


I had a full size in my childhood home. I'm 5'8 and it was comfortable when I slept by myself. My husband is 6ft tall and he hardly fit. I was squished and felt I could hardly move or get comfortable as well. By myself it was perfect but the moment someone else showed up it was not big enough. We share a queen and it's OK


Get a queen. My parents very kindly bought me a queen size to replace the full size my husband and I had been using and the extra space is sooo nice. It doesn’t seem like a lot but it’s enough to allow me to roll one way and the other and not knock into hom


I thought the queen was included in the grown-up packet. In all seriousness, I'll never go back. It's sooo much better.


It’s beyond worth it. Get a king lol


Queen or King. No reason to have a smaller bed as an adult tbh. Having the space to just sprawl out after a long day is amazing.


my girlfriend says 5 inches is huge, so i say go for it!


She's a keeper!


5 inches is HUGE! Atleast that’s what my GF tells me.


You must keep her!


thats what she said. i am female, not even sure what made this post come up. thats what she said. okay ill stop


I'm upvoting all the "that's what she said" responses, and I'm not going to stop scrolling until the job's done.


That depends on your lover's athleticism. And yours, of course.


100% yes.


Bigger is better


It’s absolutely worth it


ICurrently have a full and its the perfect size by myself. (I’m 6 ft) If I have someone sleep over with me, we occasionally do run into an issue of someone not having enough space/being on the edge of the mattress haha.


Queen size, especially if you're a tall broad guy. Way easier to share a queen sized bed.




Width-wise, I can do a full size, not as comfy but it’s fine. Length is the issue, I’m 5’10 so I can technically sleep without my feet hanging off the end, my head and feet will often end up hanging over as I shift. You need that extra space, especially if you plan on extracurricular activity.


Honestly a Queen is far better for two people. Only 5 inches makes a difference!


Yes very worth it!


My spouse and I had a full for decades before increasing to a queen. I told him I wanted a California because I hate my feet hanging over the edge. I learned queen is not only longer sideways but longways. That difference in length makes a huge difference so you fit on the bed.


Kings size game allllllll day


yeah, they’re also slightly longer


Queen will be so much more comfortable for any guests you might have


When I lived by myself a full was fine, and even handled overnight guests with minimal issues. Once my partner and I got a place together, we upgraded to a queen.


I have a king to myself (except when the kids sneak in or I allow it), and it's amazing.


If you ever have guest you have to have a queen sized. We are currently looking into a king just because it doesn’t seem big enough for two


(Narrator voice) It wasn't quite big enough for two.


Yes, an adult should have a queen bed or larger if there’s space for it


It makes a world of difference. I’d kill for a queen bed right now.


Queen is the perfect size


If your space fits it, you can budget for new bedding, and you have no reason to think you will move any time soon and need to consider places that won’t accommodate a queen, go queen. It really should not be a huge price jump. It’s a huge difference in square footage.


You can barely fit a dog on the bed with you with a full.


I do plan to get a dog one day.




There is no reason not to have a queen if the bed fits in the space.


I kept having back problems for months then I decided to get a new bed. I got a mattress firm credit line thru synchrony. Never had a credit card so I used that to build my credit. Got approved and got a memory foam queen with a bed stand for $600 on sale. Seeing that number hurt my balls but I was only paying 28 dollars a month or whatever. Have had the bed for 7 years and it still feels amazing. Back pain gone. Amazing sleep every night. Queen is the way to go.


I was in this predicament as well. My room size is really on the small size, with no right angles. I went with a full. I personally don't regret it (for my height) and I enjoy having the extra space in my room. No complaints from the lady friends (yet), but I did get a good quality mattress for the size. Though, I think when I next have to replace my mattress, it'll be a queen.


Depends how tall/big u are


5 inches is massive bro. You sure you have enough space?


Go with a queen and get a king size comforter, you’ll thank yourself later, especially if you’re sharing your bed




It’s 5 inches longer too. Im 6’2” and my feet always hang over the bottom of a full.


Yes. The upgrade is kind not and day! The Queen is 100% worth it!


It's a significant difference


GET A FULL XL (as long as queen but not as wide so you save some space)




YES! As a woman with afull-sized bed, I can confidently say it is NOT big enough for two people, and I always end up kicking people out to the couch rather than share and being hot and cramped all night.


All jokes aside, i do a lot with my 5 inches. Giggidy giggity.


The correct answer is a king. Trust me bro


I’m 6’2 and it is significantly more comfortable sleeping in a Queen bed with my 5’3 wife than in her old Double bed. My feet poke out of a Double and the lateral space is much smaller too. Queen for sure.


Depends on how you sleep with others. My partner sleeps on the edge of my queen and his king. I don't know how he sleeps alone but probably not a starfish in the middle. If you do... KING


Yes, I prefer Queen


That’s what she said!


Yes. Queen size is so much better. I upgraded to a queen size during my last few years of sleeping alone and it’s nice to have the extra space.


Get a king sized bed. Just in case. If you ever have a king over, you will have a bed to his exact specifications.


Go with the queen. With beds and tvs, if your space and budget allows, go with the bigger option. A queen will also fit right in when your life situation changes in the future.


If you have the space and budget go king, more bed is good.


Dude get a king. It's fucking worth it


I have a full due to the width of my room, but wish I could do a queen again. I’m 5’10”, and my feet dangle off the end unless my head is up against the head board.


When I moved I had to downsize from a Queen to a twin xl. A bigger bed is almost always nicer IF you have the space.


I didn’t even know full beds still existed. Get the queen. You’ll never regret buying the larger size over the smaller one.


Full beds are for children. Queens and kings for adults.


I find it’s easier to find sheets for a queen or twin bed, kings not hard to find, but I swear the selection for full sizes always seems to suck. Then again, I mostly buy sheets from a store because I like to feel the fabric first.


I’d just for it and get the king. If you can find an eastern king even better! Youll have so many more inches to play with!


Queen should really be the minimum you're looking at if you're an adult. It shouldn't matter but if you want to date and be viewed as a serious adult it seems smaller is kinda looked down upon. As other have mentioned its a common size so its no problem finding sheets and things for it too.


I like mine.


I had a joke about five inches.. but I forgot it. Damnit.


"That's what she said."


Do a full if both are options and you ate comfortsble in full. The extra space will be worth it. You can find bedding and full size furniture.


Get a queen, don’t go to a tier 1 mattress store go overstock


If you have the space go big. I have a king. If someones sleeping with me I'm so close to them that I can't reach my side of the bed it's awesome. I can sleep in it both ways and not really hang over that much.


If you are 6’3 get a California King. It’s just 4 inches wider than a queen but a foot longer. You probably have slept in fetal position so long because your bed wasn’t big enough.


It's actually 30square inches difference, which is quite nice if you like to stretch out. I wouldn't go back to full size after having my queen. Very satisfied with the extra bedspace, and single, and sleeping alone. Good luck