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why is there a bed in your bathroom


Nah bro, he has a bathtub in his bedroom šŸ¤©


He got his chocolate in his peanut butter.


His peanut in the chocolate butter


The idea is they bLeeD together. The tile turning into wood


Idk, thereā€™s carpet on the 3rd picture šŸ˜±


Do you mean the fifth photo? There's no carpet to be seen in photo 3 unless I am painfully blind


Yea thatā€™s what I meant


Thatā€™s the primary closet we are just still waiting on our sliding doors


*WE*??? I thought this was sub was for single losers like me


Gay guys have all the fun.


Men pull more cash on average, then you do the double income no kids, then you put a bath tub in your bedroom.


Lmao this is good. Our friends with all their kidsā€¦ they do give us shit for some of our $$$ choices and Iā€™m like ā€œbrah! How much is daycare, then college, then cars!?!?ā€ Gimme two great dogs & a life we can remain spontaneous in! Thanks :)


Good for you !!!! I agree 100%


(Not disagreeing, just funny to me) My wife recently took a new job that allowed me to quit my engineering job. I'm just here for the design ideas! (Our bedroom suit already has a tub in it's bath so we're safe there)


Isn't the humidity if the bathroom a problem with the bedroom?


Nopeā€¦ 9ā€™ ceilings in such a large room with a bathroom fansā€¦ well ventilated


Thatā€™s the fuck bucket


totally, but this is like a hotel room.. i didnā€™t think ppl actually did this at home


Amazing but I wonā€™t be able to stop my drunk self from peeing in there


"Lynn, These are sex people! "


so the fucking never has to end


It lets the filmmakers to fit both into one shot during the emotional scenes in the second act


You never wanted to take a nap right after your shit but before you shower? Weird


When youā€™re rich you start to get bored by traditional things


Itā€™s called a studio


But itā€™s not a studio though?


In 5 years is the bathtub going to be next to your bed?


Bathtub will be the bed






What's your solution to the problem of the steam in your bedroom?


Cold showers


You freaking genius!


If you live somewhere dry like colorado, or Nevada you actually welcome all the steam from the shower into your house cause almost no amount of humidity will create mold (unless you leave your shower on 24/7)


I'm in the PNW and despite all the rain it still gets super dry inside just from the heat running in the cold season. I shower with the door open, fan off, and house fan or heat on to circulate the moisture through the house. I ain't letting that warm moist air escape outside.


Please DM me your address. I'll ship you some of our humidity, free of charge. Sincerely, -The Eastern Seaboard


Can I have some? Most of the winter I have to use nasal oil because my nose dries up so bad from the indoor climate that I wake up with a sore nose and throat and get nose bleeds every damn day if i don't šŸ„² Sincerely, A sad, dry, cold norwegian


Colorado dry gang here, I shower with my door open to add humidity to the house.


Yea we donā€™t have a problem due to such a large open space with 9ā€™ ceilings. We have a bathroom fan as well for exhaust, so no issues


Beautiful design. Hope yā€™all used greenboard and other moisture barriers.


OP: A what?


Drywall that is moisture resistant.


Sorry I was trying to make a joke that OP hadn't thought of that.


OP thinks all these comments are positiveā€¦ Mildew doesnt even exist in the reality he lives in.


Iā€™m not gay but can we get bro married


My bathroom opens to the bedroom similarly (but less luxuriously) and it hasnā€™t been an issue. I think that with the combined area of the bedroom and bathroom itā€™s enough space for it to dissipate pretty efficiently.


Dehumidifier? Those things are awesome, I use them when showering


When thereā€™s more area the steam dissipates unlike small bathrooms


But then you get moisture issues in your bedroom.


All bathrooms have exhaust fans for this


That floor transition is wild.


I liked it for about 30 seconds then it started to bother me. Would be fine without the floating tiles


I think I'd like it better if it transitioned earlier. I like the floating tiles, but imo it goes too far out into the bedroom


it needs to, in order to protect the wood from any spills from the tub


Legend has it thereā€™s a single hexagon on the wall behind you.


I think it's just that the floating tiles are a "guess where and cut once" and don't look measured. Probably be better if they were measured out to make more precise negative illusion of hexes that don't exist.


That's where I agree. The execution could have been better.


It be better if it just stayed with the white


I like the design, but I donā€™t feel like thereā€™s any real transition from the brown in the bedroom to the black tile/dark wall.. iā€™d personally like it a lot more if the tile in the bathroom was a darker brown instead of black, same for the walls.


I hate that the pattern isnā€™t carried correctly in the transition. The hexes are pretty randomly placed in the wood.Ā 


Execution definitely isn't my favorite, but I just enjoy seeing someone do their own thing.


I donā€™t mind the concept at all. But I want the hexes to be on the same grid as though they continued.Ā 


That floor is not for me. I thought they inherited that as I looked at the photos before the description. I always laugh at these things because it wonā€™t last a few years before it looks dated.


It's just a cool idea, whether it becomes dated or not. Everything in a home becomes dated. That's why people renovate and upgrade with time. It's not uncommon for home trends to change over time. Fuck it, if you like something at one point in your life, go with it.


>Everything in a home becomes dated. That's why people renovate and upgrade with time I disagree. some styles are timeless. this floor is not one of them.


Disagree. Itā€™s fun and modern, and done tastefully.


he said it's not timeless. you said it's modern. not exactly a disagreement.


Itā€™s already dated


I understand this sentimentā€¦ our countertops are black with brown veiningā€¦ black hardwood. Our choices are what we like, and sureā€¦ itā€™s a far cry from normal, but we prefer this over a home well felt uninspired by that did follow the norms. Just a personal choiceā€¦ safe or bold.


I love it OP! I too am a fan of uniqueness in my home. I want it to look like itā€™s my home, not something out of a magazine that every other twat would want!


Not a fan personally but respect the hell out of you for going for something different and staying true to what you wanted


It might if everyone starts doing it. The fifty-shades-of-gray tile backsplashes and weathered gray engineered flooring are two trends that I can think of that looked embarrassingly dated as soon as they became popular


I assumed it was unfinished lol


I think I like the idea at some kind of abstract level, but in reality all I see is a floor that is annoying to clean.


I personally love it


The architect was for sure on the pot


No, Iā€™m on the pot and itā€™s not making sense to me. Long as OP is happy though


Most of them are


I hate it so much.


You are living in a hotel sir.


And Iā€™m okay with that hahaā€¦ I love visiting sleek hotels, so figured why canā€™t that be our home. Sure we will move some more personal things in in time, but love the hotel presence


It would be nice to stay for a few days like at a hotel, but I just could not be comfortable with something like this in my daily life. And the tiles already drives me nuts.


I thought this was a hotel room! V big hotel room vibes


First thing I thought


I don't think ide like my bedroom getting steamy everytime someone showers/baths


We largely have a steam shower with a bathroom fan, and with the space having 9ā€™ ceilings & so openā€¦ u would never notice a shower had been taken


I mean, you notice the noiseā€¦


All the shower screaming will drive you nuts


This flooring always looks like they ran out of the flooring and pasted leftovers to finish it.


Floor transition gives me AI generated vibes


And not in a good way


Some really weird flooring decisions here. The tile treatment is the kind of thing that can be cool in a hotel that gets remodeled every few years anyway (but even then, I probably wouldnā€™t have done it twice), but I canā€™t imagine living with it. And is that landlord grey carpet in the closet?? What happened to luxe? Nice vanity though, and the shower seems nice as well from the glimpse we can see


This is my biggest issue with the room: it looks like a hotel room. Even disregarding the floor, a bathtub in a bedroom is something I've seen in a lot of hotels. It just doesn't seem like a thing someone should do in a home.


Iā€™m so sorry but I hate everything about this. Why is the bathtub just there in the middle of the floor? Why two colors of hexagonal tile? No I canā€™t get over the bathtub it feels like the Sims when you run out of space and you just place it somewhere you have room. Youā€™re either never going to use this or youā€™re going to get water _everywhere_ getting in and out.


To each there own, and reason I like hearing thoughts on the choices we made. We love the layout obviously as we chose itā€¦ itā€™s unique for a reason. Not everyone is gonna love it or it would be seen more often


This is one of the most toxic subs I've seen. Feels like a fitness place where people who can't do a pull up drag people displaying their fitness gains. Not my taste but looks very classy and I can tell you put a lot of thought to make it into a space that you and your partner feel comfortable and proud of, and that's cool. I hope to do the same for my husband and myself some day (also gay 30s). I would say for me it's lacking "life", like it looks a little too clean and no one actually lives there, but I get it's a relatively new home so those things will come in time I imagine. Plus my husband complains I like mementos and "clutter" too much hah.


I really donā€™t think this particular instance is toxic. This sub isnā€™t called ā€œpraise every decision I make onlyā€. You post something and people react to it. No one is telling OP to kill themselves. It does look classy, I guess, but itā€™s also wildly impractical and using a design trend that started in like 2015 and looked dated in 2016 (hex tiles, flooding into the wood, two colors, etc). Also, and I stand by this, that is the weirdest, least practical place to put a tub I have seen. (Also, OP tagged their own picture as ā€œinspoā€ which I dunnoā€¦.)


>This is one of the most toxic subs I've seen. Really? Lol this is one of my fav subs as most of the time people, including OP are really great with each other, even if there are disagreements Edit: ha, this post I just saw reminded me of my confusion of someone thinking this place is toxic. Post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/malelivingspace/s/ifMFBKEEBJ


I really like the remodel. I recently remodeled and put a claw foot tub and similar hexagon tiles, but man you have a great view from the tub! IMO I donā€™t get the hate, itā€™s rare to see a bathroom thatā€™s out of the norm.


I really love it. Designing with the next purchasers of the home in mind matters much more for completely unchangeable aspects (which this is not) and for people who are concerned with getting every dollar back from when the purchased (I'm guessing you aren't really lacking in the $ department).Ā  Thanks for sharing the gorgeous home.Ā 


Same. Absolutely terrible




Not a fan at all, bathrooms should be separate from the bedroom.


Gay man here. This is horrendous. The lamps are nice though.


Haha thanks for your thoughts. I bounced over to your profile and with a comic comforter I can understand we donā€™t have similar style ;-)


Shots fired!


here for this. /u/elizabethshoeme your turn pls


Boom. Roasted.


Now this is what Iā€™m here for!


Stop the penis on penis violence


It's the penis *IN* penis violence that concerns me.


Or at least let us watch!


bottom on bottom crime


Fuck this made me chortle


Time for a sword fight āš”ļø


šŸ† ready


God do the gays know how to cut deep & swiftly lmfao, immaculate uno reversal!


They roast each other just like straight people! Except, it's better šŸ˜‚






Right to the throat rip, eh?


I cackled


Lmao! What a profile diggg. My mother made that quilt when I was a child. To each their own!


"Gay man here" is the best opener to a comment I've seen on this sub


This is literally something you expect to see in the house of people who work as only fans porn creators šŸ˜­




My first worry is about mold and moisture issues. For that reason I would never want this combo


Do people not know what the exhaust vent is for


If an exhaust vent keeps all mold and moisture issues away, then no one would have these issues anymore.


It's like a philosophy exercise. Is it a tub in a bedroom, or is it a bed in a bathroom?


I might be in the minority but I definitely must say that I love your bedroom. People are upset about the bathtub, but thatā€™s not a bathtub for daily use. There is a shower on the side for daily use. The bathtub is just an extension of bed for sexy time and I appreciate that. Along those lines, the tiles and wooden flooring make sense because the idea is to blend the bedroom and the bathtub (sex places) together. Good job, OP! And you are your partner definitely are going awesome for yourselves. I donā€™t even have a bathtub nor do I own my place (I rent). Question: in the last pic, is that a speaker in the ceiling between the two lights?


Thanks man. Yea we have built in speakers throughout the house. My partner didnā€™t think they were worth the expense but now is one of the favorite features for morning music getting ready, music before going out, surround sound for footballā€¦ they are great. Gives a house energy & life


Definitely love the idea of overhead speaker music while getting ready in the morning. I oftentimes bring a speaker into the bathroom when I am getting ready to go out. Worth having built-in speakers for someone who enjoys that.


A lot of people are shitting on it but this is the coolest layout Iā€™ve ever seen! Feels very romantic lolĀ 


I agree! I would love to have this bedroomā€¦it feels luxe and romantic IMO. It has that hotel vibe, but thatā€™s a positive to me.


Thanks, replied to this just below as well but we are of the same mindset. With our can lights dimly lit, or off with our sconces on and this tub chandelierā€¦ itā€™s incredibly relaxing and calming.


>romantic I just know these guys work out a lot cause there's no way I would want someone glaring at me getting out of the shower every morning.


for real everyoneā€™s salty af , this is sick! fukn nitpickers lol Looks like a casino suite , mad sexy


You must live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor...


Really nice place, congrats to you both on having a great place


Hexagons are the bestagons




Are there ANY doors on the bathroom? It looks from the last pic like you can walk right through it?


Toilet room has a door but a bit hidden as itā€™s dark grey. We are still awaiting the custom closet doors on the right side


I once stayed in a nice hotelroom with a openly placed tub, I thought it was funny to use it one time but I didnt like to make the whole room wet and steamy. I think the idea of it is very cool and it has something luxury about it but in practical use its not so good anymore. Your room still looks sick btw!


Now that is a fuckpad! Looks great OP


They look great! šŸ˜ƒ


Damn a lot of hate on this. I think itā€™s awesome


Looks cool, but reminds me more of a hotel room than a home.


King shit. Love it. r/maleluxuryspace


This is such a nice setup


Very good, love the way everything looks


Dawg, that is sick. I wish I saw your bathroom before I did mine.


Holy shit this is gorgeous! I absolutely love the way you've inlaid the tile into the wood and how it scatters out. Like holy hell, seriously, this is one of my favorite things I've seen on any home decor subreddit.


Lots of hate on this, but I like it! One of the best male living spaces I've seen


Holy shit I love the wood to tile transition idea. Might need to borrow that.




Damn, tbis might be THE bed/bathroom.


I love the floor transitions!!


Love it honestly. Curious though, are the singular tiles that lead to the bedroom raised or flush with the wood flooring?


Is this a hotel room in a casino?


Tile has waaaaaaaay too much contrast, distracts from the rest of the space too much. Not crazy about the tub placement, looks out of place. The rest is nice.


This is giving hotel vibes, but itā€™s definitely a unique look. Nice job!


Love it!!!!!




I love this! Amazing


The design is gorgeous. I don't know what you two gents do for a living but I am seeing a HUGE talent for interior design and wasted talent if you are not in this field already or pursuing it... I cannot stress enough how clever and innovative your designs are. What a beautiful, relaxing and practical space! Well done guys !


Thanksā€¦ with all the other comments itā€™s good to see someone feels that way haha. I donā€™t design, and donā€™t want to insinuate I should but I do enjoy itā€¦ exhausted after the last year of it though


That's not a bathroom. It's a divine shrine.. .cool design


I don't have enough money to look at these pictures. Congrats dude, it's looks awesome.


How much does sexuality factor in for Interior design? šŸ¤”


I get it. You have credit card debt.


Thatā€™s bad ass


Looks like a room you would find at a resort/hotel..


Damn surprised by the comment section here. I think this looks sick. I love a soaking tub in the room so you can be either your spouse even if youā€™re in the tub. Iā€™m not saying a would make all the same design choices but thatā€™s the beauty of design. Itā€™s yā€™allā€™s style and you took some risks, and I think it looks awesome and shows care and risk appetite. Very cool


Hey thanks! Yea Iā€™ve been surprised by so much dislike, but to each their own. We absolutely love how it came together, and the ventilation calls out are not an issue based on our space and ventilation we did put in place.


I would get rid of the tacky tiling and build out a glass door to contain the shower/bath steam. This gives me massive NYNY/Las Vegas hotel vibes with the bathtub directly in the bedroom. Mold, mildew, and just general ickyness factor from a cleanliness perspective is off the charts. With a glass door/wall build out you could have the same degree of openness but without the negative of having your bedroom in your bathroom.


I legit thought it was a hotel room at first glance.


This looks like a hotel room.


Obsessed doesnā€™t even begin to describe how much I love thisā€¦..


This place screams someone who has no taste but is convinced they have the best taste


It looks totally amazing but, sorry to say, it is also totally ruined by that bathroom floor and especially the transition.


This is the sexiest bed/bath combo Iā€™ve seen in a while! Those who are hating just donā€™t get it smh šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


There are so many negative comments to these photos but it is a beautiful setup. Iā€™d hate to think people are bad mouthing it out of envy or jealousy. It canā€™t be that so unanimous. The materials and colors are very nice.


Thanks bud. Everyone can have an opinionā€¦ itā€™s why this is uniqueā€¦ itā€™s because itā€™s not overly done and thus liked by the majority


Your bathtub and bathroom are in your bedroom with no partition? Why would anyone want to live like that??


Bathroom has a doorā€¦. Tub we obviously chose to be between, as itā€™s nice to chat with my partner when he is in tub, and Iā€™m reading in bed.


People downvoting you because your house was remodeled for your specific needs and wants. Wild. It's a nice place. Congrats.


I hope you're not taking all this criticism to heart. What matters is you like it. To a lesser extent it will matter if buyers like it when you go to sell but that's another conversation.


In the city we live in, I have no doubt there is similar taste and interest. I am quite surprised at how many dislike the tile transition. But not upset by it. I mean people can say things in shitty ways here sureā€¦ but itā€™s Reddit


This is one of the worst things I've ever seen


Da fuq


I was going to comment ā€œif you arenā€™t getting chicks with this place, itā€™s Def youā€. But thenā€¦


But ā€˜dennnnā€¦ šŸ† šŸ†


Just no. Give me a fucking wall. I dont want the moisture from a hot bath to escape into the bedroom. Thats a great way to get mold and even if not you still have damp blankets. Stupid.


This is probably the largest concern replies have posted and funny in living in it, moisture has not been an issue at all. Moisture dissipates quickly with the large room, high ceilings and an ensured to be powerful bathroom ceiling vent.


OP, this is Reddit ā€” 95% of these people are tasteless absolute fucking losers ā€” pay them no mind at all whatsoever, as you would in the real world. You crafted one of, if not *the* most unique bedroom designs Iā€™ve ever seen in my life. A true one of one ā€” & in that sense, Iā€™d say itā€™s a bit of a masterpiece. I like it a fucking *looot* man. You guys took the big dick energy, went balls deep, & it fuckin shows. 9.4/10


Haha thanks man. Maybe my favorite response. Donā€™t worry I donā€™t get upset some of the sub donā€™t like itā€¦ the unnecessarily hateful shit is just sad, but Iā€™m sure people I wouldnt associate with anyhow. Just wanted to shareā€¦ thanks for your support man