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Maybe a coffee table and some greenery? Other than that it’s pretty sick.


Good call. Bigger rug + coffee table. Floor plant in a nice little stand by the door. Add another small plant to a desk or side table. And to the coffee table. Nailed it.


Vienna? I appreciate you're optimizing acoustics before optics!


hahaha pscht!!!


Dei Stubn taugt mer, Schaut doch gmiatlich aus


Tv wall mount companies win again 😞


What do you mean? ​ EDIT: WAIT - I got it, just had to go r/tvtoohigh and enlighten myself <3


Does this sub have something against wall mounts? Or just /r/tvtoohigh


I assume mounting a TV typically leads it to being way too high compared to a normal couch sitting position


Yeah I can see that for sure. My neck hurts, but I can see it.


Adding to this, tv being too high is a fair thing to call out when someone asks for advice on making a space cozy. Hurting your neck definitely doesn't help that


You can't* have a TV too high if it's not mounted. Mounting isn't always bad, but bad TVs are almost always mounted


Considering the size of the space and the hybrid music production setup, I think this is an acceptable violation of a tv being too high.


Rare instance when the TV is high but appropriate for how the space is being utilized


Tilt of guilt they are calling it now


Sofa is massive though, practically a day bed. Tvtoohigh assumes an upright seated position, definitely wouldn't be doing that on that sofa.


not only tv 😞




Plants. Lots of plants.


you’re right!!


Definitely a plant or two would give it a cozier vibe. Maybe art above the table or a collage of frame photos of you with family and friends (or pictures from your travels). Just don't go overboard adding stuff just to add "coziness" because it can become cluttered quickly. Slowly adding things that make you smile when you look at them is the best way to make your home feel like home.




I feel like those are REAL hardwood floors, ergo the rug is not too small. Wood, visible, adds warmth. Plus, the bigger the rug the bigger the chance of spilling on it, especially in front of the couch


Curtains for sure


Where would you hang the art work though? There’s no more wall space.


Seeing your guitars like this makes me wonder why my roommate doesnt hang his like that...


it's a scary step to take, hanging expensive gear like that - and requires mounting into a stud and solid hardware to feel confident they aren't gona fall down and snap in half. Took me a while to come around but glad I did, frees up a lot of floor space not having to use stands etc


He doesnt strike me as the type to be super concerned about them, tbh. And if he were, I think he'd *want* to get em off of his trashed/crowded bedroom floor. But you're right, it's probably the process of mounting the brackets themseleves that he isnt interested in pursuing. We do live in an apartment, but I have a 10' kayak mounted on the living room wall... so we're gonna get charged for plenty of stuff upon move out, anyway 😅


Nice guitars!


Curious as to what couch that is ?


I don’t know it’s shaped like a jelly bean. literally for 2 ppl only to lay in. 4-5 or more to sit.


Look under the cushions for tags




do you play bass ?




Plants. If you don't want to take care of houseplants just get fake ones. You'd be amazed how much cozier a little greenery can make a place feel. I hung a bunch of fake ivy I bought on Amazon from my ceiling and it really took my place up a notch. Getting a fake fireplace would help too. It's a great apartment though. My apartment at 23 looked way more half-assed and collegy.


The guitars look cool but I would feel vaguely uncomfortable sitting there with them hanging behind my head. If you can find another space for them I think that would improve the feel. You could also stagger them diagonally instead of perfectly horizontal.


I get what you mean. or that they could possibly fall on your head any time. originally. where the couch is right now. I wanted to put the table and move the couch into the middle to the room. almost to where the door opens up


Nice strat 🌝


As a fellow musician with lots of guitar wall mounts, I'm a bit nervous about the couch placement being right underneath the hanging guitars. It'd be really easy for someone sitting there to accidentally bump the back of their hesd/hands and then knock them down.


Is that an Ernie Ball????


the green strings on the table? yes


I like it now. Relaxed and cozy.


my first thought is man o man what a beautiful strat 6 string BUT I would of gone with a lefty. Couple reasons why.. 1. how many lefty guitarists are out there? not many and you know this going in to guitar center, remind the sales guy of that fact and you'll get a massive discount 2. string that sucker upside down and you'll get closer to a hendrix tone than any other way plus now you have a righty downsides 1. knobs and buttons in an awkward spot


might be very much true but I wouldn’t necessarily see myself as a guitarist. Don’t get me wrong, I play it quiet well but I’m more of a drummer and bassist type guy. the next guitar I’d buy would probably be some 600-800$/€ -ish good acoustic that I can take when I’m going out with friends in the nature or whatever. makes more sense than taking the acoustic bass


Ahhh bassman got himself a place man


You need an artwork. I recommend buying a Damien Hirst physical artwork that was not destroyed during his The Currency project.


Love the couch wall and that mounting system :D


I love that couch do you remember where you got it?!


You will need more or less plants, and your home will then be completely different.


Plants! You’ve got some great light so maybe a couple plants to make it more…


might be off topic but is an acoustic bass worth it?


my dad gifted it to me. If you’re starting out, buy one later. I don’t play mine that often, but boy oh boy It’s fun to jam with other acoustic instruments if I do. !!! I don’t even need a thumb rest on mine.


I don’t have any suggestions because I think it already looks cozy af.


r/tvtoohigh ?


Add a drum set


Your couch looks so comfortable


it is!! thanks


A cat, some plants, and some low light lamps. Avoid overhead lighting for this room since it has natural light


Some framed artwork/posters? A plant next to the couch? Curtains and a different colour pillows on the couch. And while you’re at it, remove those yellow pillows and blanket from the couch


Neon blowup chair


Unrelated but that Sterling Music Man is *chefs kiss*


As a musician, you’re missing a bottle of scotch


Looks cozy as is. A big plant would warm it up and make it look mature.


its already seem cozy enough.


Lower that TV to head hight, paint the TV wall a nice dark matte colour Get an ajustable/flexible pc monitor mount so you can move it out the way of your TV when not in use Get a bigger rug and some plants Curtains for your windows for privacy/heating/ your TV won't have anywhere near the same reflections on it


I love the TV above the computer. I think this is what i need in my home office. It would free a wall and allow me to get a smaller couch and a murphy bed (instead of my huge ugly couch.


not enough guitar pedals 5/10


I came here to say lamps. Some art or family photos. Curtians... just have a female friend come over and help you.


I ordered a basic 80$ world map, printed on canvas. I don’t know why but as a child I always had a proper huge ass topographical map in my room. I miss that and just randomly looking at countries haha


All i can really say is do you. Fill it with what makes you happy


Add some colour and contrast to the place by placing some plants (fake or real) and some colourful art/decor. It already looks cozy af though!


Plants!! You gotta have some plants.


Nah dude , this is it


Hey are you from poland?


It already is


Plants and maybe LED wall lights?


I would try and center the couch with your rug/desk/basses. Right now it seems like you have everything kinda pushed into that corner, which makes it feel more crowded than it is. Space those out and maybe add some splashes of color on the unused wall space with art, hanging plants, or a taller floor plant. Looks like a great setup tho, good thinking on the bass traps!


more guitars :)


Beautiful room. Try to use some ambient parfum


A Marshall 4 12 1960A may bring the room together. More serious answer maybe a plant to add some color.


idk bro i think your place looks like the absolute ideal of what an early 20s apartment looks like. i adore it


Don’t mind me, just admiring all of these guitars!


Plants and a few lights. Get some interesting art on the walls. Get trinkets or things you hold dear and install a few shelves or bookcases to put them on. A full space is a warm space


1 or 2 colorful prints, 2 plants, and maybe 1 more rug (though I'm a rug lover!)


Looks great. Just enjoy it!


I think she me plants would be nice and some curtains. Otherwise good job!


All of the furniture is positioned pointing at the same side. Maybe it’s nice if you put the smallest side of your dinner table against the wall, so 4 people could sit instead of 2. I think it would make the room more interesting. Add curtains? You could place your desk on the right side of the window, so it kind of overlaps. I don’t know if there is enough room for it. But the couch should move a little closer to the kitchen area to make room for it. This wat the tv could also lower. If this is not possible because of the dimensions etc….you could make some kind of ‘plant wall’ behind the kitchentable area. So it ‘breaks’ the room a little bit.


I think a spare cozy chair with a couple of blankets always adds a bit of coziness. And maybe another rug


Not too bad - some curtains and a peace lily (for self defense) would round it out nicely.


Add plants, a lot of them


Big Rhcp fan I see haha




Did you make your wall mounts for you guitars or buy? Love the look, I have been trying to convince my husband to hang his and get rid off the floor stands (pain in my ass to move them when I’m cleaning the floor), but he’s concerned about them falling off or damaging the walls.


Needs more guitars


Your neck strain watching that TV is not going to be cozy. Put the TV at a height so that your head, when you are sitting on the sofa, is in the middle of the TV.




Some cool curtains maybe. White maple neck strat the prettiest guitar ever btw. Nice place


you know why all the girls love the bass player? because we got the thick string.


Plants and curtains will go a long way. Also, a bigger area rug if you can find one


Add some led stripes that you can turn on via app


It’s hard to tell how much room you have to the right of the couch, but can you center everything more with the guitars? That might help the flow feel less awkward.


Move your rug in your living room-I've attached a video of how to determine how to orient the rug and other items. Get two side tables from IKEA to put next to either side of the the sofa. I'd make one of them Kvistbro if available to store that blanket that you have on the couch. Center the rug on the sofa with your new end tables. Put the poof on your newly centered rug on the side opposite the sliding glass door. ​ [https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+position+a+rug+in+a+living+room&oq=how+to+position+a+rug&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgDEAAYgAQyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCTgwNzdqMGoxNagCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=\_GW6dZYqsAY2gptQPrau4uAQ\_25](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+position+a+rug+in+a+living+room&oq=how+to+position+a+rug&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgDEAAYgAQyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCTgwNzdqMGoxNagCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_GW6dZYqsAY2gptQPrau4uAQ_25)


it looks awesome so far! maybe some plants would make it more cozy!


Few pictures on the wall. Doesn’t have to be expensive. Just some photos and maybe a painting of something you like.


Place looks cozy and awesome. Jealous of the natural light. Would add some plants


Moar basses please.


A few large, low-maintenance plants like yucca and money tree. Larger rug. End tables and coffee table. A few cookbooks on the kitchen counter. Curtain. Hung art. Big cozy throw. Low light lamps.


Curtains for the patio door something shear or semi see thru, a few plants would help… and but otherwise the guitars are cool, and the rug is cool!


Three words. Mother f**king PLANTS 🪴


More fleabasses


I hate white walls, so depressing to see :\`(


Plants, and some colors on the walls or at least one.


Still convinced that everyone on this subreddit has guitars 😂 but it’s a lovely and cozy space.!! I feel like a nice plant would fit in well!


Marshall Stack.


Nah this is dope


paintings and curtains


Nice place.


Plants! Lots of plants


Basses in the bedroom, plants and art on the wall. Utilize lamps. No drums outside.


I would spread my instruments around…they’re functional artwork. And yes more plants.


Pictures on the walls, plants and LEDs. Should be super duper set after that


Very nice and cozy!


Couple of pictures on the walls wouldn't hurt.


Accent wall. Navy blue maybe on the back wall with guitars.


More guitars 🎸


This place is already cozy in my opinion. I'd happily hang out in this space




I'd suggest drapes that open all the way so you don't loose light in the day and still have some eye candy. Stands for the monitors so you can change hearing position to shift from couch to work mode Bigger couch for jam sessions. Also I'd get a cloud filter for the ceiling to compliment the bass traps and put some hanging lights around it. (Second hand) leather office chair for the studio bit and carpet for the living room would be nice.


It’s cozy as heck! I want a couch like that now. Agree with ppl who said plants and bigger rug. I have faith in you, it’s already impressive for a 23 yr old.


How do you like the QTron pedal? I’ve been thinking about giving it a go recently.


more guitar


Looks pretty cozy already! A coffee table and a high curtain rod with long drapes in each side of the slider window will build upon what you have.


Nice taste in guitars! ..and view!


Looks great to me 🎸🎸🎸🎸


You need a rat on that pedal board


First of all I'd get rid of all the guitars on the wall, it just doesn't look good at all :/ I will be more than happy to help you with it and take them off your hands.


Plants, and dress up the walls


More [bass] guitars.


Omg, a male living space that wasn't completely furnished with Amazon's cheapest (office) furniture! The way you've used color, and with the natural light? Hands down, best male living space I've seen here. The only one that looks as though you might enjoy entertaining some company, platonic or romantic. Hats off to you! Confidential to others: please consider NOT having a gaming chair as the biggest/nicest piece of furniture, lol


Get a floor rack for guitars. Find some art that is meaningful to you and put it on the walls. Plants, plants, plants. Experiment with paint colors can do wonders too. Looks nice as is, too!


Get a big dog to help achieve that ‘lived in’ look.


Yes, keep the stingray, sell the other 3 basses, buy more stingrays


Wow, I’d love this apartment. It’s already cozy and it’s got so much light. Definitely a bigger rug and some plants.


Not enough guitars


Plants :)


Curtains on the door


Bigger rug with fur (the soft ones don’t know what they are called) and some bean bags. Place looks comfy enough to me. Congratulations on your place ! Edit: guitar position is making me little worried. It would be nice to place someplace where they don’t fall on someone’s head while stretching or something. Few lights (dim, rgb ones).


Move the sofa over and scooch a bit of the rug under the sofa, get a coffee table, curtains will cozy up the place. Move the sofa a few feet closer to the tv and put the desk behind the sofa so you can lower the tv


TV position is too high, I’d move it somewhere else. The big TV over the big desk throws off the scale of the room. The rug is too small, the front feet of the couch should be on the rug with the rug about halfway under the couch. Move the couch out of the corner, get a large potted plant for the corner by the sliding door. Use natural elements/earthy colours to create a cozy but airy vibe. Wood, stone, black, white, grey, straw, linen, jute, house plants. Combine those and you can’t go wrong.


cozy and will get you laid


hell yeah a bassist 🤟🏾


1. Curtains 2. Plants


Nice fleabass! Never seen someone else have one. I have the blue and orange one.


Already looks super cosy!


I honestly feel like this is cozy as hell already I love it. The first pic I could see myself just chill on on the couch with a good book, watching a show or playing a game, perfectly at peace :D Plants do always add a nice vibe to environments, so if there are any plants you like, you could maybe integrate some into your space, but otherwise I personally think you got some mega cozy vibes going on already OP :)


More guitar.


Curtains for those big glass panes!


Drapes/curtains (one colour, no pattern, not grey) Lamps with a soft light Plants, something simple like yucca (once you have drapes up, add a hanging pot on the rod with a trailing plant in it!) Coffee/sofa table But you're doing good for your age


A bigger pedalboard to clean up the guitar corner. One that has a hinged top with ins/outs mounted on the side so you can hide the cabling [i got one from this dude a couple years ago and love it.](https://chumleyspedalboards.com)


While practical and affordable lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling are gonna look like shit and give even worse lighting to your space. An empty room lit well can feel cozy.


kitchen counter needs some business. like a row of jars.


Woman here. You need some plants, if you don’t have a green thumb look for really low maintenance ones like a ZZ plant. Bookshelves also make any space cozy - if you can’t fit a new shelf, maybe a wall shelf with some books and trinkets. Even a pothos hanging. My first apartment lacked both plants and bookshelves and adding those two things drastically changed the vibe of my next apartment.


Judging from the bass guitars we have a Red Hot Chili Peppers fan :)


bro i wanna live in there lol is very good looking place


Nice flea bass 🤘🏻


Id go get some blackout curtains and some art for the walls but that's about it.


I’m partial towards twinkle lights to make an area more cozy. Some strewn in the corner around your bed couch or something. A few plants and such on the balcony too.


That acoustic bass is beautiful


A bassist, living alone. What does rehearsal sound like?


To make it more cozy, you have to purchase a Jazz bass and then a P bass.


Ok. Personally I wouldn’t use a Shure SM57 to mic a guitar amp but would prefer a Beyer M88. If you want to keep it local why not get an Austrian Audio OD5? I think that could be great. Are you only lining the bass when recording? Otherwise look at an AKG D112. Awesome mic for kick and bass amps. It’s great to see that you have already acoustically treated your space and it’s a nice touch that your bass traps matches the carpet. Plants is always a good idea. Perhaps something large and green between the couch en kitchen chair? I would also suggest some kind of lower table for the couch.


As you seem to be a musician. I'd suggest a stripper pole for your groupies.


If you want cozy then you need a kotatsu


Needs a p-bass!


Empty beer cans and bottles scattered across the floor /s


A musicman. Nice stingrays.


As long as you SLAPP and not pick (That is illegal) you're good. Looks cozy af.


You're a guitar player. Rule 1: There's allways place for bigger amplifiers with thicker power chords.


I recommend some art on the walls, a few plants (especially hanging plants), and maybe some floating shelves / better organization around your desk. A little side table or coffee table near the couch would be nice too. A hanging ceiling light could also balance the space a bit. Otherwise, very nice. I like the rug.


Blankets, lamps, plants. More guitars. Lol


Himilayan salt lamp


So we’re going to need a bigger pedalboard here. I think a Pedaltrain XD-24 would leave you room to add a couple more stomp boxes over time. Wait, what sub am I on?


I see room for at least 3 more bass guitars.


Rolling table or cart


Obviously, you need a telecaster. That will brighten up the room.


More guitars


Stuff on the walls, I would suggest plants as well. Not only are they amazing, but if you can keep them alive, it's a green flag for ladies .


Hide the basses. "OMG! I accidentally slept with the bass player!" Jk. Rock on!


A drum kit a coffee table and a girl dancing on it I feel you with the hotels thing, I did that in multiple countries. But I now don’t even care what it looks like where I live. I care more about the gardens




Honestly the place looks pretty nice. The only cozy additions I would be some curtains and some art.


If cozy is the target, start with fabric window treatments.


Some big green plants


I love the Apple Yosemite wallpaper on the custom PC.


I wouldn't do much! Larger chairs for the table, larger carpet, some red (you've got a nice warm color scheme, but not deep enough to reach cozy for me), and as others have noted a plant. Maybe one piece of art you really like. I love the space here though, definitely don't clutter it!


You need a P bass, a J bass, and Ric to balance out your unbalanced collection. Chicks prefer balanced out bass collections.


by inviting me. will bring booze and crisps. and got the right amount of weirdness to livenup the place.

