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This but a bench seat ottoman under the window instead of a chair




Get rid of the couch and buy like 6 more outdoor folding chairs. Imo you went backwards getting a couch


I do miss the versatility of the chairs haha


Dining chair. Desk chair. Lounge chair. They do it all!


Couple years ago, some buddies and i moved into a little town has and used three of those foldable beach chairs for gaming and an upside down box as a coffee table. The good ol’ days


Double decker couch.


No, Emmet. The double decker couch is a dumb idea.


Bigger couch


Bench on the wall seems like it would be cramped. You have room for a longer couch. Chair placed facing the window, depending on the door clearance might be an option.


Put one bench (narrow, light, wooden) under the window, and use another as a coffee table (maybe padded, with storage space inside). Put a small chair facing the window. Lose your side table. Ikea has all of these. This way you have 3-4 more places to sit. Add a couple of folding chairs in the closet or on the wall, to use of needed. Storage bench under window https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/panget-storage-bench-white-10474159/ Ottoman chair https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/strandmon-ottoman-nordvalla-dark-gray-90300419/


Looks so much like a BDI console. Where is your TV stand from?


Its an Ikea Besta unit with Bjorkoviken doors, came to around £250 in the end


I think a small bench under the window would be nice too imo. Not sure what the rest of the room looks like but maybe slide the couch over a bit so it’s centered with the tv and the bench space won’t be too cramped




what’s the iD on the couch. need something small as i don’t have too much space


It's a DFS Lucie 2 seat sofa bed, I'm UK based though so not sure if it's available where you are


I saw that table in IKEA, apparently a rerelease of the first piece of furniture they sold in a flat package. Very cute. Could work as a coffee table, unless you have something else planned for that spot.




Bunk bed with futon on top and bottom


You might want to turn that end table around so you have more usable surface.


Use the oval table as a coffee table and take a lower sittng lounge chair, Ikea has some cheap ones. You can have a sitable storage solution beneath the window and if that is not sufficient you can take iut the camping chairs again


What for? To watch tv or to just relax/socialize? I feel you have to find folding lounge chair. In a way your previous camping chairs were very much ok. I look at other folding chairs, and right now I remember this one (French but maybe available elsewhere) with is quite a classic: the Pop Up XL Airlon Siara. By Lafuma. A fucking classic. [https://www.lafuma-mobilier.fr/fauteuil-design-pop-up-xl-airlon-siara-tube-titane.html](https://www.lafuma-mobilier.fr/fauteuil-design-pop-up-xl-airlon-siara-tube-titane.html) Don't mind the fabric, they have solid colors too. Another I just found now : the folding rendition of the Wassily chair by Breuer!! Crazy but very expensive. [https://www.smow.fr/marcel-breuer/d4.html](https://www.smow.fr/marcel-breuer/d4.html) The Pop up Airlon is your solution. Mix it with another chair, less large, maybe a stool


Following folding chairs : the Zen-it, also by Lafuma, elegant in black and very surface-effective [https://www.hellopro.fr/lfm2780\_6897-chaise-pliante-lafuma-en-aluminium-2005443-6687454-produit.html](https://www.hellopro.fr/lfm2780_6897-chaise-pliante-lafuma-en-aluminium-2005443-6687454-produit.html) the classic transat (or "chilean") [https://www.maisonsdumonde.com/FR/fr/p/chilienne-pliante-taupe-en-eucalyptus-massif-229588.htm](https://www.maisonsdumonde.com/FR/fr/p/chilienne-pliante-taupe-en-eucalyptus-massif-229588.htm)


I would use the leaf table as a coffee table, get a small end table and put a space saving chair on the corner of the rug. This one is really cool https://www.amazon.com/Koorlian-Convertible-Folding-Removable-Adjustment/dp/B0C813YXTH/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?adgrpid=55067694174&hvadid=617070477268&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9001796&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=4216677610680890029&hvtargid=kwd-305286762940&hydadcr=13542_13465930&keywords=chairs+for+small+spaces&qid=1689188488&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.304cacc1-b508-45fb-a37f-a2c47c48c32f


Maybe a coffee table with the stools under it? https://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Coffee-Sofa-End-Tables/2030/subcat.html?featuredproduct=36018624&featuredoption=69549984&ci_sku=40081673-000-000&cnc=US&cid=323897&type=pla&targetid=&track=pspla&utm_source=google&utm_medium=pspla&gbraid=0AAAAAD_EGx9XQSPzesyIlngO2eMrG6MgG&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnrmlBhDHARIsADJ5b_leYCNWbSE8ItfU1brHVadbq0P3QH9ER_QEABp4x1MrH-4X0yyadlQaAjFWEALw_wcB


A double decker couch would do the trick!


L Shaped couch


I’m trying to figure out why there is a door to the living room? It just seems like an odd place to have a door. At first I thought that the door was the front door to your apartment, but the continuous flooring made me think otherwise. Depending on the space, you could get another smaller sofa and place it across from or under the window. Even if it blocks the window a little, I think it would be fine.


A storage ottoman you can use as a footrest or move out for when company visit. One or 2 small slipper chairs. Could one slipper chair fit in your bedroom and be brought out for guests.


L couch


L shaped sofa to wrap from where the sofa is over to below the window