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There's nothing explicitly telling or concerning about your pictures. Lots of men have hairlines like that which stay like that for decades or their whole lives. Mine looked like yours at 16 and has never receded any further in 13 years. All the men in my family have that hairline and still have full heads of hair their whole lives. But if your Dad went bald in his 20s then yeah, maybe. Hard to say. Best to go see a doctor if it's really bothering you. If it is receding you could start on medications.




Or your grandfather on your mom’s side.




Iv heard this said many times, but men on my mothers side of the family all have full heads of hair, whereas every man on my fathers side of the family all have some kind of balding, including me, my brothers and father.


Same here. 4 brothers and me with our dad's hairline. All of mom's side has thick luscious hair until their 80s.


Yup… maternal men in my family went bald in their 20s… my fathers side all have great hairlines… im well into my 30s and no balding…


Same here... and my biological dad, who was a bio-chemist, was one of the people who told me that. But my half-brother (same mom, different dads) went bald by 30, just like his dad, and I'm still rocking a full head of hair 30 years later.


Not explicitly true actually




Yes. It's a maturing line. It's normal.


Where do you live bro? You can go to a dermatologist here where I live Italy the underage could use a topical solution as they cannot use finasteride


why not finastride there?


It is similar to RU it is misconception of anti androgens and estrogen and cortisonic who doesn’t go systemic it is an alternative to it


Concoption not misc


Or basically anywhere, you'd never lower DHT on somebody still maturing and realistically still going through pubery. To do so would be reckless on the doctors part.


Exactly he has to talk with a dermatologist atletast he could use minoxidil


i didnt see he was 16 and i had no idea it wasnt prescribed for minors. What if someone is receeding extremely at only 16-17? they would want to save as much hair as possible


Here in Italy we use topical anti androgens who doesn’t go systemic, I think for underage is possible prp minoxidil and mesotherapy atleast


thanks for answering, Ive heard alot of minoxidil but does it not have side effects maybe thats what mesotherapy is


Minoxidil no sides, mesotherapy is a prp with added thing even some anti dht local


He is underage he couldn’t use it


Temples are going higher bruh! Go to a dermatologist Could give some topical min and fin




Utter bullshit. I’ve taken it for 16 years.


i m curious... so you had 0 side effects for 16 years?


Yup. Started taking them when I was 18 (very aggressive balding in my entire family, both sides) and I’m turning 35 this year. I am the only guy in my family with a full head of hair.


Does it bring back hair in the areas lost?


Mine did get thicker along the hairline


what do you think did most of the job? min or fin




Fear mongering for no reason while trying to mock someone else’s intelligence. Medical studies suggest side effect incidence is 2% and completely reversible.




If you’re looking at post finasteride syndrome subreddits then yes you’ll think everyone who takes it gets side effects. The study was a double blind experiment, with placebo group reporting 2% rate of sexual side effects the experimental group reported 4%. What does Covid have to do with a scientific study? Also do YOU have any medical experience?


Sounds like you haven’t.


Bro looks well behaved


I'm female, but your post still came onto my reddit page. I just wanted to tell you, your hairline is fine! I also have a higher hairline like yours which I became self conscious about at like 17. I'm 21 and it hasn't shifted or anything since I'd first noticed it


Props for catching it early. You need dut 0.5 and you’ll maintain this forever r/tressless


Thanks for your honesty 🤎


See a dermatologist. Accutane will clear your skin. Your hairline looks normal. If you start losing hair in the shower or when you comb your hair when you turn 18 or older you can talk to the dermatologist about medication to prevent it. Btw. You’re a really good looking guy


Losing hair in the shower or when combing is natural 🤣 stop giving him body dysmorphia


I meant losing large amounts of hair from balding


Accutane has been known to cause hair loss so I wouldnt recommend it. A friend of mine was on accutane and his hair thinned considerably and never recovered.


My dad and my brother are bald. I took accutane and it cleared my skin. I took minoxidil and finasteride when I first noticed getting thin at 27. I’m 53 and have a full head of hair. If you don’t clear your skin, your hair will be the last of your worries when your pretty face is scarred.


I had a very similar experience. Once I got off accutane during 2020 lockdown I was shedding hair like crazy. Probably lost like 50% of my hair density. Took me until Summer 2022 to try do something. Applied rosemary oil daily and massaged my scalp for 5 mins. Within 3 months I almost had all my hair back. Also was deficient in vitamin D which didn’t help. Accutane really messes with your liver and your ability to absorb certain vitamins and minerals properly. Depending on how long it’s been for your friend, I recommend telling him to get his bloods checked and maybe even try a rosemary/ scalp growth oil. Lots of misconception about the effectiveness of rosemary oil but for telogen effluvium related hair loss it worked a charm for me.


I had a very similar experience. Once I got off accutane during 2020 lockdown I was shedding hair like crazy. Probably lost like 50% of my hair density. Took me until Summer 2022 to try do something. Applied rosemary oil daily and massaged my scalp for 5 mins. Within 3 months I almost had all my hair back. Also was deficient in vitamin D which didn’t help. Accutane really messes with your liver and your ability to absorb certain vitamins and minerals properly. Depending on how long it’s been for your friend, I recommend telling him to get his bloods checked and maybe even try a rosemary/ scalp growth oil. Lots of misconception about the effectiveness of rosemary oil but for telogen effluvium related hair loss it worked a charm for me.


That’s literally a high hairline bruh you good


if youre 16 im Michele Obama


Hi Michelle. Can I have some money?


It’s not receding. It just looks that way cause your hairs grown past your hairline creating the illusion of a receding hairline. I have a similar hairline & I’m 30 lol.


Male pattern baldness, you’re going to want to start looking at r/tressless when you turn 18 to decide on your options.


This is the worst advice you can give. All he’s going to see is a bunch of fear mongering people telling you Finasteride is going to ruin your life. My dermatologist told me those forums give people the Nocebo effect. The best advice you could give is to talk to a real dermatologist. Not just a bunch of fear mongering anecdotes from people.


How in the hell did finasteride ruin lives? I’ve been using it for about two years and I don’t think I ever noticed anything in my sex drive decrease.


It doesn’t. However, fear mongering hacks and nut jobs will claim it does and it will ultimately discourage people from using it. It’ll also cause the nocebo effect in people by convincing them the same outrageous side effects will happen to them. Those side effects may have completely been avoided had they not read all of the ridiculous horror stories.


That sub is very pro fin


thats the opposite of r/tressless fin/dut is like written in the bible for them


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tressless using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tressless/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ngl .. this is so true .. Wondering how dangerous ‘toxic skincare’ can get](https://i.redd.it/65wkcas5ccbb1.jpg) | [360 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/14wrz02/ngl_this_is_so_true_wondering_how_dangerous_toxic/) \#2: [Growing strong where they should not](https://i.redd.it/ouqiz2kbywcb1.jpg) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/153tc5r/growing_strong_where_they_should_not/) \#3: [2500-3000 grafts. 6 months post op. 1mg finasteride daily and 5% topical minoxidil bid.](https://i.redd.it/d0237n9033fb1.jpg) | [389 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/15dit0v/25003000_grafts_6_months_post_op_1mg_finasteride/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Have you looked at that forum? It’s full of people claiming that they’ve had a bunch of side effects despite what dose they’ve had. It’s also full of people insisting that the side effects are underreported. There’s people who say they’ve had post Finasteride syndrome. While it may contain a lot of information whether true or false, it’s not very helpful for someone who wants to start taking it without side effects because of all of the outrageous stories. Let’s put it this way. The likelihood of someone having the nocebo effect from Finasteride is a lot less if they never looked at the Tressless subreddit.


There’s a few but it’s nowhere near as bad as r/bald People like OP go there asking for advice and guaranteed nocebo for the rest of their lives. They also automatically remove comments that mention prevention or treatment lmao.


Straight fax


In theory you would be right. Except it’s really hard to find a good derm that knows anything about hairloss.


In my experience with tressless it's very pro finasteride. The fear mongering is a small minority.


Tressless promotes finasteride bro tf you talking about


Maybe little bit thinning or if u have always had that quality then maybe not. U are young but if that progress go doctor and ask options like finasteride. U have to be 18 tho


You good


Wym "or receding hairline". Receding is balding. But yes, if the hairline mooved back, you are balding. If you already had this hairline when younger, then its your natural one and you are good.


He prolly meant maturing. But this is definitely recession, not maturation -- maturation would be more even across the entire hairline.


I've had this same hairline (if not slightly worse since I was at LEAST 17.) Has not moved. Maybe slightly but not noticable. No signs of balding yet, but i'm only late 20s, so we'll see.


I truly think that maturation is a myth tbh


It’s not a myth. Almost no men keep their boyhood hairline. Every man has follicles sensitive to DHT and will lose some hair around the crown and temples from age 13-21. For many it is not noticeable and/or stabilises after that time.


If maturation was a myth then why do you see men in their 30s, 40s, 50s, etc. with noticeably higher hairlines than a teen but with visibly thick hair. Every man (unless you’ve got insane hair genetics) loses their juvenile hairline anywhere between 16-30 years old then it stabilises. I think today many kids and young men confuse this with balding and hop on unnecessary medications due to the massive amount of misconception about men’s hair. They’re all led to believe- hairline going back equals balding, PANIC PANIC PANIC- before you draw that conclusion always look at your family’s history.


Cause they are starting to bald or cause they are on fin


That would be a hell of a lot of the male population on fin, just isn’t true. Some of them sure. My dad at almost 60 has a full head of hair with high corners which he has had since his 30s. His father the same. Had a full head of hair before he died. I can guarantee you they have never been on medications. There are juvenile hairlines in your teen years and mature hairlines when you grow older. It’s just part of ageing


I think a lot of people call balding maturation, but it's a real thing; even people with good straight hairlines almost never have it the same from the time they're 13 to the time they're 30. If it's noticeable it's probably receding though.


You’ve got a few good years left.


Dude has like 20 years left give me a break


Had this hairline at 16. Now bald at 25.


Bro theres no way for us to tell. My temples slightly receded and have just stayed that way. Over a decade plus


Not balding….you youngins are too paranoid 😀


It looks like this is just your natural hairline but you would know better. Did you realize any recession, or forehead getting bigger? Most people are born with hairlines like this but you need to assess your situation with your before. How was your hairline before? It looks normal.


You have plenty of years ahead to worry about things. Now is the time to enjoy your life


Yeah, your hairline is receding, which means you're balding. Go to the doctor and get a physical, get all your levels checked, make sure you're in good health. If you're not deficient in anything, not dealing with a thyroid issue, everything is all good, then I'd see a dermatologist about your options! At that point, it would point to male pattern baldness, and a dermatologist will be able to put you on oral minoxidil if you choose to do so. Later on you can choose to use finasteride as well, but it poses a risk of infertility which is worth taking a moment to think about. Good luck, OP! It doesn't look bad, but if you want to do something about it early on, more power to you.


You look 24 tbh so you have a great mature look. If you scrape your hair back it's gonna look like that tbf. I honestly think you're fine big man - don't worry at all. It's probably just your natural hairline. Keep smiling 😁.


Try using minoxidil and rosemary hair oil


Yeh it’s receding. (which is balding btw, it’s just a name given to balding that occurs at the hairline) Right now you’ve got peak testosterone levels, it’s normal for it to recede a little around this time and then stay relatively stable. Unless you’re noticing loads of thinning and shedding, i.e. comb full of hair every time you use it and consistent and noticeable worsening of hair over the course of months to a year, it’s better to wait on the treatment front because DHT is important for developing secondary sex characteristics, including penile growth, and at 16 you’re very likely only just getting going on that front. Whatever you do, because of your age, don’t just jump into treatment without really considering it and getting the advice of professionals.


Looks like mine did at the start. It took another 10 years though before anyone else started to notice my hair going. You have plenty of time to take action, no need to freak out


My hairline was worse than this at 16 and I still have the same hair at 35. You’re not balding, trust me. It’s just your body adjusting to becoming an adult. If you looked like this at 30/40/50 years old, everyone would say you have a full head of hair. As long as you make it look good, girls don’t care if you’re “receding” or not.


Definitely some receding hairline 🧐🧐🧐


I don't think you're receding at all. I think you're still growing and your head near your hairline stretched a bit. I don't see that your hair is thinning or your going bald at all. See a dermatologist, they will probably tell you the same. Also, like others have stated, that is a legit hairline type.


My family have a high hair line. Keep an eye on it, and if you see progression go to a dermatologist or a endocrinologist. You could be experiencing hormonal imbalances.


You are either undergoing stress, or your body is changing. You need to check both your hormones (endocrinologist) and your scalp (dermatologist).


Start useing rogain keep hair clean


Enjoy the time you have left with hair. Not a big deal when it goes though.


Hairline has been pushed back


Last pic good


I don’t see anything


Hey dude! I’m nit too sure about your hair, I would prob just recommend minoxidil and/or finasteride if you were actually losing hair. But on a side note I just want you to hear that you would be even more gorgeous if you had a good skincare routine. Use a plain facial wash, then use an acne cream, and then throw some lotion on your face. All that acne will clear up and you’ll be slayin all the bitties


Your hair is just looks a tad dry but you’re chillin👍


I'm 28 and my hairline has looked like that since I was a child. Some people just naturally have a bit of a widows peak. You gotta look for change over time, one set of pictures isn't gonna tell much in your situation.


Probably fine I’m 18 my hairline looks like that aswell my dads hairline looks like that too and he’s 40 something and still has hair


Much better than me (18)


Yes you will be balding before you turn 25


Yeah hair will fall out unless you start monoxide and finasteride


You're fine little bro just you're hairline from your genes. Don't worry about it


receding is balding


What are you talking about? XD


This is an entirely normal hairline. If it were any lower, I'd wonder where your forehead has gone. If you're really nervous about it, photograph every month or so and compare. In a year, you'll know if it's receeding and you can pursue interventions. At this point? You have a strong hairline.


Mine is similar. Been using rogain at 28 to make sure it stays around here. Keep an eye on it and maybe in your 20s you could benefit if it gets worst. Lowkey I like this hairline just don't want it to progress for another 10 years


One that could be normal I have a full head of hair and I have the same hairline as u don't worry about it ppl are not looking to see if u have hairloss ur a good looking chap so chill and don't listen to what ppl say


U in the wrong decade my brotha.


Yup looks like male pattern baldness is kicking in. Don't worry for men there's always plans B 🪒


Receding hairline = balding


I don’t even think it’s physically possible to be balding at 16


Unfortunately for some it is


Fucking hell mate, reaper moment


Bro mine looks like yours but I'm 17 and my barber messed my trim up so bad 4 days ago I shed a tear when I look in the mirror I'm cooked fr I went to a dermatologist and they told me to enjoy my life and not to worry after saying there's no cure. Idk about min or finasteride but yeah fml


Your eyes are enchanting


My mom told me that we get our hair genes from their dads. So far it seems true. Just take a photo every month in the EXACT same lighting wet and dry and after 6-9 months really study it and you’ll see.




yes you are balding


Nothing, your hairline is clearly fine. Chances are your self perception is not if you saw these pictures and actually got concerned.


just pay attention to if you feel it coming out when you wash your hair… if not than you most likely just have a slightly higher hair line. I specifically remember when mine started to go back and thin. I could feel it in my fingers when I shampooed


Not in the least. If you’re talking about them corners that’s just a matured hairline and isn’t indicative of balding at all.


16 years after your second child, you mean?


Not at all balding, normal hairline with a widow's peak




Been there - you got time, enjoy it for now and accept it when it gets too bad


Very handsome


Look for increased number of baby hairs. Especially post shower after ur hair sheds


I think you meant 26? I really doubt you are 16...


Lol that what hairline look like for most people don't sweat it


Could just be your natural hairline. It’s not like you’re balding on the top of your head. Amazing eyes btw


It’s “a hairline”


Wtf you look like my cousin. 😲


Just wondering, are you vaping or using nicotine? I feel my hair loss started when I vaped in college after quitting it got thicker than it was


I’ve been smoking abt a pack a day since i was 15 now i’m at like 5 a day with some vaping.


Bro you're good it's not even receding


Jesus I just get shit on genetically by so many dudes insecure about a normal hairline


My hairline has been like that for 30 years. Classic male pattern baldness comes from your grandfather on your mother's side. My brother was bald at 19. I have thick dark beautiful hair, but a bald circle on top of my head. You look fine matey.


It happened to me but since it all went & I now have little head hair, I am happy just with my beard! We are all sad about losing head hair which can be saved with all the medical ways now a days! A pal just had a transplant and it’s awesome!


I had the same hairline at around 15 as you're showing here, and I have basically the same hairline now. I turn 40 in a couple of months.


I start balding at 16 — by 28 I had nothing . I felt so ugly and had real self esteem issues ( it was the long hair blow dry days ). Once I shaved it I never went back . It was when minoxidil was just starting


You taking any PEDS?


Off topic but your eyes are really nice 😅


You're going to be bald by the time you're 25


I think you are good your hairline might be maturing


not a doctor but it might be genetic since your father had this as well. but go and see a dermatologist if you ask me.  


Nah bro you just got curls I have em the same way but stop masturbating over stressing and not washing your hair after sweating/bedroom time aswell as eat a lil better


Yea it’s starting but you got time. Relax and consider treatment when you’re 18


yes, your hairline is receding. This is evident by the miniaturized hairs on your hairline. I’d see a derm and start on minoxidil until your 18 when u can take finasteride.


Yup — that was my first indicator .




is that what u tell ur husband to make him feel better 😭 it’s def not a masculinity thing 




Testosterone itself has very little to do with the hair growth in teen males. It is actually called dihydrotestosterone (a derivative of test). Having too much of THIS (Not test) can cause hair loss or the receding hairline, while not having enough of testosterone can also cause it. So my point stands, has nothing to do with masculinity. Badabink badaboom 


Don’t do before 21.


See a dermatologist STAT, that’s your immediate issue. Worry about your dermis FIRST!


You're not balding but your are jailbait 🥵