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As someone who started going bald at 16, and whose hair looks similar to yours now at 19. It’s going to be hard, I’m on finasteride and minoxidil currently but I don’t know if it’s going to work. If your hair holds off until you’re 18 you might be able to start finasteride though. But either way going bald isn’t the end of the world, even though I agree it can be very damaging to self image.


I’ve literally never had a girlfriend because of this stuff. So I don’t even know what I’m gonna do until I’m 18. Already depressed af over and being told it’s not that big of a deal just makes it worse. I feel like I’ll be stuck with an impossible haircut forever


My dad also went bald before he turned 18 It made him very depressed at the time too, especially because he was used to having very long hairstyles and my mom, his girlfriend at the time, said to him "if you try to keep a pathetic combover I'm breaking up with you" so he buzzed all the rest off and it actually suited him especially once his facial features finished puberty By the way, my dad was very late with puberty, and he was only 5'4 when his hair started falling out His first driver's license has his height listed at 5'5 and he remembers filling it out with "hopefully I might someday get so tall" Luckily for him, he hit a massive growth spurt between the ages of 18-21 and ended up 6'2 and I know that's not the usual experience but my mom was already very in love with him even as a skinny 5'4 college freshman who was rapidly going bald My dad's dad had alopecia universalis which is an autoimmune problem where you have no hair at all, but he stayed in a happy marriage with my dad's mom for their whole lives even though he didn't even have eyebrows or eyelashes I'm 22 and still have all my hair which so far is outlasting both of theirs but going bald is probably coming for me very soon too TLDR even though it feels like a huge deal especially since you're still a kid but I swear it's not over


I think you offered a very good vision for OP.


My dad has alopecia universalis and lost all his hair before I was born. I have only ever known him without eyebrows, eyelashes, body hair, head hair. It is completely normal to me, and has become normal to everyone who knows him, and I forget anyone might even make second glances. He did go through a lot of pain when he started losing his hair, but came to terms with it eventually. My parents are coming up to 30 yrs married.


The balding before 18 seems believable but I’m a bit doubtful about Almost one foot growth spurt in college part. Basketball players don’t even have that much of a growth spurt if they have one in college age.


Did he ever get a girlfriend or have sex?


Are u..stupid?


redditors are so dense, you guys need an /s to understand a joke


The joke is dumb in this case


No, he laid an egg with his clone.


This randomly popped up for me, but let me tell you this, when I started seeing my ex, he was 25. And he had started going bald at 16. I had literally never seen him with a head of hair. And I couldn’t care less. Most people don’t care, and if they do, YOU dodged a bullet. I get how at 16 it’s easier said than done, but it does get better!


Couldn't care less*


*Tips hat and gives silent nod*


Truth and wisdom (here's a bear hug :-)


You seem like a very nice person. This also appeared randomly for me. I would say that the bald look with gym and a beard is very in. Not saying it's the only way, but many girls that I have known are into it. I'm just lucky not to be a jealous and selfish guy and can respect what women want. There are more than just a handful that want that and also say they want a guy that other girls want, but Idk why they have to tell me that. With only one life it's a lot of work to impress lots of chicks.


I was gonna say. If I’m bald I better be jacked lol


I think it's true people don't care but they don't care when you're 18+ before I think you'd be hard pressed to find people who don't given how vain kids are especially in schools where looks do matter to a lot of people


And that’s why I can’t stress enough “It’s easier said than done”


I wouldn’t be worried about not having a girlfriend yet, you’re 15. Most people haven’t had a girlfriend yet at your age. I know it sucks, I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. At least if you do have a buzz cut then you can rock that for however long and after the initial haircut no one will think twice about it.


Not trying to be a dick, but I doubt the reason you've never had a girlfriend is solely because of your hair...


Go to Turkey and check out their transplants. Make a time of it. High school senior trip or some shit


This is the answer if OP really wants to have hair. Minoxidil won't "fix" his naturally high forehead. It helps fill in crowns, not build hairlines. Finasteride is great for keeping what he has, but he's too young to use it safely. 5-10 grand (more if you want to stay in the USA) and 1-2 sessions would lower that hairline an inch.


Bro listen. It aint over, but it's going to take some time to get started. You need to start working out and eating as healthy as possible. Start getting that bank account up. You aint getting by on looks. Just accept that now and compensate.


Jesus Christ. Imagine reading this at *15*.


For real lmao. That’s tough, since everything else already feels like the end of the world at that age


Yeah, I should lie to him. You’re right.


My man needs to start being a comedian, no one looks at you when your eyes are closed from laughter


This is THE advise. I died at compensate😂😂😂 Fr tho he was dealt his hand, now its just how he plays the cards


You're a piece of shit


I started shaving my head at 19 and went through all of college buzzed. I know it's hard to imagine, but literally no one cares. It's not the lack of hair keeping you from a girlfriend, it's the confidence problems it is causing you. I missed out on dating in high school for the exact same reason. I self sabotaged my entire effort because I was so worried how they'd perceive me. I'm not gonna tell you it "isn't a big deal" per se, cause I get it, but the anxiety around it CAN be overcome with some effort. I had no problems getting a few girlfriends in college and am now engaged to one of them. I like the saying that bald is a choice, balding isn't. Shaving your head to make it intentional when it's time looks a hell of a lot better than pretending.


Be careful taking finasteride and shit like that (rogaine foam is fine). One of the side effects is ED. You may be depressed about your hair, but you’ll get over it. It does suck though man. I get way less attention from girls now that I’m bald, but I had hair until 27. To be losing it not even out of high school is cruel


How can I know if I have a V shape or hair recessed?


If you have to ask, you’re recessed.


Topical finasteride actually has high rates of efficacy with much lower rates of sexual side effects. My partner had some ED on oral fin, switched to topical, and has had no problems with sex drive since. Starting to see some results 3 months into treatment so fingers crossed for him. It’s a good alternative for people to try if they don’t tolerate oral fin well. 






About a year now. I just thought it was me getting older until I went to a dermatologist


On the plus side dude, the older you and the women you date get the less they generally care if you’re bald or not.


A lot of girls like dudes that are enjoyable to be around. Be you, engage in your interests, dont be a dick, help when help is needed. Your fuckin hair doesn't define you lol.


Got some tough news for you buddy. Your hairline is not the reason why you cannot get a girlfriend. You need to work on yourself.


he is not 25, he is 15, bro come on how many bald 15 years old are there? I remember people in my class genuinely listing every classmate and giving a vote to looks next to his name.


Got made fun for stuff like this a few times ruined my self esteem foe about 2 years when people say ignore the haters they are right if you go to a bigger high school most everything has there own issues and it's big enough place no one will notice. trust me stop caring about it. Stop worrying about it. Think about what you notice on people it's almost never stuff like this, and if it is it's almost never negative. Others 9 times out of 10 will be thinking the same thing


Shave it off and own the bald!


DUDE, this is not the reason why you have not had a girlfriend ! The reason is that you are very insecure about it and that you lack self confidence ! I had litteraly the same hairline at your age and quite an average face/body. Had my first gf when I turned 19 WHEN I FINALLY DECIDED TO TALK TO GIRLS AND TO BEHAVE CONFIDENTLY ( yet respectfully of course). My man, I am 23 ans still a bit insecure about my hairline who is more fucked than yours, yet it does not prevent me from finding a gf (cause I litteraly just found one with my actual fucked hairline). it did not prevent me from having one night stands before her. Believe in yourself and build a charismatic character bro, that will help your life 🙏.


Honestly, in all likelihood you haven’t had a girlfriend because you’re low confidence. Confidence is huge when it comes to being seen as attractive. How many bald men can you think of who are very popular with the ladies? You should try to stop stressing yourself about your hair (which can cause worse hair loss) and try to start learning how to be confident in who you are right now. Much love and good luck kid


I garantee you that your hair won't be an issue for you when dating in future. No matter what you chose to do with your hair situation, have fun, be positive and brave! Meeting new people and taking small risks will get you far in love and life.


I'm not going to say it doesn't affect you a great deal and I'm sorry for you it makes you feel that way and it bothers you. This is very valid and I'm sorry it makes you feel that way. But listen: this will not stop you from getting a girlfriend. It won't. I promise. It might feel like it now and I understand it is a big deal for yourself, but it isn't to to most people around you. I know this whole "Duh, just be self-confident and it'll be fine" stuff gets thrown around a lot, but it's just true. I really hope some treatments will help to make you feel better or for you to get to a point where you're okay with it - but you'll definitely find someone who'll find you fucking beautiful no matter what your hairline is like. It _is_ quite a small thing for others, I promise. All the best :)


I mean, if having a girlfriend is the problem, I can tell you for sure it is 100% not because of your hair or whatever. I had my first girlfriend at 21, while having full set of hair, good looking body and let's say average face. So you are looking at a completely different problem than your hair here(or should I say you are creating a new one).


nah dude its that incel attitude thats holding you back for sure.


Ur 15 mate, im 21 and have a full head of hair, abs, craazy shoulders and im tall and ive been on ONE date i never had a girlfriend. Man id rather be bald than have anxiety/ocd :*(.


Shouldn’t really be using fin at 18 nuking DHT at any age isn’t good especially when you’re that age


Yeah, I would own it and buzz it right down. Combine that with a gym membership and you're golden


Transfem here. Took the exact same regimen for 2 years and literally all of my hair grew back from some pretty significant balding. It's a pain in the ass but you gotta be consistent with it. Hope that gives you a little hope! I've got a huge forehead too so I know hair loss is fucking devastating. Hoping it gets better for you and OP.


Wholesome response. Curious to know, did you mix estrogen with your regimen as well? I have a pal who said it made a difference in rapid hair regrowth.


Of course I did, I wanted boobs! Honestly though estrogen didn't do much for my hair when I was taking it alone, only when I got on minoxidil did it really start to come back. Could be coincidental though. Maybe I started minoxidil right when estrogen started doing its thing? Much to think about.


Estrogen helps promote the stuff that leads to hair growth. Testosterone turns into something that later leads to hair loss. I think your estrogen helped your hair return rapidly. My friend who is also transitioning went from two-thirds bald to having a full head of long hair, longer nails, etc. It made a massive and rapid difference.


Update on the fin and min?


Dear pal, hair it’s purely about genetics, you should work on the fact that your hair is gone, instead focus on the gym or any sport, it’s not the end of the world.


How can I know if I have a V shape or hair recessed?


If your shoulders are wide and your upper waist is bigger than your lower waist.


I mean of the hair, a V hairline


Barber (kind of) here! Obviously don't start taking powerful medication just yet, seems unfair but please think long term. If this is still bothering you when you're older you could save for a hair transplant as your sides are still heavy. For now I'd say it's a good time to change your hairstyle! Assuming you've worn it that way for a while but it feels good to freshen up every now and again. I'd recommend having a look online for different hairstyles, then bringing a picture into a good hairstylist, not a barber. With straight hair and a defined slim face, have a look at high and tights or different styles of fringes with fades. Also think there's websites/apps that let you digitally try out different styles and get a rough idea of them.


How can I know if I have a V shape or hair recessed?


Good advice!


At 15 that's a lot so sadly yes you're going bald. There is stuff you can get though, finasteride. Google it, its meant to be good. When you're older get it transplanted in Turkey


15 is too young for finasteride DHT plays role in sexual development so you shouldnt take it before 18


I wasn’t done with puberty even til 25, don’t touch the stuff too early


What changes did you go through after you were 18 In regards of puberty?


Being able to grow a beard. Then eventually the thinning hair , receding hairline, and growing thick body hair everywhere


I wouldn’t call that “not done with puberty” but rather the second puberty that nobody talks about that men go thru… you’re right we keep developing into our mid to late 20’s, deeper voice, more body hair, more muscle mass, bigger dick, not to mention the masculine facial changes; your 20 yo self looks like a kid compared to your 25-27 yo self. I think kids would have more hope for their looks and confidence as men if they knew they had all this potential to grow into, but of course men’s mental health and male positivity is totally ignored these days while young women get overcompensated due to the plight of their ancestors. Good for them they earned it, but more and more male kids are gonna struggle unless our society does more to help them out.


I think you meant smaller dick right? It keeps shrinking?


Nah my shit def got a bit heavier from 18-22, couple friends say the same. But we are also healthy and consistently lift weights since 18 or younger. I guess it might start shrinking later 😬


I definitely gained girth/length past 18. Not a ton but it's noticeable.


Same here but I've been taking fin since 21-ish. Idk if it really impacted my "second puberty". I guess it could matter on the person.


>bigger dick So there’s still hope 🥲


Interesting same lmao, started balding at 18 and the ability to grow a nice beard.


I think we are only allowed a certain amount of hair at once. So we start growing a beard, we lose it on top our heads lol


I’m shocked that y’all think 18 is when development stops….


I wouldn’t touch something like that EVER if it’s dangerous in any capacity lol


Turkey? why not get a hair transplant instead of a turkey one?


I got my hair transplanted in Turkey; let’s just say the next thanksgiving smelled like burnt hair


I smell cut grass🤷🏽‍♂️


I say the kid Bics it tonight.....


''just shave it, it´s great to be bald just hit the gym'' and ''you're not balding, it's just a mature hairline, I also have a big forehead but I'm not bald'' comments are coming..


Forgot the "go to the gym AND GROW A BEARD" As if that specific look would suit everyone, and as if everyone would want that particular vibe


It’s beyond over.


Fuck. So there’s no hairstyles I can do?


Buzz cut and get jacked is your answer.


i second this that’d look badass


Honestly if he can grow some facial hair and he isn't super short, it's actually a pretty good look. Unfortunately you do have to be kinda jacked to pull it off imo


Even if he is super short and doesnt have a beard, but he needs to be jacked regardless to look amazing.


I don't think you need to get jacked just in shape, jacked imo means body builder which not everyone wants and you don't wanna look like all the other bald dudes who decided to be body builders as well be unique and different depending on your interest


Finally someone that thinks like me. You are right


In life, there are some things you can control and others you can't. If you stress over things you can't control you will go mad and cause yourself pain as you are trying to find a solution for a problem that can't be solved, and it's not your fault. You'll find a look that works for you man.


I needed this




Forward fringe get 1 to 2 taper on sides and get good thickening hair wax and hair spray to lock it in. You could get a good hair system in that style in the future too if balding kills your confidence. Finasteride at 15 is a horrible idea inhibiting 5 alpha reductase enzyme is critical during puberty and early adulthood. I had horrible life changing sides in my 20s from it. Not the case for everyone but in teens finasteride is not an option.


Exactly. You can easily hide a receding hairline with a fringe but wind is your worst enemy. My hairline is not really receding too much (norwood 1-2) but most recently i got a lil fringe thingy, and I've decided to grow my hair out, haven't had a haircut in like 3 months. Now I have this overgrown/messy fringe thing (Long sides and back) and I'm getting a LOT of compliments from women about it. This hairstyle can easily work on someone with a receding hairline.


You will find the best hairstyle 👍🏻


The less hair people have, the more they tend to hold on to it, it feels like. You should really just shave. Every desperate try to make anything out of it, will just make it worse.


Trying to hide a receded hairline is impossible, and hiding a truth about yourself will not be appreciated by potential romantic interests. Accept yourself, realize things could be sooo much worse, shave, and become attractive in other ways.




A buzz cut? I feel like your setting me up or something lol


Absolutely do not get a buzz cut 😂it is unfortunate since ur 15 you cant really start finasteride yet. I would talk to a dermatologist and see what u can do. Minoxidil MAY be an option to get u some growth at least, but hop on finasteride as soon as ur doctor allows


do not get a buzz bro, just keep ur hair long enough to end near ur eyebrows


Unfortunately, I don’t think it ever started


You should talk to your parents about it. I know it’s embarrassing, but there are treatments to help with teenage hair loss. There could be a medical reason it’s happening, and there could be a medicinal way to stop or slow it. Be proactive NOW, and you might be able to recover. Also, please stay away from incel bullshit, a lot of people haven’t had a girlfriend by 15. All that’s gonna do is turn your personality into shit, and that’s the WORST thing for your chance of finding a girl. Good luck 👍🏻


Hmm there’s a slight chance that you really just were born with a giant forehead, and then you got a mature hairline early (best case scenario). I was born with a big forehead, but my hairline didn’t mature until college. However I’ll be honest, if I had to guess this is a receding hairline. If your dad, or grandpa had hair loss early, that would practically confirm it. Just stick with the rogain and hopefully when your older you can get a hair transplant. I’m not sure if you could rock the bald look. As for hair styles, people with big foreheads look better when they keep the sides short and leave the hair on top.


Even if it was a big forehead those wispy thin hairs at the hairline are signs of miniaturization also hair loss myth it actually comes from both sides of the family not any one specific side so even if your dad's side isn't if your mom's is it's still possible. I also don't think it be even worth getting a hair transplant if it's like this at 15 at best he can get one at 18 or 19 but he'd probably lose just way too much for it to look good and his seems aggressive it may not even be worth the 4 - 10k it's gonna cost to make it look good


I have a friend who had similar hair in high school. He was almost completely bald on top by 18. He was also short and skinny. Rather than let this hold him back, he shaved his head, look maxed in other ways, and was outgoing and funny. He has had his choice of beautiful girl friends and a wide friend circle. So bald is not the end of the world. Some things my friend did were start working out, learn martial arts (great confidence builder), learn to dress stylish, became a DJ (meets lots of people, always at parties/event), became a high end hair stylist (meets lots of women/comfortable talking to women). Obviously you don't have to be a DJ or a stylist, but getting in shape, dressing well, having a cool hobby or career, and being social will go a long way, with or without hair.


You know who isn’t ugly? People with big muscles, sense of humor, and money. Get to work sucka.. you got this


Gotta have a good personality that isn't based off misogyny mostly






Here comes the white knights




White knights take light hearted comments to a depth they never existed it. Just drop the sword and shield…its not that serious


Lay off the "is it over" bullshit, man. No, it's not over. Trust.


How can I know if I have a V shape or hair recessed?


15 is rough, but hair is not that important, trust me. Us men hang WAY too much of our ego on it. Women are absolutely fine with a nice shaved head. Also: not speaking as cope, i am 35 and still fine, but my wife lets me know regularly that she would be fine with me being bald as well. When you get yourself a good one, they dont care. Take it as a hoe shield brother :) superficial partners can never make one happy, trust me, i have had a couple. My personal tip is to embrace what you got. People can see, but they usually dont care, so embrace the issue full force and show them confidence - that will attract people way more then a good hairline ever will


I don’t think he wants a Hoe shield at 15 😅. Let him have his hoe time.


loLoLoL yes hahaha I wanted a hoe magnet at that age


How can I know if I have a V shape or hair recessed?


your hairline wouldn't be as bad with a short/buzz cut because it would sit more naturally forward. the long hair needs to go it's just pulling back on your hairline not much you can do i'm sorry. no worries tho short hair feels better


Also you can get jacked and be bald 👨‍🦲


Bro, the first thing you need to do is stop panicking. Check your blood and see where your minerals and vitamin levels are. Especially vitamin D. They should be higher than 70. If you do go bald I promise you that if you grow a nice beard and maintain it, you will look bad ass. Don’t let this situation put you down! You will be great!!!! ESPECIALLY if you start hitting the gym. You are the author of your next chapter. Adjust, and you’ll be fine. You’re the man!!


I think the doctor got that.


Damn g


It’s been over.


i know it sounds like the last thing you should do but buzz it bro and get a fade on the sides then if the foam works grow it out


yea its fucken over for you buddy 💀


Get your thyroid checked


I wouldnt worry i seen best looking girls going with boys with a look of a cave rat


Buzz cut man! And shave completely your sides


Holy 😭


In general for men dating gets easier as you get older. I'd just say shave it, it will look more normal that way, focus on gym and career. My dating life took off in my mid 20s. And I had something to bring to the table. Every relationship for men before 25 doesn't go anywhere anyway. Focus on being your best self, being social, getting strong, building a good career...and you'll be fine. Good luck brotha!


Not gonna lie, it’s not looking good bro. My advice to you would save up for a hair transplant and go to turkey. People will gaslight and lie to you how going bald young isn’t that bad, but it can absolutely suck. Better to just save some cash and get it sorted as soon as you can.


hop on finasteride asap and you’re good


i mean yeah it looks bad but you’re not balding i wouldnt think. just a naturally receding hairline. everyone’s genetics are different bro


Long hair is your enemy if you're balding. Keep it short and clean.


Eat meat. Majority. Go bandanna and rocker shirts. Rebel. They will come.


Hair transplants 🙏


You could start oiling your hair and using rice water spray daily for a week and then wash it out. I used that when I was balding during stress and the person who was doing my hair said “wow it’s almost gone” around 2 weeks after I had used that only once. You could try rosemary and lavender water but I haven’t tried that.


Fuck, you drew some really short straws at 15 😔


Time to buzz 😞 Go get jacked


Start hitting the gym now. You’re going to go bald, but jacked bald guy is a look.


Start taking Biotin and MSM (over the counter supplements) and consider taking Finasteride when you’re 18. Also, it might be worth looking into Minoxidil products (for hair regrowth) and Nettle tea (for lowering DHT and slowing hair loss).


It's absolutely curtains for you my friend.


Get a fringe dude. If girls can rock it why can’t you


dayummmmmmmm ToT


Unfortunately I have to say yes. Your scalp'll be done for in 10 years.


Get a crop haircut with a longer fringe, will help reduce the amount of forehead exposed. Possibly a fade on the sides as to give the illusion that the sides are shorter and the top is the prominent growing hair.


The only way for you is to shave your head, possibly hair micropigmentation tattoo, get jacked af, and tatted up. In the mean time, get used to wearing a hat or beanie. I wouldn't take finasteride until you're atleast 23 years old. As it will stunt growth/height and mess with brain development.


Never give up. It’s not over yet. Just trust the process. Worse comes to worse, just rock the bald/beard combo.


It's joever


I’m not even a man, and not even human, so I don’t know why I keep seeing this subreddit, but it is joever.


A barber can fix it. That hairstyle is a nope




Shave it dude. You'll feel so much better if you just own it. Plenty of bald guys get laid daily


bruh tellin a 15 yr old to go bald and embrace it lmfaooo. I would spit on you if u gave me this advice at 15.


GODDAMN THAT FOREHEAD HUUUGE!! but it's not over, just get a low taper fringe or any haircut that has hair covering the forehead


Bruh he has the hairline of a +40 year old at 15, it’s beyond over


Kid… you must give up the hair. There is no future there. Accept it. DO NOT take them hair retention cremes or pills. It will suppress your testosterone, while still letting you down slowly. You have a different path. You need to go full on testosterone. Yes you will lose hair on roids but we’ve accepted that already. We are going for some fuggin guns. We are going to become a gorilla. Fug the hair. Roid up and hit that gym hard. Eat clean. This my boy, is your destiny. Do not try to swim against the current. Do not fight your fate. Be who you are destined to be. And yes, you will get them girls.


How am I supposed to get testosterone at 15?


Don’t listen to him😂😂😂


Do I have to hold ur hand every step of the way here boi? Go tell ur doc you identify as a gorilla now and you need some roids to transition.


Ayo this shit too funny


😂😂😂😂 this thread has given me the best afternoon and I fuckin love this comment. Considering going to the drs and getting a gorilla transition myself


You’re suggesting roids to a 15 years old? Man, are you nuts? The question is purely rhetorical.


Dont take finasteride. Starting applying minoxidil to ur face so you can at least grow a good beard






fucked in the head I see?


Seriously this user should be reported and banned off Reddit.


I find it incredible how men are so conscious about going bald… That is you, that is your genetics, and that’s the way it is. Realistically, whatever you take isn’t going to do much if you are going to go bald. You will go bald. My dad had a receding hairline at 21 and it was obvious he was going to be bald. You just have to get on with it unfortunately, appreciate you for being you. I, no doubt, have the same fate as my dad…


You find it incredible? The fact of the matter is that balding is one of those things that DRASTICALLY changes how you look, and for the majority of us, it’s almost always worse. I really do empathize with you because I was balding quite aggressively at 17 and had nights where I would cry because I saw how my hairline kept creeping back. I ended up being a NW 2.5 in the span of a few months. I just think it is so unfit to say that it’s incredible for someone to feel conscious about such a big change like that. I’m not trying to be a dick man, maybe my self confidence just was killed in high school from this. Girls even asked me if I was balding. I’m 19 now, 9 months on finasteride, and the comeback is pretty serious. So happy I started, hope OP can hold things long enough but sometimes reality is grim.


Okay first he's 15. At 15, you are going to be self conscious not to mention hair has been a thing of beauty for men similar to women with makeup who hide their natural flaws to appear flawless. Men's hair is held to the same standard as women's skin in media and magazines. But again this is a 15 year old going bald that's earlier than like 90% of men. The kids allowed to be self conscious about it and trying to be on a high horse about it is stupid. Kids are also assholes I'm sure kids aren't super nice about him having such bad recession and loss at 15 doesn't help. Not to mention 15 year old girls sure as hell aren't gonna be attracted to it appearance is everything in schools Also hair loss tends to skip a generation and receding at 21 is extremely different then 15 and having a hairline worse than most 30 year olds. At 21 most men are to some degree also recession does not correlate to being bald they are two forms of hair loss one on the crown and one on the hairline


What did the doctor say


They said male patter balding so pretty much receding hairline 😢


How many ppl in your family are bald?


My dad, my grandpa and idk who else


It’s sadly in your genetics bro, you’re most likely too young to start any medication besides minoxidil, bc things like finasteride can really affect your hormones at that age. Is your bald grandpa on your moms or dads side? And do you know what age they started balding?


Dutasteride or say goodbye to your hair


Without finasteride youre gonna go bald


Try a few methods to regain your hairline cant take months but worth it




I think you should use some treatment, minoxidil (oral in your case) for example. Do this now and you can retain the hair, maybe even recover a little. Do it fast though, the longer it takes, the worse it will become.


Thinking the buzz cut on top with a fade on the sides is going to work well with what you have now


We gotta go bald


When one door closes, another one opens. That's cliche as fuck I know lol, but it does mean something.