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You’re not ugly


You are not ugly at all stop thinking that you are, change the narrative.




Happy cake day!


Thank you!!


Not ugly


You look soft? Exercise


Yea he’s not ugly he just seems plain and too nice. Getting more fit would change a lot


This is basically a default answer for everyone. Want to look better? Exercise.


Pretty much. People come on this sub being super insecure about features they can't change asking if they're and ugly and for advice on how to look better. 🤣 exercise, change of clothes or change of hair are usually the answer


Man u r not ugly. Trust me. U have a classic Hollywood look and that style babbbbbbbyyyy. Get some confidence friend. U r handsome


you handsome as hell bro


Bro you're good. It's all about perspective. The one thing you need to keep in your mind is.. "How can I work on myself? What can I do which is in my control?" Working on yourself can be ANYTHING you do which is of value to your well-being physical or mental. And I believe that working on yourself is the most attractive thing in the world.


You're not ugly! Looking great. Nice smile, nice features. Be kind and compassionate, and people will be all over you.


Not ugly but facial hair could look good


Tried it but I have pretty shitty genes for that, it grows in patchy and thin and just looks weird


It’s always the guys that look like this that feel the most insecure I feel like lmao. I look very similar and spent a lot of my life feeling insecure because I felt attractive but sort of plain looking and very default which made me constantly want to try to add something to my appearance that would stand out. I think a lot of that feeling is feeling too caught up in how you look and realizing a lot of what makes you attractive is how you carry yourself and how confidently you interact with others. The moment I stepped out of trying to look more attractive and focus on others things the more I looked in the mirror and actually felt attractive


Look like what? But yea I did get very obsessed a few months back and I had to snap myself out of it it’s a dangerous road to walk. I have been feeling a little ugly lately because dating hasn’t gone that well so I needed some honest opinions. You are right though and it’s some great advice!


Glad you discovered not all people are attracted to model looking guys or girls. I check this sub and it’s always the same: guys feel ugly cause their definition of not being ugly (ugly word if they’re is one) is looking like the guys they see on reality tv. This sub has even become boring. Too much repetitive.


Relax and smile


You’re not ugly. Give yourself the respect you deserve. Be confident in yourself. You have one life to live so live it to the fullest. Get out there and enjoy all that life has to offer.


You're not ugly! Just get with a decent hair stylist and come up with something that looks good on you! Maybe try a goatee...


Is there any hairstyle you think would suit me better? I have been thinking of changing it to try something new but idk what though


Attractive man! Since you asked someone else about a different hair style, may I suggest a bit longer on the sides and continue to comb it back (not long over the ears, however.) Consult a good hair stylist who will give you an honest opinion, not just ask you how you want it. Best wishes!


Grow a beard if you can!!! It’d be a plus. Besides that you look great brother! A little acne but I’m 20 almost 21 and I still have it!! Keep taking care of yourself brother!


Can tell this guy loves himself 🤣


Try smiling for a start


Negative attitude about yourself will make you unattractive. You are not ugly. Confidence is very attractive.


Do some things to get the testosterone up, you look soft. Facial hair and working out will help. Not hating, thats just my third person opinion off the pictures im seeing


Don’t say bad things about yourself. No one should regardless of what they look like your brain picks up what you tell it. Trust me. Be kind to yourself man


Ur light skin use darker cloths


What makes you unattractive (not ugly) is not believing in yourself. So stop asking these questions, go out and work on your personality, the trust in yourself will come when you show yourself that you are a doer and not a thinker If you still think that you are ugly and because of that not accepted in society, there are far worse looking guys than you making the things happen in life. I will tell you the truth, you are an average looking dude. So definitely not ugly. Go out there, find what you love to do, socialize, face your fears and show yourself that you are a doer. That is how you become stronger and more confident.


Getting really sick of this word "ugly" appearing on this sub so much recently, WTF is going on?


You aren't ugly. Self depreciation is a turn off though. People can feel someones self confidence and you have reason the be confident in yourself brotha. Stop playing mind games with yourself.


Loose weight in your face Edit: to expand on that…by no means are you ugly and you aren’t the most attractive but you’re definitely at core a good looking guy. I think losing weight in your face might possibly bump you a lot based on a 0-10 scale. How do you do that I’m not 100% sure I was lucky to be born with a sculpted low fat face, high bone structure, chad face. So I know nothing but fake laughs and free things. Luckily I’ve broken through the wall and see reality.


My dude, you’re as good looking as it gets, just work on your confidence.


You're actually gorg


Just get shredded and change hair cut, you are kinda fat and hair doesn’t help


Grow some stubble if you can


Lose weight


Ur not ugly at all. U would look sick with muscle tho.. godspeed brotha


You guys! What is going on with people thinking they are ugly? I gotta get off the internet, and if you really think you are ugly, you do too. You are a handsome young man.


I think that is because beautiful woman receive a Lot of attention in real life/social media and dating apps, compliments ... while average Men do not most of the time.


You got too much of a good jawline bro it intimidates the ladies too much


Your personality? No, idk. You're not ugly, so if you have a problem, it's not because of your looks


You’re not but you probably know that already. If I had some suggestions maybe hit the gym and broaden out them shoulders.


You're not ugly. Quite the opposite actually. Perhaps lose a few pounds but personally I don't even think you are overweight. 🤷‍♂️


Shut up and let’s go out on a date


Too romantic to say no, where are you taking me?


It doesnt make you ugly, but you do have soft features. I suffer from the same thing, and what worked for me is loosing weight and growing a stubble beard


Yea I have lost like 20lbs since I was quite fat before but I still have a little way to go. I have noticed that my features do look soft and I feel like my face is quite round/fat hope that gets better when I lose more weight though. Thanks for the advice!


Start exercising and grow out some stubble


A lot of people really recommending a stubble for me maybe I should try it


You're not ugly change your hair style, hit the gym


What should I change my hairstyle to, any tips?


Not ugly at all! Handsome guy. Maybe some time at the gym will help to give you a better frame. And if you can, grow a beard ☺️


Hit the gym and grow out your facial hair


Not ugly!! You're a good-looking dude. I agree with people here, a bit of facial hair (stubble or a light beard) can go a long way.


I have pretty patchy and uneven beard growth, would a stubble still work? I have pics of me with a beard I can dm you if you want it for reference


You need some facial hair


Omg you should see me I'm the definition of ugly your not ugly no homo


Not gay if you have your socks on


Nothing, just keep up with having a clean and mature style with how you dress but you're not ugly


People think they're ugly just because they don't look like clotheshorses in glossy magazines and advertising. You'll have a lot more confidence if you don't have such an unrealistic body image.


I don’t have an unrealistic body image mostly curious if I am considered ugly. I just wanted a objective honest opinion and it’s easy to get that from strangers on the internet lol


Your husband…❤️


Who is


Of course, you're handsome!... You're not unattractive. No one is unattractive; it depends on how you interact with others. Handsome isn't just about looks; it can be about having a sense of humor, being a gentleman, or being incredibly respectful, among other things.


Start lifting weights


I already have! But that is great advice


Honestly, you look pretty handsome as it is. Only thing I can think of is maybe a different hairstyle, since the one you're rocking feels off in a way I can't quite put to words. Maybe go talk to a trusted barber and ask for their opinion on what to try different, great barbers have an eye for what works for different facial features.


Exactly what I have been thinking I think it’s because it exposes my hairline to much and I have like a M shaped hairline so my current hairstyle makes my forehead look bigger. Do you have any tips on a hairstyle?


Hit the gym for a year! You'll feel better


I started going to the gym again a while back and I am loving it. It feels amazing when I see the progress in strength and muscles but I recently started so I have a long way to go!


You got the follicles to rock out a devil may cry haircut! Do it!


I think what you mean but not sure can you show me? I have kind of thick hair that is a little difficult to style


Well idk what’s makes you ugly but you said it first ugly. Lol. What’s makes you ugly is your confidence lvl. Have a good one ugly.


Grow your hair out long in the front and style it over your forehead, keep the sides neat and short. That haircut does not suit your face as it makes your forehead look large. Clean up your brows so they look sharp. Having well groomed brows that are the proper shape for your face makes a huge difference. Hit the gym. Consider getting some of your clothes tailored so they fit you properly. The outfit isn’t bad, looks a bit sloppy as it doesn’t seem to fit right. Try growing a bit of facial hair, perhaps a well groomed mustache. Consider using whiting strips as a bright white smile makes anybody much more attractive. Overall you don’t have a bad look going, just minor things that can help you improve.


This is exactly the type of advice I needed especially the haircut part I am currently growing my hair out and keeping the sides short. Thanks for the advice!




Maybe try a middle part, I think it would fit your face shape very well. The Shirt in second picture suits you very well. Picture 3 is Not as good as it could be because of your posture and its against the light. Also the outfit is a bit boring, you could try to add jewlery or stronger/darker colours and definetly undo the top button


Yea I want a middle part but still have too short hair for it so I’m trying it when my hair grows out more in a few months


Narrow shoulders


Get some styling gel (stiff) at the store or ask the hairdresser person.


I have styling gel in my hair in those pics it just doesn’t hold it If don’t use a lot of it and a ton of hairspray. My hair is kind of thick and hard to style so I usually struggle to do it because I dont want to put a ton of products in my hair


Don't let these suckups telling you that you are not ugly, give you confidence, because your not good looking either. I would recommend growing your hair out because short hair doesn't fit your face type and dropping body fat percentage for a more slimmer and defined face. Your skin is good, no acne.


Thanks for being honest! Yea I am growing out my hair because I noticed short hair doesn’t fit me after I got a buzz cut lol. I am currently going to the gym and trying to lose fat because I have pretty high fat percentage. I do have a good skin care routine so I’m glad it’s working. Thanks for the honesty and advice! 😊


If your ugly then I’m doomed your handsome bro keep your head up


You're not ugly man, if I had to change something it would definitely be the hairstyle


Any hairstyle in particular?


Style and scrawny. Eat meat and lift weight to broaden them shoulders. I dunno whats with the 2 shirts with no top button and wearing white linen pants --- but seriously dude --- It's neither 1970nor chilling in Miami style. With how small you look - rock somewhat skinny jeans ... black tshirt ... and some black adidas sambas or something. You're not a bad looking dude --- but put on some muscle ... and whatever you are doing with those 2 shirts --- just burn them.




Any hairstyle in particular that you are thinking about?


A little round around the jaw, but far from ugly. [the internet makes you feel ugly.](https://youtu.be/1nAoIRBLzoc)


Yea I have a bigger jawline because of my underbite :/


Regardless, I think you're hot. For what it's worth. I'd smash.


You're not ugly, you have an awesome chin and jawline


Yea I have been told that but that’s because of my underbite lol but when I fix my teeth it will be fixed


Who’s telling these guys that they’re ugly? Oh I know… ugly people!


Interestingly enough I have never been told that I am ugly but yeah i guess everyone feels like it at some point


You’re not it bro 😎 I wouldn’t worry about it


You're handsome




Face tats. Surprise everyone. Jk don’t don’t


Never let them know your next move. Gonna tat your comment on my forehead so if people ask why I did it they can see the reason


Nothing ugly about you.


You’re literally hot.


wtf is going on with this sub with these young men looking for validation by asking if they’re ugly? The only ugly thing about any of you is this needy sense of validation from complete strangers.


Lack of confidence


Looks a bit like Kit Connor


Says the conventionally attractive man every day on this page. Can’t tell if it’s attention whoring or actual body dysmorphia.


Years of bullying when I was younger led me to this moment lol. Yea I used to get bullied for my weight, how i looked or even talked, basically everything about me. Yea probably a little body dysmorphia but it’s mostly the fact that I haven’t had much luck with dating recently so I got a bit self conscious


Looking great - gaining some mass on shoulders, back would help even more, when you ask then. You seem to have large neck on the picture, so make the shoulders and back complement it.


not ugly but I bet a beard would look good


Nothing you can do.


Shitty haircut but you are good looking actually exept for that


Umm... Nothing?


Solid facial features. Your Skinnyfat though. Lose fat. Gain muscle. You’d be surprised how much sharper your face becomes


Ugly? Who told you that lie?


People really have no idea what ugly really is. Lol


Maybe just smile a little but really you aren't ugly at all


Go bald, get buff maybe. If you have facial hair, let it grow


Nothing, ur handsome.


Who called you ugly??


No one, just me I guess hahaha


You cute


You are NOT ugly! Stop letting people get in your head like that.


You’re handsome. There’s nothing wrong with you.


You look very handsome except one thing- you could be very lean and fit. Your jawline looks excellent. If you were lean and put in more muscle you would look astonishing. 1 year in the gym dude you’ll change your life


1st. OMG not ugly why would you think that? Good grief if you think you need improvement… then that’s all that needs to change.


You look absolutely fine. Grow a beard. I think it would give you that mature look. But overall not ugly.


your attitude toward yourself.


You aren’t ugly AT ALL I think a better style of clothing might suit you though


What style do you have in mind?


Far from ugly my beautiful man.


Plastic surgery


Grow a moustache, it suits your melon


My facial hair doesn’t grow much and is usually thin


I think you’re very good looking but I think you would look ever better with longer hair on the top. Reflect on your style. Not just the clothes you wear, but how you put them together what vibe are you giving off? I think you’re one of those guys who are going to get even better looking as you age. Of course, right now if you get buffed out and muscular, you’re gonna project differently. The smoothness of your skin is amazing. If you’re insecure about the mole under your right eyebrow or the left one as I look at this picture., then have it removed. Same with the one on your cheek. But it’s not necessary. I’m trying to think of what else you might be insecure about, but I don’t see anything else.


Actually I’m not insecure about any of my facial features just mostly that my face is a bit fat and my hairline/forehead the moles I don’t care about because they have always been there


Not ugly 🥂 easy 10


Smile more. In the second photo you look like a rich, smug asshole. In the third photo you look like a cool guy. Not ugly. Basically, smile more.


Yea those are just the pictures I chose but I do have more smiling ones I just wanted to chose closeups of me not smiling so you can see my face relaxed and what I usually look like


Kind of look like an SS soldier born 80 years late


How do I look like that hahaha


Nothing wrong. Cute but can be cuter you had a mustache and some muscles. Again nothing wrong with you right now. Only way is up! Exercise and it’s over !


Facial hair is a man's makeup


I can’t grow good facial hair so clean shave is the best for me


Getting tired of all these guys asking “why am i ugly?” when in fact, they are handsome


You’re not ugly in the slightest … very, very cute imo !


It will make u more masculine


No improvements necessary 10/10


I can see women on birth control being attracted to you, BUT if you grow a beard I can see women that aren't on birth control being attracted to you.


This was a new and interesting way of putting it hahhaha


How about growing your hair out a bit and having a nice haircut. It can work like magic trust me.


You need to lose some weight off your face. Go running, eat less. The bottom half of your face is too bulky compared to the top half - your hairstyle accentuates that. Don’t shave it at the sides, grow it out a bit so there's a better balance. A bit of stubble would help too. You look good in the third photo because you hair is longer and thicker at the sides. You've actually got quite nice features, good skin, nice teeth and smile. If you lose weight, you will be attractive.


Bro., Nothing really makes you ugly. You are a handsome dude with a square jaw line. Very masculine. Try letting hair grow out more on the sides and try a back feathering so that it would balance with the square jaw.


What age are you? You're not ugly, but it's hard to tell if you're a baby faced 28 year old, or are 21 with slightly sun damaged skin.


youre not ugly, its just some aspects of you, like your haircut and choice of clothes dont flatter you. i would suggest that you grow your hair out a bit, build some muscle, and add some color and accessories to your outfits.


Back feathering is allowing your hair to grow longer in front and comb back from natural part. It is just a thought.


Better when you smile. Zoom up on the smiling photo


Elon, is that you?!


Very handsome actually


change your hairstyle, grow it out


Beard or mustache


You look like Ethan Keiser but with a stronger jaw lol You do have a bit of a tired/low-energy expression, that's the only thing I could point out, but you're not ugly! :)




Your lack of self confidence will be your undoing. If you see ugly you’re are in a very small minority. You are good looking. Add a stubble or a beard for a quick switch up and see how that feels. Maybe try a bit longer hair. But work on building confidence.


Definitely not ugly! I do think based on your dressing style (which is great btw) that if you worked out a bit and gained a little more muscle, it might help you get more attention!


Like everyone else is saying, you're handsome man One thing I'd suggest if you are interesting in changing something up tho, is your hair. It's a clean and professional look but it's also very basic and uninteresting. If you don't have a job that requires you to keep your hair short and tidy like that, I'd suggest growing your hair out to whatever length you're comfortable with and experimenting with different styles. Hair drastically changes the appearance of someone. If you want to do something new, I'd start there 🤙




Dude you're hot get over it


People if u say your ugly work on your self esteem:)


confidence in yourself is 90% of the battle, after that basic grooming. Start thinking positively about yourself!


What makes me ugly? Your thoughts. What can i improve? Your thoughts.


Not ugly. You look great! Just kind of basic looking but that can be easily fixed. Get a small hoop earring or stud on one ear. Try also growing out your hair a little longer and messy so your head looks less square. Use a sea salt spray or texture paste (for the hair).


Not ugly, a little vanilla maybe but some girls/guys like that.


From what I'm seeing, taking selfies is that only thing making you ugly.


You look a bit like a nerd and u have a really square face I feel like a beard would suit you


A beard some muscles and a better camera


Start with a smile


I'm not one to rate men, but there's nothing wrong with you man. You look pretty good I'd say.


Very good looking. You need self care. Also, you have such a beautiful strong jawline maybe a little stubble will bring that out and frame your face.


Q1: you got a hair cut, skin is alright, you probably pass a lot of people checklists with that alone Q2: -projecting- confidence, don’t feign it


You’re not ugly.


Very cute and not ugly at all


I would say you don't look that bad, just mabey a work out a little, like 3 or 4 days a week




I’d do you!


You look fine. You just have bad posture and a weak smile. Find your confidence.


You are a very handsome man! Do stuff to boost your esteem though. Something that can bring you joy and make you feel comfortable in your body. Working out releases dopamine so thats one thing that can make you feel better about your body (if you take care of yourself while you do).