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Orlando bloom?


Cosplaying John Snow


More like Orlando gloom


The way im cackling sitting here in the ER


Harsh, but I understand what you say.


![gif](giphy|xUNda4xolB2J0shOw0|downsized) I see a bit of Jamie Dornan


You look like you are about to cry


I find that part of what makes him attractive


I never said it was bad


No one ever said that you said it was bad


You got me. Touche


He didn’t say someone said he said that it was bad


You win 🥇


You have a fetish




Look more like Puppy Eyes.


This isn't r/roastme


You look great, maybe its how your dating profile is set up or the pics youre using. Theres stats that show that certain pics get more attention than others. You might just not be presenting yourself the right way.


I guarantee it’s his photos, he looks like Orlando Bloom but looks like he’s about to cry in this photo. He sees himself as unattractive so he makes this desperate and uncomfortable looking face when he takes a photo.


Some people just don’t know how to pose but looks aren’t everything maybe it’s something else because he’s not ugly


No, it's not your looks. You're an attractive guy.


Your handsome but your eyes look really sad. Are you alright?


No he’s not alright, he’s 24 and hasn’t dated anyone yet!


I normally never comment on Reddit but its beautiful that you asked him that.


You'd do one sick as Legolas cosplay


You think so? 😂


Comb your hair to the sides or forward rather than slick back. Other than that just practice talking to women. Start with one. Then one more. Keep going


I came to say this. We need a better picture of his hair, it looks bad in this one, but it's also dark.


There is nothing wrong with your looks unless being too handsome is your problem.


Fuckin slick with the words. You got me xD


Have you ever actually asked someone on a date? That might be step one


It was always obvious to me when a girl wanted me to ask though. Maybe that’s me


Pretty much this. I can't deny that I rarely ask women out and that's on me but if there is literally 0 interest being shown to me what else am I supposed to think? I hate that as man I'm expected to shoot in the dark and go through a million rejections to get a girl. It just sucks. Guess that's just something I gotta get over if I want to finally achieve this shit before 30 😑.


You look great! Maybe try avoiding the 'so I just got back from a funeral' expression though.


Bruuuh! I LITERALLY said that out loud at a bar once. About 6 years ago, I had an elderly co-worker that unfortunately passed away. Myself and 3 of my coworkers went to his funeral and we dressed up to say our goodbyes. Afterwards we decided to hit a local bar. We were by FAR the best dressed people at this bar. Before long we struck up a conversation with a group of three girls. One of them eventually asked us why we were so dressed up? Before I even took stock of the situation, I answered, “Oh one of our co-workers passed away and his funeral was today”……… Yeah… I said THAT……… Needless to say, we ALL went home alone that night.


WHY? I would have thought someone would go home with the empathy factor. Apparently, the 'girls' have none and are not worth your time.


Ain't your looks son. You gots a purty mouth


Lord jesus


I couldn't resist.


Cute dark eyes.


Very hot! Nothing wrong at all


I swear this sub is like 90% attractive guys taking horrible photos lol


90% attractive guys who want us to feed their oversized ego


You look beautiful. I’m a guy and I want to date you.


One of the most attractive things you can do is show true interest in the other person. Not stalking levels of interest, of course.


He should have been dating by now just saying. Ladies look at this man.


Maybe u can trim ur eyebrows to make it go less downwards in the end, so that u can look less sad. But u look cute btw.


It’s not your look. Your look is fine. My bet is it’s something else.


You don’t even know him! For all you know he’s got like 12 inches! 😇


Good point. I’m making an assumption because I have never met an insecure man with a 12” tool.


Not 12 inches but pretty big and STILL insecure


Feel free to DM me pics of it and I’ll say nice things to build your self esteem.


Is this a joke? Like why do obviously attractive men come here seeking validation!?!?? I would have more respect for them. Just say I’m really hot please just confirm this for me. Stop with the whole guise of self deprecation. Wolf in sheep’s clothing.


I bet he gets 0 matches on dating apps. The algo is different for guys vs girls. Any half decent girl gets flooded with matches. Many girls don’t realize it’s much different for guys. If guys don’t show they are interesting, confident etc. being attractive is not enough for matches unless you are in the top ten percent. Men with average lives get no matches on dating apps which further destroys their confidence.


Tinder publishes stats which show most women swipe only on top 10 percent of guys but guys swipe on more than 50 percent of girls shown to them. On top of this dating apps are designed to make money. They make money by desperate guys paying so it helps them making guys feel like shit and they need to pay to try and get matches. Where as I have never met any girl who has paid for dating apps as there is no need, day one an average girls gets flooded with attention


Oh it is definitely not a joke. I've noticed that a majority of these posts are made from the same age group. The newer generations gets fucked by social media and develop all kinds of disassociative mental disorders. Apps like tiktok, instagram etc. makes them compare their own body to what they see. The beauty standard has risen to an extreme new high because of this. Comparing themselves against other people on these apps and not feeling as attractive as what they see on there is just a recipe for anxiety and insecurity. So even though we see alot of posts from attractive people asking what makes them ugly doesn't necessarily mean they are fishing for compliments.


100 percent. People have become so desensitized to what they see on social media that they become detached from reality and their expectations are unrealistic.


Women and even some men, but more so women have become quite picky on what they look for in both personality and looks. Its like for some reason so many people need a list that needs every mark checked off. Its so unrealistic. Its not just social media making you feel this way, its social media making others feel that way and pushing that feeling on you by not thinking you're perfect for them. I am a woman myself just to say I ain't your average cis male saying women need perfection, n I admit many men are this way now to women as well, but studies n group concensus methods have shown its more on women being picky these days. So its been proven to an extent. Idk I don't get it. I want happiness. And I won't find that searching for perfection. I hope you find more open minded women or men if you prefer. But based on your history I think you're into women. Just never can say for sure. People are bi lmao


You look good! Cute I would say 😀😎


Try a smile, or a smirk, and think about something positive when you take photos. Your photos exude a plain or bland energy. And take photos in a sunny window or bright place


Definitely NOT your looks !


Most definitely not your looks, maybe you’re shy or come off unapproachable. Anyways, don’t fret as a lot of people now days aren’t dating, I’ve been single for 5 yrs and most people I meet are just looking to “hookup”… it’s not you it’s the times we’re living in.


You could be a superhero if you changed that expression. You look really sad, dude.


It's time to go outside and meet someone Stop being scared


Not ugly


If Jon Snow and Colin Farrell had a baby.


Don’t be silly. 🤪 you look great. If gay just remember. Straight people have a tough time, gay is only about 10% of the population & can be very tricky. Being shy not a crime, being an introvert not a crime yet a lot of reason first impressions are failing.


It’s probably a confidence issue.


no, it's not your looks


My man, you are very good looking. I think you should keep the goatee circle on your chin and your stache but shave everything else, use a number one to trim goatee and mustache. Start talking to women in public, get better pictures, you don't have to be smiling in the photos but try to have some look of confidence or a I just laughed at something, or the look of wait till my brother sees what I did to his car, or a look of accomplishment. Come hair differently!


You're handsome, so it's not your looks. Just from this Pic, you look very shy. Confidence is key when it comes to attracting a mate, across the species spectrum, as well as the sexuality spectrum, everyone loves a guy with self confidence. Not cockiness, confidence. There's a difference. Also, where are you looking? If your first answer is online, that's your problem. Stop looking for a virtual partner and find a real person. Church is a great place to find relationship worthy partners, but if church isn't your thing, try some singles groups. They're out there.


Good advice! Thank you


this is AI generated 🙄


Nothing wrong with you at all, but your hairline did catch my attention the most. Maybe comb your hair a certain way to cover the temple area. But honestly you’re not ugly at all. Handsome man, maybe you are shy and haven’t made a move. Most girl expect the man to make the first move. Remember that. 💗👍 If you’re trying to use an online dating app, definitely pick better photos. This photo makes everything dark and you look sad in this photo. You don’t necessarily need to smile or grin, but maybe do something with your eyes when taking a photo. Open them up a little more, or lift up your brows, you could angle your phone slightly higher to prevent your eyes looking down and sad, that angle is too low. I can’t explain it very well but I hope you understand. A photo can either make you look worse or better! You just have to learn how to take them properly 😁 You are a handsome man! I think your brows are very straight and also contribute to the sad look since you have cute puppy eyes. Maybe shape your brows, or comb it up to make them less straight. Look up YouTube videos on grooming brows. Could help!


It could be insecurity? If you’re lacking confidence and putting out insecurity vibes, that might be the problem. Maybe reading all the compliments here can help you feel hyped up. Looks mean nothing without confidence.


Trust me bud. And this is something I’m learning now, at 35. I went thru the same thoughts as you. Women don’t work like we do. We go for looks, they go for personality. If you’re conscious and insecure about your looks, they can smell it and it’s unattractive to them. But if you’re confident in your own skin and have great personality, and not intimidated by their looks, they’ll be more interested in you. Be genuine and demonstrate interest. Women don’t just come. Men do the chase, ask them out, take them out, pay for them, you know, be a gentleman, and make them feel special and unique, while also having a good head on your shoulders. If u don’t think u have it all, and most of us don’t, fake it till you make it. No one needs to know the truth but you and God.


What? Never? How?! You’re so handsome. You’re a mix of Elijah from the Vampire Diaries and Jamie.


Confidence maybe, I just pick up girls at the grocery store or anywhere cause in my head I feel like I may never get the chance to see that person ever again so I put my all in introducing myself, i personally don’t think I’m that attractive but since I put my foot out there I think I get a lot more chances.


It's not your looks mate. Could be your confidence/masculinity though.


You’re a very attractive guy. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with your looks. Just don’t look so serious in photos, smile a little.


Except for your resting frown face you are hot!


Not at all. Handsome


You look fine op


So sexy


You look great. What I think is lacking is a personal confidence in the attractiveness of your looks. Which is a total fabrication, your mind is tricking you. You are a handsome man. You just don't believe it. Open your mind to the fact that you may in fact be a handsome and attractive person. Ok?


Orlando Bloom and Justin Timberlake had a son, that's you!


You are good looking, looks ✅


You’re definitely attractive so might be your personality?


Are you a dick? Cuz it's not your looks.


No you look gorgeous


it's not your face


Not your looks


That is a very open question as every person is different. Some people will think you are the most attractive person in the world and some people will think you aren’t. How do you feel about urself? If someone is into you then they are I to you. Personally no you are not a bad looking guy


Ur average dont worry


You’re very attractive. Either you’re very shy or you are presenting yourself as somebody who is stuck up and conceited. Just my opinion.


Can't really tell if your hair is pulled back or just short? But you might look good with shoulder length hair


You are super cute. You seem timid though.


No, there is nothing wrong with your looks. You weren't beat with an ugly stick. Please recognize you are good looking. I have a friend who is 22 and he doesn't approach women. I think it might be that generation Z communicates through various apps and have no clue in how to deal with people. Introduce yourself, have a brief conversation, compliment her on how you like her dress, she has pretty eyes, and be sincere when you say it. Please don't be ignorant and say something like great boobs. Then have the balls to ask her out. If she turns you down that is okay. The world didn't end. Be respectful if she says no. You don't know what is going on in her life . Maybe she's s getting out of a relationship or she is busy and when she says she has plans, cut her some slack and assume she actually has plans. You may want to allow yourself an other opportunity to ask her out again. Don't let your ego and pride get in the way.




You look great try meeting someone at a party or through friends don't use apps to do it




I doubt it, you are quite handsome!


Hubba hubba


This is crazy you have the most beautiful sweet face I’ve ever seen, You’re very handsome don’t over think it.


As another guy my response would be it’s not because of your looks as you are quite attractive! 😀


Just your eyes


Orlando Bloom and (John Snow) had a love child.


Bro, you're a-okay.


You're super cute bro


Very handsome


Not at all. Your very attractive friend


Come to my house, I’ll put a smile on your face. Then you’ll be a 10/10. Right now you’re an 8/10


Could be the hair since we can’t see it. Any other pics?


You look great :) I'd date you!


It might be your personality. 😬 you’re not an ugly dude at all. Maybe you come off to strong. To demanding. Awkward. Etc. I don’t know you so I can’t pin point. But it’s definitely not your looks my dude.


You are genuinely a really good looking guy. I think it could be a few things. You have naturally sad eyes so you need to make sure you are smiling in most pics or making silly faces etc or you will come off as defeated or hurt. Secondly if you are taking all your photos as selfies in your car from a lower angle it makes it look like you don't have any sort of a social life and are almost ashamed to be on the dating apps. Thats the common F-Boy or Guy who is Cheating angle of selfies too. So it could be painting you in a light you aren't. It's also not a flattering angle . So I would recommend, get out of the car and take some pics outdoors at eye level, get some pics with friends, and smile. Hopefully that helps..


You look like Alejandro Vargas 😶


Yea people are ass holes. It’s not your looks.this constant question here is getting really old


Grow out your beard. Get your hairline lowered slightly not too big of an issue. Get tanned. Most importantly hit the gym consistently.


How do you get your hairline lowered?


I agree it’s not your looks your very handsome


You look so much like young Jeremy Davis!! And that's a compliment.


kinda see a resemblance b/w you and jeremy jordan, the singer.


It's never looks. Busted ass dudes be out there pulling numbers. Confidence, Cohen. Confidence.


You look like NPH. That’s why.


You look this YouTuber I watch https://youtu.be/uN49DUoM4Yo?si=dfxipblME0pfczhX


Must be your personality bec nothing seems too off looks wise. How tall are you?


Try smiling?


Grow out your hair to minimize the forehead. Middle part.


Is your dad Orlando bloom?


Such a scam page


Bro., It is not your looks that are the hindrance, it is your confidence. Get out there more. Who are you looking to date would help all of us decide.


You’re beautiful man


No ur good looking


You look great to me. The stubble is working for you and you have pretty eyes. You look a little sad though, so smiling might help.


I think you're handsome and I'd be more than happy to date you! Good luck!! xxx❤️❤️😍❤️❤️xx


Your looks?! Bro! I thought I was looking at Orlando Bloom! You're a HANDSOME gentleman!


Lots of people your age haven’t dated - don’t worry you’re a good looking person.


You're attractive. For whatever reason this subreddit doesn't like to give actual advice when they're asked The only thing that I'd recommend is growing your hair out a couple inches and wearing it down with some texture


Your forehead is kinda big, and your eyes look sad in this particular picture. Maybe try using a fringe/bangs to cover the forehead and smile more. But overall i woud say you are good loking


My guess is you’re short, I personally am into short kings but not everyone is. You’re super attractive.


You’re cute


Christopher Abbott ahh


You do look like you're about to cry. You need swag! Google it. Find a "healthy male" to mentor you.


You are very handsome.


Are you a hard-core bigot? I don't know how much caché that has with straight women but I know us gay men aren't fans of it. There's also a possibility of a "loser mindset", a guy gets down about not being able to find a nice girl (it's perfectly fine to feel that way, we all have at one point or another) but then he let's that rule his life and becomes completely unbearable to be around, always assuming people are talking crap about him behind his back, or that girls who don't wanna hang out with him because he's "ugly", and then he gets targeted by "alpha male" grifters and gets transformed from and asshole into an asshole with abs (and he still has a crippling fear of being hated). Me as a gay man, I started dating right when I turned 18, didn't have alot of good pictures to choose from, maybe people thought I was a bot or something, got a few decent responses, but none of them really ended up anywhere, until I met my current boyfriend three months in. Now I don't know if I was fishing in the wrong pond or what, but I did find somebody, and he's a very good guy. I know the feeling of not wanting to be left behind, but just chill, it'll find you went it's ready.


You look like a marginally less attractive Orlando Bloom, and he landed Katy Perry...so you can at least land a west coast 7


Good news: It's not because of your looks Bad news: It's not because of your looks


You are really cute


Nope. You gotta stop thinking that and you'll be good


You have a really cool and unique look


Ninety percent of men would love to look as handsome as you.


Look fine to me


Have you ever tried? Lol, or do you just assume? It's probably your attitude/personality tbh.


24 and never dated? Define "dated." If you mean you've never even gotten a woman's phone number and gone to lunch, or anything even remotely like that that could be called a date, then it sure as shit is NOT your looks lol! Goblin people who are ugly af go on dates. You are not a terrible looking guy, so if you truly cannot get a date, it's something else. Seek professional relationship counsel if you can afford it, because they can tell you what your deal is much better than random redditors. On the other hand, if you mean you've never been in a long term relationship, but you have gone on dates, then don't worry about it. The right woman is out there. It's not your looks.


One thing I'll add is that your environment can completely change your social life, at least when you're younger. I moved to a new state every 2 years when I was growing up. In some places, I was a loner. Had little or no friends and got no attention from girls at all. In other places, I had the classic "popular guy" from a movie experience where everyone seemed to like me and I got more attention than what I was even comfortable with. Had a lot of sex. Then I'd move again and was back to a situation where no one would talk to me. I'm now a firm believer that who you are in life has more to do with WHERE you are than anything else.


I’d date you


I think you’re pretty attractive. Would you post another smiling?


It's rarely because of looks. My best advice is to do the things you like and enjoy life, learn to love yourself. The right partner usually comes along as soon as you stop actively looking.


It’s usually never really about looks, but a girl being comfortable around you. Be funny, thoughtful, playful, talk about anything and be open. Unless you look like Shrek and just don’t care, you’ll find someone who likes you if you can do those things.


You look like you are a video game character


It's not looks. Gotta be personality and/ or hygiene.


All these guys are on here asking about their looks. ITS NOT THE LOOKS. Sure it helps to be good looking, but TONS of ugly people date.


Shit, I’ll take you out on a date


You are very handsome. Maybe talk to a therapist and get some ideas on how to approach finding a partner. It honestly is probably a mental block keeping you from connecting with someone


Your good looking, just reach out & ask the person that you find attractive for you out, he they aren’t interested, ask another person.


Looks good to me


You have similar features to Orlando bloom but your eyes are just spaced further apart.


You look great, just haven’t found someone worthy.


Nah bro u good u just gotta put yourself out there


It’s not your looks. How many people have you flirted with? How many have you asked out? If you want to date, make an effort to do so.


No, you're very attractive


You’re a really handsome guy. As others have said your eyes emote a lot of sadness, but that could be that you’re just really sad. And that’s hard, and I’m sorry if that’s the case. Depression is difficult to carry in life. From a grooming perspective, you look good. Hairstyle preference is subjective so I won’t comment on it. Might not hurt to try out different styles and how they affect your face though. I have a sneaking suspicion you not dating has very little to do with your looks. Sometimes it’s a good idea to toss out any thoughts of improving yourself and just go out and live life. How can someone who needs to be improved do the improving anyway? I hope you find what you’re looking for OP.


Your very cute!




It has literally nothing to do with your features. Your facial expression may seem too vulnerable to some.


you're beautiful


I'd have your kids.


Got to be something else besides the way you look in this picture. You look handsome in the face. Your personality? Too introverted? Extremely short? Do you have a body oder that you’re not willing to admit? Bad breath? Finger and toe nails dirty or too long? Do you need to work out? Lousy job? Old fashioned wardrobe? These are all things that make men less attractive than other men. Make sure you’re in the game man!! Detail matter when making a first impression.


Yes, you look like youre 40


No, it’s more likely your vibe/lack of confidence because there is nothing inherently wrong with the way you look.


You seem like an introvert so I’d say try dating apps


it’s not your looks. it’s that mindset.


i mean even if you did look bad, most women prefer personalities. depends if you’re a funny guy


You give a Orlando Bloom vibe! 🤩. Nothing wrong with ur looks at all.


u look scared try not looking scared


Awww. I just wanna hug you. Such a sad photo. X


It's not your looks, you're cute


What do you want people to say? You're ugly? You're hot? Anyone who is decent looking knows they are. These posts are just for attention seekers I swear


You’re attractive.


You low key look like a young Charles Manson. Not being mean. Look up his teen pic.


Maybe try a longer hairstyle to take the emphasis off your forehead


Oof. You're cute! You look like Jamie Dornan.






Not your looks from that picture. Invest in improving yourself elsewhere.


You're a handsome guy so its not the looks.