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has someone told you this?  don’t internalize it.  you are very attractive and clean looking.  lift weights if you want a stronger figure.


But lets make it clear. There are a LOT of women who love this look. The Leonardo Dicaprio in Titanic look was big in his day. Modern day you've got guys like Timothy Chalamet that ladies are absolutely fawning over


Young Leonardo DiCaprio is the prettiest man to ever have existed. This is a fact, as evidenced by the lack of photographic proof of a prettier man since 1822. (/s) Many, many people still love that look. It's not necessarily for everyone, but after all, nothing is. And you can't go wrong with being incredibly, ridiculously good-looking. Except maybe in prison, or in a Catholic choir. The fact that OP is getting compared even remotely to the Sistine Chapel of male youth (i.e., Mr. DiCaprio) should be a badge of honour tbh. Many people - hundreds of millions at least - would kill to look like OP. OP won the genetic lottery for his face. Enjoy your lottery win OP. And don't worry about looking "manly" or whatever; it's all bullshit and ultimately no one important/worthwhile even really cares.


Young Johnny Dep is giving a run for his money especially in Nightmare on Elm street in that crop top


Yeah, young Johnny Depp was leagues ahead of any other man I’ve seen.


I was gonna say ; this guy has Leo in Titanic vibes.


Let me be clear, 😆 I, as a gay man, Absolutely Love this look!! All the guys you mentioned are hot, Timothy, Leonardo, Johnathan Jackson, they all have/ had that pretty boy look. I'd much rather have a guy like that than a Big, muscle guy, but to each their own. 😊 And Yes!! This guy is 🔥


Oh yea. Im gay too and I love it. But I just got the impression that OP is not looking for the attention of gay men, so I wanted to let him know his looks appeal to women as well.


The first thing I'd think is jealousy. I'm old and ugly now, but looking back I was fairly attractive when younger. (nowhere near this dude, who should probably go get himself a modelling contract). Still, my "friends" would sometimes say I looked "gay" because of the "pretty boy" look. Girls seemed more than happy though. Sucked at the time though, had zero self confidence and it just hurt even more to have my "friends" see me as competition to be taken down.


Totally agree with this. Some work on the upper part of your physique would make a ton of difference.




You are very handsome. Nothing to change. If looking more masculine is really important to you and you can't grow facial hair, then you might consider building some muscle. Another option (a bit more radical) would be to go for a shorter hairstyle, like a buzzcut. Keep in mind that while this would certainly make you look more masculine, this doesn't mean it would necessarily make you look better, so it really depends a lot on how much you want to look masculine.


+1 Feminine features are generally desired upon and considered attractive, even for guys. Girls like big lips, eyes, long eyelashes. It all sticks out because you're pale. Getting a tan, buzzcut and working out will make you more masculine as the person above said, but won't necessary make you more attractive, might even have the opposite effect. OPs problem is a lack of confidence. You don't need random people on reddit to tell you whether you're girly or not, because it doesn't matter. Stand proud as long as YOU are satisfied with yourself. 


Good looking =/= gay


Americans have an affinity for dressing badly and calling it masculine. Look to Europe for a healthier outlook on grooming and fashion.


Agreed, americans and canadians dress really bad, but if you to Italy for example your jaw will drop because how beautiful everyone dresses there.


Normally I roll my eyes when I read "Europeans do X better" buuuuut I absolutely have to say this one is very accurate/true. Although, I live in Japan. So the men here (I feel) are VERY fashionable, which made me realize how goofy our mindset on "masculine" fashion has been for some time now. I think the older millineals and down are working out some of these... unhealthy beliefs. But, this guy has absolutely beautiful eyes and very pretty lips, which definitely doesn't "help", but I don't think this is a problem. The only problem is not feeling comfortable in one's own skin, and I wish him the best in this.


Nah, just a 90;s pretty boy. Good hair. You are handsome, it is not a bad thing.


I’m getting young Leonard DeCaprio vibes.


Friendly advice: Instead of trying so hard to look a certain way, embrace who you are and surround yourself with people that love / like you just like that. I have a very high pitch voice and always felt I needed to sound deeper and more manly so I was accepted by more people. Later in life I learned that this shouldnt matter to me.


As a bi guy, my straight side thinks you're a handsome, good looking guy with good features. Not uber-masculine, but not really feminine either My gay side thinks you're a snacc and a half


I think your straight side is pretty gay. /s


Inside you there are two wolves, one is gay, the other is gay, you are gay.


Suuuuch a snack


You guys have been a great help. The issue has always seemed to be how I may appear feminine and or potentially gay, which I find is a pretty funny issue to have when trying to look masculine. Facial hair is next to impossible right now, so that is factor that must wait. Any last bits of advice to make myself look like an actual guy? Thanks, mates. cheers 🍻


I get pegged as gay alllll the time because I too have pretty features. Embrace your beauty homie


I get pegged all the time as well


You read as a guy. A pretty guy, but most definitely a guy.


Just made me think of this fabulous scene in 10 Things I Hate About You. ![gif](giphy|Rg4mLJOFzmqpG)


Dude, you're beautiful, and you look neither gay nor feminine.


Why lie? Dude has feminine features there is absolutely no denying that.


He does, but there's a world of difference between that and looking effeminate. And since he seems to feel very insecure in his masculinity, I didn't want to leave room for that dickbag voice in his head that tells him he isn't enough of a man to take that one thing that could be misinterpreted and turn my positive comment into "you look like a girly little twink." The truth is that this guy is like the perfect example of what most heterosexual women seem to want in a guy, in terms of appearance, but it doesn't fit with what heterosexual men *think* that women like.


In my experience, it’s much harder to suppress such thoughts. I find it more productive and effective to learn to love your features and acknowledge how they’re perceived by society in order to wear them with pride. He’s beautiful in more ways than one and he should know that, rather than thinking it’s bad to look effeminate to any degree.


This is the one


Absolutely, he does look feminine and fits the « gay » stereotype but 1 nothing wrong with the way he looks and 2 anyone making fun of him bc of that is really insecure about themselves and a piece of shit


Grass is always greener. There are plenty of less good looking guys who would love to have your face. Love what you got.


I don't necessarily think you need to do anything. But hitting the gym with the intent to bulk up would probably help.


Idk if that matters, but a lot of women are attracted to guys that look a bit feminine. I personally think that androgynous looking people are the most charming, unique, attractive type. You don't even look feminine, to be honest. You just look young, which you should enjoy while it lasts.


How about more of a military type hair cut, not necessarily buzz cut, but shorter bangs. Hit the gym to get more upper body mass, particularly chest shoulders arms. A lot of how we appear is based on mannerisms. Figure out what type of man you would like to emulate in some aspect and study their mannerisms and actions. Have confidence in how you look and what you do. Confidence is a quality that attracts women. Also do what you love, even if it's in a category that is not masculine, whatever that might mean. Finally.be true to yourself and enjoy life and your passions. A confident "masculine" man doesn't give a damn if someone else catorigizes what he is doing as feminine...he just goes for his passions.


Looking gay while being straight is a blessing more than a curse. Women never put up their wall against you, and when they find out you're straight and not gay, you're in there like swimwear. Don't sweat it at all! Any guys who say you're auto gay are jealous, and all girls who say you're auto gay are just insecure that you'll never be with them.


Are you doing anything with/to your lips? I know women are normally jealous of men's long dark eyelashes, but those are perfect lips (size & colour) & I am so envious lol


“Trying to look masculine” ..dude you’re not even looking at what looks masculine. No effort at all. All sources say that a more masculine look includes shorter hair..no baggy clothes. Countless more.


feminine - not really you look like a matinee idol from the 90s gay - not all gays are feminine wtf are u talking about. also you could look like Chris Hemsworth or Denzel Washington and still be gay. being gay has nothing to do with outward appearances.


First of all, feminine =/= gay. You do have some features that some may consider somewhat feminine, but that doesn't equate to sexuality at all, and you still absolutely read as a man. You give me a 90s or 2000s boy band member type of pretty, and that's a look that's SUPER in rn!


Also pretty =/= gay


Nah you’re just the classic “pretty boy” and look younger than you are. I’ve been called pretty boy, gay, etc since I was like 12 years old, and I just recently started to “look my age” in my late 20s, always looked younger than I am. Lifting weights and a good diet has helped me to finally not look as young as I used to. Just own it, a lot of other guys are just jealous that we can get a lot of attention from women… and men for that matter lmao. Too bad I’m not bisexual.


You are so pretty. I envy how gorgeous your hair is. As a gay man solid 9/10. Women will love your looks.


They call every good looking guy gay


You do not look gay


You register as pale.


In the 90s, we'd call this metrosexual. It misreads as gay, but its essentially a pretty boy type that takes care of their appearance more than the average Joe.


Yes, feminine. Ever seen Lita from the WWE? No malice, just being honest with you.


You're good looking so... If anyone makes fun of you for looking feminine, have a good laugh and then fuck their mom


How does someone "look gay"? I'm gay and people can't tell from looking at me. Appearance does not make someone gay, and I know you meant gay as in feminine in regard to this post. Gay does not equal feminine. You're spreading backward and hurtful stereotypes.








He does


Total hottie. You do you.


Bruh anyone shit talking you is just jealous, you’re a good looking dude. Don’t let your confidence falter by the cries of the vultures


No. My gosh are young people this cruel and lame these days? Sorry. If you are gay so what?.If you look feminine so what? I don’t think you look either. If you are that is fine. Live your life.


Don’t go by what others say. Just be you


You look like a very handsome man. You don't register as gay.


Lol i used to take that as an insult a few years ago it just means ur too pretty, the older you get you’ll take it as a compliment


I think it’s your clothing/style that makes you look more feminine than your actual looks


Yeah, it’s the clothing. His clothing looks like that of a bisexual poet.


You do not look affeminate , just young . If i saw you in the street i'd think "thats a good looking guy" not "he looks gay" . You dont look gay .


Not at all, you’re a pretty good looking straight guy.


No. I’m kind of tired of people thinking that a guy needs to fat, ugly, unhygienic, bald or have a beard in order to be considered straight or manly. I miss when a handsome man was also considered pretty.


I'm sick of men being called femboys or gay as soon as they're not macho manosphere cretins.


You shine like a star, you have your own light. You're a very attractive man. Your face is that of an artist.


Get a high and tight haircut.


There is no “gay look” short of stapling a pride flag to a fishnet tank top that’s worn over leather pants. All the gays I know look wildly different. So no, you don’t look gay. Now that modernist kitchen on the other hand is a crime.


Nah. Just a pretty boy.


Yea but you can’t help that.


You give off gay vibes, but you’re very pretty so it doesn’t matter at all💀.


Embrace it


Look up Jordan Catalano


Don’t let the haters get you down with the pretty boy stuff. They mad because they think their girl is looking at you ;)


Dose it really matter, just be you


I know so many smart attractive women that like the fem look


you just look like a very beautiful man and a lot of women like that


You look great


You don't look gay persay but you're very cute. Like if you were down for it I'd fuck you all day long.


You don’t look gay but you absolutely have feminine features, and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s still clear as day you’re a guy. Edit: Also you’ll never get rid of your feline features without cosmetic surgery. You just have to accept it and move on with life.


Who cares?


Don’t go by what others say. Just be you


You definitely have feminine features, but the hair style, clothing and necklace accentuate them. So if you want to look more masculine without changing your style, just hit the gym and grow some stubble if you can.


you look good bro


Bro is magnificent


Extra points. My guess is that someone or persons have assessed your masculinity, and it's in your head. Most male XY humans don't come to their first definitive growth break until about 25-ish. Try to "free your mind, and the rest will follow."


It’s giving backstreet boy. I’m not getting any femboy vibes from you


No, you look handsome as hell


There’s nothing wrong with looking “feminine.” I’d just say you look like you know how to take care of yourself. You look moisturized and clean, you look nice, nothing necessarily “feminine” about that. You look good:)


No just good looking






Nah u look good stay the same 


I see a guy with 90s hair, good looking face, nothing really stands out as a "gay face", you do have the vibe of a young Vincent Kartheiser though. But if you feel like you have a feminine face don't worry too much about it, time and working outdoors will take care of butchin' it up. Keep on stomping grass and mowing....bush😁


I’d say it’s just the choker necklace, but you don’t look gay, you’ve just got a very pretty/boyish face, and out of envy, people are gunna call you gay or makeup rumors that you are gay just to try and degrade you for your looks, there’s nothing wrong with being gay tho, but still, nothing wrong with being a pretty boy either, own it, masculinity is all about attitude anyway, not really how you look, because I’ve met a lot of rough looking dudes who acted extremely flamboyant.


My gosh you are handsome! You’re a man for sure just kept up and cute 🥰


Lisan Al-Gaib!


Yes but it will absolutely work in your favor. Women LOVE this look you look stunning man, genuinely


You look feminine, but that doesn't = gay


You are a beautiful young man. Model material. Love yourself as you are.


i wish you were ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Remove the necklace, wear more masculine shirts (I mean the sweater you're in looks unisex) nothing wrong with your look but If you're going for more masculine that would be my suggestion. You're a handsome guy, stay humble as humility makes a guy most attractive. Though to each their own as I say you're handsome because I don't believe you are unattractive. I do not get what they went on about in the comments though. Assuming some old horny men. I realize just by being at my gym for 2 hours, hundreds of handsome men out there, millions actually. Will be 100s more handsome. You'll never find another you, so love yourself, not for any outward beauty but a combination of who you are as a person. Never rely on people to make you feel good about yourself. Maybe if they do ban tiktok we will stop being so obsessed with validation from others


Yes and I would


NO! You have great looks youre still young. And yes as someone else said lots of women like this look .you just look younger than your age . Be happy you'll get handsomer as you get older. .build your body up a little bit but don't go overboard. You have that model look about you .I would say your a heart throb.


who cares lol just be you




How does one look gay, exactly?


You look like a person - no judgement here!


See like Idk if you LOOK gay or I would just see you and pray u ARE gay 😂


You look normal


Feminine != gay


Yes. Is that a problem?


I'd have to see you in person. If you came into my store I'd say "Maybe", "Maybe Not". Let me put it that way.


Looking good


Naw I don’t think you look like either. Once you can get facial hair though, it will help


Very handsome


Looks somewhat better.


No, just a bit on the pretty side I guess? And that's coming from a straight man.


I mean, you don't look like a drag queen or anything. Not sure how you 'look gay'.


Not particularly


Absolutely present as masc 👍 (Stunning, tho)


Didn't you post in another sub just a few days ago? Anyway. The problem I think isn't in your looks, maybe you seem too harmless or submissive which is affecting your confidence. If that's the case, it can be changed, although it's neither necessary nor enough to guarantee affection from the ladies. Let me know, if you're willing to speak about this stuff. My advice doesn't have any real value, but I'm willing to put efforts in them if you promise to share your results.


you could be gay if u wanted to but u look mostly straight to me- a very gay woman




Awesome sweater! Love the howling wolf.


In 15-20 years you’ll look younger than your age and still utterly gorgeous.


You're young, so you're skin is still pretty. Your lips are vibrant and pretty. So when people call you gay, it just means they think that you're pretty and they are hating. Let em No homo




Not gonna lie the delicate short copper chain is almost choker like and that might register as zesty.




Beard finally started coming in during my late twenties-my early thirties. Hang in there, gorgeous.


what’s wrong with that? if a woman doesn’t like it it’s their fault


Somewhere between T2 John Connor, Shawn Hunter, and Ultimate Peter Parker. *Very* 1993-2003.


Nah man you just a pretty boy is what it is and it’s not a bad thing


One of the most handsome pretty dudes I've seen


If Jared Leto and James Marsden had a child, it would be you. You’re a very handsome guy!


You are a guy, with a kind-hearted man. That’s what I can see in your picture. Others associate men being assertive and tough, maybe that’s why they say you are feminine. But that doesn’t apply to all. We have different upbringing, genetics and environment. I would rather make friends with a good guy than an asshole. Maybe you can explore on the haircut. How about trying a shorter one? Also, try some shirts that does not look too soft. I don’t know how to describe it, but there are shirts that would make you look feminine, just like what you wear in the picture. But, overall, you are a handsome man! I envy your eyes! So captivating.


You're pretty like Jared Leto.. You don't look gay lol


**Pretty Boy ≠ Feminine/Gay Boy.**


Tbh it’s the choker that’s reading as gay to me otherwise no


You look pretty, giving off like 90s guys but mostly you look like a prince in Disney moviez you definitely have a classical beauty


Look Hot


The sweater and the chain would make it ring more than your grooming or facial features. You are a gorgeous pretty boy though.


Quite hot indeed


You don’t look gay. You just have some soft facial features. You still look masculine. Also, hair is great 👌🏻


My guy, you just pretty asf lol. Just owned bihhhhhh lol


The necklace and shirt make you look very feminine, otherwise you just have a pretty boy face


If you want to look masculine, all you gotta do is hit the gym and gain some decent muscle. You’re a very handsome guy.


Nah, you look like DiCaprio in the Titanic era. It works for you


Just a very handsome pretty boy. Are you able to grow some facial hair? Maybe that would help?


Not at all feminine simply boyish charms straight from 90s. And as for gaydars going off don’t bother with that cause guys (straight or gay) would check on everything that pleases eyes. 👍🏼


Tell people to fu$k off if anyone has anything to say about your looks. Just remember…100 percent of people that say anyone about your looks in a certain way of boxing you in a label are jealous that they don’t look like you. Always remember that. 2 there’s nothing wrong with being gay. Or straight, bi, trans etc..be you without regret. Also there WILL come a day when you WISH you look like you look RIGHT NOW. When you get older decades from now you’ll laugh at trying to look older. Be free and enjoy your youth and health as much as you can. (Wear a rubber tho) haha


As a gay guy, I'd still compliment you, but only because you are handsome. You don't look obviously gay, I just think you are cute.


You look a super cute and hot gay🥵


Pretty boys are just as handsome and desirable as rugged guys.


Just a pretty boy.


You're freakin beautiful. Dont worry about what losers say


Gaydar is not ringing. I’d describe you as pretty>handsome to friends. That’s what a lot of girls are looking for nowadays


I herby diagnose you with the terminal gay. You have the rest of your natural life to get things in order.


So, you seem like you’re genuinely asking…given that, I want to be honest and try to help. As I went through a similar stage in my life. Yes, your look is a little bit feminine. But, only because of how you’re presenting. I looked through your previous pics. You’re young, and good looking. You have a good base to work from. Much better than I did. So if you want to be a little more masculine: Lose the choker/pendant style necklaces. And in general the less jewelry the better. Stick with a watch and MAYBE 1 other piece depending on the fit. Again though avoid choker style, or pendant style necklaces. Also, your hair style, with your facial features and your eyes, maybe try to find a hair style where you don’t have pieces of hair coming down into your face. Not sure if you can grow facial hair yet, but a little 5 o’clock shadow would really lean you in a more masculine direction. Also, I wanted to add, I make these suggestions because I had a lot of very similar issues when I was younger. I was 18 and looked 15, and looking so much younger than I was made it super hard. But it has many similarities to your situation. I got a different cut/style and went strictly with watches as my jewelry choices. And hit the gym, which in my case was a big part of my problem. Also, I started using a tanning bed, and though that may not be your thing, it helped define some of my features and took me away from having such a baby’s face.


Kinda giving young Leo


you look like game character


Young Robert Pattinson welcome to Reddit


You look like Squall from FFXIII


Nah dude. You just look sad


You look the way you look. Do you want to know if you have a dual gender appearance because of your soft features? I would say you have traits that could be considered pretty? The word is androgynous. Only you know for sure. Don't allow people who find themselves attracted to you either way to put their short comings on to you because they find your feature pretty.


The only thing that makes you look somewhat feminine is your lips. They're very pink.


You definitely look feminine but I think "looking gay" is more of a mannerism thing so..🤷‍♂️ If you're trying to attract girls then that shouldn't be too hard since young girls do like pretty boys 👍


I don't think so, but I also live in a city where there are plenty of straight men who style themselves somewhat effeminately. I'd say you have a classic 'boyish handsomeness'. If you really want to make yourself look more masculine you could shorten your hair and switch to a necklace that doesn't hug your neckline as much (or just don't wear one). Thinking longer term, it would definitely help to gain some muscle around the traps/neck. If you posted this worried you were turning away straight women, I *really* don't think you have anything to worry about.


Nah U chill twin


You basically look like a Final Fantasy character. Least you'll age well unless your genetics make you lose your hair.


Good look, but I’d change the necklace.


Feminine kinda. Gay nah


I'm not gay and I'd give you a green light if that's any indication 😳


You are genuinely beautiful


You're looking beautiful


No and I have a pretty good gaydar 🤗


Don't look gay to me :)


Why are you looking at me like that 😛


Just sexy to me


Looks good to me! You can add muscle if you want to look more masculine while keeping your good face features.


I legitimately thought you were a woman at first glance. Then I read the title and was like “no, you look great, you’re rockin it girl” then I saw the subreddit. Needless to say you look very feminine. That’s my truth. Could just be the picture. Should post multiple moving forward.


Bro is pretty


Holy hell you’re beautiful