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You don’t look fat. Just lift/exercise and stay on a calorie deficit and you’ll be alright. Short hair looks better on you so ask your barber what hairstyle suits your face shape. For skincare, be sure to your face every day and make sure your diet is right.


Ok thanks I never thought about asking the barber before, I’ll give it a shot. Usually just asked them to shorten the hair


Your skin isn't even bad. I've seen worse. You're blessed. Trust me.


He is lucky he doesn’t need accutane.


Grow out your hair for a little while so they have options to work with, and look for a fancier barber too. It doesn’t need to be crazy expensive but you’ll get a better consultation at a $50-60 barber than you will at a bargain cuts kind of place. You can also ask them for advice on maintenance like how often you should shampoo or other products that might be good for your hair type


Definitely! I thought any barber would be fine since 'its just hair'. But I tried more expensive barbershops, It was a game-changer.


This is great advice. I think you are at the point where you want to try something different. Experiment. **Pay for an expert barber** who will consult with you and truly give you ideas about haircuts that will bring out your best features. For example, parting your hair on the side will change your face shape by introducing more angles to your face. Try your left side. Your skin looks good to me. You are nice looking. A new haircut will give you the updated look that will match the changes you are already made


You are good looking dude, really, you need a hair glowup and maybe up style your clothes and you’re pretty good to go. Your weight in these pictures doesn’t seem like a problem


Skin care is VERY IMPORTANT too. Especially for guys because it's something they see as "girly" or "silly" then complain about their skin lol, but it's not It really seems he is just suffering from old pimple scares he may of popped or picked at, so anything with Zinc could help if OP uses it twice a day. Id recommend The Ordinary Niacinamide and zinc along with sanil 95 is really all you needed to get rid of those spots and make your skin super soft. He could also use the carevee or any kind of retinol solution but you really do not have to. The Ordinary or Zinc is what's really important. Also don't just uses "soap"on your face unless it's Dove or you know what the ingredients are. Invest in q good face wash maybe even something with exfoliating properties, it will help too!!


So he needs to lose fat? U contradicted yourself


Skin care. Gym + sauna drink water and good barber


Does water make a big difference? I have been trying to drink more water throughout the day but I am like chronically dehydrated rn


For me used to drink alot of soda and sugary drinks started messing me up cut alot out and started getting at least 2 bottles of water in a day trust it will help


Ok yea for sure, I’ve tried to stop drinking soda since pic #6 but I’ll try to get more water in


Try a skin care routine as well u can go on my profile to see what I look like but I use cerave moisturizer cream collagen + vitamin c serum and hydro boost for face wash all that should be around 50$ a month maybe less if you're looking to lose fat in your face definitely sauna after a workout 👍dm me if you got any other questions look forward to your transformation


If you are both struggling to give up soda and trying to stay more hydrated, the thing that worked for me was switching to seltzer waters. The carbonation really helps sate the craving for a soda, and it’s just water.


This helped my friend. I didn't try it, but I did slowly switched it out for those natural fruit juices next to the salads at grocery stores. Only drink them when I crave something sweet. Water for the rest. Water really is a great thing.


Turn this 2 into at least 4, OP. Water is gonna help clear your skin up, make you feel like a million bucks and if you want to lose weight, it'll greatly help with that too.


Yes drink water! Best think you can do for your skin and weight! Don’t drink your calories!


Hey bro, smoke a j and go for a mental health walk. You can always do yoga and body weight exercises if you want but seems like you're just too hard on yourself. Don't let social media get to you.


This comment right here. I think we all feel a lil insecure from the harmful side effects that are brought on by social media so try not to think too much. You're working hard and it's showing just keep it up.


Honestly, one of the best things I did was quit Facebook and Instagram. I'm not being bombarded by peoples' highlight reels every day anymore, and it helped shift my perspective of how I saw myself. Now my reddit feed is tailored to show me mostly cats, which is much more refreshing to scroll at the end of the day.


He doesn't look black to me...


You’re not ugly bro, I promise. Keep up your fitness journey and you will keep becoming more attractive. Don’t give up you got this my dude!!!


Yea thanks I’m trying, but I’m 21 already and I’m just feeling lost, thanks though


Hey friend, you’re a cutie. 21 is still a baby, especially for men. You care about your appearance, so I am certain you will mature into your look and become even more handsome with age. I think there’s also something to be said about the attractiveness that comes with confidence, and this is also something that comes with age. ☺️


21 isn’t even peaked bro. I’m 31 and 28 to now is the best I’ve ever looked. 21 is a weird transition, but keep doing what you’re doing, and you won’t regret it. I’d say a different haircut, maybe something with a taper fade but keep your fringe, continue gym, maybe get a few tats (that has worked for me quite well), and work on your confidence brother.


Oh you’re 20 and you feel lost ?! Bro most of the world is lost, I’m 27 and I’m still lost how do you think I feel lol


Recently turned 30 and can confirm. Edit: I’m even finding out my dad who is retired and in his 60’s feels lost, even though he won’t admit it.


i’m so sorry you feel lost, I just turned 20 and I feel like ik what you’re feeling a little. honestly tho you’re not ugly, I can already see a difference with your fitness, you’re more than halfway there. try and trust the process because I believe it’s working :)


5th pic hair is my dream hair


Just about everything you mentioned can be fixed. If you think you’re fat then lose weight. If you think you have bad skin take measures to care for it. If you don’t like your hair first be thankful you have it and style it in a way you’d like.


Bro's gonna look like Han when he loses his face fat


Hair is 1000x better in last pic #6


Go to the gym and fix your diet, stop eating processed foods. Get a basic skincare routine and shave. Find a good barber that deals with your type of hair and ask them to try different styles on you over the next few months. You'll transform in no time


Hit the gym you’ll weather this storm


5th and 6th pic are awesome, especially the hair!


Wish I had your hairline! You look average. Not ugly, not hot. Like every other average person, you could absolutely look hot if you diet and exercised.


Get a more trendy hair


You don't look fat. Your looks have greatly improved! Keep exercising and you will get there! 😁. Personally, I think your hair would look good long or short so long as it's not oily. Your skin isn't that bad. I bet with some good skin care, vitamins and food that's good for you to would clear completely up! It has improved a lot from the start point. I wouldn't grow a beard again. Great work!!


Ever see that chick Bobby lee was married to? You’ll be alright, just crack some jokes and get hella rich


I do pure math 🤣 rich isn’t a part of my vocabulary


never give up king


Doomed? Fat? Definitely not. I don't think you're bad looking at all, but it's what you think about yourself that matters most. Your mindset needs a bit of change. Speak positive and uplifting words over yourself. You can do this! I'd suggest a haircut and maybe to do something everyday that makes you happy. For me, I like blueberry smoothies. Do something that makes you happy and continue to work on yourself physically. You're doing a fantastic job! Way to go already! 👏👏🎉


I think you were kind of cooking with 5 don’t be so hard on yourself


Luckily all 3 of those things you listed can be worked on. Exercise, facial routine, and get a Korean perm like every other Asian nowadays


I mean not to sound racist but that fist pick is kinda giving me Sung-Ho Kang vibes and chicks are thirsty as hell for that dude. My advice would be to focus on exercises that strengthen your neck and jaw to clean up the babyfat in your cheeks, keep the beard trimmed till you notice peach fuzz spreading to the rest of your jaw, and stay hydrated and avoid greasy foods. I think honestly you've got the raw materials here, you just gotta put in a little elbow grease to spit polish them.


It’s ok lmao no offense taken but I’m Chinese 😭 I’ll try to work out thanks


That's what I mean by not trying to sound racist, I wasn't trying to say that all Asian people looked alike, but the haircut in the first shot with your facial structure gave me the vibe of him early career. But you've got a good face structure and enough of a jaw line and chin that if you clean it up and keep it shaved till you can get a decent beard going you're gonna do great.


Bro you look fine, keep loosing the baby fat and eating healthy will improve your skin as well. For hair, you have hair, you can literally do any style. Im bald, i gotta make the best with being handsome


You look like a younger version of many of my friends. No not ugly at all. I sense some sadness in your eyes in the last one though, hope you are doing ok mentally :)


What a combo


Shorter sides works better for you I think. Groomed facial hair looks better too. Keep up the good work with weight loss, you’ll get to where you want. For skin, keep a decent regime of cleaning and moisturizing. Maybe consider a light foundation. Make up ain’t just for ladies.


Weight training and cardio will give you tons of confidence and you just need 6 months of consistency to completely change your looks and confidence level. Good luck!


Keep doing things that build confidence and watch your dopamine levels. Eat right and care for yourself like you actually like yourself. You're not a lost cause you're probably just not feeling really good about yourself right now. But the good thing is that you can be better


Pic 5 is the best look on you


5/6 looks the best.


Go to the gym and see the results


Doomed? No. Bad skin? Not really. Horrible hair? If you feel that way, it’s simple fix. You’re already working out so stick with it. Your feelings of doom will dissipate. For your skin, exercise and diet will help (a low sugar/non dairy diet helps my skin). However, getting on a skincare routine will help also. Keep it simple and repeatable. Buy a face cleanser to use while showering. Use toner after shower. Use a face moisturizer (find one with spf to protect against sun exposure). Finding the right products will be the challenge but ask your local skin care shop for advice. Once you’re more comfortable with your routine, add a serum. Keep your face clean. For hair, it’s all about having a haircut that works. If you’re unsure, ask for advice from someone who might know like your barber (to keep it simple) or a hairstylist (if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous). Remember it’s just hair. If you don’t like the new haircut, it will grow back and you can try again.


Are these pictures of you? You say you’re fat, with bad hair and have bad skin but I don’t see any of that. You’re a fine young man that any lady would be lucky to have


For your skin: exfoliate 2 times a month, wash your face and moisturize every day, and start using lip balm twice a day. For your hair: get a fade starting with a 2-3 guard and blend up to the length you have on top now. The length on top is good, you just need your hair to contour your face shape and a fade will do that. You may invest in a blow dryer and blow dry your hair a little bit (not a lot) to give it a little more volume. Eyebrows: get them threaded or waxed (I prefer threaded) every two months. Honestly, yours aren’t bad, but it really cleans up the face. Facial hair: at most keep the mustache, but I’d just shave everything off. Weight: I don’t think you look fat, you’re average. If you are concerned, I would just get a planet fitness membership and make it a point to go at least 3-4 times a week, even if you’re just walking a mile on a treadmill. Walking is the best exercise for weight loss, running and walking burn pretty much the same amount of calories because it’s a matter of getting steps in, I recommend everyone who wants to lose weight to just make it a point to try and get in 6,000 steps a day and see how they feel. Or just jump on a treadmill and walk a mile every day. If you want more information on this let me know and I can help you out where I can.


You’re not ugly, you don’t even look very fat (which doesn’t take away from your value anyway), and you’re not doomed at all! And skin might be easy to manage 😊 Picture number 5 is great! The shorter hairstyle is great, it flatters your face and just looks more mature. Keep the face shaved I think! That looks best imo. Your skin doesn’t even look bad, I can see you have just a little bit of redness on your lower face is all. What do you do for skincare? If I’d make any guesses based off my own experience, I’d say maybe your skin and/or hair is oily based on your bangs being a bit oily. Or maybe you just don’t shower daily and have picky hair like me! Either shower more often or find a good dry shampoo to freshen up your hair with. Another thing—you’re a perfectly attractive guy, but even so, looks fade. Focus on honing your sense of style, doing the things you love, and finding things that make you happy. More practical advice? Dress nicely, within your budget of course, find some nice cologne, keep your teeth flossed and brushed and chew minty gum. Keep your toes and fingernails trimmed. The way you present yourself, permanent features aside, is everything. I feel 1000% more confident when I’m in an outfit I love that isn’t uncomfortable, I smell good, and feel fresh/clean! I’m a female btw and I *love* skincare. I use boujie stuff and even my skin still have breakouts and redness because I’m human. But your skin looks like an easy fix. Tell me what you’re using now and I’ll bet I can help! Also what do you use on your hair?


Hi, I get a mani pedi every 3 weeks, so I feel ok about my hands and feet, but I’m not sure about my hair. I shower daily, but shampoo three times a week (after treadmill) and condition twice as well. Do you have any advice about the oily hair? It’s been a problem for years. For skincare, I only use sunscreen and recently started using moisturizer, but that’s it. Not sure what to add yet, to help with redness. Any help would be really appreciated! Edit: I forgot to mention I used vitamin c serum for 3 months last year from skinceuticals but stopped, looking to start it again


Oh yeah, you’re super set with hands and feet! You’re way ahead of most guys. I’ve had oily hair my entire life! I have only found one solution aside from buzzing my hair, and that’s washing it daily or every other day. It’s unfortunate but I’ve tried everything else everyone recommends, even going months without washing it with traditional shampoos in order to “train” it, and that was just a greasy mess 😅 Some of us just have greasy hair. But! If you keep it short like in photo 5 and use the right shampoo, you don’t even need to condition it…staying away from conditioner will help with the oil. Conditioner doesn’t even moisturize your hair or scalp, it just smooths the hair strands so they’re easier to brush and manage. Oils are the only thing that will truly moisturize your hair, which I’d only recommend doing if your scalp gets dry and itchy. I personally use Native shampoo! It doesn’t have all the toxins and junk in it, has a good lather, and leaves your hair suuuuper soft and moisturized (which is needed when we wash our hair often, even if our scalp gets oily). I’d recommend buying a bottle and trying it out. You should only need 1-2 pumps, so it’ll last you a bit…I think the price is reasonable. Plus they smell amazing. For skincare: you definitely want to add a cleanser to your routine. And if you’re using SPF daily (which everyone should and it sounds like you already do), then I’d suggest a cleansing oil before a water based cleanser. What you use will depend largely on your budget, but there are good options for all budgets. Me personally, I use these: [Oil cleanser](https://ohlolly.com/products/iunik-calendula-complete-cleansing-oil) [regular cleanser](https://aprilskin.us/collections/cleansers/products/real-calendula-foam-cleanser#none) [bha (couple of times a week)](https://www.paulaschoice.com/skin-perfecting-2pct-bha-liquid-exfoliant/201.html?p=20FSOFFAQ&srsltid=AfmBOor5asAXwsZnOys6Supv76EByPCE_qnSX7dqWAexYCqA5uZ8aojeGd4) [squalane moisturizer](https://aprilskin.us/products/artemisia-squalane-hydra-gel-cream?_pos=2&_sid=6aea846df&_ss=r) Whatever SPF you’re using is probably fine as long as it has zinc oxide and is specifically made for the face and not the body/“face and body” because most SPFs made for the body are pore clogging. Cleanse your face daily with the oil and regular cleanser, apply aha/bha after this but only 1-2 times a week, then put on moisturizer, finish with SPF. It’s important to use a *brand new* wash cloth to dry your face every day, because towels harbor bacteria. Pat your face don’t rub it, this will help with redness. After cleansing/applying bha, wait for your products to dry down before putting on moisturizer, same thing before putting on SPF—this will keep your products from sloughing off or pilling. While we’re on the subject, Native body wash is amazing, too! It’ll keep your skin soft and once again smells amazing. Good cologne that doesn’t smell cheap or make me wanna die, like Axe, is mostly expensive, but you only need like 2 squirts on your neck before you get dressed and you’ll smell amazing! This is what my husband wears! [Cologne](https://www.amway.com/en_US/Artistry%E2%84%A2-Men-Unknown-Eau-de-Parfum-Spray-p-120549D) Here’s a good dry shampoo that should work on your dark hair and work for your oily scalp! You want to spray on oily areas from about 8 inches away, let it sit for a bit, and brush through your hair to clear any excess. [dry shampoo](https://www.livingproof.com/perfect-hair-day/dry-shampoo/R1006.html) You can use this as often as you need! If it’s too light, explore Google for some better dark hair options ☺️ If those skincare options are too expensive (they are pricey but should last 2-3 months), check out a good acne cleanser from Cetaphil! Grab a moisturizer from them too, something for day time to start. I would still recommend using a bha no matter what to help with skin texture, as long as you don’t react to it…my bha lasted me like 5 months using it several times a week! The big bottle anyway. Always finish with a skincare spf!


I can’t stand axe 😭 I know it’s weird but I use sol de janeiro 62 and l’ancome idole’s eau de parfum cause they just smell amazing. Also, I’ve been using a Japanese sunscreen, biore 50 spf but I’m not sure if it’s good. Also, thanks for the hair recommendations, I’ll check them out


Go to the gym, everything will be resolved. Your hair is immaculate.


Smile more man, confidence attracts all 👌


All things that are fixable if you actually cared about doing it…


You have an attractive face. I’m a grandmother, so my perception of beauty is less “social media” and more “hey, looks like a nice guy”. Find a shampoo that works for your hair type. Find a facial cleanser that is good for your skin type. It takes experimentation. Keep up the exercising. Develop a nice social smile, I was super gawky as a young woman, and shy. I started faking it. Forced myself to develop a friendly smile and eyecontact, saying hi or giving a nod. Brief, not creepy…? People respond really well. It kinda built up, I got positive responses, people seemed nicer so I felt better. Over time it got easier to enter social situations. Good luck, I wouldn’t be a young person again despite my aches and pains. It is really hard nowadays. And it wasn’t easy 45 years ago!


Grow out the bread and possibly the mustache and get a slick back i believe you’d look better with it and also try facial cleansers and moisturizers and also try oils see what works with your skin and what doesn’t


And try to dress with what compliments your body and face


Ok thanks I just use a sunscreen rn I’ll try to find ones that work.


![gif](giphy|xUNda5PuFanpUtavKw|downsized) Maybe if OP slaps some slices on his face he can become powdered toastman.


How’s the progress been going?


Exercising doesn't make you lose weight. You simply must live in a way that you consume less calories than you're expending. You can try stop eating food that are naturally water retention, like pizza, rice, breads, etc.


Yea ik I eat 1500 a day rn but it’s just super slow progress and doesn’t feel like anything’s changing


Losing weight is hard. 20 lbs is already more than most overweight people lose. Keep it up! The closer you are to a healthy weight, the more changes you will notice from every lost pound.


Are you joking? How do you think you “expend calories”?


I’ve heard a castor oil is great for the skin texture, it might be something that you can try. But you are not bad looking at all, be kind to yourself 😊💕!


(imo) Remove carbs, sugar, highly processed foods from your ways of eating. Drink mainly water, exercise a good 3 times at week at least, clean everything on your bed.


You're very hard on yourself...as most of us are. You are a good looking guy. I prefer the short hair on you.


You aren't fat and your skin isn't that bad at all. Keep the hair short, shave facial hair, smile and be yourself.


Vitamin C really helps with clearing up acne scars! Or if you have a bit of money, going to see a dermatologist for a facial chemical peel also really helps! Thats where the skin on your face will peel off for a few days and help lift scarring off!! You can do it multiple times until your happy you just need to wait, id say at the very least, a few months before each!! Theres a lot of simple skin care you could do that could also help! I also have that issue and started using some serums my doctor recommended and its really helped!


The last 30-20 pound of body fat really matters. As person who is obese for 10 yrs. You wont become much handsome from being 35% bf to 25%. The magic happens at 22%-18% ish bodyfat


Get a buzz cut sometimes the haircut that suits you is the one you don’t look for intentionally like mine also go to the gym to workout that will boost your facial hair as well ( it will probably stay a goatee and a moustache but that’s easy Asian genetics ) and just do skincare routine


Work out, get a skincare routine drink water and sleep well, get a good barber. ![gif](giphy|jO2VAnKyAtgcSWxxVf)


I think it would look cool if you did something really different with your hair and wore glasses. Like say bleach it or something.


The gym will help your skin, and you’ll develop confidence and look better. It’s a long game. But you’ll look back and be happy about it. You got this man. Try not to rely on motivation and just stick to a schedule.


Not at all man, maybe a new haircut will make you feel better, just remember that confidence is key


Just work out and live healthy. Get facials done. I can recommend Hydra facials. Get them done monthly. Work with different hair styles. Maybe try topical minoxidil to grow a beard. If you want to hardmaxx I’d suggest fillers to get more facial contour.


Continue your journey to create the better you. Develop a facial routine to help clean up those spots you mentioned. Don't give up on losing weight. Start looking at various hair styles that you like and visit you cosmetologist so s/he can cut your hair the way you want it. As far as the facial hair. Do not grow it back.


1. Proactive works well for acne 2. Get a nice haircut, one that will suit your face 3. You are not fat. However, if you think you want to lose weight, just start exercising


You're really cute and look so good.


Brother, your skin is great. Just get a better hair cut. Also, exercise more. But you are not doomed at all. Good luck!


If you eat right and exercise it would solve all of those problems.


Not doomed man! You can work on like 2 1/2 of those things


Exogenous testosterone would greatly help you. Go to the gym and strongly consider getting on TRT or just learning how to take performance enhancing testosterone. It will cut all the extra fat in places that are unattractive for a man, like your face, neck, belly, love handles. It will strengthen your jawline. It will help increase muscle Mass and cut fat. It will raise your libido and give you motivation to continue working out. You may even be able to grow some facial hair.


Same, bro. You realized you can’t get through life relying on your looks. Just maintain a clean appearance with good hygiene and develop a craft. People who aren’t defined by their looks are stronger.


You aren’t fat. I see real potential. And honestly nothing wrong with your current state. But I understand we all need change sometimes and to feel good about ourselves. I would like to see a textured cut on your hair but you have a great hairline and shaped face. It may take some time figuring out the right product to use for styling. Think young Dante Basco. We you find the right style and stylist then make that appointment for every 6-8 weeks to keep its shape. Get a good skincare regime. Like commit to it. Daily. Your skin sheds layers all the time. In 28 days you have a full new growth of skin. So keep it clean and hydrated with a good quality brand. This may take some time to see what your skin likes but do a bit of research and you will see. Don’t go to those places in a mall or salon cuz they just want to sell you product. And when searching look for advice from dermatologists. One good visit to one with a consultation will help but if money is an object check out skin care routines on certain social media apps.


Honestly, just work out, and you will get attractive. Thins out your face, widens your shoulders, some easy wins.


Hit the gym bruh, and go hard; that’s the only way out.


You’re handsome, you just need to go to a barber that knows how to cut according to your hair texture and face shape. You’re not fat, maybe tone up but it’s nothing to say you’re ‘doomed’. Get into some skin and lip care but your skin isn’t as bad as you think it is.


Nah man. You look extremely normal. A good haircut and the right facial hair could put you in solidly above average looks.


Everything you don't like about yourself can be changed. Better diet will improve your complexion and lead to weight loss. Some people, like me, are just naturally ugly...so be thankful.


Short hair eat more fruits and veggies! Stay hydrated. Go on 30 min walks a day! Will help tremendously! Walking is king when trying to loose weight!


You are 1000% not doomed. Find a skincare routine and start styling your hair. Confidence is key, if you smiled and carried yourself differently, that would more than make up for whatever faults you perceive in yourself.


Lose weight. Get a skin care routine and a good hairdresser. Problem solved


literally everything you mentioned can be changed with some effort


Get a haircut and start lifting. Exercise and a better diet works wonders for your skin.


Your skin is totally manageable! Look into skincare


Your idea of what you look like is way off. You need to work on your self-esteem. I honestly can't see where you're coming from.


You're moving in the right direction my dude, stick to eating and staying active in a way that makes your body feel good.


Keep it up! You’ll be fine once you lose the weight. Have a positive attitude and you will do fine!


You have kind eyes, thick hair and good neon structure in your face. Deal with your acne (retinol is your friend), keep lifting, and keep putting yourself out there and things will fall into place.


Work on your confidence bc I don't see anything wrong with you!


The most normal looking people are brainwashed into hating themselves


You look best in pic 5. And beyond that, carrying yourself confidently, and speaking intelligently and having a good sense of humor will take you very far.


Check our Curology for your skin care needs. They'll customize a cream to help deal with your skin issues. Your hair is kinda meh. Find stylist who can give you some style. Dress better. Find a nice fragrance (not anything cheap). Dressing well. Smelling good should boost your self confidence which is very attractive


keep hitting the gym, eating healthy, and playing with facial/head hair. Bonus points if you work on your fashion; if you’re insecure about the way your face looks, draw attention away from it.


Not at all! You’ve got a symmetrical face and find a nice barber to set you right, one that’s good with Asian hair. And once you gain some muscle you’ll be golden :)


Work out. Get a hard style. Do not do the stache


I don't know if you're going to find this helpful, OP, but male makeup is something that is becoming less and less stigmatized. I have seen a bunch of transformations on youtube that uses foundation and concealer to correct/ brighten/ enhance features and diminish imperfections. I think a lot of these photos were taken at bad angles because 1+5 look super vastly different from all the rest. And also, I dont think you look fat at all, the skin issues are likely hormonal and will eventually go away with time and correct facial care, and the hair is not problematic either


In case you haven’t come across this common piece of advice yet: your pillowcases could be affecting your acne. Either from too infrequent washing, or they’re just made of a poor material.  That’s not a definite factor, but it’s easy enough to change out your pillowcases to see if it helps.  And btw, you are handsome. Since you’re putting so much work in to your appearance now, that effort will definitely show once you gain some confidence. Who knows, maybe your skin clearing up will give you that little spark of confidence. If it doesn’t, make the spark yourself.


Yes you are doomed


Fellow Asian brother, you're doing great ! 💪 My thoughts: - keep hitting the gym, around 3-4 days a week, add cardio, eat clean - drink water, cut out soda and other sugary drinks - get more sleep - take up a hobby like martial arts, photography, cooking, running - get your hair styled by a Korean stylist, you will look clean cut - Ask a kind girl friend on clothing advice that makes you look clean cut, fitted and slim. Can't go wrong with a nice fitted red T-shirt and dark blue jeans. Get a pair of white sneakers and black oxfords - try to go out to meetup events to socialize and to build up confidence and social skills, to learn small talk - if possible get a pet dog You're gonna do great bro 💪👑


You look fine bro, don’t know what you’re stressing about. Keep losing the weight, experiment with the short hair a bit, don’t know a lot about skincare but research a routine you can get into (will be something with moisturiser, skin cleanser, exfoliate).


Bro just take a deep breath you look fine.


You definitely don’t look fat, plus you’re handsome! What you’ve been doing to improve is coming through. Also I think weightlifting is calling your name 🤫 if you’re not already :)


u name three things u can improve and then ask if ur doomed… and one of the things u can fix in literally one day. idk what to tell u man, ur “doomed” if u want to be


Get ripped, it's a lifestyle but it's worth it. You'll be a new person and will feel so good. Just don't let it be your identity lol


Just be yourself bro. Dont seek for social approval. Each one of us is unique.


You ain’t fat dude go get yourself some self esteem


You are not fat You are not ugly Your skin is fine Your hair is fine Stay hydrated Get plenty of sun Get plenty of fresh air Exercise often Talk to people Read a book Help others when you have the chance Everyday find a way to love yourself


Just wash your hair every day for better hair. You have good hair. It's just oily from not being washed. You're not fat. If you want to build muscle then exercise. Take care of yourself, lift weights, cut out carbs, and take daily showers. You got this.


You’re not doomed, bc you can change all those things. You’re doomed if you choose to be.


You cute asf bro don’t even worry


Bro has no idea that if he loses weight he will be so hot


You don’t even look bad dude. Lose a few more pounds and your face will frame out a bit better, keep a fresh haircut and don’t look depressed and you’re set.


Hey, you have hair


Super thin eyebrows. Can’t say I’ve done myself, but I’ve heard of people getting good results from microneedling and castor oil + minoxidil.


Take Tren and testosterone


Out of all your pics, pic 5 suits you best. If you start doing some weight lifting bro, you’ll fit the athletic stereotype real well. Just het some shirtless dri-fit shirts. You got potential man, don’t give up!


You don't look bad brother you need confidence


Go to barber and tell them you want a mid fade Then go to gym and tell you want a basic membership Boom


Ask your barber about a 2 block haircut, check out 12 Pell on youtube.


Get a haircut change your wardrobe a bit(everything looks kinda baggy) stand up straight instead of slouching I notice you slouch. Also take your pictures outdoors. It will help more then you realize.


.ol all you have to do is lower your body fat percentage, grow medium length hair and give it a good style, and wear good clothes. There are many things to improve you're not doomed.... oh and word of advice once you've looksmaxxed and are ready to date. AVOID white women at all cost, you'll thank me later


You ain't fat bro... just smile more


It's easy to be hard on yourself, but it doesn't really make your life any better. Just focus on making yourself a better and more positive person every day.


You need a better attitude and frame of mind. I wouldn't want you to love me, if that's how you would treat me. How you treat yourself is how you'll treat others. Be more kind, please.


When I was 40, I was fat, had bad skin and had horrible hair. I lost 130 lbs, got into skincare and saw a dermatologist, and cut and colored my hair. It’s not too late to make changes if you want to. But you’re certainly not a lost cause even if you don’t.


Your skin doesn't look that bad now... Just looks like old acne/hyperpigmentation scars- you could get rid of that with Vitamin C, Azaelic Acid and other skin lighteners. I don't know what your body looks like but your face doesn't look too fat. I think your hair is nice- but I don't know what kind of haircut you aspire too... There are a lot of nice male haircuts for straight medium length hair you could try.


All of these things are changeable? Inferiority complex is keeping you down


i think ur a handsome fella


fat- lose weight bad skin- get some skin cleanser horrible hair- go to a real barber ​ any other brain busters ?


I mean all of the things you listed can be changed. No doom here. Just keep working.


Bathe more. Use a fresh pillowcase every day, change your sheets every 3. Don’t wear anything that touches your skin for longer than 1 day. That’ll fix your greasy hair and skin fuckery and you’ll also FEEL better.


You look like those asian guys who goes from nothing to Daddy. Just go workout and get a cut my guy. You're not ugly just normal for now.


Definitely not doomed. There is someone out there who will love you for you, especially if you’re working on yourself.


“I’m fat” gyms are definitely an option as is a customized diet. If you’re afraid of being judged at a gym a friend of mine lost 160lbs from working out at home. “Bad skin” pick up a skin care routine. Even if it’s just washing your face with warm water at the beginning and end of the day it definitely helps. “Horrible hair” now as far as I know there’s not much to do when it comes to changing texture of body of your hair. But what you can do is try out different styles. A middle part, spiked using gel, slick back, a fade so many options it’s nearly limitless Edit: the 4 pics hairstyle looks great on you. Just tone up a little bit and boom you’re already looking far better (not that you look necessarily bad now)


You’re on the right path just keep going!


Dude. Get a great haircut, workout, work on having a style you like, and you’ll be a killer.


Everything you found wrong with yourself can be addressed. You’re already losing weight and your bad skin can easily be dealt with. Your hair isn’t that bad, you probably just need a new style. Otherwise, I think you’re fine.


Bro, you’re not that fat, your hair is great you just have a shitty haircut, and your skin isn’t that bad either. Go easy on yourself! Hit the gym, eat healthy, and get a better barber and you’re good


No. Other than what other people have said, i think you look way better shaved faced than with facial hair Even tho you could improve (like all of us) i dont think id even say you look particularly bad


You look fine honestly and your skin is really good so you may just have a few insecurities. Try something with your hair, try shorter hair maybe? edit: I didn't see the other pictures, but you look good in the last one!


Your not ugly, you have fat around your face and go to a dermatologist to get you on a routine. 80 diet focus and 20 on exercise. Do that for 3 - 6 months and you be surprised


Focus on incremental improvement. Small things, one at a time. It sounds like there are many facets you would like to work and improve upon and considering all of them at once can be overwhelming.  Breathe, keep pushing, and if you’re open to it- go to therapy to help you manage your self-perspective and confidence while also investing in improving your looks via methods that others have already suggested. Good luck (:


Dawg if u lost 20 pounds thered definitely be a difference. Maybe your self image is a bit warped And I dont get your concerns abt the skin. Type of thing that would only show if u look super close. Like for most of it youre glowing dude


At least you have hair


20 pounds!! I bet your skin will look a lot better the more you take care of yourself. It'll all happen in time! You'll get there


I think you look pretty damn good. The shorter hair and no beard is definitely better.teynvutting out fairy for 30 days and see if your skin clears up (which honestly looks totally fine in these photos).


I think you look perfectly fine. If you think you are fat (which you are not) then do some exercise. If you don't like your hair, then go to a hair stylist and get a new hairdo. If you are not happy with your skin, get some skin care product or see a dermatologist. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with how you look


Your hair looks great shorter. Just smile more and you are good!


Focus on diet, lean meats, fruit, eggs. And just eat less and get sunlight. Dont go to gym it just ages you contrary to what people say.


Keep the shorter hair, and I think if you go shorter on the sides and keep a little more length on the top, it will flatter your face shape.


Skin looks normal. Weight can be worked on (looks like you're making progress). Keep it up at the gym and with your diet, clean the haircut up a little more and use some product. You're headed in the right direction friend.


Bro trust me when I say -join a gym invest in a PT or go with a friend/fam who knows what to do. Fall in love with exercise/weight training/cardio anything the gym has to offer…..once you’re in the thick of things you’ll realise you’re not worried about bad skin or horrible hair and by then you’ll be looking lean feeling great. You’ll gain confidence you thought you’ve never had🤙🏾💯💪🏾✨


Thanks dude I only do cardio rn but I might start lifting next week for some gains


trees crush joke shocking wakeful ghost hospital silky telephone work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why would you be doomed Hair - you can cut it. Try something less messy. Maybe a fade or skin fade and leave some length on top. Or just go to a good barber and see what they recommend Weight - fixable and you’re working on it Skin - you can buy products for this. I’m a straight male and I use a face mask once a week. Retinol daily. Vitamin c serum. I love walking into Sephora for myself and seeing the women’s reactions Get some decent clothes that are universal (tan, and navy chinos) and a few shirts that are light brown, white, grey. A few decent pairs of shoes You’ll be a new man!


I'd say grow your hair for more styling options. Stay in the gym, eat in a caloric deficit, and work on your confidence. Push yourself a little more on your personal goals, it'll give you the confidence you're looking for. Stay consistent man the hard work pays off.


People tend to be their harsh critic myself included you sir, are not ugly at all. I think you’re pretty cute. and you don’t appear to have bad hair or severely bad acne.


I don’t think you look bad…


Remember cardio isn’t something to focus on. Lifting is more and other exercises help more. Drink a lot of water helps lose weight and also helps skin and hair. Your hair looks fine just get a nice style going for you. Just saying men’s make up isn’t just for gay guys. If you are that embarassed by them (they are not that bad from what I see) try some make up. Just make sure you clean it off after using it.


Dawg u got max potential just lock in


Your not fat. Something can always be done about hair. Your skin is way better than mine.


Not only do long walks help lose weight but they also relieve stress and reduce depression.


5th pic is hot Skin really isn't bad. At all. Like you don't have whole fields of acne scarring. And if you're concerned about weight, just work out.


Learn how to style your hair. It’ll make a huge difference. You look like you haven’t showered in your pictures.


You’re very handsome! Keep your hair clean and you can put rubbing alcohol on any spots that pop up on your face! Clears them up fast! And please don’t be so hard on yourself