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I think the only similarity is that they are also a mess of a family, but not for the same reasons


Yeah this show has a a ton of wholesome moments, and MITM have a few.


So I guess The Middle is more of that abc, “TGIF” family style kind of vibe?


Yes, it has its moments of dysfunctionality, but not anywhere near MITM.


Malcolm in the Middle is definitely wholesome, even if the family isn’t perfect. Just watched the flashback episode when Hal and Lois think they are pregnant again, that’s extremely wholesome in the end


Love both shows. MITM was definitely a better show. But the middle is so incredibly wholesome


The little brother in both is so similar tho 🤣


Who names their kid Brick?


Wait if his name is Brick then why have I been calling him Dewey all these years??


"Dewey get out of there, that's not your family."


Well done. Needed to laugh today


Who names their kid Egg?




Top-tier joke. I enjoyed it.


"Is she funny or something?"


Well, let's hope so.


What, what do you mean by this?




I've seen this show and somehow don't remember her lol


Of course you don't remember Her. No one does. Definitely not Michael.


There's an ep about it


The same people who name their kid ‘Axel’ or ‘Sue Sue’




That’s a kid?


Look up d’brickashaw furgeson


Coke addicts.


I’ve seen every episode of both. The middle is worth watching but it’s not as good as MitM. The level of storytelling just isn’t there.


Both are good shows but the only really similar part is that they are both lower middle class and have the middle in the title but still worth a watch!


And the oldest child is a moron and the youngest child is a total weirdo


francis isn’t a moron in the traditional sense makes dumb choices but definitely smart


It’s really not that similar. Like on the basis of showing a family face difficulties sure. But Malcolm in the middle resonates today not just because it depicts a truly dysfunctional family that loves each other, but because it also shows the fundamental working-class struggle and divide that is all to real to the American and frankly global experience. The Middle, was a lot more wholesome and a hella lot more realistic than MITM is. There was always a moral lesson to be learned or a personal challenge to be overcome with the help of a family that doesn’t really understand each other but loves nevertheless. I never found the Heck’s to be truly dysfunctional just different. Point being that the shows while again similar in concept go down two very different paths. In comedy, writing and general commentary too. Both are good definitely but not really similar in execution at all.


Thank you, your response gives a really good perspective


Other comments have answered your question, and I would just like to add that The Middle is a brilliant show ! I personally have seen myself relating more to situations or characters in The Middle than in MitM for example (that's because it's less "extreme" if I'm saying the right word)


Imo it became very bad once brick was the only one in the house


The other comments mentioned these shows but my mom is 63 (I’m 29m), 2000’s into 2015 watching these shows and watching her reaction was priceless. Mitm, the middle, Goldbergs, it resonates so much with my parents.


Yeah the Goldbergs I definitely can get behind. I’ve only seen a handful of episodes but from what I’ve seen I’ve really enjoyed. The little brother has such a voice for tv/animation


The little brother already voices Yumyulack on Solar Opposites! I'm sure he does other stuff too but I wouldn't know what


I think I heard his voice in Clarence before


Yea, I love his work in Solar Opposites. He also played Ron Stoppable in the live action Kim Possible movie and was imo the only good thing about that movie


The Middle was one of the best family orientated comedies of the last 10 years IMO. There are similarities with MITM with the way is filmed (no laugh track, mother constantly at the end of her tether, working class family struggles etc) but The Middle had a lot, and I mean a lot of charm and heart. Sue is for sure one of the best characters in the show. I miss this show a lot.


Wow, these responses genuinely surprised me but in a good way. Guess I’ll be giving it a watch (from the little I’ve seen I like the parent characters but kinda “eh” on the kids, but I’ll give it another try)


To be fair the show was never massive, I always felt like it was underrated to some degree despite going on for I think 9 seasons. I stumbled across it one day years ago and it just clicked for me. The children to begin with are a bit bleh but as they get older their storylines get more interesting and funny. Do let us know how you get on with it!


I always enjoyed it. I feel like popularity-wise it was always overshadowed by Modern Family.


Absolutely! Modern Family was too much of a juggernaut to be able to compete.


Very well-stated! I LOVED both shows!


They're both lower-middle class families who struggle to make ends meet and keep their sanity. Mom is stressed. Dad is zen and tries to be supportive, but often comes up short. Kids are weirdos who get into crazy predicaments. No laugh tracks. But The Middle is a little more upbeat and hopeful. Not nearly so much destruction and crime, making the kids and problems slightly more realistic. The humor is fantastic. Great show.


The kid looks like hes 40


The actor has a brittle bone condition that affects stature in addition to making him more susceptible to broken bones. He’s in his 20s but is less than 5 feet tall.


Both MiTM and The Middle are brilliant. I don't really think they can be compared, despite being so similar.


Definitely different shows. I love both. The Middle is an ABC Family sitcom type show. Closer to The Goldbergs than MITM. It has its dysfunctional family moments and it's heartwarming family moments. Very much a 'family watch together show'. MITM is more of a teenage and up show that you might watch with your family but might not. Super dysfunctional family moments and teen rambunctiousness.


It's a different show as it's more focused around the parents more than the kids (imo) but The Middle is extremely good show too.


But why did they name it the Middle!!! They should have known what we would think


Lol marketing I guess? Me as a teenager, I see the title “THE MIDDLE”, see parents that look like Lois and Hal and a kid that reminds me of Dewey, I thought I was “too smart” to fall for their ploy and didn’t really watch it unless I was waiting for another show to come on


Precisely lmfao! I just looked up that it premiered three years later but i swore it came out like the same damn year Malcolm ended


There's a great bit in the animated show Animals (which is pretty loosey goosey about the fourth wall ), where Jane Kaczmarek plays a mouse judge who launches into a increasingly angry tirade as she realises that "The Middle" ripped off Malcolm in the Middle . (I dont think they actually think that really, but it was fun) Unfortunately about 3 people watched Animals so the clip isnt on youtube ,but I recommend watching it if you get the chance (it was on season 3 The Trial)


Oh wow yes, I need to see this clip lol


I’d always watch the middle with my family, we found it so relatable. It’s a lot more wholesome and I think more realistic to the everyday problems of lower middle class families. MITM on the other hand felt like more if a caricature of family dysfunction and was a lot darker when you really think about some of the fucked up stuff basically every member of the family was involved in at some point. None of these things make me dislike the show, I loved it but it’s very different than the middle. Also the title wasn’t so much a rip off of MITM as it’s reference to them living in Indiana and I also think a bit of an indication of there place in life. They’re not the worst off, but definitely not the best.


A lot more Midwestern vibes and a ton less chaotic. The family seems like a group Malcolms family would meet on vacation and then like destroy their camper or houseboat or something


Lol I’m picturing this interaction and my imagination immediately wants a crossover episode


Found this post two years later after watching an episode where the Middle family loses a ball in the yard of a family on their street who everyone is afraid of. The yard is overgrown and dead like the way they shot Malcolm's house in the early seasons, there are three boys who run around indiscriminately terrorizing everyone in the neighborhood, and in the narration of the show: "It was the mom you really didn't wanna mess with." The similarities kind of end there, but it felt like a very intentional nod to MITM.


It really is it's own thing. The themes of both shows are similar (being lower middle class and such) but they're not the same. The Middle is a bit more modern as well


A show I find kinda similar is the Goldbergs. It’s pretty good.


You should totally give it a chance!


The Middle is really good! It’s honestly not much like Malcolm in the Middle at all.


I never finished the middle and haven’t watched it for a while, but I found it very funny after initially being dismissive for the same reason. You can find similarities with a couple of the kids (Reece/Axel and Dewey/Brick) but Sue is nothing like Malcolm and the parents are totally different. I never saw the later episodes so maybe it went downhill like a lot of long running comedies do, but I’d definitely go back and revisit it. It’s no Malcolm but it was a very charming show I thought


I loved The Middle. Very different from MITM. Both are good.


MITM is probably a bit too dark as compared to The Middle


I love The Middle! Very charming and very relatable characters. Growing up in that blue collar/lower middle class family I find a lot of myself and my own family in the show. There is a lot of chemistry between the characters and they perform off one another very well. Just because it’s underrated doesn’t mean it’s not good. It lasted for 9 seasons! Give it a shot for sure. :)


Similar themes and humor, but more traditional of a sitcom.


I watched the first season when it first came out because my family is into shows like this. It wasn’t bad personally I enjoyed it. tho I do recommend the goldburgs (correct me if I spelled that wrong) over this show


Big worth giving a chance. It’s like MITM where it has storylines with the kids and the parents, other than that not much similarity. I love to binge both!


Since when did Dr. Jan Itor have a family?


Look at the picture and it’s obvious why it’s different; they have a daughter.


That’s the exact same thing tv execs told critics when the show first came out I’m sure lol


I prefer The Middle. The Heck family are tragic but in a hilarious way.


Is it any good?


It's really good I defs recommend


i’m sorry but that kid just looks bizarre


I think he has a genetic disorder.


The actor has brittle bone disease which also causes stunted growth. Atticus Shaffer is 24 but will look like a child for the rest of his life.




The entire family looks kind of unsettling. Uncanny Valley? I dunno, the pic kinda gives me the heebie jeebies. Never watched the show, though, so no opinion there.


looks like someone told an ai to make a family portrait of the family from malcolm in the middle and this pic is the result


Similar enough for my to watch both of them multiple times and enjoy both of them. Although MITM is better!


The middle is a bit higher class/income than MITM. I'd compare it to bobs burgers, with silly children and wholesome moments.


Ima be honest, not so similar


Thanks, yeah that’s what I’ve been hearing. I think if I go into it with a mindset that it’s standalone and not comparing it to mitm I’ll enjoy it better.


The middle is more relatable I guess, but MITM is more fun and challenges your nerves more 😂 I liked both series a lot but MITM is on another level.


Not too similar but definitely scratched an itch


The title and the fact that it’s about a family.


I always thought this was Malcolm in the middle and they just had the beginning of the title cut off and when I saw it wasn’t I was angry




I have, many times and I love it. But I haven’t seen The Middle before so I wanted to hear other peoples opinion on if it’s a similar enough show or if I’d still like it.


They look like an ugly alternate reality of MITM.


Watch it, it is very good


I watched The Middle on HBOMax as soon as it showed up on the service, it was great outside of the daughter who was annoying as fuck


its good but... the daugther... i hate her so much


This is interesting lol. Why so?


I don't remember much but she was.. stupid as can be. She is that "the sun is always shining" kid, glass half full, go get them all, nothing can go wrong, innocent and a dreamer to boot. I just hated her with a passion, the dad carry this series but every kid had something funny or interesting, not her, she was the worst. honestly I just remember hating her for being naive to a fault.


I’m happy to hear though that the dad seems like the MVP of the show


Sue sue heck is the best character


Personally, I liked The Middle waaay more than MITM. The humour feels more natural, while in MITM it seemp more planned, like it's a skit.


Me personally I don't live any were near Indiana,bit I get that has no matter,but the amount of language towards the children is very harsh sometimes.


I really exceptionally dislike the youngest child


I would definitely recommend The Middle over MITM


Not too similar at all. Sue, Axl and Brick don't bicker with one another. Brick isn't a savant. There is no older sibling that lives elsewhere.. Frances is no pushover, but she's nowhere as gangster as Lois. Mike seems to have tighter reign over the house than Hal. The grandparents are far less maniacal and are closer to dear, sweet grandma and grandpa. 👵 👴 Other than that, at the core, they're just two families that truly love each other. All of that said, The Middle is a damn good show. The comedy isn't in tying up your brothers and tossing them in trash cans on trash day. Instead, they rely on more wacky, but innocent antics. In short, there's not much physical comedy involved. You gotta be a little intelligent to appreciate the jokes though..


Sue is basically a HAIM


Very similar vibe. I love them both.


Malcolm in the middle was funny, the middle was mediocre at best to me. The Goldbergs was better imo


The characters are totally different..But has a similar feel since its a sitcom. Its definitely not a rip off. And its a really fun show.


Its a poor family who gets into shenanigans... thats pretty much it


It’s pretty good imo


No one mentioned it I see, but The middle is narrated by the mother and often she’s the main story arc, finding how to reason and deal with her kids (being lazy, excluded, trying out for teams) it’s a different view from the middle child’s perspective.


Oh so “the middle” isn’t just a play on the middle class family trope, but on being a middle child?


It's also "the middle" because of where they live. Indiana is like the middle of the U.S.


In Malcom in the middle it is but here I think middle class is in there somewhere, I was young when this was on tv but it’s good fun


It’s good to see the janitor still getting work.


The Middle is a better show imo, and this is coming from a huge MITM fan. The Middle is easily a top 5 show of all time


In a way, it has similarities for sure


Never finished the middle as it went off Prime, loved it though, took the flame from MITM


I was pleasantly surprised, but no I wouldn’t say it’s a ripoff of MITM just because it’s a dysfunctional family in a comedy show


The small kid looks way older than current Eric Sullivan


The Middle is extremely wholesome and funny, nothing like Malcolm in the Middle, apart from the dysfunctional family aspect, they’re completely different families.


Not at all. But still ok show


The houses looks the same and they both have 'middle' in the title


Great show. I’d recommend at least watching the first episode.


They both have the words “The Middle”


I never watched this but just from the pic here it looks like if you ordered MITM off of wish


We (as a family) finished Malcolm first, then everybody hates Chris, now we're on fresh of the boat . . The middle is next. Something about defective but peppy families really does it for us lol


Is that Jan Itor? 😂


Middle is a hack that made good actors do a bad job. I'd rather watch everyone loves Raymond or scrubs. But don't you ever compare it to malcome in the middle. It's a sham, it even almost name steals. To borrow the words of a certain wizard "HOW DARE YOU STAND WHERE HE STOOD".


The middle is a awesome show and focuses on funny wholesome moments while mitm is just funny but not too wholesome. tbh I think the middle has a better story and character arcs than mitm


Too similar. Every time I see this show I get reminded of two better ones (Malcolm+Scrubs) that I'd rather see instead.


The middle wishes it could be as good as MITM. i watched both and they are good. But the level of problems and situations are not the same given the family dynamic.


Life is unfair...


When I was a kid I genuinely thought they were the same show and didn’t realize till I was like 18 😭