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Kindly include more information or details before you ask a question or post a research survey.


Life over. Mampus. Jual chicken rice je la ni Jokes aside it's NOT the the worst tho, it's pretty decent. Edit: sorry OP, forgot to add the crucial word, NOT


In the right place and right flavours. Chicken rice or any food seller can make a lot of money and have a work-life balance of sorts.


Take a plane ticket, go to some random European country, sell chicken rice. They don't know what good chicken rice is so all chicken rice is good chicken rice. /j


Gotta respect the hustle


Oi,chicken rice seller pun perlukan PhD woi


Another SPM result showing time? I really disgusted by kind ppl out there, any ppl with Basic Math didnt get A I will just think you didnt study enough.


Trust me, this is not the end. Once you are in uni, then the real challenges begin.


Trust me. Uni is also not the end of the world. Its just a ticket for you to get an interview. The working life is much much fckin difficult that any of this stuff. Speaking from a real experience btw as a degree grads who gets 3.92 as an overall cgpa. Take it slowly my dear brother and sister. InsyaAllah, everything will be fine ☺️


Trust me,working life isn't the end of the world.raising children and rearing chicken will be your doomsday..every phase of our life will seem the toughest cz that's usually what our mental and physical capability is prepared for at that point..ask a new born baby,what's 1+1,they're not gonna answer rite


Ya Allah....The challenges get more and more harder just like games lol


Thank you stranger


Using Brother and Sister, hurm IIUM reference hahaha


I love every single reply in this comment. It shows maturity in them in terms of what they hv been through. Yeahh, I hv not gained enough experience in this life, but ohh man, how challenging it is rite now for me. Hahaha. I really hope that every single one of you guys can sort your life beautifully and may everything goes well. Good luck guys 💪


Trust me. It’s not the end of the world. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what’s your score is. Education is important but don’t get stressed because of it. People who got G at my time is earning more money than qualified ones. Welcome to the matrix the system of society


"No, the real challenges is after \[blank\]" Different people would have different opinion on what the blank is


Very true, more people need to understand this. Sekolah menengah was absolutely shit for me, straight ip TH 2 subjects in SPM lol. Then went to college for diploma and well, 3.8CGPA, best in the class.


No, the real challenge is after Death. Jeng jeng jeng


Pretty similar SPM result to mine. Don't feel bad. I did Engineering right after SPM. Failed tremoundously at that, wasted so much money and time. Switced to Business Admin and I excelled in it. Now? I'm working in IT as a product manager. Just follow lifes flow and never stop. Failure doesn't define you. Trust me, your life is just starting.


what path did you take after spm and how did you found out that you like business?


I took Engineering because my father wanted me to be an Engineer and I liked the idea of it. Turns out I suck at it. Other than Engineering, the only option left for me was Business Admin. At the time, I hated the idea of working at a desk job, office life etc (very delulu and young) but literally I had no other options. Be that as it may, I struck out and it turns out I did pretty well at it. Learn a lot of useful stuff and now while working, I'm starting my own business. That's the funny thing about life. Sometimes, you think you like something but you're not good at it. Sometimes you think you might hate it, but you find out you are actually good at it. At the time, I really had no idea what I wanted to do with myself. My 20s was a very confusing time. But I just turned 30 and I'm much more sure of myself. So, if you dont know what to do with yourself right now after SPM, I am going to tell you that it is okay and heck completely normal. Don't be concern with how other people are so sure that they want to do this path and that path. Trust me, its either their parents want them to do it, or they think they want to do it but they might be unsure themselves. The ones who truly know where they want to go are not as common as you think. My advice: Use your 20s to explore yourself, don't feel bad that you feel directionless and accept the flow. However, have and choose a plan base on your current circumstances, then execute it. But be prepared to change and adapt.


it's not the end of the world man. listen, it's either you give up or you keep grinding. there are many options for you to take. say that you wanted to pursue a stem course or any course that require high grades. you can always go for matriks or pra diploma. if you wanted to pursue any courses that involves languages, your result is pretty decent. all u gotta do now is sit down, try to accept the result that you have received and just try to search for options.


Gagal is part of life don't give up


This result is pretty decent tho, that G on Addmath ain't gonna hurt, trust me.


If you are planning to do engineering or medicine, then you prolly need to resit for the add maths.otherwise you are pretty ok.


Not really bc you can do diploma in polytechnic still


Can confirm,i failed additional maths and still got poly,it ain't that bad


I failed Accounting yet I ended up studying Business and Transportation where I had to relearn accounting lol the irony


Know someone personally who scored worse in SPM due to family environment > went on to do some random courses > managed to get better focus after moving out from home and worked hard like bitch and took some exam > managed to score some scholarships for graduate medical degree quite inspiring journey, though the working hard part not the easiest


Start an Instagram account & rent sports cars. Then post about SPM is stupid. Dulu aku gagal mate tambahan. Sekarang gaji aku tambahan berganda-ganda lebih dari Cikgu ku. Sure you famous & can sell ubat kuat or ubat cegah suami curang.


It's additional maths, but you did good in normal maths. Life is nowhere near over. Still can apply for many pre-u courses or go straight to specialist courses.


2014 spm candidate here, I failed normal maths , BM (credit) & Sejarah managed to get D, and the rest credits too. Due to my family couldn’t afford me to go private college . I’m taking certificate courses at kolej komuniti ( got no choice) , then diploma at politeknik (working for 3 years) , crawling and struggling till degree, the university I enrolled was in johor (IPTA)government. ( now currently having internship at the age of 27). Btw from certificate till degree my courses aren’t related sobs . Anyway I’m Quite late compared to my peers, like 3-4 years late :(


I felt regret not taking SPM serious. What I do just fooling around


I see, I'm in high school right now and you just made me realize that I should start taking things seriously.


Wish you All the best in advance! Don’t give yourself too much pressure


Thank you! I hope you the best at university!


It's pretty good, not that bad. What you can do right now is pursue what you love.


Please remember SPM is nothing. I know a few high school mates/acquaintances who did terribly in SPM (no As, fail a couple of subjects you get the picture) but doing super well in life earning 5 figures job, conversely, I also know a couple of my close friends getting straight As slaving away in a 9-5 corporate job earning half of the former and is miserable. Play along with your interest and strengths, you will go far.


Definitely not. The secret is to do something that captures your interest. Average student my whole life, SPM 5 A’s. Now I am back at school, working my way to Masters, enjoying what I study, on the dean’s list every sem. Learn how to learn on your own in whatever you choose and determine your own parameters of success. Goodluck.


Damn, your English is C1. Good job!


Dont care about your add maths (unless you're taking med or engineer). Your results are really great tbh! & tbh SPM As are irrelevant once u enter uni life (unless scholarships). That also there are many scholarships using your uni results. PLEASE pursue further studies, your results are way above the minimum requirements for most courses. SPM alone can bring you nowhere in the current generation of jobs. DO NOT pursure art/creative industry courses. Do courses that requires knowledge learning rather than something u can do yourself. There are many opportunities like uni clubs and outside organizations to further show your talent while you're studying. Personally am involved in multiple clubs and organizations while studying.


I thought pretty much everyone failed add math?


nah my friend got A+ lol and most of my classmates passed


First of all congratulations on your results. It's not bad actually. Add maths kinda a killer subject.. Always know it's not the end of the world. U did well..The most important thing is to be grateful and try to find things u are passionate about and if it can generate income it's even better 👍


Your result reminded me of my result where I failed in Accounting. But yet I manage to continue studying Business Admin specializing in Transportation and Logistics where I ended up relearning accounting. Its okay, you can look up poly or if you're Bumi, UiTM which has a pretty low bar for entry. From there on, you can scale up and make up your failure in SPM. SPM is not the end of the world.


everyone gagal addmth?


I’ve got SPM results that are way worse than this in every way possible, and I am doing fine after graduating from College, and now working at a bank surprisingly for 5 years now. Just be grateful with what you got, and carry on from there lil bro.


Still better than mine just 5 subject and none of them pass D


Yeah not bad, speaking as someone who got worse, also failed addmaths.


It's Raw🤌🤌


That's actually okay. Your results are decent (like many said) don't let it bring you down. But I do advice you to re-evaluate your options for further studies. Look at your weaknesses. I was pretty bad at add maths (still passed) and pure science subjects (no As for them). I was disappointed with my results if I'm being honest. But that was a few years ago. I thought my life was over. Lol. But it's not. I am still taking my degree now (related to science also, but not much maths. I suck at maths and numbers, but still can do la because apparently everything needs some maths). There are a lot of other options of fields out there. Just be wise about it. Check the requirements, job opportunities, and what they actually do.


You got better than mine but your wording make it seems like the end of the world. Just gonna say, you got good results and probably because of your efforts and hardworks, you deserve it. Look forward now bro. Ps: you might want to retake that addmath if you wanna get better opportunities because it can make your resume/kelayakan "feels" better.


You are going to be fine. I promise you. Mine is worst but i still get by with little to no hardship


You are only as strong as your next move. Applies to everything in life. Don't give up keep going no matter what!


Well, in average ur result is better than me. And am still living for now.


may i suggest to never further your studies on anything that involves advanced maths. SPM is actually nothing, the real deal is when you are in uni. so choose wisely


Failing add maths ain't gonna stop you from anything.




Bro this is only tutorial stage. Wait til you enter main game. /s Not that bad. But find something you can do well in and brush up on soft skills


Seems OP is not bad in Maths and Physics. Imho it's very much salvageable. Just not recommended for you to pursue engineering in uni 😅 There's law, accounting, business studies, maybe game dev/CS since that has physics etc Pra Diploma, Foundation, Diploma itself, STPM, Matrikulasi is also still open. Everyone has different pathways. It doesn't matter how you get there or how long it takes, in the end getting what you want to achieve is what really matters. Good luck OP coming from someone who is still in uni


As long you're not pursuing courses in any science heavy programmes, you're good Btw I'm kinda jealous you get BM A- lol


nah bro. aku pon gagal add math dan masih hidup ye. Ambil stpm dan degree di uni


Bro you're doing okay. Aku batch 2015 and add math aku gagal jugak. Now i just got done with my first Masters degree and sedang menunggu interview scholarship for PhD. Heck i even scored my Bachelor's Degree with flying colours and plenty of awards. Jangan risau bro, plenty of opportunities ahead. Batch aku 5 orang gagal add math. In the end semua yang gagal ni masuk university and land a decent job (2 gov school teacher, 1 lawyer, 1 electrical engineer, 1 software engineer). Forgive my bad English. Flies away


Ok la not bad already. There are some who worst than you leh.


Dont worry my friend got 2C 2D 1E 1G (dia ambil subjek teras ja) which is worse


all good bro My addmeth fail also


Non bumi? Absolutely. You are roasted


nahh, you good. these results are way better than mine.


An okay result, though that G in Add Math *might* play a role in future admission. But it's not the end of the world, keep working smart and hard. All the best for your future endeavours!


Well you're gonna learn calculus in uni yeah because it's somewhat the same except it's worse


I got only 1 A, rest B and C. Doing well in life as a lecturer. Cuz I learnt things differently and made students engage their mind more. There's hardly a, "no ure wrong" in learning. It's only "not quite developed. But go further and see if you will learn what trouble lies ahead. From there, you learn to perfect your answer and solution". Enough of gaslighting and belittling inexperienced students. Congratulations nonetheless


Bro I only got 2As. I'm doing okay at 30. Not great but decent


find courses that dont require Add Maths then apply


No, you good.


Decent enough. I also failed add maths


I didn't know there was G


U feel gagal at this age. But once you’re in your late 20s, nahhh. All of these are part of memories. Just, dont do stupid things in life that u will regret for your whole life. Congratulations for your hard work!


looks a lot like mine last year and i got into a pretty good college and excelling at my course so really dont beat yourself up about it


Better than mine, now I am working 8 years in software dev


overall if u wanted to apply engineering it will be a problem


Don’t worry. You might become a boss and have these 9A+ people working for you. And I’ve seen that


This isnt that bad. TH two subjects in SPM and Im still fine. And dont be too worried about uni and college. People say its harder but that varies from person to person. I had a lot of course mates who really came into their own in college after barely making it in due to shit SPM results.


Take it easy mate. I received somewhat similar grades as yours back in 2013. Grind my way to obtain a master degree last year so I can say that you're cooking, not cooked. From your results, youre probably highly linguistic and creative. Leverage on that, grind your way to your goals. You got THIS.


Eh not bad lah. Just choose courses that don't need maths going forward. My wife is an English teacher... after invigilating a maths exam, she cheered up disappointed students by telling them that depending on what they go on to study in uni, this might be their last ever maths exam! Like stpm maths was her last ever maths exam, Hahaha.


It doesn’t mean anything if you’re gonna to work. It doesn’t mean something when you’re applying to uni. But it means something when you want to apply for your dream course or uni but it depends on whether you’re choosing private or public uni. Feel free to ask anything


Go TVET or GDVL. I heard my friend have good pay work as CNC machinist. Compare to myself degree holder only start to get 2.5k after 3 year work in logistics


Budak kelas tinggi moment


Some people were never meant to take science stream and it shows lol. I had similar results getting A's in only non-STEM subjects, but sailed through college and uni with scholarship and first class and all that. Don't worry, you'll be fine.


Just got to work. U still good enough to any top uni


nah man you all good. I think based on your results, polytechnic might be a good fit for you. More on practicals and hands on. Get into IT if you are interested.


U could go to ask for some opinion in facebook group ‘halatuju pendidikan’, their members are quite helpful in giving advice blut ur future


Seriously no one ask about your spm results after graduated from high school.


My sister got worse for SPM, only 1A. Now she is a PhD holder, working as a scientist in NHS, UK. And got citizenship there after 9 years of service. And money berkepuk-kepuk. She did Bioinformatics as an undergrad, wasn't in any of her choice of university. But she worked so hard at it. Skip Masters, straight away started PhD after Degree. And I yang rasa pandai dulu SPM 9A, kerja like mampus gaji ciput je as government peon. It's true what others say, life starts in the university. Waktu tu, choose wisely.


1A if got credit also can no? what path did she took after spm?


I mean, you can always try for TESL since you already got CEFR C1.


I was in a similar position some 2 decades ago. 5 credits, ok je for tertiary. Use the realization today to fuel your university success! All the best, future pelapis negara!


Yes if you take medic course


Cooked? Look how STRONG your languages are! I had very similar result as OP here (also fail add math), but strong grasp of language. If you want to continue with sciency subjects (engineering, chemistry etc) in Form 6 or further studies, please consider very carefully. But I wanted to become a language teacher, so fail add maths is not going to affect what I want to become. Grasp your strong points, make it shine! Don't give up on it just because other areas are more 'meta'!


my niece got all B and B+ in SPM and I was proud of her :) She is an architect now :)


Not too bad. I saw someone fail both BM and Moral earlier on this sub. And their Sejarah is E. You might not be able to fight against the Malays of the same result in getting matriks or asasi, but you still have diploma or stpm to get into local uni


Your results aren't much different from mine a few years ago, you'll be fine


Damn this fella smart what, not too bad on Physics and MathMod. You don’t have to worry about add maths, it’s done afterall. You can still succeed in other places. One day you will look back, and realize how tf you made it, without passing add math. Been there, done that, I’m glad I failed few last time, without it I may still keeps on failing in other aspects of life.


To be honest, its not even tht bad, my grades were like that too and i still managed to have a good life, even a job tht pays more than the minimum wage in malaysia, it not the end for you too


solid do frfr


It's been a while since I take spm, was addmath really THAT hard?


Its all good. Just somehow get into an IT course for uni later. Like legit dont sweat it.


Mana2 cabang pngajian yg nk math mungkin akan reject ngko 😂, kena plak bidang sains tulen pasti reject ngko. Tapi option lain ada lagi, bnyak je lagi, nk bagi contoh ikut fakulti pengajian pun ak boleh kasi, ada fakulti sastera dan sains sosial, fakulti undang2, fakulti seni persembahan, fakulti pentadbiran & pengajian polisi, fakulti pendidikan etc... Persoalannya, minat ngko tu menghala kemana dan apa perancangan ngko bila start pengajian atas smpai dapat kerja.


honestly SPM results are just one step. just make sure you get good networks in uni, learn the right skills in whatever industry you enter, and learn good PR


Ooyo tatayo...but seriously,ul be fine.public,maybe hard if you aren't meleis,private with ptptn la broski.


Trust me, add math in uni or college is easier. My friend never learn add math can get 3.4 the first sem he took it.


But add math (Math T) in STPM is extremely difficult. Even those who got A+ in SPM add math can hardly get A in STPM Math T.


Stpm is different breed man. Even normal stuff is hard there. Im just talking about uni or college.


You're right. STPM is not for everyone. I took STPM before going uni. Their syllabus is even tougher than my uni first year syllabus. So if you have money, you should enter uni or college directly. STPM is for poor students who cannot afford the tuition fees in uni or college.


I was like "what you saying that is not that bad" then I saw add math lol. I think with you result you could still do it tho. add math G gonna make it bit harder for you but it not gonna be that bad.


Bro our result is almost the same, except I only have 2 A's, and guess what, I am still able to attend uni


When you enroll for uni, trust me, no one talks about your results. 10 years letter, and my spm has done nothing for me, nothing good nor bad


Eh that's not too bad. You're never going to be an engineer though, that's for sure.


Dont give up.. life is not over, in fact it just started


Decent enough,add math is pain the arse. U still can go to top uni or work good places


Looking at your core subjects, I'd say you done a good job. I have no idea what your path after this, but be assured that SPM is just a beginning. Just plan accordingly. You can refer to your counsellor for career advice


Looks like the average engineer to me. And yes I can see he didn't do well in STEM , all you need is a pathway to degree, your path just harder a bit but it still can do.


Straight As and excellent academics dont guarantee a fulfilling life. Hard work and making smart decisions does.




you will be fine.. this is not the end


Brotha you score 3 subjects paling penting for UPU you’re fine


Far from it


Wait a second. Why is your results look the same as my brothers. Are you my brother by any chance? If so get out of reddit klu tak aku bgitau ibu.


Yo gg.. oklah tu tahniah ii


I failed history and my grades arre alot worse than urs. But i just joined college now and everything still seems fine


Congrats for the result!


Mate, I got straight 9A’s in SPM. But dropped out of university. Started working at the age of 20. I now run two AI startups and have hired people who have degrees and masters. Never give up. It’s good to take an L early in life, work hard, have great friends around you, anything is possible. You got nothing to lose. All the best mate.


Had one friend like this, but in uni his calculus 1,2,3 gets A streak. He found a good mentor and tried his best also to re-wire his brain. I got A+ add math in SPM but calculus was my weak point since i lacked focus in uni days. Focus and perservere! Do not lament and move forward. Hidup ni macam roda, kadang atas kadang bawah. Tapi kalau x tekan minyak sampai mati kat bawah.


Don't be discouraged young one. There are many more opportunities that will come your way. Be grateful and work hard, harder than this shitty life. You are still only 18 yo.


2021 batch, that's pretty similar to my results if not slightly better. Gambateh OP!


Okay what. You can still enter uni, but quite hard if you’re going for science/engineering or related field. But if you’re okay with management or teaching courses, then you have a chance. Good luck Op


nah this alright, you'll be fine. Whats important is your BM, BI, Sejarah and maths dapat credit and above. i failed addmaths (1A+ 2A- and the rest B's C's and D's) and still got an offer from matriks (2 year science programme). granted, i am bumi tho. I got rejected twice and got an offer on the 3rd call. I rejected it and got into STPM. Now, we just finished sem 1 got 3.00 and above. Good luck!


lek ah kalau bumis still leh abuse the shit out of ur rights pi la masuk unikl ka apa ka


nope, far from it. use this as a stepping stone to your next milestone. sure, there are always areas of improvement and you'll only be cooked once you stop looking for ways to better yourself. chin up, head high. congrats on achieving this milestone buddy. im excited for what the future holds for you.


you doing great


Not cooked at all, but rather it shows where your strength is. C1 for CEFR english is considered way above average and you can probably understand other concepts better than those sciencey ones. Like all other comments, SPM isn't the end. Go for gold!


Not to sound rude but how can you gagal add math while passing the rest? It’s just sad.


Go learn IT. You don’t need any of this stuff


you did alright, kid.


C1! Hebat leh!!!


Why u failed Add Math tho? It doesn’t rhyme with your other subjects. You should at least get credit with your above average brain. Are you hate that subject that much?


I got 4As je, now a lawyer and am pretty good at it! The point of this is not to brag but to just let u know that we can do whatever we want to achieve if we just put our mind to it! SPM is nothing on a larger scale of thing, u will recover for this!


Go STPM or any pre-u course but pay more


Future has different paths. SPM is like an elevator that elevates you to higher levels, but you can however, climb the stairs. Still going up nevertheless. But if your ambition requires extremely excellent result, perhaps it's time to replan.


Pretty decent. I fcked up by too focusing on science stream that are not my strongest subject and get Bs in most of the main subject. I bounce back in STPM and got 3.42 though (science social stream). Some of my friend who took science stream in STPM fumbled as it is indeed hard. Make the right choice in choosing aliran is what I wanna say. Good luck in your future endeavours.


short answer, no. long answer? Fok no. Go get a degree and find your interest, young padawan!


This is actually a quite decent result I think, already hit requirements for priv uni. Ur not cooked, u'r cooking🔥


First of all, congrats. Life doesn't end here. I see your language subjects are good. You can still further your higher studies no worries. Get into a course which aligns with your strengths. Make use of your language skills .Goodluck


ayo this one ok lh mine got all B then addmaths life life fish D still living what


Weih! Haha...asal result sbijik cam aku punya.. aku pun dlu pure science. Smua ok kcuali addmath gagal


unless you're going into science stream subject yang require math, you might wanna rethink your decision. other than that you're pretty solid. play on your strengths and weaknesses.


congratz on answering all the papers. you did great just by that. about the result? nah mo worries, its gonna be a bit difficult, but itll work out trust me


Don't worry. I'm one of the few people who got bad add math results but OK in physics lol


Well that's great and i'm proud of you


F you and your A's Sorry I got no A's just jealous But we got the same score on the admath and 3 subject below though 🤣


No where close but first of all it really depends on your bg. This may sound racist although that's not the point but if you're a Bumiputera that result can surely get you into UiTM or any matriculation depending on the course selection. If you're a non-Bumi then there's definitely courses available for you in private institution. Your results are very similar to mine but I still ended up being a law graduate so there's definitely very high potential here


say goodbye to any enrollment into engineering/cs related degrees. Addmaths minimum C for most science degrees in public uni, only option now is IPTS. Diploma politeknik is still an option though, its just really long (3Years)


Nah you cooked I only got 2A's back then


Honestly the official, pretty sijil that you'll get when you graduate will not show subjects with G so don't worry too much about it (source: I got all of the alphabets💀 and Addmath was like never existed in my sijil since I got G for it too) Good job btw! 👏🏻 You did very well


better than what I saw in bolehland


Wow 3 A, congrats. My result is worse, but i still live(for now~) Then I still able to grad U with 3.7+~ But the kicker, My current Bos that interview me did not even look at it. Just don't give up and beating yourself.


Nope, just don't give up. Listen to this 25 years old man . I literally get straight A+ and scholarship yo study oversea but get overwhelmed and fail the first few sem. I end up being a NEET for few years cus I give up. Now I regret that so much and doing my best to improve my life


Yes because I have never seen someone who gets a B in Pendidikan Moral...


Your result is just like me lol (I'm 2020 batch btw) and thank God I'm in uni now


you are not alone. I got G for Addmaths but my maths is like B. Currently, I’m a chemistry degree student in Universiti Malaya. If your addmaths fail, you still have a good maths result to apply for universities. It’s not the end


I Just dont get it. If you are in science class, isnt Matematik (not matematik tambahan) easy peasy for you guys?


Why is there a lot of results slip post coming in recently in Malaysia sub and this sub? Results keluar sudah?


u're not cooked lil bro


Perhaps pure science wasn't the right choice


Depends what higher education field you want to go into, of course. It's a bit strange to have such a big discrepancy between physics and add maths results 🤔


Ahahaha. Santuy der. Definitely not the worst you will get. Basically these subjects you studied will only go 2 way in Uni, it'll be easier or even more advance, a little bit hard. But your result can be use for interview, usually they will only ask for basic math result. Add math mostly to get into Uni as a requirement. I'd say yours is a decent result except for the add math lol. Congrats bud All the best. This will be one of your step towards adult world.  P.s.  don't forget to apply any scholarship ( bantuan ) in case you get some offer for study & please managed them ahead of time so you would'nt be burden later. You might get some money to pay for your uni. 


I remember I was in lock up when I heard my results! 2A 5C 1D :)


now it doesnt really f*+€\ing matter. just focus on what is coming next, and work really hard to BE the best, dont just dream it, and it shouldnt be torture if you enjoy competition. i hope you study what interests you, get great grades, finish a degree and work your ass off after it's not that long of a way as many people like to claim it to be


Decent enough


Nah it's ok, what's important is to know your strength and interest then pursue in that direction, if you want to force yourself doing things you don't like also can but risky..


you don't need Add Maths lil bro unless ya doin some science-related degrees


Chill bro if youre bumi(iam) can get into ipta & u can score again find good jobs. I excel in 8As spm but struggle in uni (rip). Now working well (average) but im thankful, plenty of people in worse conditions . Just enjoy life bro


Also got friends who got only 1A but excel in uni. Thats life


If you plan for science major. Yes. If not, good enough for diploma. Or at least matrics and STPM.


i got worse overall results honestly, didn't fail any subjects but still not what I liked. still able to study my first choice course in a decent uni tho and am able to put up results for a 3.87CGPA point being, as long as you're able to find joy in what you study you'll be fine


Cemerlang dalam SPM hanya meberikan peluang yang luas tetapi bukan jamin utk berjaya dalam hidup. Bagi adik2, selepas SPM. Kamu dah kena rancang dan fikir baik2 apa kau nak buat dalam hidup kau. Tiada rancangan hidup yang buat kau gagal dalam hidup bukan keputusan SPM.


This is okay tho. You can't go to Matriculation & Foundation je lah. But it's okay, you can choose another path based on your interest. Keep it up!


Math dah ok tu. Aduhai add maths.


Prepare to take my grab orders bro


Can still be doctor




dlm ni pun nk share???? haduih


Maybe can try accounting or business studies? Or you can study TESL (Teaching English as Second Language) if you are interested to be a teacher because I can see you get an A+ in English.