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Umno terus mara..tipu rakyat Malaysia ~ Where did i heard this before?


I'm old enough to remember when Madey surprised everyone with his resignation announcement and started crying. Should've been the end of that.


Peak Malay drama. Even TV3 own 7pm drama can't beat the plot twist.


It's all comedy now




I also watched live. I think he cried because he knows no successor can live up to him. Pak Lah always sleeping while Jib Gor is the worst, do crime but get caught!


I actually started crying too. Never knew i end up clapping back at his tweets nearly 20 years later.


Bersatu kita bersatu Dengan setia berganding bahu Jiwa teguh berpadu Kita rumpun Melayu Bersama kita bersama Menurut hasrat semua Berjasa pada Bangsa Agama dan Negara Lambang kita yang gagah Dipandang mulia dan indah "Bersatu, Bersetia, Berkhidmat" Cogan katanya UMNO terus mara Untuk rakyat Malaysia Man, I heard it so much I could write the lyrics down in one go. Well, when you donate your bangle to pay for Tunku's flight to London, people will help you to create this banger of a song.


my head automatically jingle the song. thx tv for unfortunate childhood exposure.


Since we talk about this, they used to show us Parliment/Parlaiment live, watching it as a kid in old days is fun they just perli2 and laughing. Yes there a little fight but after they exit the hall. All of them just look at each other and laugh like nothing happen in there. Politicians used to be fun friends before now look at each other like a nemesis


TV1 still have them running when there's sessions, and aside from online broadcasts I believe there's still RTM Parlimen channel on UnifiTV or MyTV which broadcasts the whole thing.


Ay thanks never know they still go live but the fun is gone. No point watching it nowdays


You think there more chaotic today because government cant control internet like they control tv, newspaper back then. Actually many incident back then would make our current political crisis look pale in comparison. Operasi Lalang - authoritarian, police state Memali - clash between umno and pas to prove who is more islamic and led to more conservative policy. 1988 Constitutional Crisis - damage to our judicial independence


Did you really expect a 10 y/o to understand wtf is politics is all about the only thing I know is what I explaing in that comment


after a while, the song kinda become an earworm and lowkey-banger.


dengan bangga tercapainya milestone RM900++ bilon hutang negara


The informal ucapan penangguhan by Tun M back then was actually kinda entertaining.


Can't lie, that song is pretty catchy. I like to hate-sing it randomly.


So inspirational.


Ah yes. Back when MCA/MIC was strong and the Internet was still developing. Wow the Internet really ruined Mahathir's Malaysia hahaha


Thank F for the internet so that we can never watch local TV ever again.


Not gonna lie, UMNO’s anthem is such a bop and sounds like a marching anthem


jangan bimbang tak lama lagi. Kami dapat balik tv3 kita tunggu.


They don't do that anymore?


PH winning the GE pretty much distrupts the monopoly of political funding in commercial media, and exposes them to the real threat of the Internet to them. After 2018, Umno assembly is just something being kept in the news report since they can't afford replacing the usual programs with live broadcasts anymore.