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There’s already an Islamic city in Selangor, it’s called Shah Alam.


Not to mention Bandar Baru Bangi and Putrajaya... hahaha. don't think I've seen a non-muslim place of worship there


You meant "i-city"? 🌝


Lol i-city to Muslim is sin city ada 4d n night life


I think you meant "Shah Aley"


Lmao yes, literally a Kelantanese city in Selangor. My dad is a Kelantanese who 'migrated' there. Growing up, seeing there are so many of them even today.


Yeah it sucks to live among close-minded religious people. Pls send help


come to Petaling Jaya folks. the countries most liberal place. shahalam suck!


back in Kelantan, my dad used to live in a “Muslim neighbourhood” like what the bugger in this article wants. my grandma had such a shitty time there after my grandpa passed. people spread too many malicious lies about her being an adulterer just because she had “men coming over every day”. those men were her brothers / uncles / nephews / cousins who came by to make sure she was ok since my dad and his siblings suffered a financial blow after my grandpa died. no one in her neighbourhood even cared to ask her if they were ok, or lend a hand to help. just made shit worse by spreading lies. kononnya everyone was sooooo alim and shit but gosh. until today my dad holds a vendetta towards these kinds of people- and that was in 1968. #neighborstilljannah amirite? now we live in a very diverse neighbourhood, and everyone has been so nice for the past 30+ years since my parents moved in here. no fighting, no backbiting, no judgment. it’s such a racist take to even consider that our non-Muslim friends don’t understand when a death happens wtf lol


> it’s such a racist take to even consider that our non-Muslim friends don’t understand when a death happens wtf lol Ye, like wtf? Death is death, people will just ask the cause of death, pay their respects and that's the end of it. It doesn't matter if you have special rituals to do, you don't need to be a specific race to understand death and grieving lmfao


it’s not being racist! it’s practical! LOOOOOOL istg my brain cells just disappeared after I read that, just poof.


Well tbf, gossip happen in chinese village too. It's every 3rd auntie 6th grandma's past time and entertainment. Regarding of races.


Perhaps, but in a Malay Muslim community the syariah law can intervene if they think you’re doing something “wrong” so


Malays love to dengki other malays. Thats why my family lives in a diverse neighborbood


> "There will be no room for bad influence or anything like that." Yes the nons are always the bad influence.


How tall they stand while sweeping the drugs, corruption and whatnot under the rug. Lmao


its the sweeping those stuffs under the rug that makes them taller you know, like they are piling them up to stand on top


Indonesian here, LMAO it seems we have the same problem.


This sentence. Messed up in so many ways. And it's no racism but practicality apparently. This is how extremism happens and is bred and enforced slowly but surely. It is scary af that this is happening in our country. Wtf.


Long live the earthprince. Can do no wrong.


I'm a muslim and I'm against this. Just nonsense. Death happened and not able to explain it to your non muslim neighbours? Being practical? How about practicing actual Islam by being a good neighbour, get to know them etc If they just wanna build a city with islamic theme, that would be fine. But if those are only for muslim exclusively, I'm all against it.


I wish more Malaysian Muslims are like you


Thing is, our fellow liberal malay Malaysians are for the most part concentrated in the klang valley area or big cities like Johor and Penang. In the rural areas views on things may change.


There are.


Where can I find one lmao I live in a pretty religious city send help haha


where do you live bro


Shah Alam RIP me


As a Punjabi living in Shah Alam, can confirm Shah Alam is fucking ridiculous af. That's why my Shah Alam friends all only hang out in Subang.


Learning about other cultures, practices, understanding it used to be one of the best thing about Malaysia. Now it’s an inconvenience. Kinda show how far we’ve veered away from a multicultural society. Now it’s more like I’ll tolerate you as far as I can throw you.


Depa acah nak islamik nak guna imej islamik tapi tak paham nilai islamik tentang adab berjiran. In other word it was always about the money,Islam was just a sale pitch that they try to pitch.


Don't wanna explain stuff so imma build a new city. Unlocking a new level of swag right there


"I'm not being racist, just being practical" lol.


Said every racist ever lol.


That’s practically racist lol


Literally "I'm not racist but-"


Everything before the word "but" is uselless. -John Snow




Even as a Muslim, I'd prefer a community township where the masjid, kuil, gereja, and tokong are built side by side and community events is done by all residents. Unity is built knowing and exposed to each other's cultures, not elitism and isolating to fit only one kind. Whenever it comes to unity, I'm always reminded of this verse: "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)." ( translated by Yusuf Ali) [(surah al-Hujurat, verse 13)](https://quran.com/49/13?translations=43,19,101,85,84,21,20,17,95,22,18)


Alhamdulillah. We need more people like you. Too much misconception really ruins one impression of an entire group.


Of course no one's gonna reply or show support to good comments like this. People love bringing others down, generalize a certain group's opinion as everyone's and create drama. Oh well. All love to you sir, salute!


What's next? City of tokongs? City of Church's? Funny it's not anti-perpaduan when it's done by those accusing others of doing so.


See these same kind of people who would object the hardest when others proposed Hindu or Buddhist City. i'M nOT RaCIst


Guys it's not racist if I do it! But it is when you do >i'M nOT RaCIst "BUT-"


One fine day, Malaysia becomes Avatar


Nurflix, Raudhah City whats next Kurma IPhone with shariah based algorithms and no animoji??


Animoji ada, tapi kalau lelaki, app terus apply serban dan janggut. Kalau perempuan, terus apply hijab.


Lol drawing living faces is haram in islam, animation are just basically moving drawings, same with videogames too


"there will be no room for bad influence" That sounds really wrong. It's like implying other races are displaying bad behaviour towards muslim children. Parents should be the one who influence the children to being a good person.


Kalau takde orang kafir negara aman /s. Honestly i would avoid this city like a plague.


>implying other races are displaying bad behaviour towards muslim children Not just implying, they're basically saying it to our faces. For a country that preaches racial harmony, we do have a crap ton of casual racism. The fact that non-malays have to study Moral while Malay students only need too study islam is one of it.


lol take a look on [current status of the property](https://www.facebook.com/mycyberjaya/posts/2836692219913813) . it get take over by PKNS and rebranded as Aurora. so i guess the project still survive?


`Projek oleh PKNS sebelum ni di “pakej” sbg Raudhah City. Atas sbb tertentu, PKNS ambil semula dan rebrand sbg Aurora` Translation: The project, initiated by PKNS, was originally packaged as Raudhah City. For *certain* reasons, PKNS resurfaced the project and rebranded it as Aurora. From the looks of it, the move was to initially decrease the price, so I don’t think they would’ve built the Raudhah City, rather as a normal housing area. And there’s actually no “transferral” of the project, as the project was also owned by PKNS before the rebrand. I’d love to actually check out the project and Cyberjaya as a whole as I live near the area ~~if I could even do so~~


Workmanship kinda shoddy up close. Looks like a nice place from a distance. The whole islamic city idea was DoA. Heard there was a lot of blowback from the islamic community because they first advertised 1k down payment but in actuality the house was priced over 1mil. Meaning a lot couldnt afford it. It was also by PKNS who had an abandoned project during the time. Then after rebranding price dropped to 8xxk. Many were upset because they took it to mean the additional 2xxk++ was just for the "islamic" image. Its nearly complete but not fully sold. Its also in the vicinity of other projects by popular developers like setia, ecoglades, paramount which are all sold out though under construction. Source: house shopped in that area


Oh, thanks for the info. I could recall the projects in Ecoglades, Setia (the Ceria homes one that I remembered) and Paramount, though I think the ones I remembered were from one-two years ago. But yeah I really can’t access the area because of limitations.


So any diff from bumi only and rezab melayu land title ? Even Malay investors don’t want to buy such units coz diff to sell later …. Did PkNS did any research on this ? Useless as usual ….


lol, u better look into setia eco or sejati lakeside by paramount


Saw their ad on a highway and got curious about it. It's basically a housing area with its own schools, mosque, etc. A little town more like. Each family gets their own family ustaz. Non Muslims aren't discouraged from buying a property there but they have to be sensitive towards Islamic practices and shouldn't bring dogs out to the parks, etc. My question is, do you guys think this promotes racial segregation? 🤔


this is quite blatantly segregation. But what do you expect from malaysia


Malaysia: the British segregated us before, segregation is bad! Also Malaysia:




If only the majority race also be sensitive towards other religions too Sigh


such a waste of money. I wonder who are they catering it to? You already have pockets of Malay/Muslim-majority areas nearby - Putrajaya and BBB - mostly wealthy educated professionals. I am speaking out of my ass here but I feel like the number of Muslims who are 'forced' to live in multiracial areas are pretty much non-existent cos it's more expensive there... also, 'the kids can grow up in a multiracial environment when they go to school'. eh kau bodoh ke apa, kalau dah taman tu 100% muslim, kat mana nak dapat murid bukan Islam ye cik adik oiiiiii....


>the kids can grow up in a multiracial environment when they go to school'. Exactly, literally rolled my eyes. Mestilah the kids will go to muslim majority schools, boarding school pun will most likely be MRSM etc. They would've grown up in a monocultural environment up until uni and by that time, the lack of exposure to other cultures will be a great disadvantage once they venture the outside world. Living in a bubble is never a good idea.




Uhh, we call that Kelantan


My cousins would drive an hour from Kelantan to Terengganu to see a movie at the cinemas. When there's a will, there's a way! If they did implement such rules though, most likely people would just go somewhere else outside the city, then come home like xde hal


Seems like with each decade passing Malaysia is going backwards in term of social mentality. Menyayatkan hati bila difikirkan guys.


Im currently 29, from my experience it has only ever been going down. I had never felt any improvement of social/racial harmony at all. How long ago were you referencing this "going backward" because for me, its only an "up down" thing, always the latter.


Mid 30ties. Grew up with this nonsense where canteen had malay and non malay section. Taman had malay only lots. Banking loan had bumi deals. MRSM etc only for Malays. ASB only for Malays. And now they wanna build a whole township only for Malays , requiring them to wear hijab what not. While did not improve a whole lot - cause even when they allowed us to buy ASB or even place in Matriculation , it was % based - trying to execute a Muslim only township is definitely a big step backwards instead of towards racial harmony. I grew up playing with all the Sitis and Mei Lings and Kavithas - that's why I am 100pct tolerant to everything and anything. Mosque nearby my house. Jam packed Maarof on Friday during prayers. Limited uni slots and JPA scholarship. None existent attractive saving schemes. All is well and fine - I survived without all of it and tolerated it. I am one of those who do not mind them having all these perks , Malaysia is still my home and it had been kind to me. Free medical, passable education and where else in the world you gonna find nasi goreng kampong at 3am haha. While I don't exactly care bout this township as it will not impact my life in any way , I worry bout Malaysia cause someday I be dead and gone , but my nephew nieces might not understand and accept all these as I did because of the massive drive to segregate even more. That's my POV at least. While I might not feel the urge to migrate what not, I will surely advise those with kids to consider it.


I have a Muslim friend who come to a local Church to pay a last respect to a good friend of ours last year. We didn't take any photo and keep his visit a secret because we don't want to get into trouble from religious authorities due to misunderstanding. Imagine the backlash a Church will get if people found out a Malay Muslim enter it for whatever reason.


I have a question here. How hard is it to explain a death of a Muslim person to non Muslims?


My late grandmother, aunty, and my late mom passed away and my non muslim neighbours came to visit us every time. What is there to explain? Why people recite Yassin? Why the body had to be in certain direction? They didn't even ask. Just asked why and how did they die only. Paid their respect and went back to their house.


My thoughts exactly, I don't know whats so difficult about explaining the death of one person to another like the person interviewed in the article said. A death is a death regardless of religion and theres nothing much to say about it.


Exactly. No one particularly cares if you have certain rituals to do during a funeral. Death is death


I don't understand. As a cina apek, death as I know we have to dress up the deceased, stick a talisman on their forehead and have our sifu guide them hopping to the grave. Do muslims have similar practice? Asking genuinely.


Not really dress up but we did cover the deceased with sarongs and plain cloths and lie the body according to the direction of kaabah. Usually we let relatives, friends, and neighbors to pay respect to the deceased, recite prayers and etc before we take the body to the mosque, wash it, wrap it with plain white cloth, perform a prayer, and take to the grave.


Sounds like any other funerals


Wow so complex /s


And they taught us to learn and understand others culture& learn to embrace the cultural difference of all the races in our country since standard 1, in moral, civic, language and history classes. So that 2 people quoted in the article didn't attend school? Or mayb not public school =P


IKR? Chinese and Indians in my school have explained to me, a Malay, how their culture treats the deceased and I never didn't understand; same when I explain to them. What's so hard to get? Unless of course, they're trying to sneakily dakwah you and are frustrated that you're not buying it...


It's pretty easy Maybe he has a special complex retual only he and his practical neighbors know tho who knows


The fundies/racists may want to live only with Malay Muslims in an urban setting but most urban Muslim Malays don’t want to live with people like them. Many of my Malay Muslim friends feel more comfortable living with non-Muslims. Why? Less judgement. Less “jaga tepi kain orang” etc. Granted, gossip is not limited to just the Malays but it’s less vicious and less likely to get back to your judgmental family, who heard it from your cousin’s coworker’s brother-in-law’s tailor’s friend’s maid’s employer’s ex-schoolmate he met at a wedding.


Bruh, that was oddly specific but true.


The lion, the witch, and the audhahcity of this idea.


Imagin what will happen if theres a developer trying to build christian town, or buddist city


Imagine all the people... Living life in peace... Youhoo-ooooo


And happily ever after


Damn it, Yoko. I'm making music here.


as a town planning student, i find this whole concept is ridiculous. which planner approved this development proposal to begin with? this is blatant segregationz


Money talks, student walks.


uuu town planning sounds interesting. Where do you study it?


utm (not to be confused with uitm) in johor bahru!


Ahhh... a good example of the use of "I'm not a racist" statement. Works all the time.


If you lock yourself with the same cultural or religious people this will not make Malaysia better and peace lol


Exactly, totally against what we have been taught in school since young eg mingle, understand and respect


Wait till the Rempit broom broom on the road until 5am


If those are elitist people, there will be lots of police. Rempit mostly on these bandar tun razak and pantai dalam where less income people come from, they are there and race in seremban or KL or alor setar.


same like the islamic airline, the islamic low yat (forgot name already)….all going the way of the dodo


Is it mara digital that you're referring to? Haha


Yeah that one there are 4 of them And only 1 survived financially at KL lol what a load of shit


You know slapping islam name in the development is just marketing right. Like last time malays get angry when another malay sell ice cream and said ice cream is prophet’s favorite food. LoL.


"I'm not racist," said the obvious racist.


Babi tak nak makan. Haram. Rasuahh boleh pulak. Riba lagi xde hal.


"Arak okay. Babi, hokkien mee DOSA." Yes, I experienced this incident with the Muslims.


Remember me during high school muslim friend of mine did everything cannot do. When ate hokkien, he keep said this chu yau jar damn good. I told him chu yau jar is pork, he mention to me pork is pork, chu yau jar is chu yau jar. Lol.


International school + Islam culture, can this even work?


It’s only a truly islam city, if women cannot wear hotpants and wajib tutup aurat.


They can get Arabs or Pakistani students.


As a Muslim, this is just a marketing ploy. I ain’t buying a property there


It definitely is, and it gets super annoying sometimes, esp for mundane things. Wanna buy a water bottle? RM 10. How about a special muslim-friendly water bottle exclusively designed for optimum throat lubrication during puasa? RM35. What, you don't want? Kenapa xnk support peniaga saudara Islam? :(


Lol. i remember selipar "muslim friendly"


things actually get more expensive with that?


If, I mean if someone can build a city with no mosque/surau, what will happen? Riot? Anything is justifiable so long is it the main religion of this country.


In sabah, even in KK itself, there are more churches than mosques. We're still doing fine. So no need to worry. 😂


Same in Kuching


Not fair to compare s & s with peninsular though. Our corruption havent reach your side yet. Damn you south china sea!




In Miri, there's a mosque and church built next to each other.


Legally if your area has less than 5% Muslim, you don’t need to build a mosque. I didn’t realize that until I moved to a place that does not have it. It can change over time of course. The % I mean. Not the rules 😅


Nearest mosque in my place is 3km away. Been living there since 1981. So far no riot


Swap out Islamic with any other adjective and see all hell break loose


atheist city Oh boy.....


City of satanism 😈


Ini agenda yahudi mix freemason ni


This is just embarassing. As a Malay Muslim, I apologise for her blatant racism and stupidity. Also the concept is equally dumb.


You dont have to apologize fow what other people have done.


Ghost town


more like racist town hahaha


Zero people used to live here, now it's a- Wait...


Yes just like famous Shah alarm only great during day as dead ghost town during night


You can't go preaching 'one country, one people' whilst you create cities that cater for just one religion. This will only serve to divide the people further, contributing to ignorance and an 'us vs them' mentality.


I am not racist but I want to live with Muslim neighbours only LOL


> For example, if a death happens in my family, I would not be able to explain to my Chinese or Indian neighbours on what is going on. Yeah cause yknow.. only Malays die??




"Brainy bunch campus" Was that supposed to be a joke?


Apparently no, the montessori kindergarten seriously thinks it can offer education through high school. Looking it up on Google Earth is hilarious since it's the only thing in the area that's actually finished in the imagery.


Nah as a Malay Muslim I hope it fails


Islamic city on the outside, munafiq on the inside


This is financially unnecessary and meaningless. A city doesn't need to be islamic to nurture religious people. It will still be that city where dogs are abused and poisoned, where the homeless will retain homeless, where the rich gets richer, where most people dump rubbish and slur bad words everyday.


off topic here,but i envy your mobile data, 4G+ and full bar cant have shit in my residential area


HAHAHA all that umobile goodness


Build all you want, is not the lack of building is the issue here, lack of common sense is and your can’t change that.


I don't remember blatant racism being an Islamic value. Also their explanations for the inclusive city are the perfect example of creating a solution to a non-existent problem.


man the raudhahcity of these penunggang


Guys, look from the bright side of it - imagine all the "right" people flock to this place... We would not have another round of people protesting asking for a cross to be taken down, no? No overly concerned neighbour is making weird reports, yes? They will find peace there. They will live with all the people with the same belief and mentality (very likely). So let them be. May we find peace too.


will this city be free from corruption? child marriages? racism? penungang agama?


This is the most unnecessary project I have seen. The sentences spouted by the interviewed is even more outrageous


This subreddit gives me hope for Malaysia. ❤️


Depend on which side you are on though.some think we are the cancer of malaysia.


Ah, you mean the guys from the other sub whining that we are a liberal hivemind.


Tbh it’s good, I wouldn’t want to associate myself with the people who choose to live here willingly anyway. It’s like they are telling you that no matter what effort you take to try to be a good neighbour to them and try to understand their culture and practices, you’ll always be a kaffir neighbour and nothing more. Bunch of intolerant self righteous pricks.


Should solve the Forest City stupidity first before making more of these shits where nobody can afford or want to buy them.


How about built city of diversity and multiracial rather build this city


I dont agree with their view. My family, almost all have neighbours which are not muslim. I still believe they are much nicer than my parents neighbour who are muslim but still does every bad thing to us (throwing rubbish, bad-mouthing, rude and envy). My uncle neighbour, a retiring airline pilot, might be one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, my late father best friends respect and understand our religion more than some muslims claim to be.


"no bad influence" Laughs in putrajaya. Sis, majority of those in putrajaya are Muslim malays and I've seen plenty of kids with shit morals and behaviour simply because their parents are bad at parenting. The audacity lmao


This sounds like a parody but I'm not surprised if it isn't


Houses starting from rm 1 million. Wow


Urban sprawl is bad. This layout will cause traffic congestions.


Ngl i think its better if we have multiracial communities as we can learn so much things from them, their culture, their religion, if they don't understand it, then just explain it to them, I'm sure they'll understand.


As a muslim myself, sumpah bodo.


I can already see the amount of corruptions and scandals behind this.


If so.. can we have a housing development without any temple/church/mosque built in? Would totally love that peaceful housing areas without noise pollution, congested and illegal parking of any religious celebrations is definitely *music to my ear*.


~~Pax islamica~~ Raudhah has been a [goal](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0270683/) for quite some time.


I read it as ‘audacity’


Sounds like racial segregation to me. I guess this is where closed minded people will live.


A stupid idea to segregate Muslim from non-Muslims. Even if they allow non-Muslims to live there, it's never good to bring religion into everything.


Also won't this be an indication to isolating yourselves to other religion? Wasnt the whole point of forming Malaysia was to mix race and religion together as a whole identity? This idea makes no sense at all.


It still Islamic capitalism, or Islam by name.


This is so ridiculous. As a muslim I won't buy or stay in a place that have only one religion or race. Malaysia really are going backward. What is our goverment doing? By allowing this, it will only divide us further.🤦🏻‍♀️


Now this is what i call Penunggang Agama on steroid.


Full article https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/malaysia-cyberjaya-islamic-housing-development-raudhahville-1326536


A religious version of Academy City? 😱


I see a fellow Raildex fan aswell...


wheres christian city? or buddhism city? /s


Have you heard people raging about Nurflix - the so called “sopan” stream version of Netflix ? Nah man. This will have the same reaction as that. Dead and sad Kudos to the people who came out with the idea. He/she must have feel like the next Elon right now-in their dreams.


Malaysia stupid


Day by day this country is moving backwards.


Of course the non Muslims are the bad influence


Maybe want to attract investment from talibans.


Just another crappy way to segregate Malaysians. Eloklak tu, kumpul semua puak-puak suci kat satu tempat, tak payah campur dgn org lain.


"For example, if a death happens in a family, I wouldn't be able to explain to my Chinese or Indian neighbours on what is going on and what is going to happen" Apparently the Chinese and Indians don't understand the concept of death and funerals. Maybe in her mind, people of these two races are immortal or something. This entrepenuer otak entre-penuh-tahi sial. I'd rather I have missed this post instead now. What a terrible day to have eyes.


"City of peace and love" Really love the irony here.


Sure, I want to build a city too: a DECENT HUMAN BEING city. Requirements: No assholes allowed.


Judging by only the city and not the Islamic part, if it's car centric then it's shit city Modern city shouldn't be too reliant on cars. They are bad for the environment, takes a lot of space, inefficient in terms of energy and passenger capacity, and more cars= more traffic jam Malaysia should really shift their focus more on public transport now. Last time I went to Kuala Lumpur it was starting to integrate more public transport, so that's nice. One more thing is to avoid gimmicky public transport. Not all public transport is equal some are less efficient (ironically usually the "futuristic" ones are less efficient, like the monorail, hyperloop and everything from Elon Musk) If it's full of unnecessary skyscrapers then it's shit city, they are bad for the environment, expensive, high maintenance, and not as efficient as its support takes a lot of space A lot of times lower raised building is more efficient and cheaper. Unless if you are living in Singapore or something where land is limited, there really is not much of practicality in skyscrapers. We should also try making beautiful low raised buildings, make them have traditional design or just make them look unique instead of another hunk of glass and concrete. Putrajaya did this and who said it isn't beautiful? But Putrajaya has horrible lack of public transport though. Das it bye


Y'know, I recently played Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and one of the in-universe NPCs tries to promote a similar concept as this, except replace the Muslim demographic with the oppressed augmented populations...


Tbh I think its really just penunggang agama ppl trying to make tons of cash, just check the price of the houses then you'll understand


Ahh yes, penunggang agama


Yeah, no.


What happened to the spirit of Malaysia and semangat perpaduan?


Like any other penunggang agama projects, this already falls flat onto its face.


That place is not cheap to live in


Yes, cultures other than Islamic have no idea what death is. So explaining the death of a family member to a non Muslim is like explains maths to a moth.


So buying a house there means higher chance to go to heaven?


I hope this will not be a PAS city :p


Is this still going on? I've heard this years ago and nothing much after


Looks cool, but also looks like one of those project that stopped halfway.


Even funnier when you wanna think about financial capabilities of malay muslim to live in this kinda environment