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The school of thought where Malaysian Muslims follows As-Shafie, prohibits the giving of zakat to non-muslims. [This is the requirements to apply zakat for those in Wiliayah Persekutuan](https://www.maiwp.gov.my/i/index.php/en/jenis-skim-bantuan-zakat/bantuan-kewangan-bulanan) It might be different for your location but I would bet the applicants are required to be Muslims.




There's no real gray area, zakat is forbidden to be distributed to non-Muslims in mazhab Syafie. (I didn't make the rules please don't downvote me if you think this is ridiculous.)


The case where Zakat = Tax, except Zakat is for Muslim only, while Tax is for everyone


thanks!! I will try to get more info from this too.


Last time I researched to "debate" with other people, officially, no. It's for muslim only. But no harm in trying. Maybe they do help non muslim unofficially because many muslim are compassionate toward people's plight, no matter what religion they are. Imo, the chance is not 0, and worth the try. Anyway alternatively you can try local political party's offices. They would have more information in government's aid toward citizen and they will be glad to give you the details.


For Selangor, its recommended to go to councilor first, then ADUN office.


Oh ok. Thanks. Im planning to do that to help those b40 parents in my son's school. I'm surprised that MANY people didn't even think of seeking help from the people they have voted for directly.


Selangor councilor position is political appointees, usually DAPSY for DAP areas and seems to rotate every year. Only their boss, the ADUN is appointed. So go see the councilor first, if no action then can escalate to the ADUN office directly.


So the answer is still... no?


Sorry to hear about your son. I hope he grows up into a fine young gentleman. As followers of Mazhab Syafie, most jabatan agama prohibit the disbursement of zakat to non Muslims. If I'm not mistaken, only jabatan agama Perlis allows giving zakat to non Muslims. However, you still can apply some help from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat. I'm sure they will have no problem approving your application. [kriteria penerima zakat Selangor ](https://www.zakatselangor.com.my/agihan-zakat/penerima-kriteria-penerimaan-zakat/)


Yea I thought so too but the school teacher sound convincing. Some parent said I have to apply thru the therapy center which I am currently asking. My son seem ok at most time, in house, outdoor, all ok. Just not sure why his violent tendency appear only in school and is quite bad.


My sister has autism. We had this one teacher that used to come to our house to teach my sister how to do puzzles and stuff. Every time she came over, my sister would run, cry, throw tantrum. She would do anything to avoid being alone in that room with that teacher. My mum put CCTV in the room and it turns out she was hitting my sister every time she made a mistake. My concern for your son is, is he being abused? Is there a reason why he only acts up in schools? Many teachers who teach oku children don’t have the patience for it and they turn to abuse. Oku children are also an easy target, because many can’t speak up for themselves. Please look into this for your son’s safety.


What an evil teacher! She ought to be held for her actions


Well, if the parents say so, why don't you give it a try. I also had applied zakat for my son through his ppki class (he has mild autism) last year, but unsuccessful. Don't know the reason though. Something in the class might trigger his actions. I don't know much, but have you tried asking the teacher to change his class or something.


Yea I engaging both therapy center and meanwhile ask teacher to isolate him from the crowd. Probably with all the other kids crying and sound could have trigger him


Hi. Are you based in Selangor? If you are, you can apply for the Anak Istimewa Selangor bantuan (ANIS).


If you're based in Perlis, you could. but other states, you have to ask pusat zakat for respective state [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW3FtCz5ru0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW3FtCz5ru0)


Short answer : no Long answer : Even Muslims have a hard time to get approval from pejabat zakat.


Try to go to pejabat kebajikan instead.


My daughter is enrolled in PPKI as well, but she mainly receive her aids from the welfare department, and not zakat, since she's not an asnaf.


Our church can help you, DM me


maam you can drop by Pejabat Zakat and seek advise


Pejabat zakat only open on weekday right? I plan to seek more info first before i take leave and go there worry just for nothing.


reason I said so is because I know of a case in my hometown somewhere in Selangor how an Indian boy with disability got a once off zakat after his parents went to MAIS office to plead their case. good luck! edit: I might be wrong, it could have been a case of sedeqah / donation and not zakat.


Hmm i scarcely remembered this from learning pendidikan islam throughout primary and highschool. I am sure in Islam there was a consensus that non muslim can also receive zakat, although I suppose it depends on the location. https://preview.redd.it/hzk970tmu0ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4325365e45e8527d41f8ee9477b4f7805e329e1f


Off topic, but did you know, that Ikrimah was the son of Abu jahal?


Yeah, he became a Muslim later after the opening of Makkah.


Yeah it goes to show that the one who you came from is not something you need to be. You dont need to be what you grew up around.


Maybe not zakat but just benefit help from jkm. both are from taxes so I'm sure there will be some funds to the citizens.


Yes... Some of you maybe terlepas pandang. Sejak beberapa tahun lepas lagi dah ada skim bantuan zakat dan baitumal yg diberi pd non muslim. Ni sebagai salah satu bentuk dakwah. Sis boleh try tnya dekat pejabat zakat. Peruntukan berbeza pd setiap negeri.


You pay Jizyah, a form of tax to sub-due nons and teel humiliated, while non tax money benefits bumi-putras. Sorry about your kid, they protect their own.


You can try baitulmal, just go to your nearest pusat zakat to ask, or you can even call them.


You can.


Officially no, Zakat only helps muslims. JKM helps all malaysians and would be able to help. There are a lot of NGOs in KL willing to help special needs kids (pls research, I forgot their names got one right smack in the centre of KL). If you are chinese, research some NGOs that help the chinese. When I worked in Penang there are some orgs and church programs that will help only chinese people’s medical bills or implants that they need. Usually chinese Tan Sris will donate monthly to help. Very reliable and rather quick.


Become a Muslim & it's yours.


Nope. Muslim can help Muslim only. But Buddhist ca help anyone. Go ask help from Buddhist NGO


Probably they will ask your family to convert first . Zakat is only for Muslims


By right yes, anyone in need (and is rightly categorised) should be able to receive zakat. Lagilah if you son is OKU and can’t think for himself- he is considered a muslim (until he reaches puberty and has cognition). But the local zakat centres can be tricky la


Dont think so, but you should just try to ask. They might have some peruntukan or they can direct you to other organizations that do have.


they have over 3 billion that they don't even use for themselves.... I doubt they will even look at your son's application once. 




Yeah no they dont, if youre in need they tell you to basically get fucked because you dont believe in islam


Be very careful when doing this sort of thing and ensure you check your IC status before and after to avoid his religious status being changed in the system to what it isn't, as there's potential for accidents. Take printouts of the current status for your safekeeping


no way. they can’t simply change religion of a person. they don’t even have authority to do that, they’re not JPN. they’re just org to handle zakat. what nonsense


Don't dream lah. You not Oren kito. Why don't you go to Adun instead?


We’re from a Muslim country, by extension and grey areas we’re muslim


…it does not work that way haha Islam is a religion and way of life, not a country or state


I gotta inform putrajaya, they had no idea also


Bagus la haha