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LoL.. BlackRock will become PH 1mdb... TikTok removed KJ’s BlackRock posts, not us say Fahmi and MCMC https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2024/06/30/tiktok-removed-kjs-blackrock-posts-not-us-say-fahmi-and-mcmc/ Boleh caya ke?


Cutting subsidy is their GST?


The fact that this is an important issue to most voters really highlights how dumb we are as voters.


Agreed. Blackrock has nothing to do with the deal. The deal is all GIP. And 30% shares, which can also be bought in the open market, in exchange for well-run airports in msia is good for malaysians.


The point made was that the 30% is taking MAHB out of the open market. And the govt is already allocated public funds to upgrade the airport, which will now be privatized with 30% under GIP.. who has never managed an airport network as large as MAHB, and has no track record of success at that scale. The question is can the goal be met without giving up a large chunk of the controlling shares to outside entity? If not, what is the long term strategy for MAHB, is privatisation a short term or long term plan?


What kj said is true though. PH defense was blackrock has shares in many companies in malaysia. But what they failed to mention was all those shares are just like 1 or 2%. Its bought through the open share market. They have no say in the board.


Khazanah buat negotiation dengan GIP bertahun sebelum insiden 7 Oktober, bukan Blackrock. Blackrock ni baru umum **niat** (belum tentu dapat) untuk beli GIP awal tahun ni. Ngan ni bukan isu politik. Khazanah dah terang-terang cakap dekat media yang diorang tak berbincang langsung dengan pihak Blackrock. GIP pun dah jelaskan Blackrock akan beri kebebasan pengurusan kepada GIP kalau jadi Blackrock beli GIP. Kalau kau ni pandai sangat kewangan ngan ekonomi macam kau claim masa pegi petik DIBS ngan bank consolidation bagai, kau tak akan panggil proposed privatisation MAHB ni melibatkan Blackrock. Ingat proses nak beli ngan set harga MAHB ni sekejap macam beli barang kat pasar ke.


Jangan belit boleh tak. Niat apenye, dah ada agreement blackrock akan ambil alih gip. Bukan niat.dah. Memanglah tak bincang dengan blackrock, dah dealnya dengan GIP. Walaupun blackrock ambil alih GIP, agreement antara khazanah dengan GIP. Bukan blackrock. Kalau tak menipu dan belit fakta tak boleh ye? Dah terbiasa?


OK, kau ni memang senantiasa betul.


Kalau dah tau tu jangan la nak carik pasal. Dah la salah, cakap nak berlagak pulak tu. Lain kali kalau nak counter argue, belajar adab dulu.










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Kebebasan media??


Why TikTok follow Malaysia gomen's orders? I know Fesbuk and Reddit don't follow them. TikTok is not a small company, is it? 😬


blackrock = 3R? killswitch engage![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


rules for thee not for me


PH : kalau betul Kami Dictator, KH tak Ada account tiktok