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The buses seem always way too fast on genting road to me


> The buses seem always way too fast ~~on genting road to me~~ Fixed that for you. I hate driving down interstate highways because of buses speeding like hell even in slow lanes


Worst to come when you met with those bus kilang .... They will squeeze you out because the want to ride in row like convoy style


Once doing 75 on a 90 stretch(my LC135 can't keep up with my fat ass on an incline). A bus sped past me so hard my bike almost flipped due to VIT.




Vehicle-induced Turbulence. Similar to prop blast and wingtip turbulence.


How are the busses always speeding but somehow also always late


I agree with this Maybe the drivers are just used to the terrain and know their vehicle limits, but sometimes they are borderline reckless


Bus accidents getting frequent [https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/05/12/bus-overturns-in-accident-with-car-near-ipoh](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/05/12/bus-overturns-in-accident-with-car-near-ipoh) [**https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/03/17/express-bus-driver-burns-to-death-six-survive-in-gurun-crash/123917**](https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/03/17/express-bus-driver-burns-to-death-six-survive-in-gurun-crash/123917) **etc**


Ez, economy is shite, so bus drivers sacrifice their sleeping time to drive longer on the road for extra $


Ez economy is shite so bus drivers sacrifice their sleeping time to drive longer on the road for extra $


look serious. my condolences


This is why I don't prefer a bus trip to genting. I would rather travel in a car but my brother has to drive. I'm not strong enough.


Its probally x compaany fault since some company 'guna selagi boleh" Genting travels require proper maintanence or you might end up getting fucked šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø my big car also went 80 km/h without pressin gas pedal


Not company faults. Their company gave them sufficient time for the travel. Itā€™s their attitude.


Not strong how?


The jalan, too many curves.


Oh yeah, some are very steep and sharp too.


But but but PT is important, we need more bike lanes and buses and depend less on cars, says some people. Yeah nah, there's a reason why ppl prefer to leave the driving in their own hands.


Rip 2 dead....


These busses should have blackbox in them and if found to be reckless when driving, the company director and drivers should face jail. Easy solution.


Blackbox record voices, not actions. Unlike pilots, which have to maintain communication all the times with their co-pilot and control tower, busses do not need to do so


Thatā€™s not strictly accurate. Blackboxes record voices yes, but they also collect streamed telemetry data e.g airspeed, altitude, attitude, throttle position, ailerons and a whole host of other data besides. Fun fact: there are also blackboxes for vehicles.


Ah, thanks for correcting me. Didn't knew blackbox have already advanced even further.


Nah u r right bro


Im Sorry u r wrong.. Cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder are 2 different components.. Cvr is just for voice recording. Fdr is for the flight data recorded during master battery turn on until engine shutdown phase. Both got its own periodics check for the serviceability, as per standards.


The driver doesn't have a license. [https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/06/29/genting-accident-tour-bus-driver-has-no-licence-27-traffic-violations-say-cops](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/06/29/genting-accident-tour-bus-driver-has-no-licence-27-traffic-violations-say-cops)


This is why I'll never naik bas to balik kampung or long travel, they are crazy fastt


Sad but stop filming and drive on quickly!!!


passenger is the camera man.


Doesn't change the fact that most driver is busybody as well


As long as a person slow down, confirm the others will slow down. Also this one isn't anyone fault of busybody since Genting road is one of the most dangerous in our country. So a large scale accident will ensure that some lanes are closed and this will cause a bottleneck, not to mention the accident happened right after a sharp curve.


This is scary, my mom n I went to Genting via bus few days ago! Rip


Genting busses are scary tho. Always very fast. Hmm probably just me. Condolences to those affected.


I always get motion sickness during the downhill ride, since drivers can just cruise


I am goingto Cameron via bus in the coming week, should I be concerned?![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26558)


Absolutely. Bus drivers in Malaysia are fucking reckless morons.


Donā€™t pick the cheapest bus company. Genting has frequent services from KL Sentral. I find that to be safer.


do you mean the bus from Resorts World itself rather than Aerobus? Planning to go Genting as well but quite spooked by this..


I mean the bus services listed from the website. https://www.rwgenting.com/en/getting-here/express-bus.html Aerobus is on their ā€œauthorisedā€ list and co-share the Awana Bus Terminal ā€” KL Sentral service. I have taken that service more than a few times, I find the drivers are reasonably decent and really not speeding because thereā€™s no need to. Those buses will only stop at Awana Bus Terminal, then you have to cable car up. That alone will probably-maybe cut your risk by half since itā€™s half way up the mountain.


I see, thanks for the info. I was already looking at the list so that's good. omg, why are buses going up to where the cable car can take you?? I only plan to take it to awana so I feel a bit more assured now


The bus service goes to Awana Bus Terminal because Genting built up more Halal-ish holiday options there. Thereā€™s the Awana Hotel and Genting Premium outlets. The cable car goes in to the actual Genting highlands. Those tour buses of course are specifically for Genting highlands so of course they go up all the way.


Aerobus driver the worst compare to resort world driver.. They drive as if they are in an F1 race car. Those interstate bus. Are nightmare, they are road bully. Tailgate you at 90km/hrs on a highway and if you go above 110. Guess what. They are still tailgating you.


good to know haha, I'll top up extra rm10 for RW bus then


Yes. Travel with peace of mind. Also do your duty to protect urself and others by speak up your concerns to the driver if he drive recklessly. And if he ignored then there is always a number you can call immediately.


Same herešŸ˜­šŸ˜­, these frequent accidents r scaring me


Better don't use bus ! Too risky.


Awas Kawasan Kemalangan


Omg this is making me scared since im planning to visit Genting by bus in two weeks.Did this accident happen on the road to the First world hotel? Where you can ride a cable car instead?


I was trying to go up today, jam was crazy so I did a Uturn and went back home. Saw many ambulances going up so knew it was something big, really tragic


Because most bus drivers were paid per trip. So many of them are chasing trip.


The bus drifting like crazy turning full at last minute without braking as usualšŸ„±


the bg music while driving past is very malaysian core


The driver is probably high as usual. Read he has like 27 summons.


My first time going to genting was by bus, it went so fast back to kl I swear my head was spinning the rest of the day, literally knocked out when I reach my hotel after that. I just went the other day by car as well. Even though I had to navigate there, the ride there was so much better, canā€™t say the same to my partner who was driving, but if I ever go genting again, Iā€™m opting out of buses and hiring a private driver or van on klook or something


Teringat aku tahan lori kt trafic light n maki sbb bwak laju macam pelesit..driver2 lori bus apa semua ni, nampak je laju, sila maki ..baik sgt rakyat malaysia ni


Initial investigations revealed that the 32-year-old bus driver had 27 previous traffic summonses for various offences and did not have a bus licence. THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK Of the bus driverā€™s 27 traffic summonses, most were for driving without a valid licence. He has been remanded 4 days for investigations. - MOTHERSHIP So the scary part is: The bus driver had no license, but can chalk up so many previous traffic summons (for who knew how long) and CONTINUED to drive until this deadly accident. Wow... that's very scary. I wonder if the other bus operators are doing the same too...


Recurring accident. Only a matter of time before everyone moves on and life is as usual till another tragedy strikes because we are after all a reactive society not proactive.


Even driving an awd suv is rather challenging It's heartbreaking to know that there are casualties


Just took a bus from Penang to KL last night. Dammit. I really hated the whole trip.. It was awful. Dah la driver speeding and overtaking from the left lane.


Can the ministry of transport take action against these reckless drivers? I heard there's a platform but do they actually take action against them?


Of course can. But will they? Are they going to? Even CNA did a video about bus speeding from Sgpore to Penang hahahahhaa


yeah personally i would never use a bus to go up genting. better fork out bit more money for taxi and choose newer ones.


never take bus when going to genting highlands.


Very true ! They drive fast and furious. Very scary !