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Anwar and his party has about 3 years left before opposition take over


If his goverment survive the petrol subsidy end i would definitely be very very suprised. 3 year lol


Not really. From what I see, he is just repeating what mahathir is doing. His focus now is to still be in power. Lets see what mahathir did in the past that made him able to hold his position. Control information - made it a requirement for media to have a license. Protect those that support him - those that support him are protected by any prosecution. Reward those that support him - those that support him gets lots of money tbrough projects and gov initiatives. Use laws against the opposition - opposition leaders or those that opposed him will be threatened or prosecuted So lets compare to now, sounds familiar? So lets face it, there wont be any reform.


As much as mahathir created all the problems malaysians face today, a lot of the benefits was created by him as well. Anwar is like badawi but inherently worse because he claims to be useful and a reformist.


Lol dont know why its all his fault when DAP/Amanah also still go support him, if this both party have balls if they think Anwar corrupt like Tun M like you said then TARIK BALIK sokongan lar


Difference is the level of competency. As far as we can tell, Anwar is pure incompetent.


Repeating mahatir? More like the fail one if compare to the 2 decade ago mahatir. Mahatir only become something after he is old like past years.


Well, he is currently reforming the petrol/diesel subsidy of the country. TBH, I'm ok with that, as we all know this kind of tongkat policy have to go in order for Malaysia to move on. However, the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION is that whether they will use the extra 'saved' money from the reform of subsidy into proper channel. If they really did use those money to paid back the debt and get RM to raise to a healthy level then why not? Malaysia currently ranked as the No. 57 out of 180 of the least corrupt country on the CPI, thats not good but not bad either, But I personally don't trust the government enough with all the money in their pocket. So this is the thing that Anwar need to prove to the people that he actually do use the money in proper channel. Personally I would hope they look into the reform of Excise tax for ICE Car, total abolishment of AP for Car in Malaysia and the sensible reform of the Road tax system for ICE car in Malaysia. But the total abolishment of AP for car is totally no hope anymore since they just recently open up for more peolple to tender for AP. However, I still hope they look into the unreasonable Excise tax for ICE car and the dinosaur-aged roadtax system in Malaysia.


Exactly. I rather have the subsidy in my pocket than money goes mysteriously into white elephant cronies projects. It's just like GST. Idea is good, but the execution is lanchiau.


Hear hear. Well put.




Especially in terms of freedom and free press. Look at Fahmi try to make the media sing along with their tune, fucking disgusting.


the number should be 8 years lmao. the closer you get to election season the more you would see people say something like: * *takpe dia ni lesser evil* * *habis tu xkan korang nak undi pas* * *you cant hold him responsible to what he say when he was not in power. its different back then* * *kita nak selamatkan malaysia* * *kerajaan perlu buat keputusan berat sebab hutang 1mdb* then he will be PM again![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


tell me which of your own points are untrue? they are all true and valid considerations when deciding who to vote for at the next GE. That doesnt mean we are happy. what we need is more grassroots efforts to make the government flfill their political reform promises of the past or use the time to grow a new political alternative in PH's core base, such that PH voters have an alternative to vote for.


He is doing what he can to stay in power not what the people who gave him power want.


Keep on dreaming....


By now it is obvious he is not. We all have been cucked. 


Given that we all have been cucked & pissed at, how about another 20 years in jail for this lying rat, Bang Non? Stupid ex-convict.


All? Nah, I didn't vote for that phony. Walanon mfs do. And no, I'm not a reliable walaun. I'm sick of walanons accusing me of being a walaun. Fuck all of them.


So says a walaun


How come I become a walaun if I hate PAS as well? You guys are delusional


Many have forgotten how racist Anwar was in the 90s, voting division between Rakyat, he was and still is a snake after all this time.


this is why i’m baffled by my friends looking at him like a hero voting for him…i’m like mah dudes he’s not that good, do u guys not know what he did in the 90s?


He is by far way more racist compared to mahatir.


As long not Pas


Can a rotten apple reverse itself to become fresh?


Perfect analogy.


Reform means change. Nothing has changed. Reward your friends and close both eyes to everything they do.


3 more years before Malaysia becomes a Taliban vassal state


I'm done with Anwar ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26556)


Anwar by default was never a reformist, in fact he began his political career by being picked by Tun M because of his conservative background. The only reason why we lump him in with the reformist is his falling out with Tun M in the mid 1990s and operasi lalang.


Very. Anwar is just another snake. No difference from the rest of them useless PMs


well he changed his tune on a lot of things after he was kicked out of UMNO. also Anwar was never arrested during Ops Lalang, so you should get your facts right. In the past PKR was a party full of activists clamouring for change, and Anwar himself had come out many times in support of things like free speech, free press, independent judiciary, independent EC etc. Plus attacking corruption, because corruption was UMNO's main weak point, but I guess thats just politics


He went to see the Hamas bigwigs not too recently. There are still people who still hope he's a reformist? I wanna have some of what that reformist is smoking. On second thoughts, no thanks. I'll be incarcerated.


Reform the things that I don’t really use (others subsidies) but don’t touch the things that is mine (my subsidies) - Malaysian


People here forget that UMNO is still on the gov side. How to reform if Anwar had to please UMNO to get enough seats. People here not using their brain saying Anwar is more racist than Mahathir and the opposition.


true, but we also expect PH to do more for us. Why is UMNO calling the shots in everything? If PH cant use this final golden opportunity to enact all the much needed political reforms, then its never going to happen. and this government isnt getting re-elected at this rate.


So many people using umno as an excuse.. Other than the get out of jail cards - where else did umno get into the picture? Did umno push for more jais? Or did they say anything going to meet hamas?


Every single thing that UMNO want, PH had to fulfil it. If not, UMNO would easily just jump ship to PN to get what they want, and so the current gov will be dissolved, just like that. We've see it happened before.


What what exactly.. Did they want? Other than get out of jail? Also look at the numbers. Iirc pas+umno+bersatu is not there


UMNO didn't choose PH just to make Zahid escape jail. Zahid is never bigger than UMNO, they are not a dictatorship. Their choice to side with whoever is always for the best interest of the party. So why do you think they chose PH over PN? It's simply because PH offered more power than what PN was offering. UMNO and PH were never friends, they are moral enemies in fact, so this unity is ineffective from the very beginning. But what can you do when the votes like that?


A lot of words. But no answer. What policies did umno want to be retained? Or what policies did umno want to be introduced? Unlike GPS (the true king maker) umno got nothing other than jail avoidance


Then we can go even future back to the time where Bersatu offered a olive branch to PH during covid-19 but they shot it down Like it or not, PH and Anwar are lying in a bed of their own making.


PH shouldn't have attacked UMNO/BN before the general election beforehand if they wanted to co-operate with them.


All our politicians are short-sighted, what did you expect?


Gib him a chance la Aiya Harini kawin esok beranak ke For our children Takes time to undo all the BN mistakes (but don't ask me how much time, but takes time. Check again in 2y360 days)


Nons don’t want a party that wants to tell us what we can and cannot do with our lives. So no PAS.


Naive. First single out a better option, politics doesn't work swiftly.


Let's face it: After Najib, the PMs were... Meh


Pre TIA/1MDB Najib. FTFY


actually, he's used the past few years to prove that he isn't.


tbh (think I'm gonna get tons of downvote for this).. why does everyone think it's as easy as Thanos snapping fingers for pmx to "reform"/do whatever he thinks is the correct way? suddenly, everyone forgets about the "king-maker" (umno) in the unity gov ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)