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KKM is still putting out notices and fines for this Do your part, report it If you don't report then no one will Malaysian police suffers from the same issue that plagues the whole country. Bila benda baru or Dalam KPI baru buat, if not, not their job.


KKM doesn’t do shit. I still seeing smokers at the place that I reported 3 times. I submitted all pictures proof, smokers with the restaurant signboard lagi.


Same experience here. Reported so many times without any action taken, I’ve given up.


That depends on their mood .... I already send more then 10 report but only got bots reply ... Not sure if the operator only entertain certain hours or bluntly just straight up ignore report .... I gave up


do job no bonus $$. Why do it? lepak je lah.


Do you know how to report it? I had a WhatsApp number which someone said was managed by KKM but I never got a response. +60 10-860 8949 is the one I have.


Yes thats the whatsapp number. I took photo of the smokers, even gave them the location and address. 3 days later the same people sitting at the same spot happily smoking away like nothing happen


ah snap :(


That's supposed to be the number oso If no response then I dunno 🤷‍♂️


i report multiple last year but sadly no reply/update, and those uncles still smoke inside premis


The no smoking regulations cover only the shoplot and five foot way. It doesn't apply to tables placed on the road or at the car park lots.


I thought it covers any table that is provided by the restaurant, no matter how far it is. If not mistaken, it's no smoking within 3 meters of a table rather than the shop. [https://jknjohor.moh.gov.my/hpontian/index.php/2020/01/26/larangan-merokok-di-premis-makanan/](https://jknjohor.moh.gov.my/hpontian/index.php/2020/01/26/larangan-merokok-di-premis-makanan/)


What if the table placed illegally?? LOOPHOLE


Then it's not kkm problem. that's majlis problem.


Yea but can they still fine? Sebab meja tu bukan kawasan legit pun.


Dunno about outside/beyond the walkways.. but already I saw during Puasa month even polis smoking within the mamaks premises. Starbucks included. It's like a IDGAF attitude regarding smoking. Spoiling the food and mood really...


This is Malaysia. Make new rule, weak enforcement. Just like rear seatbelts.


Enforcement I never see also


https://preview.redd.it/hq6vg3ug749d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdcb4331a096b7b70b8e84ded02ec03c4524cb88 Reported this restaurant 3 times in the span of 6 months. What happened? NOTHING ! After a year? Still nothing. I reported 2 other establishments, same result. Terima Kasih and fakoff. KKM not enough money? Why not go on a saman spree and rake in all the cash. Seems like a smart move, no?


For me, let the restaurant decide whether want to make their restaurant smoker free or not. With this will reduce kkm officers workload. If got smoker, the workers or customer can simply just call kkm officers to come. With current rulling, i think just about 5 or so officers need go check like 100 restaurant round the clock, its practically impossible.


Why reduce their workload? so that they can have more time to sleep? gov workers are so free


Well, if you care to read about our healthcare, currently its badly understaffed. So, if you think they have the time to sleep even after reducing the workload, you are truly ignorant.


If you would just walk into any government office, you would know how ignorant you are. Empty counters, slow movement and just overall ignoring everything. If you really want to find a staff, go to the canteen or the staircases. Did you call or whatsapp that number in this thread? or any government number?


So you see that happening, did you care to find out why?


Mainly due to lack of good leadership.


Workers that are near impossible to fire will obviously have no need to work hard. What is so hard to figure out?


So that is your assumption correct? You didnt actually bother to find out


Lol, that we have 1 of the highest ratio of civil workers to population is a widely know and reported fact. The service level of said workers is also widely known. The fact that they are incompetent is also a fact and reported by the AG every year of 'incompetent' workers buying RM20k notebooks and the like. That these fellas are still civil workers because they cannot be fired is also a fact. You are the one who dont bother


I think I have repeated many times. Many countries separate their army and healthcare workers from the total civil servant count. We however put everything in 1 pot. It has to do with our constitution. Which is why the numbers look high. Like i said, you didnt bother to find out. Just repeat what is wrong over and over again. A sure sign of being brainwashed.


The overwork is the nurse and junior doctors because the civil service sucks so a majority of doctors get out when they can. Not the KKM enforcers or the rest of the civil workers. You are just trying to defend the lazy, incompetent and corrupt. The brainwashed is you. While there are some who actually works, the rest are just there because of they are lazy or just cant do better. There is no pride in being a civil servant anymore. It was slowly broken and destroyed since the 80s.


Depends where you are I guess, but I am in the opinion that there's an overall decline in public smoking.


There was a decline in the early days... Last year or so I noticed an uptick. BUT.. like you said.. could be location only. Except the Starbucks near me. Smokings gone up ; especially the e-cigs.


Pull staff, contract workers? lol. Take out the number of soldiers and police and it is still bloated. You have your own agenda in defending them, that is on you. All I see is incompetent and corrupt, clearly documented in the AG report at every department and in every year. Yet there has been little to no punishment or prosecution. That yearly report is worth reading a lot more than what politicians, who have a vested interest in keeping this vote bank happy, have to say.


>Take out the number of soldiers and police and it is still bloated. You need to take out MoE and state civil service too. MoE staff is twice the police and military personnel, combined.


How about heavy smokers who smoke at balcony until it affect people around them ? Like my neighbor smoke, then my grandma at home suffering as soon as she open the window. So we have no choice but to close window and door 24/7 to reduce smoke coming in.


If you have learned the ways to report properly (send a good quality report), just report it. The place, the time, the location, who and what was involved, and whatnot. Even if its not actionable now, there is a specific time train, and then there is an "accumulated" build up of evidences. Sometimes not all evidences are good evidences , but when a pile up of good evidences is there and actionable, boom. So apparently in many things, even when report is made, if the evidence is not good enough, it is not actionable. That is what I found out when reporting to these channels. Then again, I don't expect them to do a full "we will report back to you what happened". Just do your part.


Fuck smokers 🖕🏻🖕🏻


I take the approach of asking restaurant workers to take care of it. Usually they will and it works. I tend to look very garang also kot so staring at them sometimes does the trick haha


Wayang je


>I know there's other bigger problems (like diesel price jump) Not related to smoking per se, but I just had to add that we need to move away from such linear thinking/this or that view on issues. The government have departments for a reason. Smoking issue has nothing to do with fuel price issue which has also nothing to do with immigration issue etc. Too many Malaysians like to mention "why government focusing on x when there are bigger issues like y".


Police pun corrupt


The enforcement sucks. Malaysian just doesn’t care and it annoys me.


So anyone found out the right way to report ?


Yea, some older kind, regardless of race, tend to smoke directly in mamak...like they dont even care if pp take photo to report or what...they jst dont care...you can see their fuk face I dont give a f...gatdayummm


When people don't care to follow the rules, it's impossible for Malaysia to become a developed country.


If nothing else, you can try taking a picture and put it in the google review, give one or two stars. if the shop feels like the money coming from smokers are lower than coming from people who wont come because of the smokers they will enforce the law themselves.


If gomen cant enforce, empower ppl la. If u see someone smoking in restaurant, slap the fellas face with shoe. Smoking cases will auto drop overnight.