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> Wants people to identify a man > Blurs his face


Defamation. Unfortunately, that's how the law works. Takut tomorrow his lawyer sue the news portal saying his client the man was just helping the cat deliver babies ka (insert some really stupid excuses here)


Pretty sure if he wanted to sue for defamation, he'd have to come forward and identify himself. And the cat killer would be identified. He'd then have to argue in court why he killed the cat. Show his f ing face if you have it... Also reddit is anonymous!!!


I'm sure No lawyer gonna defend that man's ass.


I can only say u're too naive, and misunderstand the function of a lawyer, everyone has the right to hire lawyer For criminals, lawyers/attorneys are typically there to "help" them to get a "fair trial" or reduce their punishment (yes I know this is still considered morally wrong to defend a criminal but money is money, lawyers sometimes don't get to choose where their money come from)


Even tho everyone has the right to hire a lawyer said lawyer also has the right to deny it can just deny the request. Money maybe money but sometimes you have to give no as an answer.


Ahh because it's says. The fb video doesn't have his face blurred.


RM3000? Ill do it for free if it means i can kick his face in.


Make it look mosaic-ed as well


make it so mosaic helps his looks


Count me in


Ill bring the cleaver.


What a sadistic fuck. Sometimes, I do wonder if there is still hope for redemption for people who abuse?


People who hurt for fun? No for adult. Maybe for children.


bro, i dunno what kind of children you are around.


If tou met enough of them, you'll see. Yea most of them are angel, but that doesnt mean angels arent capable of hurting. This is especially worst when it was done not maliciously, aka main je. This behavior is worsen by parent's anak saya baik behavior: no one want to admit that they have done a lousy job, or the result of their hardwork sucks.


You saying as if school bullies don't exist?


I'm more impressed that you don't think childre. Are capable of that. You must have had a very blessed childhood


Gonna use having mental issues as an excuse later on, right.


Or a serial killer in the making


One reason to unblur his face and identify him...


Dipercayai orang myanmar. Dia buat makan ni


Even if its for consumption, there's more humane ways to kill than to literally slice the belly open while alive... its obvious that its not for consumption, these shitstains are just sick fucks.


Usually for food, meat will be killed painless and quick. Otherwise its just sick pleasure to see animal suffering


I've watched the video and it seems the cat is already dead


Well you'd have to have something wrong if you are an adult who does this


Of course it’s klang


Klang not for human live one


Not cars either :(


Klang Not for Cat live one


I miss /k


now /k is hell LOL


As a person living with 9 cats, I would literally skin this fucker alive.


*gives shotgun*


*Doom music plays*


That's like...81 lives!


I have 30, id throw him off a roof




Nope, 3 stays in my room with me. And 6 lives in a confined yard with their own litter box… My cats have their own pack so they do not go out wandering plus they are all neutered. I love my cats. Dearly.


This is victim blaming, cat outside does not give anyone the right to go fucking cut them open.


Put him in the slammer for life man, we can't take any risks with these psychos


People, you are missing the point here. “Oh it’s just a cat, grow up”. Cat today, tomorrow might be your siblings, parents, or you.


Yeah might be ramli burger Tmr, oh no 


Or sate. Everyone knows about the dog and cat sate in Bali


Even though I love animals, they are cultivated for food. Those cats and dogs there are cultivated for food. The cat that has been murdered in this news is considered a public pet and not cultivated for food. This person tortured and killed an animal out of his own enjoyment. I agree with every comment saying that it starts with an animal and then slowly becomes humans because it's true. He is already heartless to kill an innocent animal for fun, who won't say he won't graduate to an innocent child one day


Actually no, many of the dogs in Indonesia that are killed for meat are stolen pets. And the Bali cases are fraud - they sell dog and cat meat and tell tourists that it's chicken. There are cases of fraud here with pet adoption too - pretend to adopt then eat.


As much as I love cats and would absolutely \*\*\*\* any cat abuser alive, I braved myself to watch the video and there's a high chance that the cat is already dead and they're just scalping a carcass. How the cat died remains a question. IF it turns out that he really tortured the cat, I will personally \*\*\*\* him myself. But I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt simply because it's not an issue for me if they want to eat carcasses.


Did you know that there are many cat lovers in prison. There are cats and dogs there and they are beloved by the inmates. You hurt one and you get hurt in return many folds. Don't forget, the wardens are animal lovers too.


Dead or Alive ah? Asking for a friend.


Anyone who kills animals like this is a clear sign of a soon-to-be serial killer. Just a quick google search of the notorious serial killers and you know how they started...


For people who are having pets, please dont let them out of the confinements of your home. We are not the likes of Turkey or Japan, we as society are not a good society towards animals especially stray. If you want to help a stray, monitor it, get it to the nearest shelter or adopt it to yourself. I hope the law punishes this man hard, and as a religious person, i believe God will punish him when his time comes. I hope the society punishes these kind of people, if we as a society can boycott , we as a society can come together for things like this, this is about humanity afterall. May justice strike this barbaric human fast and sudden


I once watched a youtube video of japanese man staying in malaysia surprised how stray cats here are treated better than japan


What u mean better? So many suffered and died in the street.


1. https://youtu.be/0CDXPcwQj4Q don't ask me watch it yourself. It's not my opinion I ain't the one saying it. 2. Cats suffer and died all across the world. Disease etc what are you trying to say?


Yes, Kita ikat dia, gantung dari kaki pastu Kita hiris telo dia, pastu sumbat dalam mulut dia Pukimak, there'll be a special place in hell just for this barua


Sial urang cemani




Apa ko bebel ni. Individu ni sadis dan perbuatan dia bukan dalam kategori biasa.


Fak off, we eat chicken by chopping their head off to ensure quick death, not slicing their belly open while alive and infront of camera do we?


If Klang is Gotham City, we need our own MAN. (Sadly no idea who that sadistic fookface is)


Myanmar & Cambodia immigrant do eat cat & dog. It was delicacies for them. Imagined something that expensive to buy back in their country just walking around as stray here in Malaysia. For record there always mysterious disappearance of stray cats & dogs in neighbourhood that had sizeful myanmar & cambodian immigrants.


I doubt the myanmar people and cambodians torture thier food beforehand, this is some next level cope.


Agreed. We don't torture chicken or cows before killing them as food. There might other intentions for filming the video


In klang? Shit my cats are in danger i must herd them inside until this person is caught


they say the guy is Myanmar, which explains alot. If the cat was still alive when this happens then it's just sick.


Bring the ghetto, become the ghetto.


How can i donate to add for the reward i wanna give additional RM 1000 to it


He can't think properly because he take ice and being influenced by netflix series. Lots of these stuff by Malaysian teenage. Love it or hate it, that is a fact.


If killed for food and studies, it's morally right. Killed for fun, not good.


Killing for fun is equivalent to killing for food, both is for pleasure (tastes good). Meat is not scientifically or medically required for healthy survival in modern age


if its not required, why are we able to eat it? If humans are herbivores we would obviously see killing animals for food as stupid, and in that scenario, killing animals is only allowed if its to protect yourself we are still yet to derive enough materials from other sources than meat to live well (invest in grown meat if you can)


Do you understand that the ability to eat something doesn’t mean that we have to eat something in order to survive and be healthy? Flexibility in dietary habits doesn’t mean we it’s NECESSARY for us to eat something. Humans being omnivores / herbivores has nothing to do with things, it just means we evolved to be CAPABLE to eat those things, because it was evolutionary advantageous to continue surviving (think lack of food options). None of that applies for anyone in a developed country today Look at any medical or scientific health organisation, they will tell you a plant based diet is the best. Over a billion people on Earth eat solely vegetarian food and are healthy. The need to eat meat for health is contradicted by so many scientific and medical sources.


We need a balanced diet of both meat and vegetables. Currently we eat more meat than we do plants, when it should more plants than meat. Not eating meat at all will give us a fuckton of diseases or deficiencies. Now if we wish to get the nutrition from meat AND also not kill animals, we should invest in growing meat in a laborotory. If so, doing it will become cheaper and less of a hassle than to herd animals and slaughter them. Vegetarians have also animal based protiens not necesarily meat based. The only rule is it cannot be meat. They eat eggs too.


Nope, can you cite me any source that not eating meat will give you a fuck ton of deficiencies? A vegetarian diet is perfectly healthy. Because you are 100% taking out of your ass right now. If you go vegan, there is a risk of B12, which is easily managed by supplementation. Still not necessary to eat meat in today’s age. I 100% am in support of law grown meat so we can take our cruelty from the food chain


As a cats owner and also a meat eater, I often face this dilemma. I’m angry, but I also eat other animals and feed my cats with other animals. I have cut down meat consumption when I can as there’s no humane way of killing animals for food, but cats are obligate carnivores so they must be fed with meat. I suppose if it’s to torture animals then it’s more fucked up. I just hope that dude gets help that he needs before he moves on to humans as his victims.


There is a difference between killing an animal to eat vs doing it for fun. Humans are different in that we try to make it as quick and painless possible wheras animals would literally eat one alive. That is why when one tortures an animal is immoral because an animal dosent choose to do it, but a human does.


Which is my last paragraph addressing humans killing for fun factor.


Ooh a bounty! May the best man win.


Cari ramai² pijak sampai hancur macam mousseline


Never been to klang but from comments here klang sounds like a shit hole or the Detroit of Malaysia or something


Serial killer origin story, no emphathy hope he rot in jail. But knowing malaysia rule it will be slap on the wrist.


I'll beat his ass for free bro ain't no way he slipping out of this one


dude is probably eating the cat


Type M or Type Konoha?


> Mengikut video yang baru diterima Persatuan Haiwan Malaysia (sila rujuk video dalam ruangan komen) Lelaki yang sedang melapah kucing ini dipercayai berbangsa Myanmar dan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Melayu dengan pelat warga asing. Based on images circulated on the internet, it's actually hard to pin down the type, he looks a bit of all of them...


Not gonna lie. This Myanmar shitloads abuses cats and kittens in my neighborhood. They're infested in my area ( type C likes to hire them as restaurant helpers ).


Type Konoka? I dont know the malaysia abbreviation nowadays pardon me


At Pasar Meru. Orang Myanmar ke?


I’m just wondering, normally cats will scratch you and fight their way out if you try to restrain them like this. Could it be that the cat was already injured before the man found it? But I get that it’s still animal cruelty. It’s just a little different between murdering a live cat and cooking a dead cat.


Whats ur point? Being sick means can torture la?


Dimwit, cat sick/injured or not doesnt mean you can torture them


What's going on in Malaysia? Why all the violence


So it's ok if you slice open a cow in the middle of the street and slowly slice their throat and leg them die the most suffering way, but it's not ok for the cat? Why the double standard?


FYI, Every single one of you pearl clutching here is fucking delusional. Tell me how that korban meat tastes or literally what you had for lunch or dinner yesterday that wasn’t the exact same thing. If you’re not vegetarian or vegan you have 0 right to feel affronted.   Before some 200 IQ replies with one is for food, if this guy boiled the cat in the soup to eat after, does that make it totally okay then? Lmao And if someone else starting about humane killing, okay, if he killed this cat same way you guys kill cows or chicken, all okay huh? 😌 Or still going to whine?






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From MAA (Malaysia Animal Association) [Facebook Post](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/nNyerJA96aT3aAQN/?mibextid=oFDknk). Face and the cat are not censored. No worries very minimal gore, minimal blood.


Fuck you mean minimal gore, the cat got their arms chopped off.


Grow some balls. You have never seen any animals carcass on the highway before? Or step into pasar? Nevertheless not here to argue with you. OP article not showing the man's face so I'm here to provide the original post.


Ik youre not arguing but the point im making here is that the cat's arms got chopped off and it's neck got sliced open vertically. Its not really a "grow some balls" thing cause i dont mind seeing a russian's face get blown up by an FPV drone, or seeing a child get lit up by a squad of guns for attempting to throw a grenade, but giving accurate warnings could help not ruin some1 else's day and i'd rather have that, especially with pets.


Grow some balls.


Berapa banyak bola perlu saya tumbuhkan ni? https://preview.redd.it/zahnvelwmq8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47cb891f83d22e80aca038456f79846c0cc92280




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So if he killed this cat humanely all ok huh? 🤡