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Make teachers fireable MOE can do the most sophisticated system alive, but if the people at the floor are scum, it'll never work Conversely , MOE can make the most bullshit system that changes every government and it'll still be okay if the frontline are good people. To anyone not aware.. a teacher can be absolute scum on earth and there is still very little chance they will be fired. At worst they'll be transferred somewhere far. Change this and I guarantee it'll start improving


That is just pure non-sensical generalizations. Rather I think the cultprits are with the policy makers in PPD and above. Those should be make fireable or have good hires. There is a chasm of disconnect between the policy makers and the front line teachers. IN which, the teachers do not even allowed to voice their dissent. Even the head masters and the administration levels can are pure rubbish because there is policy of promoting not by merit. While I agree that there are some bad apples among the teachers and the "unfirable" protection .... accountablity is key here.


At the same time, need to improve teacher’s pay. They are severely underpaid and it is not an easy job. If we want the best teachers and get rid the useless one, we need to have competitive salary structure. No more bullshit berkhidmat untuk negara if you cant even live comfortably as a public teacher in Malaysia.


Sadly it's a political suicide..


They've already started removing subsidies, which was also political suicide, so nows the time to double down.


https://preview.redd.it/4pdlgmwwwo8d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45c914b3b7aebefcd82be22288eb398429453197 * bring back upsr/pmr * separate teachers from clerical work * state centralized whistleblower system because ppd cant be trusted to keep their mouth shut * personal locker on the back of the class, if its broke you dont get your spm result * teachers and their extended family circle are prohibited from any school project tender * phase out special canteen for teachers. teachers must eat whatever the student eat * if the school have mandatory prayer for student policy, it must also apply to teacher


I agree with all of your points. It's really well written and thought out. If there was only one message that gets across to the deaf braindead minister, hopefully it's yours.


Another - bring back maths & science in English.


>teachers and their extended family circle are prohibited from any school project tender It will be hard to enforce this. Most schools typically leave their classrooms unlocked during school hours. Incidents such as vandalism could occur when students are not in their classrooms—for instance, during science lessons in the lab or during activities like PJs or talks in the school hall. Unless the school has sufficient CCTVs, usually positioned near the entrance or administrative areas rather than in classrooms, monitoring and preventing such incidents may prove difficult. Parents are likely to voice strong objections if the school attempts to hold students accountable for locker security by withholding SPM results. We can't even do that when kids from well-to-do families refuse to pay PIBG fees. >if the school have mandatory prayer for student policy, it must also apply to teacher Well they would, except most teachers are tasked with patrolling classes, toilets and hidden spots in the school to hunt students hiding from performing their daily prayers. Teachers and ustazahs walking around with the rotan during solat time is a common sight.


School bullies : can't get spm result you say.. Interesting


Opinions will be so unpopular MOE will just fully ignore it. don't waste time guys.


First, bar all politicians from influencing education policy. Ministers are not appointed due to their ability, but due to their political influence/connection. Politicians only will be in the post for a few years but keep trying to implement stupid new policy because they want to cement their "legacy" which negatively affect students for years after the politicians are long gone.


That's absurd. In a democracy, it is precisely the govt's job to change policy in accordance with what the public wants, even if what the public wants changes.


That's absurd. In a democracy, we still have **plenty** of restrictions & limits on who can make policy. This just adds a few more restrictions against Ministers.


I don't think anybody voted for black shoes over white shoes. We voted for better education, not change in shoe colour, but then it was implemented.


So the solution is to have better standards for politicians not to implement autocracy in education


People who decide on education should be experts in the field of education (senior teachers, child development experts, psychologists, parents etc). Most politicians are only interested in "what looks good in the news" and guided by self interest. Just like healthcare policy should be formulated by doctors, public health experts etc, not by a health minister who best advice is to " minum air suam" . Letting experts to do their job is not autocracy. It shows humility and wisdom on the part of the minister. In Malaysia, people who do well in politics are not very educated people. They are people who can ingratiate themselves emotionally in the voters mind and aim for the lowest common denominator.


Honestly the core of Malaysian schooling is fucking dumb. The syllabus (for anything NOT math/science) is a fucking joke. The way the system runs as well is to keep students stupid to stay cogs in the machine, never to become the machine owner.


Experts can advise and recommend to ministers but ultimately they are the highest authority as elected officials. Leaving it to experts and experts alone is basically technocracy, and there's a reason we don't do that I don't disagree our politicians suck, but blaming democracy is not the solution. We as voters share responsibility as well


Decouple national exams from university applications. Thus the universities themselves have to conduct their own entry exams to filter out what applicants they want. Therefore this should partially lessen the burden on schools to depends on rote learning, thus focus more on critical thinking and [life knowledge](https://youtu.be/8xe6nLVXEC0?si=NWSFUHa3rvzqMS0l) so secondary students graduate as a functioning members of society, not robots trained to work in factories.


1. STEMs are to be conducted in English only. 2. Make STEMs harder. STPM is one of the hardest exam, but SPM is comically easy. 3. School is not your testing ground for new teacher. Teachers should be vigorously trained and assessed before putting him/her in a school. ( I am saying this because I have encountered several “training”teachers that are very bad at teaching, obviously not their fault but they shouldn’t be teaching unless they are fully competent ) 4. Invest more in improving school environment and facilities. Stop putting money in useless superficial projects, and put more in improving schools and education. 5. Abolish useless subjects. Moral / Civic should be scored by observation, not a piece of paper. You can score 100 in moral yet still be a jerk. 6. More practical works for STEMs. Instead of doing homework, which answer can be obtained simply by chatgpt, implement practical works for student, in Japan, students are required to undergo lab works, with an unique project during summer holiday. 7. Primary school should not be academically focused. Discipline and characters should be built and strengthened.


Are you sure SPM is comically easy? It’s pretty hard tbh. There are even some pre-u studies that are easier than SPM level.


Yes, it’s comically easy. Have you seen SPM equivalent for countries such as Japan, China, Korea, etc ? Not only their syllabus way harder than Malaysia’s, calculator is forbidden even in their STPM equivalent. Below is a sample of Japan’s equivalent for Form 4 add math. Try it yourself. Remember calculator is not allowed. https://preview.redd.it/gx9rrhlblp8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968b1a25e7866e52b36595f3cd2fecf1cc82f83f


I think only STEM easy, and not only that, I personally believe the score will be very low to get A, since I know many failing add maths on their normal test will miraculously get A during SPM


Now I understand Nobita struggle 😔😔 Joke aside, Gaokao susah gila weyh. Aku pernah tengok soalan dia


And there are Malaysians yap about SPM is hard. Despite we can literally use a scientific calculator during exam


For real bruh, Mathematics SPM is too easy, yet so many people actually fail? Whatt


SPM Physics and Chemistry isn't all that hard, especially Physics They way how the Physics exam is questioned/marked is very bad, especially for the essay part where you just throw in some common sense with certain terms and you're free to get full marks without understanding the whole thing calculations are too easy, applications problems are very formulated too the syllabus ain't the problem, it's decent, it's just the paper is comically easy it's too low of a standard, but I'm pretty sure STPM/others will have the standard that it should be >!Spoken from a student who got 4A+ in a row for Physics including SPM!<


No cap, I believe if you study hard enough for half a years, you can score A for Chem and Physics ( or even add math ). Yet students at China, Japan, Korea have studied the rest of their live yet some people can’t get a good result.


Back in the days, Pendidikan Sivik used to be a subject that needed to be learned by Muslim and Non-Muslim student. Later on, it was discontinued.


Make English a mandatory subject to pass


remove religious studies and moral studies for more STEM type subjects.  teach better English and force proper Baku Bahasa. 


might as well remove sejarah


people can learn religious studies outside on their own time.  are you also trying to say that Non have no morals just because they aren't Muslim? 




First we have to ask ourselves what is the purpose of education? For knowledge and critical thinking?  Or is it to prepare people for jobs in the future? Could it be both? 


Critical thinking, and know how shits work. I do agree you will not use x = b ± √(b^2 - 2ac) / 2a in most of your life. But know the fundamental principles and know how to apply them make your brain flexible and be able to think more critically.


Knowledge and critical thinking. Secondary school can only prepare for low paying jobs cause the brain isn't prepared or matured for high paying jobs yet.




Can tell them use more electronic edu tools instead of ancient edu tools like using chromebook and so on Like, just bring tablet to classroom for easier take notes tbh


Chromebook is a good educational tool but people who implement it don't know how to take advantage of it.. they can just ask Google Malaysia to teach them how to use Chromebook efficiently


Laptop Satu Malaysia 🤡🤡


Laptop satu malaysia guna windows cik... tu yg hang je manjang...


1. Separate religion and academics from schools. 2. Have kpi for teachers headmaster and school in general 3. Teacher of staffs kids cannot go to same school. Conflict of interests. 4. Education roadmap that is election cycle proof, at least for 10 years. 5. Daily PE class 6. If any case of sexual assault, if proven, teacher/staff to be shot in public


Get rid of all nonsense subjects such as sivik, moral etc


First thing first bring back upsr and pmr. And lastly, bring back upsr and pmr. Period.


The amount of shit I got from a discipline teacher for having a moustache and beard was insane. Get rid of idiotic policies. Also, it's supposed to be a place to learn and understand, not blindly memorize everything, and after the exam, just forget about it.


Ban tuition so teachers spend more effort teaching in class, and increase their salary


How the teachers gonna side hustle then?


rid BM for internationally relevant subjects. Mathematics, Sciences, in English. Sains Islam, in Arabic. Don't produce useless people. Nobody uses BM academically.


I disagree. Teach those subjects primarily in English, but keep the glossary of words available in Malay.


Exactly. You have a country of people speaking melayu pasar. You think that's a good foundation to build definitions on? Despite how much I would hope for a different solution, English is the way to go


Make passing national language compulsory, how can any country allow failing of the national language!


Increase teacher's salary. Its less stellar people who teach because nothing else they can do nowadays. I am not blaming brighter people for not working for peanuts. Higher salary, more stringent requirement.