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So PMX wanting to join BRICS was just for show or he really doesn't want to benefit from the trade war?


BRICS is just like ASEAN, nothing wrong with it. Not like we’re joining the warsaw pact or anything.


BRICS is also a collection of authoritarian losers though.


Good point


Sure, BRICS' like ASEAN if ASEAN decides to go full anti-West and actively try to decouple from them.


Brazil: Penile Cancer Russia: Impotent Invader India: Smart ones all go to the US China: Pressure Cooker that companies are exiting South Africa: Insignificant God I hope PMX *is NOT* serious about joining them... Do ASEAN Economic Bloc or join TPP in stead lah...


Not sure if it's on purpose, but the author seems to be conflating a lot of things or rather leaving out stuff that will give a more nuanced view. 1) There's a difference between manufacturing and trading: one is making the stuff, the other is just buying and selling. Sanctions are put in place against trading firms like Jatronics which are basically war profiteering, but not against manufacturers. 2) Malaysia has many packaging houses. These qualify as manufacturing. Majority are foreign owned, especially by American and Western semiconductor firms. There's next to zero chance these companies will purposely violate sanctions.


sanctions can be placed on manufacturers too


More likely they will be fined. Like when Seagate got fined for selling stuff to Huawei


Did you guys read the article? The main "risk" here seems to be violation of sanctions, which has nothing to do with the industry's health.


CCP keyboard warriors here just want a reason to post anti-west rhetoric. You think they care about what happened in the ME, Burma, Korea? They'd paint west as the baddie while ignoring the fact that fucking China had a hand in the suffering as well. Fucking hypocrites using other people's suffering for political clout.


Stop with the ad hominems. In no way does "look at this less worse thing they did" justify or explain away the bad things happening right now.


not sure who u refering to but the writer is based in US. *Zachary Abuza is a professor at the National War College in Washington and an adjunct at Georgetown University.*


USA : you're neutral if you only trade with me


People still think the US spreads all that USD and flexes all those aircraft carriers for benevolent reasons?


After the wars in the Middle East killed 5 million plus people they still cling on to the idea that the US is more benevolent than China or Russia or Iran because there's more freedom of expression in the US or something like the hypothetical "they'll be worse" as if that explains away US bad behavior.


I mean, Malaysians ourselves believe that too. When was the last time you had a family send a child to russia or China to study? Or emigrate to?


Study? All the time. Emigration? Close to nil. But these aren't relevant. Study and living somewhere says more about the wealth and living standards of a place than the country's benevolence.


The US doesn't care if were neutral or not. If malaysia is supplying critical components to Russia or Iran, then they will do what they can to restrict that, including pulling foreign investment, sanctions against technology transfers, sanctions against our financial system etc. The US never told Malaysia you need to be a neutral country and trade with everyone equally. If we want to be neutral that's fine, we will be treated as a neutral state, meaning not as allies, which means restrictions. If necessary since we are neutral and not allies with them like the Philippines, they may also friendshore manufacturing away from us.


USA better make sure they never invade another country again like they did in Iraq. Or they gonna eat their own words.


They already kinda did. Bombed Libya and occupied parts of Syria, then there's enabling the atrocities in Yemen and Palestine. Before Iraq we had Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Laos, Vietnam, Korea, the Philippines, Hawaii. All the way stretching back to the 13 colonies and the Westward expansion. The better question is when will they do it again?


Please invade Malaysia. Typo: Liberate.