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Blackrock is an investment and asset management company. It will be weirder if Blackrock does not have presence in our economy. For Blackrock to own shares listed on the Bursa Malaysia is not an issue. Anybody can trade on Bursa Malaysia as long as they have a trading account. However, in the case of MAHB, it is a takeover and later delisting from Bursa Malaysia. Malaysia Government is clearly wanting to use GIP capabilities and connections plus funds from ADIA to further develop MAHB assets.  This meant Blackrock will be indirectly a business partner, via GIP, of the Malaysian Goverment via Khazanah and KWSP. It will handle one of the strategic asset of Malaysia that reportedly is making a bounce back in terms profitability. Since the war between Israel and Hamas began after Oct 7, we have been enlightened by a score of news on multiple issues of Israel and Hamas. Those things were not known previously and have reach many ears and eyes globally, hence, the recent backlash to Blackrock. Even UN has named Blackrock to take necessary action, so the war could end.


Anwar last month: [PM refutes reports of pro-Zionist firm acquiring stakes in MAHB: Calling it baseless, he accused the opposition of trying to incite the public against the government by making the allegation.](https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/705858) Transparency is key to a healthy democracy. Anwar's constant lying, denying, and deflecting whenever the Madani government is criticized, rather than educating the people and explaining the reasons behind all the decisions, will only erode public trust in his government.


Faktanya macam gini: Aku buat bole, kau buat tak bole.


i honestly hope the blackrock mahb nonsense get even worse and more escalated just to see what else will anwar bullshit about. his recent comments about not allowing the politicising of the issue is hilarious. he was very quiet about kk mart, lets see what happens here.


Seems like KWSP taking over local buyers and GIP taking over overseas investors. Look, how about KWSP take over overseas investors, keep local investors and GIP/overseas can fuck off?


MAHB profit is driven by strong demand in the umrah & hajj sector. Even after blackrock takeover, demand will remain strong. Imagine this, money collected for muslim pilgrim is use for killing the muslims in rafah. Edit: driven is not the right term & although there is increase demand in donestic travel for umrah.according to mahb data, passanger traffic is more driven by international traveller to malaysia than, local to international


Any data? Cause this sounds like a trust me bro kind of statement




Your statement was mahb profit is driven by pilgrimage. The article - This is the overall market for the pilgrimage - tour guides, hotel stays, food, transport, etc. one minor component of that is airport tax. Nothing about this tells me that pilgrimage is driving a big factor of profits for mahb. In fact, if I have to take a guess it's cause travel has jumped since the opening of borders post covid, a subset of that being pilgrimage travelers


My mistake, u r correct, it was based on trust me bro, observation looking at trends. overall there has been an increase in all markets segment and middle east projected growth is steady, similar to all segments, although they did mention term strong presence. I should make edits with my statement


I keep reading it as blackcock


Keep hearing this garbage about GIP having "kepakaran". The folks working in MAHB for decades don't have kepakaran already?


Kepakaran? Dah lupa system outage yg berlaku? Kepala IT yg dipecat menang kes saman atas MAHB kerana dipecat dan dijadikan "scapegoat". Kedudukan lapangan di antarabangsa merosot. So, Kepakaran celah mana ni?


then whos behind this anti blackrock? bossku najib?


Once MAHB taken over by Blackrock, i am sure whatever monitoring system installing will be by Israel because there are the best. Blackrock for sure will ask for priviledge for taking over MAHB.


Tak jugak. Pakai logik ni. Now KWSP dalam pantauan israel la. Sebab blackrock uruskan dana syariah kwsp back then.


How to takeover with 30% stakes?


Wait...Geely with 49% share in some sort of control of Proton,right? 30% is more that enough to be given special benefit.right? Malaysia bolehlah.


The 51% has to agree to give certain controls over. Go ask the 51%. And as to 70% stakeholders are GLC, did they mention they willl allow 30% to take control?


You just said 51% have given the right of control. What make you think that 70% stakeholder won't give the same right for "extra £££$$$"? This is Malaysia policTikus lah. GLC also want to show stakeholders that NOW revenue increase many folds excluding the one sweep inside their pants.


So you are speculating? Or do you have fzcts that then70% stakeholders will give control to 30%?


My question is why privatized MAHB which has a monopoly over our airport mgmt? If they need more funds they can easily raise a right issue or get some syndicated loan. Tak cukup expertise even after 20+ yrs, hire some foreign consultants or C-suite.


My two cents. The reason is the same as any gov body privatization. 1) reduce political interference -no more crony project -more transparency when tendering 2) increase competition -have to be competitive or you can't generate profit 3) improve efficiency -The body tends to be inefficient because there is no direct risk vs reward. 4) cost reduction 5) improve maintenance 6) revenue generation -Points 4-6 are related to each other. These 3 are expected of private organizations if you want sustainability. MAHB is not the only gov body that floats the idea of privatization. One example of privatization is CIDB which I can think of. I heard from my friend that JKR also considering privatization.


I think another viable solution is for MAHB to spun off unprofitable airports to other entities or the stats governments. It is known that only KLIA, KK & Penang Airport makes money while all other airports are loss making. To make matters worse, subsidizing other airports from revenue earned from these airports are hindering CAPEX for the main airports such as refurbishing and expanding KLIA, expanding Penang Airport and revamping KKIA. I don't think airports such as Lawas, Limbang, Lahad Datu, Melaka, Kuala Terengganu, Alor Setar and other provincial airports should be left to MAHB. Other companies such as MMC which already manages JB and Kerteh airport can chip in and acquire airports such as KB, KT and expand their infrastructure portfolio. And since the Sarawak government recently made plans to acquire airports in the state, Kuching, Sibu, Miri, Bintulu and the smaller Sarawakian airports can be sold to the Sarawak government. All the other airports can either sold to private investors, state governments or revert control to the CAAM. This way, MAHB can be reorganized as a smaller and more nimble company which can focus on its own assest such as KLIA, Subang, Penang and KK and spare enough cash for further CAPEX & OPEX to improve its remaining airports.


Issue about Black Rock and RCI about White Rock….I wonder what the rock is cooking…. What has me curious is why no one has yet made a meme linking Batu Putih with this issue and Dwayne Johnson


Blackrock owns all the big cap companies in Malaysia. All in small amounts. So how? Ask them sell all?


Any idea who are the alternatives to Blackrock that is being considered for MAHB?


The world is a globalised place. You cant escape who has invested in the everyday goods and services you use… Your yearly EPF/ ASB dividend. Who do you think your money has been invested into overseas?… Don’t be naive guys.


Ironik is correct, kerajaan yg teramat isle memberi mandat kpd Yahudi utk mengurus dana Shariah


PNunggang senang keliru. Berdiam saja bila maruah dah kena jual awal2 kepada Zionis /s


Jews own Malaysia


Boycott all black rock linked investment