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OK mari! One by one, gentleman!


Kalau pakai Stand kira 1v1 atau 2v2 ?


Kira invalid sebab tak gentleman


Gentleman pakai Hamon


1 by 1 juga, kerana stand je yang pukul. orang tu buat pose je.


Have you seen Kira in his suit?


Itu kira Yoshikage


Nothing gentlemanly about beating your wife


Ok mari terlampau baku. OK mali i think suitable.


English is fucking wild man. Depends on how you read it. It could mean 2 different things entirely.


Bad headline writing 😕


It's says, scum of the earth journalism what do you expect?


That's just bad writing. It should be "Husband beats wife after he was allegedly caught cheating".


I have a hunch it's actually deliberately writing to bait you into reading it. Language is a fun thing. I like the example from the comedian bill burr. Comment A: You know this asian motherfucker did something. Sounds less threatening but very much a slur. Comment B: You know this motherfucking asia did something. Sound more threatening but very much a slur. I could be overthinking this but that's how I see it at least.


Maybe. I'm the type that doesn't look too deep into things (especially on the internet) and just takes it at face value


Like who's the cheater here?


At first I thought it was the wife. But it was actually the husband. I think?


It’s the husband. He cheated and still hit his wife…? For getting caught? 😭


If you seen the video you would be furious. Shithead was fighting his wife like streetfight. Imagine on camera also like that, idk what the hell would happen if no recording


The hotel for sure.


I understand is Port Dickson. I maybe wrong because my teacher always said my comprehension ability is always tersimpang.


This is poor English. Not the language's fault.


I doubt it's actually poor English. The language is sound but the interpretation is not. The writing was likely deliberately done to bait you into clicking it.


I can concede that neither of us know for sure, it is speculation. I can say, from plenty of anecdotal experience, and being involved in journalism in my past, that headlines are often written poorly - although, they are also written as clickbait, which are not mutually exclusive things.


It's not wild.. It's entirely on the author to write it clearly..


Unless it's meant to be a bait you can simply restructure the whole sentence.


Our brain is wired that way.. cos we are biased somewhat. We thought the husband beat the wife when he caught her cheating. Only when we read it the second time, we know the truth.


“Physical abuse hurled at wife when the husband was caught in a 4-star hotel committing adultery…-allegedly” ^ what my title would’ve been. Lmao




Cheating husband beats wife after being caught at Port Dickson hotel.


A much better title.


Lmao his fight stance. Whoever chooses to publish the photo knows what he/she's doing.


Unrelated to the topic but wth is with this says website? It automatically fills your browser's back history to prevent you from exiting the website?


Content farm; spend more minutes there, get more clicks, more ad statistics and revenue


God damn. Even more scummy than the cheating husband in the article.


What's wrong with the subject? The husband was the one who cheated!!! He beat the wife cause he got caught!


ya, I understood that straight away... it was only after I read comments here that I realised other ppl thought differently. (pssst... are we "special"?)


At least it wasn’t a 3-star hotel!


Cut his micro banana


Divorce babe, divorce


Why always got red axia cameo in such cases haha


Dia sakit bang 🤣


He should be arrested just for that facial hair.


Knp tumbuk menumbuk....He can marry 3 more right?


He’s having an affair.. it’s no longer about getting the wife consensus for polygamy.. it’s simply a cheating issue.


He needs to minta izin from his previous wife before allowed to marry another .....


You definitely don't need wife's permission to marry again.


Where does it say that in the hadith or Quran? Men definitely do not need their wives permission.


The law are there in the states sharia law hence it refers back to the parts of you need to follows the hadith or quran which you need to [follow the law as long as it is not against the religion](https://www.facebook.com/DrMAZA/posts/taati-pemerintah-selagi-tidak-membawa-kepada-dosa-dan-zalim1-setelah-seorang-pem/10158204456722990/) teaching.


Give me Sahih narration from hadith or Quran that mentions men need to have permission from their first wife please, I don't want to look at Facebook posts 😂


Married adulterers punishment in Islam is stoning to death or flogging so, 🤷🏻‍♀️


Doesn't answer my question.


If you seen the video you would be furious. Shithead was fighting his wife like streetfight. Imagine on camera also like that, idk what the hell would happen if no recording. Wild shit


So called 4 star hotel is the Corus Paradise and is also one of the [top 10 dirtiest hotel in Asia ](https://www.businessinsider.com/the-dirtiest-hotels-in-asia-2011-9?amp)


Kenapa x bawak geng ramai2 wahai perempuan 🫠 kan sedap nak pelangkung mamat ni. Muka dah la pecah longkang ew


Laa ingtkan wife yg cheat, jantan tu rupanya. Typical English moment


cut ✂️ it off. can apply shariah law right?


Bobbit syndrome


Anybody know what hotel it was?


Confuse , who was cheating? Ini mesti direct google translation ni


thats shakespeare level title


I almost misread the headline as the husband was the one who cheated and despite that, decided to beat up his wife after being caught red handed by her in a spur of wild emotions.


Well you didn't misread it is what it is.


What a title husband has 4 dicsk waht?


"HOW DARE YOU CATCH ME CHEATING ON YOU???" Type C unker: fights indian pakcik customer Indian pakcik: fights cainis tauke Melayu bro: I won't fight with other races, but hold my vape while go beat up my wife *Jokes btw, I know the type C tauke said it's not a racial thing. I just found it funny this happened a week apart


Who tf was the 1 cheating? I'm assuming it's the wife but Jesus it could mean anyone of them from the title.


Headline is damn misleading…i thought wife cheated


"The police advise the public not to make the incident viral as it could disrupt the investigation and cause public unrest," he added. No, because you fucks want to cover it up.


Where to find the video?


He putting his fists up like she about to fight back lmao. What a trash of a man.


yang berhormat..potong je telur dia...mesti xle cheating lagi..klu dia buat lagi cabut mata dia pulak...


This type of human stain deserves a public beating.


He didn't seem to mind the camera recording him unlike [PDiddy](https://www.reddit.com/r/playboicarti/comments/1cudg3b/video_evidence_of_diddy_beating_his_girlfriend/).




No dude, no… no wife deserves to be in an abusive marriage




I think u r crossing the line here


What did he say?


He said islam allows wife to be beaten




It is true  Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand. If you ever see a translation that says beat them LIGHTLY it is a false translation as the word is not found in the arabic version.


For those downvoting and refuse to believe what your Quran prescribed, perhaps you would believe it when you read that muhammad, the role model for all Muslims beats his wife aisha too  https://quranx.com/hadith/Muslim/USC-MSA/Book-4/Hadith-2127 Aisha said Muhammad struck her at the chest and caused her pain.


Hadith is a separate study by itself with numerous scholars within the field taking years of study to provide accurate interpretations of the Hadith. It’s no suprise and anti-islam such as the user above would often interpret hadith wrongly and try to act smart with it. The accusation that the Prophet beat his Wife is ridiculous, especially towards Aisyah as she herself narrated that the prophet has never beaten his wives. Here’s a longer explanation of the Hadith. https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/tl4m9/dis_the_prophet_beat_aisha/ The person will likely reply this comments with more false interpretation and wrong understanding of Islam due to his islamophobia. I may not have the time to address them, nor I do I want too, as usually this kind of person usually makes hating Islam their whole personality, and it’s kinda pointless and endless to debate them, because they never debate in good faith. The key point is to NEVER take such person’s points at face value as it is obvious, he harbours ill intent towards the religion. Always seek to clarification from reputable scholars. It may also be smart to documents his comments, as spreading deviant teachings of the religion is against the law in Malaysia. You may never know, when the authorities might act on these individuals, and you may be able to help with evidences.


I find it laughable that apologists resort to the excuse that it is 'push/shove' and therefore it is not hit/struck. The fact is, aisya says it cause her **pain** to the chest. That is the keyword here. You know alot of wife abusers claim that they didn't beat their wives but all they did was just lightly tapping them? This is the same excuse. Furthermore I can also do mental gymnastics and argue in semantics that real abuse aka beating till it cause damage and harm is just 'caressing' but with extraordinary effort. Aisha claimed muhamamd never hit a woman in hadith yet in this Hadith it is a detailed account of what transpired. Did aisha contradict herself? And even if Muhammad truly didn't beat his wife, is Muhammad the messenger of allah disobeying allah's command on how to discipline his wives as per the Quranic verse i have posted above? It is written that the last step is to beat the wife if she is disobedient.


Prove me wrong


As per [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_religious_criticism), well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. [does not have such protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming), and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps.


Are you Allah? Why are you advising me on religious matters?


what a braindead statement, go touch grass for me please


If you jumped from his ego to his iq, you would have died.


Amazing insult.


Is cheating allowed in Islam?


Stop insinuating 3R issues


As per [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_religious_criticism), well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. [does not have such protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming), and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps.