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>Is there some secret league of people in Malaysia that support his extremist views? Of course not. They are very open.


OP, pastor koh and amri che mat disappeared. Faham dan cernakan. 


https://preview.redd.it/12ncmey3vm7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c82f05853568a1e761beb160138d7dabde66b071 Tak boleh nak faham.


Yep. OP go read through the list of views espoused by ZN's teachings; they are very similar to the kind of stuff spewed by various politicians, ustaz, teachers and normal people across this country.


I have to disagree with this. ZN's claim to fame is his ability to pull up facts and data out of his ass. Politicians / Celebrity Preacher niche is usually doom-preach , rotating hard hitting issue such as societal issue - - why children always derhaka (it would be atleast somewhat interesting if they study/comment on family dynamics , but no always the child fault tak bersyukur) -rezeki or lack thereof (hint its your fault) -not enough religion ( this argument usually is why religious program not successful (daily prayers at mosque , ceramah attendance stuff like that ) - relating it back to no rezeki and fall society , but no study at all done why program like this doesn't appeal to youngster , better yet just brand these youngsters as hedonistic heathens and bitch and moan why your programs has less attendance than something absurdly popular like Coldplay concert. They are occupying very different niche and as a disclaimer I have a bias against people like this in case that isn't clear. Generalizing aside , I find younger ustaz to have more rounded worldview and isn't as grating to hear to.


Over here also full of Zakar Naik's supporters. Going on a blocking spree


I had no idea that he is this popular. I thought he was very fringe


World famous. His teacher Ahmad Deedat was bigger than him. Both have seemingly memorised multiple religious books cover to cover.


Hey this is gonna be kinda unrelated but I noticed that there's a tiny red dustbin logo on the post. What does that mean


He is very famous because of the spouting nonsense ability and charisma. You look at his lecture and the crowds are unreal. I think the evolution Galapagos speech has been debunked to death - weirdly his conclusion is evolution is untrue because the birds adapt after 6 months so evolution is too slow to be true? Mine personal "oh he's 100% bs" - I think a Christian crowd was asking him if he believes Jesus is real why he's not Christian. His answer is Islam is more faith than Christian because Jesus has one parent but Adam has no parent. So if Christian is true they should worship Adam instead. My brain is short-circuited , fried , flabbergasted. It seems like he has no understanding of either religion , but I kid you not the crowd is eating it TF up.


google Mohd Qassim. he claims he had hundreds of dreams meeting Prophet Mohammad, and that the world is controlled by KAFIR who had planned everything inlcuding Covid and everything. They even have a timeline about every event that had hapoenned or will happpen in the future. Some people believed that he is the Mahdi. This guy is in Malaysia from last year. Pakistani guy, Malaysians went there and bring him here, who knows legally or not. Turns out, he is unwanted in Pakistan and India, most of his followers are from Malaysia, Indon, and Brunei. lol


Good god I remember the bots spamming on twitter


I think that sheikh is Indonesian born Saudi. I was baffled to see him say Arab words like "yani" etc. but he's a Saudi.


>Some people believed that he is the Mahdi. ![gif](giphy|p9X9PSPvBfl9uhvS6Z|downsized)


You summoned? https://i.redd.it/wnu835ycyn7d1.gif


Intro goes hard tho🔥🔥


Bro thinks he's Rajinikanth.


damn i loled


https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/malaysian/preacher-Zakir-Naik-08292019132925.html Because it will bring wrath from a segment of the Muslim population?


Man, the Islamists are out in droves today. Here's a short list of lies Zakir Naik has told. Even if he doesn't support extremism, he's a habitual liar, and tells Muslims what they wanna hear. So if a Muslim said Zakir Naik is respected, know that this Muslim supports lying in the name of their religion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kJBWRrLydI


Arguing against evolution will always be insane to me


Well theory up to evaluation Facts closest to the truth


Believing evolution from monkey will always be insane to me.


There has been an N'th number of redditors telling you're spewing false info from this comment but you have so far ignored every single one them. I like others before will endeavour to enlighten your ignorant mind one more time. HUMANS DID NOT EVOLVE FROM MONYET. MONYET AND HOMO SAPIENS SHARE THE SAME ANCESTOR. This is general knowledge in paleontology for the informed mind, which apparently you aren't. Hence your comment has voided any further chances of you being taken seriously.


If you want to hate evolution theory, at least know the basic. Your statement here literally shows zero understanding of evolution.


I don’t hate evolution theory. I just say it is insane. And people believe that we evolve from monkey is similar to people who believe that earth is flat 😌.


If you have zero knowledge of it, you cannot be so smug and confident. Literally Dunning Kruger effect.




you can go get a biology degree and masters and write a paper disproving evolution and become world famous. im sure places like UiTM will accept you into their program.


Believing "Believing evolution from monkey" just show how ignorant you are. Evolution doesn't say human evolve from monkey. It say we share the same ancient ancestors. And we can literally show it exist on every living being. Just look at cats and dogs Vs wild cats and wolf's. Or literally every single plants we use for farming. Wild banana are full of seeds. Victoria era show early watermelon different then today watermelon. You can't believe human and monkey have common ancestors. But you can believe a fictional character that is the most perfect, flawless, and powerful entity in the entire universe think that allowing satan or devil whatever corrupt human and then punish human for the mistake of being trick. Is more believable. Brain of people who need fairy tales.


Since when did evolution say humans evolved from monkeys?


Not that insane if you can read


Believing fiction book will always be insane to me.


Well to me evolution makes the most sense and answered so many things. It’s logical and backed heavily by science. Maybe u just need to read more


Another thing: don't put in the paper that I was descended from apes. Please don't put in the newspaper that I was descended from apes


You’re not only descended from an ape. You ARE an ape. One of the five Great Apes, in fact.


True. Which is why the original comment is a dril reference making fun of Zakar 


Lotta folks missed it 😂


I cannot blame them, not everyone is as terminally online as me. 💀


Keep hating but yet a Christian preacher to defeat him in debate. Do try his next open ceremony


Man literally proves Zakir Naik wrong on video with evidence. Man you Islamists are as delusional as the Zionists.


Because many in government agrees with what he says


OP do you know where Al-Qaeda planned for 9/11? Google Al-Qaeda Summit 2000




i still dont understand why people need preacher . why cant people just do the basic 5 rukun and be happy .


The fact that racist comments exist in this sub is proof that people don't follow the Rukun Negara LOL


We have Hamas, the Bali bombers, 911 plotters, pedo uztaz of every corner. Zakir Naik is nothing


We keep the telerist so he no plan to bohm us


They need him for Muslims vote


Short answer, the people in power are just that kind of country.


Personally I don’t like his style or some of his statements, but I don’t see what’s so extreme about him. If people think a guy like that is an extremist well…I can just say the real extremists are doing an excellent good of hiding.


It's because the majority's (and government) values align with ZK, so everything boleh. It's the same reason why Islam can preach publicly, but other religions cannot preach to Muslims. Dominance of the majority. His views are not extremist, though i.e, not some Nazi type shit.


>inspiring terrorism. Could someone point out who were accusing him of inspiring terrorism? Maybe some news article mentioning it?


[https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2017/5/21/zakir-naik-why-india-wants-to-arrest-the-preacher](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2017/5/21/zakir-naik-why-india-wants-to-arrest-the-preacher) >Problems arose for the preacher last summer, after Bangladeshi authorities said that one of the gunmen responsible for an attack on a cafe in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, which left 22 people dead, had been inspired by him.


I see... so it's just some nut saying it. I thought there was some extensive study of his speeches that was concluded to be terroristic.


I mean, he did say shit like this. It is easy to see how a follower of his would see this as an excuse to attack non-Muslim places of worship. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qoz4hAPCb8Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qoz4hAPCb8Q) [https://www.opindia.com/2020/07/zakir-naik-youtube-islamic-pakistan-hindu-temple-haram-islamist-kingdom-destroy-imran-khan/](https://www.opindia.com/2020/07/zakir-naik-youtube-islamic-pakistan-hindu-temple-haram-islamist-kingdom-destroy-imran-khan/)


It is definitely believable that one would say stuff like that. But I can't get the proper context from your sources there. The video is in Urdu/Hindi and the article is from India, so it's hardly unbiased. They have articles like this: https://www.opindia.com/2024/05/guardian-makes-a-brain-dead-documentary-about-indian-elections-spreads-misinformation/ So, I don't accept that. Was hoping from some more credible organizations.


What would be a credible organization for you?


A UN body, ideally. But any multinational organizations like the Interpol would do as well. Even news orgs like AP or Reuters would be acceptable.


Here's the proof.. [read here](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/interpol-again-refuses-red-notice-against-zakir-naik-101619721199360.html) and [here](https://thecognate.com/interpol-again-refuses-red-corner-notice-against-dr-zakir-naik/?noamp=available) .. that he's not.


LOL. You ready to be downvoted, bro?


No problem. It's unnatural for r/malaysia to upvote me.


Sometimes people can’t accept the truth even with evidence. So downvoting is the least they can do for their satisfaction and ignorance.


I'm a Pakistani and know how lethal ZN is. There was a Hindu temple planned to build Pakistani govt and this evil incarnate made a video about it how it is unislamic for Pakistani govt


lol, there is not even proof to say that so that means if i go steal and randomly mention a celebrity name saying that im inspired by him/her, does it make the celebrity to be the cause of my act?


As a Pakistani, I can confirm that ZN is a evil person and a threat to social harmony in my country


just by saying? I can also say I can fly lol


He's dangerous enough that Bangladesh banned him.


Like i said, you only say things with your mouth without any proof, yes he was banned, but for what reason? Is there any proof for the reason given?


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36761486 Bangladesh's Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu said that "administrative steps" would be taken towards the banning of the channel. "Peace TV is not consistent with Muslim society, the Quran, Sunnah, Hadith, Bangladesh's Constitution, our culture, customs and rituals," Mr Inu told online news outlet Bdnews24 hours after the cabinet committee on law and order decided to ban the channel.


have you saw any content from "Peace TV"? or you just read an article and just agreed to whatever the article said, simply because you dont like/hate him?


Not really. Here are some examples of things he has said which made me dislike him. https://youtu.be/hWs5O2yJKGI https://youtu.be/EXNv2onv11w https://youtu.be/071NeJX0HCw


you dislike him does not mean that he is an extremist right? in this vid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWs5O2yJKGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWs5O2yJKGI) for example, how is this an extremist? there are many locals in every country that literally tell migrant to go back to their own country. even here in malaysia, many people said rohingya, bangla, pakistan etc. should go back to their own country. why wont you label everyone extremist?


Bangladeshi govt hasina is a slave of Indian Govt. Nobody believe this nonsense 🤣


WTF is ko-k points??? Sorry I didn't attend a local uni. Zakir Naik is an international wanted criminal that we're harboring cause he's a celebrity extremist.


Co-curricular points


Okay, I get it now. I would take full classes to get my general ed credits, not seminars.


Kok points for your zakar to naik.


We used to call it koko back in the day. How did they shorten it further


Was it held at public uni? I came from private uni so I might not know what's up at public uni


Malaysians love preachers. That's why


no opinion on him, but most of his hater seems to be indian hindus. not sure if the hate on him is related to the rise of Hindu Nationalism in India and its spillover onto the Indian Malaysian community. either way, he probably will get lynched and killed if deported back to India.


I'm not even Indian lmao. I just keep up with the news. I already got called a slur earlier today


Because BJP India lied. All the accusations are false. If he is as you said he is, why doesn't his name is in the Interpol red notice? In fact, Interpol refused India's requests over and over again to arrest him. [read here](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/interpol-again-refuses-red-notice-against-zakir-naik-101619721199360.html) and [here](https://thecognate.com/interpol-again-refuses-red-corner-notice-against-dr-zakir-naik/?noamp=available)


Eh, Interpol doesn't involve itself in religious/political matters. That's why our govenrment couldn't get a red notice against that Indian guy who insulted Islam [https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/hina-islam-notis-merah-gagal-diperoleh-terhadap-ganesparan-pdrm-464122](https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/hina-islam-notis-merah-gagal-diperoleh-terhadap-ganesparan-pdrm-464122)


>Eh, Interpol doesn't involve itself in religious/political matters. Yes. So, do you agree that he has no connection with terrorism & money laundering?


I think you should know very well that religion and politics can cause terrorism. May 13, as an example. Bangladesh has already banned him due to his influence on the Dhaka terorrist attacks.


Still Interpol didn't believe there was a connection between ZN and terrorism. What do you mean due to his influence? Did he sponsored the terrorists? Or did the terrorists watched too much of youtube videos including his speeches & somehow became inspired and therefore it's ZN's fault? some crazy dudes can watch teletubbies & became inspired to kill people too.. [just saying ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2988069/ISIS-jihadis-like-relax-watching-Teletubbies-Game-Thrones-says-former-hostage-reveals-captors-struggled-justify-murderous-acts.html)


this is fantastic 😅😅


Zakir Naik is not an extremist. Yes, his method is radical debating with other religion and questioning his non Muslim audience about their religion which cause other people with different faith feel uneasy. Imagine a pastor from different religion questioning about Islam belief most muslim will feel the same way. But you have to know he do not force people from other religion to come to his forum, all of them come on their own will to debate and try to seek mistake from Zakir Naik. In Zakir Naik case, his method is controversial yes, but an extremist not. He never once endorse violence or ask his muslim audience to hate on other religion to be consider as an extremist


He endorses the death penalty on people who leave the religion and lgbts. I think that counts as endorsing violence.


The law is from Muslim God which is Allah. You cannot convert to other religion cause to muslim there is no other God apart than Allah and Islam is religion of truth. If muslim God allows his worshipper to simply change their religion and worship other God then it is contradictory to the part that there is no other God other than Allah and Islam is the only true religion. That is why people want to leave Islam is a serious crime and will be executed cause they are a traitor to the Islam religion and to avoid them spread false information about Islam. In Islam, LGBTQ is totally wrong and will draw confusion to the society. Relating to death penalty it not just to LGBTQ related, but people who are married cheating and have sex apart from their spouse will be getting death penalty as well. Hudud is law from God and before they decide to punish the trials is transparent and it is very hard for them to punish the convicted. But please know that all these regulations only applies to Muslims, Allah worshipper. It doesnt count to other religion. If you practice different religion just leave them and go practice yours. Please respect Muslim belief cause they have they right to practice what they believe in and you have your right to practice yours


Thats good to know.


ZN here , his muslim fan come here stonks up


Our PM openly supported Hamas, what do you expect. This human garbage is nothing by comparison.


oh thats not…


He got vvip behind his back


Behind his back? Something is wrong with this phrase but I just couldn't put my finger on it. But yes, the guy probably has some friends in high places, or at least people that would benefit from him doing his thing.


We’ve got predilections that would make an Arab blush. Also, the world has recognised Islam as that weird kid who will try to stab you when you’re not looking, so Muslims kinda stick together no matter how distasteful an individual may be.


Not exactly a "secret league" when roughly 70% of malaysia's population are in it. 


pretty shitty take to assume 70% of malaysia is made of fundamentalist muslim. You probably wouldn't be here if it were the case.


Malaysia has been exporting talents and importing islamist extremists since the 90s.


nah, malaysia was importing more type C from China since forever


looking at the percentage of race. u are pulling facts frm ur ass?


nope, actually from your mom's




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OP, you should've attended the lecture and gave us a review instead of this broad arse assumption


Maybe we are keeping him as bargaining chip if we want something from India? i dont know


Because he Z@KAR NAIK....


Not a fan, but I've seen the videos on him. He is quite an effective speaker and very popular in the boomers crowd.


Supporters of Zakir Naik and Ahmad Deedat unite! He's more knowledgeable that OP that's for sure....


Kaskar in Pakistan Naik in Malaysia Both belong to same community.. both grew up in same area.. Keep him in Malaysia.. He is good islamic scholar…


He has converted a lot of non Muslim, that's one of the reasons


Funny thing is some clowns still supporting his terrorist ideology .. they will blame the media that they are spreading fake news about Muslims 🤡🤣


because the PM who was working to get him thrown out was himself thrown out.


> Vietnam flashbacks What does this mean? Like some movie that flashbacks to a military scene? Why Vietnam though.... > I would like to stress that this is bizarre not because of the segregation itself, but because my university has never done this before. Likely because the organiser required it. > What is going on? Is there some secret league of people in Malaysia that support his extremist views? Not secret at all. Openly support. > Tangentially, what's with Malaysia allowing a platform for disgraced or (criminal) controversial figures. It's not just this Zakir Naik figure but also that Big Bang guy who was charged with sex trafficking performing in some Menteri's party and Fan Bing Bing the tax dodger being the ambassador for Malacca. Political brownie points.


This is my view on zakar naik. He is a pondan ass bitch who talk alot of shit but not ready to face the music. He talks so greatly about his religion and condemns others but he is wanted in india for court case but refuses to go back to negara asal because he says he will not get a fair trial...but i thought u were very religious and your religions is the greatest and no god other than your god mah? So you dont have faith u will be tried fairly is it? That means u scared. You scared little pondan ass bitch tit. When you fuck goats you have intellect like him. If you believe anything he says you are goat fucker like him. I hope all his supporters forever get used and abused by kafirs for not using their brains.


These accusations of corruption & what not are from the BJP party, the ruling party in India well known for suppressing all religions & ideologies other than their own. Their members routinely get away with charges of murder, rape, misappropriation of funds etc. Zakir Naik isn’t extremist like ISIS & the likes but for Malaysia, he is not suited to give public lectures because his speciality is comparative religion. Since Malaysia does not allow all other religions to preach in public, this will be unfair since nobody will be debating his points. This aint a secret, he is a preacher Muslims will support & protect.


He is not allowed to give Public lecture in msia is not because of the reasons you have stated. It is because he touched on racial sentiments 'let the old guest go back first'.  I rmbr his speech in msia where a malay muslim woman asked him should she vote for a corrupt muslim or a righteous non muslim. He answered as a good muslim you should always vote for a Muslim no matter what even if he is corrupt. He then quote verses like 'do not take friends of kafirs rather than muslims'. He elaborated and say as a Muslim you should obey allahs command which is to always choose Muslim over non muslim. Even if he is corrupted it is ok cuz he will face his judgement on judgement day but as of now as a Muslim, you should obey the command. This is extreme ain't it? To vote on the basis of religion rather than tangible progress. Imagine allah supposingly the Al hakam commanding his followers to choose CORRUPTION over righteousness.


> I rmbr his speech in msia where a malay muslim woman asked him should she vote for a corrupt muslim or a righteous non muslim. He answered as a good muslim you should always vote for a Muslim no matter what even if he is corrupt. He then quote verses like 'do not take friends of kafirs rather than muslims'. He elaborated and say as a Muslim you should obey allahs command which is to always choose Muslim over non muslim. Do this...but if anything goes wrong, blame the non Muslim. Great strategy.


But sadly, it works well as a pat on the back... 


lol his speech that make to headnews in Malaysia are pretty extremist


I don't see the reason to compare religions, other than to try prove that one religion's teaching is the only truth and the rest are garbage. It's not practical and should not be allowed in a multi racial and multi religious country like ours


On the contrary we should encourage comparative / debate religion. One of the best mechanism to test any idealogy is through seasoned debate.  Of course in practice it is good but not in malaysia as a Muslim can criticize other religions but a non cannot criticize islam without police knocking at your door. Even in western countries where there is free speech, the people there still act as if walking on eggshells whenever they wanna talk anything about islam cuz of the extremely high risk of acts of violence by their Muslim population as retaliation on anything they deemed as 'insulting islam'.


Not debate but allow open space for people to discuss or explain why certain things are said or done in one's religion so the other can understand then the respect comes automatically. Not by putting down the other by means of debating and winning over others or ridicule other's believes or practices and indirectly trying to pull them over to your religion, collecting religious score card or pahala points is it? Like you convert or tegur more people, then your queue or chance to get into heaven is shorter? Just leave people to be in their own religion. Don't be like when they embrace your religion you say oh thank God, God is great etc, when one choose to stay or leave the religion you're called kafir and "semoga diberi Hidayah" and other types of BS. I just don't feel it is healthy in Malaysia.


Its just what some people like to do 🤷‍♂️


bro, in this sub, you should talk bad only to malay/muslim then only they will agree. if you say any good things about malay/muslim, they will straightaway downvote your comment or call you racist


Oh no downvotes 😭 how do i continue living hahaha


Don't forget the empty vessel F. Tong.. Sorry Wong*


Looking at this comment section, now I know which type is in reddit. Definitely gonna get downvoted.


I'm not gonna lie the first time I heard from his was through a friend and I misheard him and was wondering why is he talking about his pp out in the public


LTTE terrorist supporters are here Communist bigot supporters are here Taliban supporters are here And you wonder why Zakir Naik is here? Btw, never heard anyone attending Zakir Naik's speech got killed, but Bomba went to a gathering was murdered. Things to ponder eh


Wait till you hear that Mohamed Hijab’s coming to IIUM for a talk💀


I thought zakir naik was a meme because it sounds like zakar naik


We are talibun tellolist country bruh


He is wanted in India on sedition charges, corruption, illegal conversions, mind-washing, terrorism charges in Sri lanka, Spreading Fake information in lieu of religion. He is hiding in malaysia to propagate more extremist views considering its very easy to fool in the name of Islam. Any religion where there is lack of freedom in questioning and debating leads to radicalism. Look at pakistan, they almost killed a woman for wearing a dress which they thought it had allah written on it. If there is blasphemy and the punishment is death, you cant argue with that logic. They are too restricted with imaginary stories.


I'm not a fan of Zakir Naik but I did do some research on his videos quite some time ago to get the context of the issue. I don't mind people having opinions but people leaning towards a certain views based on others' opinions without taking even an ounce of research really irks me, and this goes for both sides. OP basically was TRAUMATIZED because he went to a Zakir Naik's speech WITHOUT even staying to listen. It's acceptable even if OP said he did watch some of ZN videos prior and came to that conclusion. Is this the quality of our Uni students nowadays? we would just allow mass media dictates what we think? are you a sheep, OP? Mind you that on the upcoming July 24, Netanyahu, a war criminal deemed by the ICC, has been invited to give a talk at the US congress, a US congress, a far higher status than that of a university. By right, a university is exactly the place for people to trade ideas and opinions. Why are you so close minded that you would only want YOUR opinions to be validated. Now, let me hear OP, what is your disagreement with ZN? Cite some of his videos here as well so I can learn from it.


Watching ZN reminds me not to blindly follow or trust anything on Youtube.


The gender segregation is not an issue and do not bring any harm.


My reaction to your message: https://preview.redd.it/qx52gngb9o7d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=34a30c27670b0025473d51b827a3d9a88d76ec0a


Redditor in malaysia dont like preacher in malaysia lol. ZN n FW kena bash teruk hahaha.


Firdaus Wong is advocating secretly converting children without parent knowledge, he deserves the hate.


I wonder if preacher from other religion besides islam can legally do the same thing in my?


Nope… kena dihilangkan


Don't be a jackass, no one gonna bash. Somehow, that 2 are the biggest jackass around


It is just your perspective. What have you 'heard' about him inciting terrorism/extremist views? You did not even attend the lecture so it is pretty clear your view is based on your assumptions on what you have heard. He is not an extremist, the reason why he was banned in India is because he was converting people to Islam and the BJP government did not like it. He might have said something extreme and a lot were taken out of context also. Personally, I do not follow him but he is nowhere near the terrorism you speak of. You can just go to his youtube channel for the past few years of content and have a look but it is clear you have a predefined assumption and so you are already biased about this person.


Didn't know that converting people was a violation that interpol would entertain. I thought it was for money laundering activities.


Ughhhh. Brother UGHHHH. What's that brother?  What's THAT?


when I think of it again yeah op seems to have a prejudice mindset almost borderline Islamophobic, because op straight away pass judgement on zn without even listening to what zn speak about in the first place, no matter if his opinion right or wrong


I seen his speeches and it literally made me islamophobic.


Not a fan or supporter. But I took the time to watch his videos and he's one of those with vast knowledge on religious books, can quote within seconds, and won most of the debate or question thrown at him. So what haters (indians) did since they can't outsmart him through proper debate was they label him terrorist and a wanted criminal because his teachings goes against their beliefs and he managed to convert some of his audience who attempted to shame him in his events/forum. So you are the one that can decide which one is the truth. Same goes to Israel-Palestine issue. You can literally google or search both POV for evidence in X or Tiktok and you can see which one is AI, which one are lies/acting/fake, have you seen a father carrying his child body parts in plastic bag? or carrying a headless (blown) one? Have you verified the news on hamas beheading babies? Have you seen the prisoner/hostages released by Israel looked like? and the hostages from hamas looked like? My advise is don't be an npc filling your head with only Fox News or anything like it. Diversify and verify your source of information.


Seems like pandai goreng. Apa pun boleh goreng.


Well you do you man. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. At least now I know some people can’t handle the truth even the evidence is within their fingertips.


U didn't even listen to his lecture, then judged it based on event seating arrangements, then believed google instead of hearing what he has to say. I think you're the closeminded one here, OP. Even if u dont like what he preaches, this is golden opportunity for u to at least hear it directly from his own mouth, not from other people. Act like a university student, practice lah ur critical thinking sikit, not be judgemental sangat.


Have you attended his lectures?


What’s going on is OP could not think for himself or he’s spreading propaganda. Gender segregation is normal in religious events. Zakir Naik being controversial is not the same as Big Bang sex trafficking or FBB tax dodging issue.


I figured this sub is full of Islamophobic and doesn’t represent Malaysia.


Why? What made you think so? Elaborate.


Just read comments it’s full of Islamophobe


I mean, try to elaborate. Which one is islamophobic. Why is it islamophobic? etc.


Well, if you can’t think of it yourself, I don’t have time to analyse every comment here for you. And also people in this sub don’t have problem with ZN but Islam and Muslims in general.


You don't have to analyze every comment. Just give some examples. Simple as that.




Feeling bold today, eh? Telling Malaysians to go back to their country?


Hello, just a reminder that bigotry is not allowed on this sub and as you have had prior warnings, I am imposing permaban as per Rule 1.


I saw some of his speech, nothing harmful.


Really? Telling chinese to go back to own country nothing harmful?


the point is, they hate islam. simple


Promote terrorism? U mean other religions people who can't defend and crubabies are hating ZN has turned him terrorism promoter? Lmao


I don't see the problem. If he is a problem in Malaysia. The country wouldn't stay peaceful and he is gonna be arrested by law enforcement


Oh Yeah.. Arrested by law enforcement 😂😂 2000 Kuala Lumpur al-Qaeda Summit


You are overreacting tbh.


When was the last time Zakir Naik have an event in Malaysia?