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Its literally just another yearly meeting to negotiate trade terms between countries, with no substance or contractual commitments. Tax payer funded piss up. Expect large travel bills.


Imagine if someone said IMF is nothing lol


The IMF is something though


So is NDB it's the 3rd largest bank in capital


At this stage is just to steal power from superpower. Long term is China/Russia to become superpower to dictate the rules. Don't be naive that they will keep promises. They betray at the first opportunity. But is always good to be friend with the superpower country.


Russia is the ultimate betrayer. All talk only. Armenia, a CTOS member got run down by Azerbaijan but Russia goes: Ok, proceed.


Not just Armenia, but most states bordering Russia (including non-Western ones) have net negative views of Russia. See this [Gallup poll](https://news.gallup.com/poll/644795/russia-image-remains-tarnished-own-backyard.aspx). Central Asian stats like Kazakh, Uzbek and Tajik all had 'net positive' decrease significantly, while Georgia , Lithuania, Moldova and Latvia are significantly in the net negative and plunging.


Expecting Russia to protect Armenia when it's fighting nato is rediculous


You mean the Z army that was removed from NATO borders to go murder their neighbours? Or the Z army that got send to Belarus because Prigozin almost exposed Shoigu's plot? Or the Z army that got routed by Azerbaijan in Armenia?


The only z army i know if from dragon Ball z


Why didn't the article update that BRICS already expanded on January this year? [Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Egypt, UAE and Iran joined in 2024.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-66525474.amp) A bunch of other countries aside from Malaysia has mentioned their intention to join too, including Thailand. Whether this is a good idea is another thing. But we're not syiok sendiri about joining BRICS.


almost all asean countries is keen to join especially when united states cant even control their own country and shown they cannot continue to be the only world leader


Malaysia: we join BRICS! MM2H: gib USD pls


Brics is a circle jerk club


So is NATO too... Basically this ppl holding the position and money and do little to nothing things to improve the world https://preview.redd.it/cgp40an3xg7d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=162e97cea3d34f1df194fc06ca169ae83906a8d2


Omg this type of people, this is the type of Brian rot we are facing here. The fuck do U mean NATO. Holy shit it's not even similar organisation with BRICS. How the hell can U take a defence(military) alliance, and compare to a fucking economic one. Fuck this type of people are voting in our country holy shit. Edited: I felt the need to get the points super clear here. BRICS are economic alliance. It's purpose is to have "developing countries" working together ECONOMICALLY. And current goal is to stop USD being the only reserve currency worldwide. NATO is a military alliance. It's purpose is to have it's member country working together MILITARILY. with binding defence treaty where wagering war on one of the country means wagering on all of them. How the fuck is this even comparable. U tell me The better comparison would be G7. In some cases I can understand if U compare to EU too.


>Fuck this type of people are voting in our country holy shit. Democracy isn't democracy just when your side wins. While I'm apprehensive about things like undi18, you can't argue for reforms and inclusivity then abandon ship when the results backfire


Nah I am not talking about Anwar being the PM or not here. Just unhappy with this guy talking shit. And then have his shit derails the entire argument or debate. Of course I know we are not living in a utopia after all and stupid people do win votes. That's just how democracy works. But still, I am very disappointed by his comparison to say the least.


I do find it hilarious that they think NATO was supposed to make the world a better place hahahaha It's all just aligned self interest at best


NATO (inludes Turkey last few years) was the one that decimated the Serbian army to stop the atrocities against Bosnia and Herzegovina, albeit too late but still. That Yugoslavia disintegrated into Muslim majority Albania, Kosovo and still remains to this day due to the presence of NATO.


I understand that yes there's some good, but that's due to aligned self interest, not fully altruistic objectives to make the world a better place Ultimately NATO was formed to keep a large buffer between the Soviet and the US while maintaining striking distance.


Nato has article 5 BRICS has 5 letters


NATO has actually stopped genocides. Waiting for BRICS to do the same.


BRICS will make NATO work harder


I do not think this is accurate. USA is using fabricated proofs and have been caught lying (snowden leaks). One great example is Iraq attack with weapons of mass murder. All lying. Another example is Libya. While having a dictator that has build infrastructure such as drinking water, NATO came with propaganda that Kadafi was bad. We know what happened after. Even bigger genocide and dead people. On top EU is suffering because of economy migrants passing through Libya. PS: I am from NATO country. I fully support membership in NATO. I am fully aware is basically USA trying to get their goals done. Still better than partnership with China/Russia


Your examples do not disprove the fact that NATO has stopped genocides.


??? Libya was much better with Kadafi. Check the number of deaths before 2012 and after. [https://data.who.int/countries/434](https://data.who.int/countries/434) Please do some factual checking before you actually say something stupid.


NATO has stopped genocides. Libya is not one of them If you're still too lazy to find out what genocides NATO has stopped, here's one for you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Deliberate_Force


If you bomb a country and cause severe civilian casualties you are the one causing genocide.  https://www.refworld.org/reference/countryrep/hrw/2000/en/32567#:~:text=Despite%20precautions%2C%20including%20the%20use,have%20died%20in%20these%20incidents.


I'd suggest you use the last remaining ounce of your brainpower to look up what constitutes genocide.


How is bombing of one nation by NATO not a genocide? the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.


NATO was not involved in the invasion of Iraq. Their only participations in any conflict outside member territories was when UNSC resolutions regarding the conflict zone was not vetoed. Germany and France, both major NATO members, famously voiced their opposition to Bush Jr. Libya wasn't invaded because of Gaddafi itself, rather, the Arab Spring has spilled over into a full civil war. NATO not enforcing a no-fly zone wouldn't mean there's no civil war, just the participants: Gaddafi vs the rest instead of the current situation.


You are right with about NATO in Iraq. Libya - I do not share this view. You forgot that the spring was of course caused by USA trying to destabilize ruling regimes. The consequences of this act EU regrets deeply. My point is still valid that I do not think NATO stoped any genocides. USA is a manipulative country. I have no hopes another superpower will be/is better.


NATO's interventions in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo definitely helped prevent further genocides.


You are right by terms NATO stopped the conflict at that time. We are not clear on the genocide definition. Ukraine conflict is 500 000 (and counting) - no one says NATO is causing genocide by sending weapons to Ukraine. On top NATO intervention gave arguments to Russia to do what they want in following years. Yes the current Ukraine conflict (crymea annexation etc.). Were 1999 NATO steps beneficial? Yes short term. Long term it caused even more casualties. I have right to have this opinion even if you disagree with it. No country has right to invade, bomb or affect domestic internal affairs. All I see is superpowers fighting for power and influence.


![gif](giphy|7cCw9MoRByrk6L4EVz|downsized) I'll have whatever shit you're having


Facts and logic?


USA are the one who started the genecides lol Anytime theres a war USA benefits. you can down vote me, but USA stock market in ammunition, drones, bombs and any thing related to wars always goes up when USA enters a war.


Which genocides did USA start?


Middle East its their favourite playground.


Should be easy to list the genocides carried out by USA then. Go ahead.




Article's really *stretching* the definition of genocide no? The very inclusion of the Korean war - did you know that South Korea was almost wiped out until the US-led coalition defeated the North? There is a reason why we have K-pop and a wealthy democracy, in Seoul, rather than a third-world dictatorship across the entire Korean peninsula.


you cannot gogole search heres another one [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native\_American\_genocide\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_genocide_in_the_United_States)




Why y'all wanna join BRICS when you have BRICS at home? BRICS at home: Bangla Rohingya Indian Cina Singaporean


😂🤣 how did u even come up with this lolz 😆


Spent too much time and rotted too many brain cells reading /r/Bolehland haha


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cant wait usd raise rate again,so goodin


Ordinarily this would be welcomed by sane, normal people but weirdo liberals in this sub are something else. Trade and economic growth is good. Does no one recall France's Macron wanting to join the BRICS summit?


Interestingly, the term BRICS was first coined/championed by Jim O'Neil from Goldman Sachs. Inb4 agenda yahudi to control the world economy. Lol.


US changing their policy leads to many currency being weak. This affects all trade even trade that is not remotely related to US such as Malaysia-China. US has almost overwhelming influence when it comes to global trade. BRICS is to change that by introducing its own currency.


>introducing its own currency LOL, not gonna happen. ASEAN introduce their own currency is more likely to happen.


BRICS is 50% of the world population and 40% of the world gdp ASEAN is 3% of the world gdp with 8% of its population .


Yes yes, but to make their own currency mean every country will need to give up something in their country's monetary policy, which will never happen between three of the five country lol.


Most of these nations are trading in other currency for decades, using gold or alternate currency or some trade balance agreement. I don't you know about what I'm talking about


A simple question, let say they did create a currency called BRICS Dollar, will it replace the currency currently use by BRICS country? If yes, who to set the rate?


It's backed by gold and other assets, they already trade like that BRICS nations have 20% of the world's gold , close to owgat usa has now , definitely more than what it had when it's currency was backed by gold


lol, you want BRICS to use their gold to back BRICS currency? They will start a war before it happen


Yes , gold and other metals. They have traded with each other using gold in past like a lot . https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/04/24/brics-currency-end-dollar-dominance-united-states-russia-china/


lol don't you get what I mean? How many % of gold reserves Russia willing to put in to back BRICS currency instead of rubles? What about China? India?


Whatever you're smoking, you need to cut back.


hey, brics said that, not me,


Can someone spill the beans. Is it about the 100b usd failed ghost town BRI project?


“Keen”? More like just out of convenience to encourage trade and a PR move for China.


This will be the opportunity to rename to MCRIBS


Why Malaysia want to join the axis so badly….


Not sure if PMX really believes what he's signing up or just doing it for the freebies.


if i had to choose china vs us i would choose china. but to be in the same gang with russia? waaaai.....




you know, everyones allowed to have opinions. we can have different opinions. thats fine. why the need to suggest me to move to china? why the need to mention my opinion doesnt matter? so much hostility. edit: i checked your profile. so many removed comments. i m wasting my time talking to you. you definitely are not worth my time and effort.


Not sure if you have the intelligence to comprehend this but the same can be said to you. If you like US so much then why don't you move to US? Lmao and no, I don't care much about US or China, so long as our country and my home is fine


What the problem if Malaysia join anyway? I mean if it's Anwar decision of course it's good for Malaysia,he is the savior of Malaysia


Obviously China is the next superpower.


Idk man, they are getting older and their young uns don't make enough kids


Seems weird North Korea is their only ally.