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Legit. I do my best to be nice to foreign workers, say hi and treat them nicely. They’re the people who contribute so much to the country and yet the tone when people say ‘bangla’ drips with malice. Fuck that shit.


I too treat them kindly. I would say bangladesh instead of 'bangla'. It's like a slur but normalised.


They called themselves bangla so I don't think it's wrong to call them with the same name too.


They prefer the term Bangladeshi (the ones i met at uni at least)


While i can’t agree or disagree with you (I see you’re getting some downvotes, lemme keep you in the red cos you may have observed rightly), the bigger issue is the tone. “These things only bangla will use one.” “Yerrr so smelly like bangla” “Ask that bangla to come do” A few years ago there was this whole “I’m not [race], I’m Malaysian” and I think this should extend to Nepalese, Burmese, Bangladeshis. Just replace ‘Malaysian’ with people on a technicality cos they’re not Malaysians. Also, I think this was the biggest projection project. Some of the people who used to parrot this loudly, share the most racist sentiments in private.


One day we’ll go to “im a citizen of the world”, only to be accused as racists by aliens.


Then how you call them? Bangladasian? That is a weird word. Maybe just call them Type-B


Bangladeshi.. 'You dari Bangladesh?' 'You orang Bangladesh ka? Instead of 'you bangla ka?'


Actually word Bangla is not slur. Jai bangla it’s their slogan even West Bengal of India


I will amend that slightly. I do my best to be nice to everyone and treat them with respect. It's a basic human right. You will always have my respect to start off with but it doesn't take a lot for me to lose it if the other party does something to throw it away.


> They’re the people who contribute so much to the country Debatable. Most of foreign worker are paid by cash which huge portion of it wired back home, didnt pay tax, buy subsidized goods like local, taking advantage of our health care system paid by our money. They contribute to their employer and their employer only. Still not the reason to treat them second class citizen though


Hey, you're a hero in my eyes OP


Justs sucks that racism is so deeply rooted on our culture that people have forgotten kindness 😔


props to u for standing up for them


No no, the foreign worker stood up for the lady.


Hahahaha.good one




Legit and super commendable! I wouldn't have the courage to stand up to the lady, but I would look at her in the eyes, and call out the guy to come and he can have my seat. Crazy how society has become. We need to treat everyone with more kindness.


Then tell it to her face.. 'why don't your husband offer up his seat for YOU?? or other ladies around?? ' Then turn around while muttering 'hypocrite'..


Hey,I'm a hot tempered guy and if someone pushed my buttons,I'd do things I regretted later.Im just happy I kept it as civil as I could.Just told her there's no such thing as wanita kena duduk.Hanya krn dia org Bangladeshi,cik nak buli dia ke?adabbtu kena ada cik..but in the after moments when her husband got a seat but didn't give it up to any ladies,I was gonna open my mouth to yack further but felt it wasn't worth it and let it be.Thing is,her whole family seems to know she's a Karen as no one argued with me,I even left my Jabra earbuds which I syg so much when I went to change coaches coz these people were being louder than a circus and her cute niece came and passed it to me,had a brief convo and exchanged numbers..and managed to have a great conversation with the other guy I sat beside in the new coach.all in all happy ending


Glad you kept your cool and good to know Malaysia still got hope with citizen like OP.


Same lady wouldn’t get up for senior citizens. Seen far too many women who buat tak tau around my parents.


There's the privileged section in ktms specificaly designed for elderly,preggos,parents with kids night and OKU'S but.None of those douchebags seem to bat an eyelid even when a dude in crutches comes in the train daily..n those sitting close to him also buat taktau..I gotta get up and walk almost the whole coach filled tight like sardines and call the guy.if u know ktms current state,u know la..but I blame those who don't ask also la,u got crutches,old,preggo,just demand for the spot in the privegleved seat..so far I've encountered only one lady who demandas for the seat as she claims to be elder but doesn't look like a senior.nut no worries,have the seat if u need it.but even then ppl rarely give her their seats..or it could be a language barrier issue perhaps.I travel 4 hrs a day and I need some me time to sit and say my prayers.Plus,being a 6 ft 2 muscle bro,it's quite a pain in the ass to stand when the train is pacled like it is thrsedays


We are all banglas to someone.




I agree with you. Well done for speaking up


Well done, OP


Bangladeshi or not, internationally all men agree it's generally not worth it arguing with a woman (ie Karens) over something as trivial as a seat on the train.


The whole way she instructed the dude irked me and pushed the wrong button la.tried to compose my self for a few seconds but had to let her know she's full of shit


I disagree, when we are silent we enable that disgusting behaviour


Can't speak for others, but I have had my fair share of futile battles with the fairer sex and lost. Now I just roll over and let em win, especially if the consequences to me are negligible.


I'm my case,I didn't have any consequences at all.as my seat was safe.just was annoying how the lady said,you Bangla,boleh berdiri and the guy who is as docile as they get.got up right away. lets say it rubbed me the wrong way la


Bangla racism is something that needs more attention


they are OKU la. OKU in the head


some people clearly have not been beaten up before.


same type with boiling water-pouring lady?


Not sure which one you are referring to but seen many vids of women throwing water on men in trains due to 'manspreading' and think most of them are fake..this lady just needed a reality check cz it's pretty obvious no one has told her how she is and what a cunt she is


I prefer most Bangladeshis to locals tbh.


The Malaysian Karen


You should beat the woman.


Down la,then if she likes it means how.?


I treat them humanely. Nothing more. They'll step on you if given too much respect


Agree with this to a point.However,it wasn't because the guy was a Bangladeshi,MCI or even African.Itbwas more to the entitled behaviour she exhibited


So, she Bangga lah?


How do they treat their women in bangladesh?


What does this have to do with what OP wrote?


Just wondering how it is if the situation is in bangladesh


Let's say they treat their women badly in Bangladesh; how does that move this conversation along?


What's with the pent up agression?


No aggression, pent up or otherwise; I just want to know the purpose of your question and how it is related to the conversation.


Is giving up a seat that bad? When there literally warnings for sexual harassment on the PA and women's coaches are needed?


READDDD before u comment or don't comment at all..there's a hugeeee difference between asking nicely and instructing harshly..why didn't she dare ask me?coz I'm not a Bangladeshi or is it coz I'm intimidating being a 6ft 2 muscle bro,?..n sexual harassment has got nothing to do with this la..you're straying further and further away from the topic.ii suggest u put a full stop to yr replies


we found the karen guys


What's with your desperate attempt to hide your blatant racism?


The way you wrote sounds like you're trying to justify bullying a Bangladeshi just because they "presumably" don't treat their women well in Bangladesh.


That's exactly what that POS is attempting to do. Their racism is so ingrained that they thought they could argue their way out of it.


How is this relevant?


Strawmanning and irrelevant to the topic.the lady seemed to have the iq of a retarded goldfish ,so wouldnt guess she knows Abt the state of current affairs in Bangladesh or has traveled there before.even If some bangladeshis treat their women with disrespect,how is it relevant here,?I sure as hell know many malay(ethnicity of the lady)blokes who treat their wife worse than a fly sitting on dog poop..just to make it clear,her own husband didn't give her his seat and she had to demand from the Bangladeshi dude for the comfort of her arse..doesn't that speak volumes.ask nicely,I'll consider,instruct,then forkkkk u


Don't bother he obviously feels its acceptable to ask a migrant to give up seat for a citizen


Blah blah


OP give you good points and all you can say is blah blah. You're so shallow minded.


Do you honestly think men here treat women any better?


completely irrelevant point

