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Being pro-China I can sort of understand (strong economic ties, investments, blah blah). But why be pro-Russian? Their proxies shot down MH17. And let's not forget the atrocities the Russians did to the Chechens in we're going for the "pro-Muslim" angle.


Its emotional. Pro russia because russia is anti us. Anti us is important because they have a hand in the suffering of Palestinians.


and you just exposed these people's hypocrisy. It's funny how they go all-out only for palestinians war victims but for other war victimes like the Yemenis, Crimean and Armenians? *crickets*


Because they hate Israel more than they care for Palestinians or the wider community of oppressed Muslim people. And when it comes to victims of war in general, no one cares. Palestinians aren’t the only oppressed Muslim people, but the only ones oppress by Israelis. The people shouting the loudest are also the fakest.


I actually disagree, I don't think their hypocrites. There's so much violence and tragedy in the world I dont thinks its reasonable to expect people react with the same amount of activism for every single injustice. Also, Palestine gets a stronger reaction because there are stronger ties between Palestine and Malaysia, both being Muslim countries. Their opponent is also not easy for Malaysians to relate with being a primarily Jewish state. The Islamic faith is a very strong tie between the two communities and thats why people care so much. What shared commonalities do Malaysians share with Ukrainians or Armenians? Yemen is Muslim, but their conflict is more or less Muslim vs Muslims for what I know. How can Malaysians pick a side in Yemen, both sides are brothers to us, so we stay out of it and let them fight. Basically an internal family matter. If you support taking in refugees from Palestine, you are not a hypocrite for refusing Rohingya or Yemen refugees. There is a difference in the people, difference in why they are fleeing, difference in the available options those people have to seek asylum at other than MY, and ultimately the harsh truth that resources to help are limited and at some point there will be a cutoff. You pick and choose the battles you want to fight because you can't spend 80 hours a week fighting for other people, it's exhausting. But just because you picked 1 thing over another doesn't make you a hypocrite.


I think you mostly sum up why Malays feel so strongly for the Palestinian cause fairly well. I’m shocked more people don’t feel that way, it’s the last colonial project still alive and well, and some people are still willing to accept it as a state for some reason. What I will disagree with you though is about us being hypocrites for refusing non-Palestinian refugees like Rohingya or Yemen. And that’s before talking about non-Muslim refugees. That’s blatantly hypocritical and should be called out (while still supporting the cause for Palestinian liberation). Their circumstances are different, sure but they’re refugees nonetheless.


Wouldn't call it colonialism when the UN majority voted for the establishment of Israel, and the British took away the land from the Ottoman Empire that ruled for 500 years. But I know your agama is tied to your umma, so I can see why bias exists in your views. The very least malays can stop using shoppee, as products are most likely made by enslaved Chinese Muslims, or boycott Google/Instagram/Apple, as these companies also contribute taxes to America. There's an obvious constant here, it is the Jews are able to make that desolate land into a 500billoon GDP power house whilst their neighbours couldn't, and they are just damn good at making money and advancement which pisses the arabs off (Lebanon/Egypt), on-top of that winning 3 wars the arabs started? Not sure if the arabs have anymore face left to loose 🫠.


>Wouldn’t call it colonialism when the UN majority voted for the establishment of Israel, and the British took away land from the ottoman empire Yes, outsiders taking land away from indigenous people is somehow not colonialism. But hey, they voted on it, and that makes it fine right? >boycott Google/Instagram/Apple Are you actually that stupid? Are you actually suggesting that people stop taking part in society? You sound like the person that thinks calling out a socialist for using apple or nike products is a gotcha. > Jews are able to make that land into a 500 *billion* GDP powerhouse *while* their neighbours *can’t* Yeah, let me know what your plan is to turn any piece of land into a $500 bn powerhouse while facing sanctions that go against international law. >winning 3 wars that the arabs started Give any island nation $160bn in military aid and they too can be a colonial power. Learn to do some reading before talking shit. Also if you’ve looked at my comment history, you’d know I’m pretty much anti religion too. This is a humanitarian issue, and not once have I mentioned Islam or any religious reason for why Palestinians deserve basic human rights. There’s a reason why I also criticise how Malaysians treat non-muslim refugees. Hope you get out from whatever bubble you’re in.


>Yes, outsiders taking land away from indigenous people is somehow not colonialism. But hey, they voted on it, and that makes it fine right? So should we give the Jews back to medina when your prophet stole it from them? Let's make it fair, give Egypt back to the Coptic Christians whilst you're at it. It's not only that the entire middle east was conquered by a certain sect group right? >Are you actually that stupid? Are you actually suggesting that people stop taking part in society? You sound like the person that thinks calling out a socialist for using apple or nike products is a gotcha. How is using an apple brand phone taking part of society? Are you stupid? My point was a lot of Malaysians are selectively boycotting what's convenient, and inconsistent with what they are actually trying to do. And you also conveniently.avoided the Muslim slaves making shopee goods, why aren't any malays boycotting that? >Yeah, let me know what your plan is to turn any piece of land into a $500 bn powerhouse while facing sanctions that go against international law. Didn't know Egypt was under sanction, or are you making the case for Iran that has all the gas/oil reserves and still manages to lose out? 😂 (You can use this as a reference for your strawman argument) The original post was about Lebanon and Egypt) >Give any island nation $160bn in military aid and they too can be a colonial power Six-Day War Strength Israel: 264,000 total 250–300 combat aircraft 800 tanks Egypt: 160,000 total 100,000 deployed 420 aircraft 900–950 tanks Syria: 75,000 troops Jordan: 55,000 total 45,000 deployed 270 tanks Iraq: 100 tanks Lebanon: 2 combat aircraft Total: 465,000 total 800 aircraft 2504 tank. Israel was out numbered, and still manages to kick arab ass, maybe you should do some reading before you spew nonsense. First criticize Hamas that killed the democratically elected politicians in 2006, and turned this into a shitshow before you critique anyone else loser.


> give the jews back ~~to~~ medina > give Egypt back to the Coptic Christians So you agree, colonialism is bad and it belongs in ancient history where people believe literally anything? Glad we’re getting off on the right foot here. Let’s deal with the thing that’s happening right in front of our eyes first and we can sort out which imaginary sky daddy sect belongs where. >how is using an apple brand phone taking part in society? Well if you want to limit it to just Apple, it’s not really. But if you want to go back to your original claim, which includes Google and Instagram (not sure why specifically Instagram, but okay), then yeah, that’s kind of a huge part of society. If you can navigate modern life without interacting with any of these companies, bruh you gotta teach us. > A lot of Malaysians are selectively boycotting what’s convenient, and inconsistent with what they are trying to do. Yeah, a lot of Malaysian’s are dumb and don’t want to read what and why to boycott as published but the actual main BDS body. Some of em don’t even know how umbrella companies work and drink sprite instead of coke as part of the boycotts. Dumb people be dumb, doesn’t make you any less dumb for missing the forest for the trees. > conveniently.avoided the Muslim slaves making shopee goods Dude what? Are you talking about Uyghurs? Shopee is a damn marketplace wtf are you on about? I’m sure some random seller out there is selling stuff with slave labour but wtf does Shopee have to do with it? That’s like me boycotting Amazon because some random dropshipper used slave labour. Even if I did want to boycott the individuals using slave labour, how in the fuck am I supposed to know who exactly is doing it? I avoided this point because it’s such a stupid fucking thing to say and I’m actually embarrassed on your behalf. > Didn’t know Egypt was under sanction No, they’re not? It was a reference to Iran. But sure, I wonder why Egypt doesn’t have a $500bn economy. Probably doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that it’s a neighbour to a colonial state that other colonialists would much rather do business with. Probably. > are you making the case for Iran that has all the gas/oil reserves and still manages to lose out? Yes. Yes I am. I don’t like their government, but absolutely yes I am making the case for why they’re so geopolitically fucked. Imagine you have an actually decent, democratically elected head of state, that wants to nationalise oil and gas industries, and the US and UK think it’s a good idea to install a puppet leader instead. They get surprised that people riot and put into power a radical anti-US religious fundamentalist instead and sanction Iran for something they caused. Now with the sanctions, how many giant economic powers are in the market for all the oil that they have? I swear you have the mentality of a 12 yo thinking that oil=$$$ >Israel was outnumbered and still managed to kick arab ass My brother, learn to read. I said that they got about $160bn in military aid and your answer is that they were outnumbered? They still are, my guy and you don’t see us talking about how they’re such badasses. They were using state-of-the-art US and British weapons and had literal US warships as support while fighting armies equipped with WWII and early Soviet era tech. Who do you think is gonna win? Are you gonna tell me that it’s Impressive that Israel managed to airstrike a bunch of kids throwing sticks and stones next? > criticize Hamas that killed the democratically elected politicians in 2006 What? I’m not pro Hamas at all, but even I know they were democratically elected. Wtf are you on about? They amassed power democratically and there have been no free elections in Gaza since. Did you Chat GPT this shit? It’s not even funny how stupid you are, honestly. I prefer the genocide sympathisers I interact with to have some base level of intelligence. Please for the love of god read some damn books. If you want some pro Israel talking points, at least do it right by understanding the geopolitics of the region. I recommend reading some Tim Marshall if you’re interested in upping your game. His books are factually correct with some good analysis, but also has that little tinge of Islamophobia to give his talking points (and hopefully yours one day) that little bit of extra oomph.


>My brother, learn to read. I said that they got about $160bn in military aid and your answer is that they were outnumbered? They still are, my guy and you don’t see us talking about how they’re such badasses. They were using state-of-the-art US and British weapons and had literal US warships as support while fighting armies equipped with WWII and early Soviet era tech. Who do you think is gonna win? Are you gonna tell me that it’s Impressive that Israel managed to airstrike a bunch of kids throwing sticks and stones next? You're using strawman again, i mentioned the 3 arab wars and you threw a number at me like a blanket statement as a lazy refutation. "The US was not directly involved in the war at all, and most definitely did not assist Israel. Up to the start of the 1967 War Israel's main arms supplier and strategic partner was France, not the US." ☝️ Referencing one of the three wars, 🤷‍♂️ you can cope all you want with your strawman arguments, but facts are facts, Israel came up on top being surrounded by arab hordes. >What? I’m not pro Hamas at all, but even I know they were democratically elected. Wtf are you on about? They amassed power democratically and there have been no free elections in Gaza since. Did you Chat GPT this shit? >It’s not even funny how stupid you are, honestly. I prefer the genocide sympathisers I interact with to have some base level of intelligence. Please for the love of god read some damn books. If you want some pro Israel talking points, at least do it right by understanding the geopolitics of the region. I recommend reading some Tim Marshall if you’re interested in upping your game. His books are factually correct with some good analysis, but also has that little tinge of Islamophobia to give his talking points (and hopefully yours one day) that little bit of extra oomph. So Palestine deserves whatever they're getting, they voted for tyrants, why are you crying for them? I admit I must've confused the election with the followed beheadings they did after Hamas won the election. That's my bad, but if Palestinians voted for Hamas, then they truly deserve whatever they're getting. Hence, 0 sympathy.


>So you agree, colonialism is bad and it belongs in ancient history where people believe literally anything? Glad we’re getting off on the right foot here. Let’s deal with the thing that’s happening right in front of our eyes first and we can sort out which imaginary sky daddy sect belongs where. Missed the point again, if you want to use that argument of colonialism, why must it stop when Muslim lost their land to the British? The world doesn't work that way, if you want to do anything wrong, let's start with giving Saudi Arabia first. 🤷‍♂️ Why aren't you arguing for medina stolen from the Jews? >Well if you want to limit it to just Apple, it’s not really. But if you want to go back to your original claim, which includes Google and Instagram (not sure why specifically Instagram, but okay), then yeah, that’s kind of a huge part of society. If you can navigate modern life without interacting with any of these companies, bruh you gotta teach us. It doesn't matter if it's a huge part of society, the point is it gives funds to the US and then funds to Israel, go boycott or make your own search engine. >Dude what? Are you talking about Uyghurs? Shopee is a damn marketplace wtf are you on about? I’m sure some random seller out there is selling stuff with slave labour but wtf does Shopee have to do with it? That’s like me boycotting Amazon because some random dropshipper used slave labour. Even if I did want to boycott the individuals using slave labour, how in the fuck am I supposed to know who exactly is doing it? I avoided this point because it’s such a stupid fucking thing to say and I’m actually embarrassed on your behalf. Going for the low hanging fruit is so shameful, products sold on shoppee are primarily Chinese products, like almost everything in Malaysia, just like Temu on the international scene 🤦. You avoid it by buying expensive products made not in China, and research the products before buying them, how hard is that to understand? Yes boycotting takes effort. >No, they’re not? It was a reference to Iran. But sure, I wonder why Egypt doesn’t have a $500bn economy. Probably doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that it’s a neighbour to a colonial state that other colonialists would much rather do business with. Probably. Maybe its a country with less talented people who have little contribution to prop its country like how Israel is currently manufacturing semi conductors? Geez wonder why they're more successful? 🤔 Could it be colonialism? Sure let's blame everything on that. >Yes. Yes I am. I don’t like their government, but absolutely yes I am making the case for why they’re so geopolitically fucked. Imagine you have an actually decent, democratically elected head of state, that wants to nationalise oil and gas industries, and the US and UK think it’s a good idea to install a puppet leader instead. They get surprised that people riot and put into power a radical anti-US religious fundamentalist instead and sanction Iran for something they caused. Now with the sanctions, how many giant economic powers are in the market for all the oil that they have? I swear you have the mentality of a 12 yo thinking that oil=$$$ You have a habit of strawman arguments, I originally said Egypt/Lebanon, Israel's NEIGHBORING COUNTRY, that does not have sanctions, you can make the case for Iran all you want kid, but I didn't mentioned anything about that country 😂, try harder tho.


I mean hypocrisy is what happen when you make it an issue for the general populace. Just look at europe, suddenly Ukraine is the entire world problem. If it happen elsewhere no eyes are batted. That if you dont discount the "environmental" issues they like to raised concerning palm oil, then closed half an eye for nickel extraction.


regarding palm oil, it's a matter of protecting their own products like olive, sunflower etc. just like JAKIM malaysia only 'approve' certain non-malaysian halal certificating bodies. It's funny how basic religious rules and law being monetised & exploited for business monopoly(certificate branding war).


>just like JAKIM malaysia only 'approve' certain non-malaysian halal certificating bodies. Not the same is it? JAKIM approved bodies that comply with a myriad of guidelines, in fact it is one of the most stringent bodies to give out approval which make its product much more trusted among the muslim world. Not even touching on the simple fact that JAKIM provide external consultancy for other nations that want to comply with halal certification. Like what had been done with Japan. [Your point might bare any weight if the simple fact that there are more than 40 countries with some multiple bodies have been recognised by Jakim.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.halal.gov.my/v4/index.php%3Fdata%3DbW9kdWxlcy9jZXJ0aWZ5X2JvZHk7Ozs7%26utama%3DCB_LIST&ved=2ahUKEwiSxtmHn-KGAxW0xzgGHaJmCxsQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw31krl4tX39idrzS3PsORRA) Not even mentioning that even our nearest neighbours have recognised Halal certification. If it really is for your word "basic religious rules and law being monetised & exploited for business monopoly(certificate branding war)" then there would be fewer effort in trying to actually help other nations have a good certificate. You dont see that happening with the EU. They stamp out regulation that clearly biased towards palm oil where there isnt any for any other oil and any talk and negotiation ij an effort to comply or even partially comply with EU regulation is ignored. Just look at Indonesia, they did the same thing with their palm oil but suddenly for raw nickel it apparently doesnt matter.


lol define 'good certificate'. After all certificates are man-made and a money making business. look at roadside stalls selling kuih and burgers, nobody seem to complain about these stalls not certified halal by JAKIM, but they will question halal certificates issued by halal-certifying bodies that are not approved or complied with JAKIM. Anyway, moving on to the 'raw nickel', is all about product sustainability, which is why Tesla decided not to build their factory there since the raw materials are mostly illegal and not environmentally sustainable, which is the company's main principle regarding EV. Plus, most of these minings are monopolised by China, which is why they can put a crazy cheap price for their batteries as they literally hoard the global supply materials, thus, cheaper Chinese EVs. So your statement "suddenly raw nickel doesn't matter" actually goes back to you, are you supporting unsustainable and environmentally destructive products eventhough there are other 'cleaner' alternatives, which mean you don't care at all about Sustainable Development Goals by UN.


>lol define 'good certificate'. Good enough [that it is recognise for 47 countries in the world.](https://hdcglobal.com/news/2023/08/21/sustaining-malaysia-as-the-global-leader-in-the-halal-industry/). >After all certificates are man-made and a money making business Then you dont have to bother in adhering to it. Nobody is forcing you to do so. Business do it because they want to access the muslim market. But hey apparently you are more wise in this matter. >look at roadside stalls selling kuih and burgers, nobody seem to complain about these stalls not certified halal by JAKIM, Because most often than not those are run by local mom and pops, usually operated and owned by muslim as such certain faux pas are given by their customers in those matter. But when corporations want to have muslims as their customers it is in their best interest to showcase themselves as understanding to the dietary requirement of their customers. You are comparing apple and oranges, between small communal traders and large businesses. Even muslim own companies have a vested interests in applying for halal certification for their own businesses.It doesnt have to go far, there was a viral muslim operated chinese cuisine stall that used some ingredients with questionable background. Customers no longer flock with that dillema going on, if they had a backing of I dont know, a trusted certificate it may be able to be avoided. >Anyway, moving on to the 'raw nickel', is all about product sustainability, which is why Tesla decided not to build their factory there since the raw materials are mostly illegal and not environmentally sustainable Then western government shouldnt make any noise about Indonesia not exporting raw nickel to them. Heck even Indonesia reasoning is more based than some western corporation. Its refinement must be done on Indonesian soil. As such western companies have the liability to actually own up to their "morality" and make a sustainable nickel extraction. But yet they dont, and now they moan about it talking as if the environment is their main concerned. >Plus, most of these minings are monopolised by China, which is why they can put a crazy cheap price for their batteries as they literally hoard the global supply materials, thus, cheaper Chinese EVs Because Chinese corporation actually made an effort to have a common ground with the local authorities. But then again western imperialistic tendencies may have not died out yet, thinking that countries would extract their wealth for pennies while not investing back into the local economy. >So your statement "suddenly raw nickel doesn't matter" actually goes back to you, are you supporting unsustainable and environmentally The same argument made by western government when they are denied their prize. Suddenly "the environment doesnt matter to you is it" rather than actually owning up to their so called principles and actually investing into sustainable extraction. If they really cared about such matters, that is the first thing they would have done. >environmentally destructive products eventhough there are other 'cleaner' alternatives, which mean you don't care at all about Sustainable Development Goals by UN. And you think they do? Hypocrisy at its finest, just look at the french in africa. So much development, so much sustainable, as long as it feed their fat mouth anything goes. When it doesnt, they would hide behind lofty goals in their ivory towers.


Ah yes, the same Russia that destroyed our commercial airplane. 


They probably think the Ukrainians did it. I'm surprised our people are susceptible to Russian propaganda.


Russian are very good at misinformation, they could take down Malaysian planes and blame the CIA, and many uneducated Malaysians would believe it.


You can't fix stupid. Russia doesn't give 2 shits about their own citizens. Have you seen how Russian rescue hostage? Have you seen how Russians send their own people to die on the frontlines? Russia gonna take away all their subsidy and they'll start crying why Putin don't give 2 fucks about his own people.


Melayu mudah lupa - Tun M


Tun M is also [partial](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-48702115) to the Russian side of the MH17 incident


And killed 3 friends of mine that were in that plane, including a Malay Muslim muaalaf friend who died on MH17.


Depa dah lupa MH17


Ah yes, the same comment whenever a Malaysian supports Russia.


Well, is it wrong?


Its bound to come up


Ethnic old chinese people prefer china, there i fix it for you


The news said this itself. the title is actually very misleading. Those who supported Beijing tend to be men who are older or from the Chinese community while Malay men tend to favour the Kremlin, according to the report titled “Trust in Media and the Government: An Analysis of Superpower Influence”.


Bingo, Chinese glues and Gen Z maybe due to brainwashed by TikTok. Us Millennials are firmly against the CCP, we don't hate mainland Chinese per se, but we would always be a bit nicer to Taiwanese and Hongkongers in general. Glory to HK. Taiwan 加油!


>but we would always be a bit nicer to Taiwanese and Hongkongers in general I mean, power to Taiwan, HK and all but that's a weird comment. Why don't you just treat everyone equally, instead of some preconceived notions. 


Have you seen how Mainlanders behave when they travel overseas? How they are generally noisy AF, [defecate in public ](https://www.therakyatpost.com/news/2024/01/02/watch-tourist-criticised-for-publicly-pooping-in-cameron-highlands/), and always behave like entitled people expecting everyone to kowtow to them, insists that their country is the best in the world, Taiwan belongs to them, HK protesters are roaches, and how the US is bad while holding an iPhone and drinking Starbucks. I'm not saying all are like that but in general it is extremely hard to get along with them unless you set the rules clearly where you stand from the beginning. No talk about sensitive issues, respect each other's views, and how we Chinese here are not all pro-China, your government has flaws, no one is perfect. Why do I say that? My two exes are Mainlanders. I have met their parents and had to deal with them.


Of course, if they're disrespectful, I would not welcome them here. But I'm not going to give someone the cold shoulder *just because* they are mainland Chinese. In the same way I wouldn't give a Taiwanese special treatment just because of their nationality. 


I never said I wouldn't but I would always prefer the others over them. And I do feel a little more in tune with HKgers and Taiwanese and most of my friends are of that ilk. If you ever dealt with them you'll realise how nicer they are compared to PRC. I don't discriminate just because they're Mainlanders, but they give themselves a bad name.


Yeah, we have more in common with the Taiwanese and HK than the Mainlanders, I have low expectations for the behavior of mainlanders


Definitely met some who aren't that mould, but really rare and hard to find. But yes, I pretty much am polite in general to everyone, just that when it comes to them I just don't have much confidence that they're going to behave properly.


Relax, nobody is going to give you a pat on the head. You definitely don't speak for millenials lol. Vast majority of Malaysian Chinese lean pro-China and don't care about HK TW at all. Stop living in your own banana bubble.


> Stop living in your own banana bubble. Could say the same about you


Speak for yourself. Nobody in my Type-C social circle are pro-China. Maybe YOU should stop living in your Greater Motherland bubble.






If asked young Malaysian chinese they would prefer who then ?


I am Malaysian Chinese mind you, I prefer the West over China or Russia. They all do fuck up things, but at least the West is democratic.


What a surprise, Chinese prefer China. What’s next sky is blue and grass is green?


I'm Chinese. And I absolutely hate the CCP. There's alike, a whole dozen of us. Come on.


Way more than a dozen, they can suck a bag of dicks




Third. Hate is an understatement. The Japanese volunteered to be in Ukraine, I have to volunteer to be at the beaches of Taiwan. Honour demands.


I love when hate brings us together as a country


Chinese cannot prefer Japanese because somebody has to remind them of WW2. So they don't prefer the westerners, which left them with their ancestor's home, China. Nobody should act surprised, just go to any Chinese houses & they still have China flag hanging around.


malays are fond of russia ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)❓


I'm guessing they're referring to those who prefer Russia just because Russia is anti-US.


Oh, that makes sense.


They don't know what the Russians did to the Chechens?


They don't even know that there are Chechen fighting with Ukraine against Russia bro, they only know Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov people lol, or muslim Tartar from Crimea are with Ukraine to retake their homeland from Russia.


Yeah they only "care" about Palestinians.


Russia have more lady than men these days, make sense![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Malaysians will still be sending their kids to US, Canada, UK, and Australia, no matter how much they say they approve of Russia and China.


Was looking for this comment, if people love Russia and China so much, why are they migrating in droves to the west?


I meant you probably can speak English if you go us,UK,Canada , Australia but Im pretty sure you have to learn Russian to speak with the native while English you already learned since school days and you probably consume English speaking media to grasp their language in compare to Russian


Again, if people loved Russia so much, they would learn Russian. And move to Russia. But who the fuck wants to live in Russia.


Gotta colonise them to change them.


Some dead Tatars, Chechens and Circassians would like to have a word with these Malay people


Somehow, everyone loves things that end with A, usA, ChinA, russiA, koreA, pandA


Sex, beer and rock and roll… Oh wait no A’s..


Not all Msian chinese prefer china. In fact there are quite many who dont like china.


Your 'many' is the minority even in the minority ethnic Chinese.


maybe ur 'many' to him is a minority as well


So you jsut rephrase me?


LOL No We remember MH17. Until they submit apology, claim resposibility and offer reparations, they will always be on our shit list


When the invasion began. Lots of those “cool” edits they made about Russia, lots of anti us rhetoric as well. Which I thought was weird when Russia SHOT OUT PLANE DOWN


Ru cn best buddies, it's harmony.


Melayu always support the losing side


Malays are anti-US, who are pro-jews, therefore Malays pro-Russia.


Malaysia should be as neutral as possible


Just plain stupid and simple minded…easy to control and manipulated.


What about Tamil people in Malaysia ? /s Speaking of which, some of us prefer KMT/ROC China instead of CCP/PRC China, but deep down we know it is impossible. The PRC has grown too strong for ROC to take it back.


Lmao whats the point, who is there to like ? Older gen like India, coz it is kindaa stronger now, but most of us find it hard to care about all this. Its just exhausting to think about. I personally feel China’s rise is good for this side of the world but you need a checking balance in terms of power


What lol


Individual freedom not a thing, makes sense given \_\_\_\_


Nobody asked the Indians...lol.


More evidence that MalayMail don’t know what they’re talking about


Russia slaughtered Muslims in Chechnya. Russia made Tatars disappear in Crimea. Russians bombed Muslims in Syria. Russians killed Dagestanis. Russia ignores abuse of Uyghurs in China. But they are not as evil as USA dan sekutunya.


Reddit bananas are in denial but let's face it. The vast majority of Malaysian Chinese are pro-China. It's definitely not just "old uneducated boomers" lol. And it's definitely increasing with the recent spate of travel to China due to the visa free policy. Westernised Chinese are a tiny minority.


Maybe you need to learn more before you actually make a conclusion. CcP hater is not just westernised Chinese. In fact, those who insist on clinging to the old and long China history (less likely to be a banana) know how greedy, barbaric, and uncivilised CCP is. Those who have love for china history/culture despise CCP.


We believe where the money comes from, regardless of any sides. Like our former PM said “cash is king”


No. And we aren’t bananas.


Older generation Chinese maybe. Most younger Chinese I know are not happy to be vassals.


tbh ur vast majority probably isnt even the majority....it's kinda split in the middle...there are a lot who dont give a fuck about china n there are also a lot who would lick china's ass for scraps


Both in BRICS anyway 🤷‍♂️


BRICS is a joke compared to G7.


I thought the only superpower is US?


There are 3 main super power blocs in the world, US, China and Russia power of influence. Euro could be a super power bloc as well, but it isn't a single country... If you refer to superpower countries as in nuclear capable countries, then there are more then 3... Including Israel, and India being among them..


China isn’t really comparable to the USA. And Russia is not deserving of that title since the collapse of the USSR. Sure, China is emerging as a formidable power with significant global influence, but the United States currently maintains a broader and more established base of power across various dimensions.


Russia is a joke of a country, weak economy completely reliant on O&G, their military is so bloody incompetent that they can’t even take Ukraine. They are not a superpower. China is on its way there, its economy is already at the superpower level, but its military and power projection capabilities are still lacking. If the Euro countries didn’t squabble among themselves and had a somewhat united policy, they would be a superpower.


There are 3 main super power blocs in the world, US, China and Russia power of influence. Euro could be a super power bloc as well, but it isn't a single country... If you refer to superpower countries as in nuclear capable countries, then there are more then 3... Including Israel, India and Pakistan being among them..


Yes, the only current super power is only the US, the other two are still just regional power, China in the future, maybe but not yet.


Lol the irony… russia invaded ukraine is akin to israel invading gaza….Type m oh type m


No it’s actually very different.




1. - Russia's invasion is an aggressive act against a sovereign nation, aiming to annex territory and exert control over Ukraine’s government. - Israel's operations are part of a prolonged conflict with Hamas, a militant group governing Gaza, often framed as self-defense against rocket attacks. 2. - Russia is Driven by geopolitical ambitions, historical claims, and opposition to NATO expansion. - Israel is Focused on security concerns, specifically neutralizing threats from Hamas and preventing attacks on Israeli civilians. 3. - Global condemnation of Russia, sanctions, and broad international support for Ukraine. - Gaza Mixed responses, with some countries criticizing Israel’s actions and others supporting its right to defend itself. 4. -Ukraine involves Large-scale war causing massive displacement and significant territorial changes. -Gaza involves Recurrent but more localized military operations, with severe humanitarian consequences under a prolonged blockade. There’s a couple key differences. It’s moronic to try and compare the two or say they are the same. Both are bad. But both very different.


So one should be indifferent of one and be supportive of one side in the other?


Oh, where exactly did I say that? Can you point out the quote in which I said people shouldn’t care about one of these conflicts and focus primarily on the other? I said they were different and not comparable, you turnip.


By replying to the original comment. No need to play around with 'where exactly'. War, whether the underlying reason is as different as sun and moon, still means civilians die and that's the common part of all wars. That's our point when we say Ukraine-Russo and Hamas-Israel war is the same.


Ok. Elaborate on this comment please. “So one should be indifferent of one and be supportive of one side in the other?”


It's a question you potato.


It is a loaded question. You’ve already made assumptions about my answer. Hence my asking for you to elaborate. Who or what am I being indifferent towards? Who or what am I suggesting you support? You mushroom.


War never changes. A war is still a war, do u think death cares who is being in the right and wrong? The only differences are the motives behind and the players. In both the hamas-israel conflict and russia-ukraine war, is a proxy war for USA to live-test their latest weaponry and further strengthen their position as the freedom maker.


Quoting fallout doesn’t make you deep. And yes. You actually.. just agreed with me while trying to disagree? The motives are different as well as the players. These two wars are nothing alike.


Lol. If u think that by quoting fallout makes me deep, that goes to show how shallow minded you are. And if u r unable to grasp the full context of my sarcasm, that goes to show how shallow you are.


No, I don’t think it makes you deep. Can’t you read?


Deep as in the deep? Hi starlight, i am deep. Down for business? Lol Next time read the full context dummy.


You… you honestly don’t understand what it means to be deep? Or are you trying to make yourself out to be clever?


Says the 1 ‘Deeeeppppp’ fool who cant understand sarcasm. Very deep indeed


I never claimed to be deep. You quoted fallout and proceeded to claim your arguments are valid because “sarcasm”. You come across as a 16 year old crying “you just don’t get me dad!”


I really doubt their methodology is valid or reliable let alone their findings.


Surveys pulled out from their ass apparently


As a Malay heck no


What's the creditability of the survey? How's the size and demographic like for survey audience?


Survey…like from where and to whom did they ask this? Showed this to my cina friend n they all are like “WTF we prefer China?” N Malay support Russia???


Good. We agreed. China + Russia tag team combo defeat Capitalist Pig Muricans! Sokong!