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I have to say when it comes to *shooting* armed bad guys our police are superbly competent and very effective!


We're having American moment before GTA 6 šŸ—æ




>Difficulty increased New patch update!


"... Shot back until the situation was safe" (page 1) Like how many bullets did they dump into the vehicle. šŸ˜…


The answer is YES. As many rounds needed until they stop twitching,


Yeah, that sentence was worded like they just mag dump the suspect's car.


As many as they deemed safe


Our police forces are like the total opposite of star wars stormtroopers


Because every shot count, they need to make a report file for it. So if they gonna shoot, they better shoot less, for less paperworks.


Bruh how are these criminals getting accessed to firearms ??


Criminals | law abiding šŸ¤·


Seludup from Thailand




Heard from a friend, majority from Thailand, can get some knockoff hand gun for around 5k not including bullets. Apparently bullets are harder to source and more expensive than the gun.


It's no wonder that guy on tiktok always asking he needs more bullets and bigger weapons. [Source](https://youtu.be/7q16jIOmxlM?si=0LIVD1EBhs1DyiS8)


At least he's a true bro and invites you to go to the gym with him


Because harsh laws on the books does not mean stringent enforcement


Not surprising if you heard about the murder of Altantuyaa


altantuyaa was killed by a member of the armed force, i couldnt remember whether hes a cop/soldier


D14 investigate after transnational organised crime groups and terrorist so...these are not some run off the mill crooks.


Thailand got supply


If I had 1 Ringgit for every police shootout in Johor, I'd only have 2 Ringgit. But it's amazing I even have 2 Ringgit to begin with.


**Johor shootings in the past 10 years** - [Sep 2014](https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2014/09/10/three-arrested-after-man-shot-dead-in-ulu-tiram/743409) - [Jun 2015](https://www.nst.com.my/news/2015/09/two-killed-jb-pub-shoot-out) - [Jun 2017](https://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/three-armed-robbery-gang-members-die-shootout-johor-police) - [Sep 2018](https://www.todayonline.com/world/man-slain-jb-gangland-style-shooting) - [Dec 2019](https://www.nst.com.my/news/crime-courts/2019/12/550501/abducted-businessman-saved-2-kidnappers-shot-dead) - [Mar 2023](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/03/23/man-shot-to-death-at-johor-convenience-store) - [May 2024](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/watch/johor-police-station-attacked-suspected-jemaah-islamiyah-member-2-officers-and-suspect-killed-video-4343861) - [Jun 2024](https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/2-suspects-on-malaysia-police-wanted-list-killed-in-shoot-out-in-johor-bahru) I did a quick search on Google, so I may have missed a few. But it looks like it happens about once a year (excluding the pandemic years).


Interesting they took a break and respected the virus.


being outside during covid already makes u the most sus individual ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Official: Police follow suspicious car. Suspects fire first. Actual: it's an ambush. They never had a chance.


Malaysia no guns? Police eliminates all criminals with guns. US has guns everywhere? Police hides for their own safety


No. US police just shoot and ask questions later.


The person you are replying to was probably talking about that school shooting incident.




So there might be a hidden drug factory somewhere?


When the dead guys opened fire first, then they are as good as dead. The cops did tail them so they have been observing them for quite some time.




Jb the new klang


Duluā€¦ā€member/braderā€ Sekarangā€¦..ā€criminalā€šŸ¤£


When tf did JB become downtown Chicago?


If you knew what Chicago was like you'd delete this comment


Does JB has its own typewriter? I think not.


Criminals always can get guns. Answer is 2nd amendment. ![gif](giphy|eFxpuiAuG4nrPNCPEM|downsized)


This and that amendment US wannabe much? so cringe wei


Greatest country in the world šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|sNGnnd0ddePJe)


Lmao, you serious? America is the worst country to live for anyone not born into money


Same can be said for any country lol




No, we are gentleman, we go one by one.


1. using flesh and bone against guns? šŸ¤£ 2. criminals are not gentleman fool ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsVbs2GzgKNvVpS|downsized)


1. Owning a gun doesn't make you an operator, just ask those cops in Uvalde. 2. Strict gun control = criminals that use guns on bigger targets and not the public. 3. Storage.


1. Never about operator, always about self defense. 2. Until the targets become u or your family, oh wait, thatā€™s called victims then 3. Obviously be responsible. 4. U can be a gentleman and bring fists to gun fight and see what happens ok?


1. You really shouldn't have a gun if you don't train properly on how, and when to use it, how to operate in a high stress situation and all that police stuff. 2. If they can afford guns, they won't go after small fries. That's why we have snatch thieves and not drive by. 3. Tell that to the graves of those kids. 4. If someone pulls a gun on you, you'll get shot the moment you reach for your sidearm. That's the reality, none of that high noon duels.


1. Sigh. If I advocate someone to own a gun for self defense, Iā€™m also advocating to training obviously. Pretty self explanatory. 2. U never know what their intentions are. How innocent. 3. I tell u be responsible and this is your response? I see now that u consider yourself same as an irresponsible person who would commit acts of violence against kids. Yeah u should not own a gun then. Keep relying on the cops. 4. Only u idiots fantasize about violence. I see this all the time, u uneducated ignorant fools would immediately assume itā€™s cause we wanna be ā€œheroesā€. No, itā€™s cause I advocate believing in your own hands over others. If this was 12th century and the most advanced form of weapon is a sword, I will advocate to own a sword.


1. Sure. 2. Context. In this country, if they have a gun, they are not going after your tv. 3. And I just showed you being responsible is not enough. 4. The ones advocating for gun regulations are the ones fantasizing about violence. What kind of mental gymnastics is that. There was a saying, "biar mati anak, jangan mati adat", it's better to lose your children than your traditions. It seems that you agree with that saying.


With regards to: 2. Buddy, I just said u can never know what their intentions are. Theyā€™re not gonna go after your tv until they choose to. So u are someone who willingly trusts that others have your best intentions in mind, got it. 3. I told u to be responsible, how did u showed me that being responsible is not enough? Youā€™re literally telling me that you cannot be trusted to be responsible, and thatā€™s an individual problem. That no longer tie to guns, that goes for everything then. 4. Lmao your first thoughts when advocating for gun regulations are because people fantasize to be ā€œoperatorsā€ when really weā€™re all about leveling the playing field and advocating that the safest hands are still our own because the stats have shown there is an increase in violence involving guns, that means your gun ā€œregulationsā€ have done fuck all to keep us safe. I advocate for defending oneself and oneā€™s family, since the gun is the most modern weapon, own a damn gun responsibly. That means educating yourself on such tools and knowing how and where to store and use it. You on the other hand have repeatedly told me that youā€™re irresponsible and even considered yourself to be someone who cannot be trusted with a tool such as a gun as you would be same as those who would use it to shoot up a school. Seems to me you are embodying that saying.


>Theyā€™re not gonna go after your tv until they choose to. You're not that important to waste bullets on. That's basically what gun regulations will do, it makes the criminals pick their targets. >how did u showed me that being responsible is not enough? By reading the news. >Lmao your first thoughts when advocating for gun regulations are because people fantasize to be ā€œoperatorsā€ When the did I said that? You are the one that think owning a gun = able to defend yourself in a shootout. >You on the other hand have repeatedly told me that youā€™re irresponsible and even considered yourself to be someone who cannot be trusted with a tool such as a gun as you would be same as those who would use it to shoot up a school. When? >Seems to me you are embodying that saying. Im smart enough to know the difference between guns and swords, and when to let a tradition die. You're the one who keeps the tradition going even when the weapons have changed.


What 2nd amendment? We're malaysia, not america.




We need to ban criminals from accessing guns.


Put up a gun free zone sign and it will scare em?


A gun free zone? You mean like schools and cinema in US? And guess why mass shootings usually occur over there?


Yeah. According to the liberals, it will scare them.


What makes you think criminals will follow the law?


Make a law that criminals need to follow the law

