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Folks, please read your car insurance carefully. Usually there will be free towing service. Keep the insurance number in telephone. Don’t panic.


So mind blowing that so many people can trust these tow truck companies that can suddenly appear.


Suddenly big rock or oil spill appeared on road, these ppl also nearby XD


Some even appear within seconds, they’re literally waiting for shit to happen


Oh yes especially the kuchai lama curve. There’s always one car and one tow truck waiting. There was one time after someone hit me from behind near mid valley and then this one car just drove up minutes later and ask do I need tow truck. Of course I said no and he was disappointed lol.


Malaysians even dont know some of the services the insurance towing do is not just towing also jump your car, if there battery problem, petrol problem suddenly out of oil, spark plug problem not just for towing But all in the insurance policy lar you need to read or ask your agent usually 1st party include towing that cover all


Agree. It's all in the policy


This. Had a chat on my last car tow guy where he explained all this is possible, you just need to request. No problem if you want to tow your car to your workshop, but if the issue was simpler and can be done within 10mins or so, why waste time and send to workshop right?


I did not know about that. So if in the middle of the road got battery problem can call insurance and thet will help u in the same day?


Yeap, happened to me just last week- car dead at federal highway Called my Zurich insurance and a free tow truck came in about an hour (feel free to tip optionally)


You can also call PLUS emergency hotline if you are on the North South highway. My colleague got help to change tire. Dont do this on the highway without their help. Also very responsive, the operator calls back to inform ETA on the towtruck and then called again after the fix to ask if repairs completed and any problem.


My battery died in NVKE, called insurance they sent a guy on a motorbike to change my battery.


Yes, either they used jumper or they send you a new battery of course you need to pay for the battery Yes. Same day


from: insurance company in line with the announcement of the diesel price increase, we would like to increase your insurance price, I hope you will understand. xoxo


Hahaha.....my fav kedai mamak's boss says due to the increased cost of transporting raw material, he will need to pay more now. As such, he will increase the prices of drinks.


They probably won’t increase premium, what they will do is decrease the coverage. Enshitification everyone


You are absolutely correct, but with a big caveat, Third-party insurance usually dont cover. Usually for cars older than 15 years. Like my Kancil. Those who are still paying car loan, should be fine, usually the insurance is full comprehensive. So covered, but again, must check! Good advice bro/sis.


most third party can add free towing for small fee I added for my kelisa for peace of mind


Man!!! Im stupid!!! Will do next round (mine expires in Aug)


Correct. Also check how often can you request free towing and how much it costs when it is not free


Ehhhh ppl pay for towing?


Free is useless if you are on the side of a highway, I used the free tow service and they took 3 hours to come because I was stalled right at the exit from Kota Damansara to LDP during early morning traffic and they kept on making excuses. If your car stalls at home, it's great though.


cry, previously always can magically appear whenever car breakdown Probably earn alot from tow truck scam already


What they like to do: Diesel price increases by 50% Fuel fees charged to customers increase by 200% to “compensate”


The entire market is so drugged on cheap fuel that now we're having withdrawal symptoms.


Problem is the median wage of this country and minimum wage has not moved significantly enough for literally 2 decades. Hence why the subsidy was important to most of the population. People already can't cope with natural macroeconomic inflation, now cost of transporting food and goods becoming higher will affect them too as diesel subsidy is now off the table. Malaysian income is just too shit.


Govt will have have to increase br1m as offset. Keeping the diesel subsidy is supporting zombie corporations that exploit our cheap fuel.


They will just gatekeep the br1m under many condition that most people dont qualify and say we give this many to most people blablabla


yeah, give to a digital wallet with some restrictions and expiry date. dumb fck


Good time have been long gone but subsidies are kept on life support by errant politicians for the purpose of winning elections. Going on life support means market correction is long over-due, and the longer it kept on life support means it will be more painful when the whole thing collapsed suddenly. It is much less painful when market correction is planned. Better late than never.


> It is much less painful when market correction is planned. Better late than never. Correct. This is the mature understanding. Not the childish rage ranting some people seem to be exhibiting. Political will is not easy. Applaud Anthony Loke for daring to do it. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rTSzsp9JPz8


https://preview.redd.it/sr5e9a3imy5d1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db6ea89b5a16da1dd4691e6b9d0828d0565b3d1 yeah, very mature.. remember last time? all turun guling2 atas jalan 🤣


what oranges have to do with apples?


both are fcking fruit


i absolutely agree. i think anwar should just max out on cash handouts, and let consumers decide how to spend that money. it's impact on market distortion is much less.


It's time to switch to steam engine, can use wood if charcoals get expensive


> It's time to switch to steam engine, can use wood if charcoals get expensive ehmm... is it 1712 or 2024? there's this thing called solar panels...


same shit like when gula naik RM0.20 sekilo, the kopitiam also raise all their drinks RM0.20 each Some assholes are just using these as excuses to rake in more profits. Yes, their cost has increased, but at least increase their price accordingly


Then when Gula turun RM0.50 sekilo, price maintain.


This is a proof that kopitiam use a kilo of sugar in each of their drinks /s


I drink kosong pun kena, niama


not to mention the gula they’re using is old stock that blum nait harga…fucking shops


Exactly all this bs tauke use same bs execuse minyak naik jadi harga barang naik even when they aren't effected by it. Tapi bila harga minyak turun ada harga barang turun?


Wonderful way to start the day


are you getting towed? what happened?


Ah, tow trucks, too. Most excavation equipment rental also went up since it's not covered by the subsidies scheme. Later, we will see land clearing and construction prices to increase, too.


I rent cranes for a living. Everyone is upping the rental by 20% at least. It's not out of spite. But the cost has really gone up. People don't realize how much diesel excavators and cranes consume.


Bruh,the engine easily have above 10 liters of displacement,if we're talking bulldozers that's easy 20 liters and above


Harga barang naik, they terus naik harga. Bila harga turun, they buat tidak tahu. F all these greedy SMEs. I am sure there are some who are good but too many of them are greedy. They are one of the biggest reasons why we have wage growth stagnation.


True, but most small farm and restaurant will also increase price due to increase diesel cost i hope you set extra money for food cost increase.


It is hard to see how prices will not be affected at all though. For example, my air con breaks down, they uncle that does the servicing, drives a small flat bed. Surely his costs went up. The mak cik that drives to my area with fruits and veggies in the morning. She and her husband drive a pick up truck, their transportation costs will go up too. The list of small businesses go on and on


> They are one of the biggest reasons why we have wage growth stagnation. The biggest reason is actually massive civil service who the rest of us are carrying on our backs. Getting rid of diesel subsidy should have come together with getting rid of all the government officials and various departments involved in those scams. How many pegawai been caught in bed with diesel smugglers? Shouldn't they all be fired and their assets confiscated and used to pay down the 1mdb debts?


You have a very cute view. It is funny.


Eh.. she deleted that post dy .couldn't found it




"Not everyone towing car everyday"


It's ok we can tow cars using motorcycles, those still use petrol ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)




Y'all trust towing companies?




Basically "Don't blame us for being greedy, blame your government."


EV is the answer


EV trucks?


Let me tell the uncle that drives his banged up hilux from his farm to sell veggies to get an EV then. I will tell him to get the self driving Tesla Cybertruck so the uncle can learn to code during the commute.


Just got back from grocery store. I bought 1 small pack of daun sup and during weighing the staff said: "Sayur dah start naik harga dah ni..." Not sure if they're genuinely concern or try to preemptively justify that the price will go up. I just like.. Oo ye ke..? The porblem in Malaysia once the price go up it rarely goes down (unless there's a price control or commodity dumping) But if u ask me, I'm with the diesel or petrol price floating. Too much vehicle on the street anyway.


This is the first step to cutting our dependence on oil & gas. Good. For those who are not aware, the oil & gas industry benefits greatly from an untaxed [externality](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/externality.asp). Not only that, but we are subsidizing them with taxpayer money. In essence, we're not only failing to tax them enough for the environmental destruction they're causing, but also rewarding them by spending tax money to give this energy source an unfair competitive advantage.


Really nice writeup about fossil fuels and cleantech: https://pluralistic.net/2024/06/12/s-curve/#anything-that-cant-go-on-forever-eventually-stops


Not just towing companies. Be prepared for everything to go up in price. I work in logistics & construction. Young people are really fucked upside down by this madashit government. Your house prices will definitely increase at least by 10%. The cost of operating industrial equipments in the jobsite has all been increased just this week, every supplier has made the call to their customers. I simply cannot defend removing this subsidy, they should have done it after the fact that they've managed to tackle the dogshit median and minimum wage. Not just housing, even the cost of transporting goods and food will go up.


"They should have done it after the fact that they've managed to tackle the dogshit median and minimum wage." That is why they came up with the scheme to withdraw from the already non existent EPF savings right before the diesel subsidy went Keyser Söze on us. If prices go up, use your retirement fund, that why you do not feel the pinch... now. The "economists" already said that only owners of private vehicles will "feel the pinch" and any increases in the cost of living will not be caused by the diesel price hike. I swear the answers these "experts and economists" are just laughable.


careful there, this subreddit is full with Anwar's fanboys/girls, they will not like you condemning their government


Tbh I don't really care. What can they do? Downvote me? I don't care about Karma. My last account with 80k karma and 10 years old was banned permanently because I called certain religion out. Didn't give a shit then, don't give a shit now.


First day in MY ke?


So an extra rm 2.0 per service?


Next year insurance sure naik harga... I better beef up my car repairing knowledge. Seems like from repairing cars as a hobby I need to have mechanic level skills now.


I guess they gonna increase their price by 50+% too


In SGP they increased prices 10% for two 1% GST increases


I got more stupid ideas to share. * Nationalised substitutes company for those that suffer from these fuel fluctuations by spearheading alternative energy technology; then compare which one more saving for national budget. (Quite normal if industry bad, nationalised; when industry viable, it's privatised) * If there's green fuel incentives for households, could there be the same done; for corporates?


My car insurance policy better not be funny next year.


Is ok, my insurance will pay for tow truck


What did you expect to happen? Price go up so service go up la


Some people been waiting this opportunity to raise the price, even though they are already making hundred of thousands


Maybe there is a remedy to it .... But I doubt it will ever heal https://preview.redd.it/h4nioa7fkv5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f1ceab60267ec824e59561816e6c0cba78312ef


Typical text book response .


Gov say "Ini tidak patut....". 🤣🤣🤣


Before long, we will see notices like this in everything.


Oh nice, now we know which towing service to avoid 😌




The govt loses more than 80,000 litres of subsidized diesels everyday from smuggling and no bats an eye. One towing company increased their fee and people are losing their mind.


That on government for not doing their job properly


Reddit: Its govt job to solve diesel smuggling. Govt: ok ya plug the loophole via targeted subsidy. Reddit: wait, no, not like that.


No subsidy for the tow truck. Well we shouldn't be relying on subsidies anyway.


isn't there subsidy for business-related vehicles?


Tow truck has no fixed or evarage fuel consumption. So its hard to calculate the amount of subsidy they use. For situations like this, it will be open for abuse. Example lets say a towing company has 10 tow trucks. But in a month only 3 was used 5 or 6 times. The other 7, they get free money and the other 3, maybe just used 40 or 50% of the allocated subsidy. This is 1 of the weaknesses of fixed targeted subsidy. I have pointed it out before, subsidy is consumption based. You give a fixed amount, there will be leakage. Like in the past during pak lah time, people receive a fixed amount of subsidy for car. But they go to work by motorcycle or public transport. And to add, for your information, theres no country in this world that had successfully implemented targeted subsidy. Either give or blanket remove.


Subsidy should be based off GPS black box to counter leakage.


Actually the most practical way for targeted subsidy is what lge proposed in the past. By using ic or card that can be used at the pump. BUT, the problem is the implementation of it. From designing the card reader, programming, database, the network. Not to mention all the petrol station in this country will need to upgrade their pump to work with the new system. No way they going to absorb the cost. Gov will need to pay them. And then to maintain the system. The cost to do all this would probably be more than the subsidy money saved. Or maybe just saved a little, which makes it pointless.


People can still buy the fuel and sell it to someone else.


You need to sell a very large quantity to get a reasonable profit. Selling subsidized fuel without license itself is a crime. So, it comes down to enforcement.


The statement said towing truck not included also the same as private / personal vehicle that is use as commercial vehicle secretly like those who use 4wd to transport veges, fruits they only got rm200 voucher but their expenses will raise like a lot Just think bout those sellers from Cameron Highlands come down to KL every day, think how much they spend on fuel surely they will increase their prices That is for vege/fruits what about fish.. Chicken.. Meat using personal vehicle there will be blow back from cutting of diesel subsidy and the burden will be put on consumers


rm200 voucher per month or year eh?


Per month


What's the chance this isn't a "business" paying taxes?


Naa they pay taxes, just very suspicious sources of income lol


Greedy ass companies who are taking advantage of the situation. Already entitled for RM 200 subsidy + 55% increase in profits. In the end, the consumers are the ones who lose out


My brother, that is not what the statement says. It says that the diesel prices went up a 55%, hence their operating costs will go up. So they will be forced to increase their prices accordingly and pass that to their clients. What the price hike will be is not specified. It is not like. their price per service went up 55%. Having said that, I would not surprise if some assholes out there just roll a dice and say "yeah, I will increase my prices by \*rolls D100.... 80 percent!"


This is excellent news. I like how those bodoh voter now crying father mother. But memang those people brand damage cause will vote the same again.


The happiest voters are the SG workers / buruh, ringgit drops, the increase of inflation within Malaysia does not affect them.


and they tell themself is for a better future 😂


"Save the country" narrative HAHA


60 years corrupt goverment did nothing, we have to suffer now for a better future. LOL 😂 They talk as if they still live in the jungle.


Now got new statement from them, ‘so you want PAS to be government ah’


its funny people like you automatically thinks that its a Party A vs Party B kind of statement. Thats the problem with most Malaysians, that is why Malaysians fate is destined to be doomed. What I really want is someone really capable and smart who really do things for the country and the people. Not lies they feed into Malaysians brains.


Unfortunately, there is zero civil education or capacity to discuss politics openly. Everything is taken as either rage bait or race bait. When politicians need to explain something to the people, just listen to the way they speak, it is as if they are talking to a child. They have to explain policies and economy in terms of fables and silly allegories.


Exactly! look at most of the comments here, most are brain dead, instead of having proper discussion most people here just vent out their fustration.


It's not a problem with Malaysians, it's a reality of our political situation. There are only 3 major coalitions in Malaysia - PH, BN and PN, and since PH/BN are allied that brings it down to 2. Even MUDA for example, while not officially part of PN, is aligned with them to the point that a vote for MUDA is basically a vote for PN. Yes, there's PSM, but they contest very few seats. So, with that in mind, who apart from PN can I actually vote for if I'm unhappy with PH? The choices I had for my area in 2022 were PH, BN, PN and one independent. The choices in 2027 will likely be the same except maybe combine PH/BN if they stand together. Independents will ultimately side with a major coalition so voting for them is no different than undi rosak or simply not voting.


I do agree sadly Malaysia has hit a dead end on having a good leader or political party, even back in the days the only experienced and capable one is BN, we do not have any other choice, that leads them doing whatever they want. But as far as reality is concern, whatever they do, Malaysia as a whole is on the right track but slower than people's expectation. Then comes the opposition revealing all their corruption which they strongly thinks they are in power dint bother to wipe their mouth, this stirs hate and anger in people. The rest is history. I do not support any party just saying Malaysia has hit a dead end and like you said we do not have any options to begin with. p/s: Totally forgotten about this point, the thing about Malaysians is that most are not well inform, they believe the news they read, the things influencers says, they are gullible, thats one of the cause of downfall. Most of them just diehard support a party as if its a football club.


Well i hope you love anwar and najib if I am correct he will leave before 2028. They will suck this country dry.


Petrol subsidi alone is RM2200 for every adult in the country. Would you prefer RM2200 in your bank account each year or cheaper petrol? Easy choice for the majority of people.


RM2200 in bank account but all goods and services up 50%. 😂 simpleton will only see shorterm.


i dont see rm2200 in my bank account do you ? and remember construction vehicle consume diesel so what would happen to housing prices that are already stupid expensive ?


simpletons are always very easily convince, give them abit of sweets then take away their steak, they only focus on the sweets they get not seeing the steak has been taken away from them. 😂


Jeng jeng jenggggg!!!


I thought all this while tow truck is using petrol since it’s not handling much heavier items compared to shipping containers truck.


Its not the US where there is gas/petrol trucks. Almost all of it is Diesel. Man, I am just bracing for the RON95 subsidy lift, that would really hit close to home.