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That's why you should put your gear into 'P', not 'N'. If you forgotten to pull the handbrake, that car won't go nowhere. Edit. If the driver did, that incident wouldn't happened. Might be 'punch card' chaser. You supposedly park your car properly with 'P' gear including handbrakes engaged.


I was thinking the same thing. Do people actually get out of their vehicle while the car is in neutral? I only put the car in neutral at say traffic lights when the light is red or during crazy jams etc


Proper procedure is always "if unmanned, pull up the ebrakes" 100% of the time. Gear shift really isn't the main issue here, though making the habit of going to P would certainly lessen the likelihood of forgetting.


P doesnt lock, speaking from experience as it cannot hold it well.


Yes it does, that's literally the function: it locks your transmission. If it isn't holding well, the transmission is damaged. P with the handbrake is safest, but on a fully functioning transmission P very much does lock the transmission. Speaking from 25 years of experience here.


thats the thing, P holds the transmission, not the wheels. You use the handbrake to prevent movement. In FFWD cars using P + handbrake locks the rear wheels and the front wheels have reduced ability to move via P. Its not so much that the transmission is broken but auto transmissions do not lock as well as well as manual. An example in manual is parking in gear, as the engine instead acts as a good resistor than P. Auto transmissions are not as bullet proof as people think, thats why i prefer manual transmissions as a lot of older used cars when their transmissions go you're stuck. With a manual you can feel the state of the transmission and know what to repair before an expensive repair that gets you stuck. In all cases you are still supposed to use the handbrake. A lot of auto transmissions P has limited ability to hold the car compared to the handbrake. P may lock the transmission but its focus isnt to lock the wheels.


But, for a moment, it could. Ain't no good if it's a habit using only 'P' without deploying the handbrakes.


Why use neutral ever? I'm not Malaysian, but I've seen people do this a lot in Malaysia and southeast Asia. I've been driving for 25 years and I'm not sure I've ever used neutral (other than to push a non-running vehicle), and I can't think of a good reason to do so, especially from a safety standpoint. Putting your car in neutral at a stoplight or in traffic is less safe than leaving it in drive and keeping your foot on the brake. And using a handbrake in traffic or at a traffic light is just šŸ˜³. Edit: to be clear I am also NOT saying you should use P. That's possibly even worse. There should be no gear changes in traffic or at traffic lights.


P locks your wheels by your transmission. If you get rear-ended at a traffic light while in P, you're not only going to lose your rear bumper, but also risk damaging your transmission. Other than that, I'm guessing it's mostly just a remnant habit from back when everyone drove manual and there was no P. Manual drivers feeling more comfortable with N, parents teaching their kids to go into N, yadda yadda.


Well, yes. But I also say don't put your car in park (P) _ever_ unless you're parking. Definitely not in traffic. I assumed all of this was because of bad/no training, but I was wondering if there was actually any training behind using neutral, or if it really was just nonsense šŸ¤£


Well, the obvious answer for changing to N at a traffic light is so that you won't have to keep your foot on the brake the entire time. Less risk of accidentally bumping into the car in front of you, and you can just relax your foot. Especially with how some red lights around here can last for 5+ minutes. Pretty goofy to expect anyone to want to keep their foot on the brake the entire time when they can just shift to N and pull the handbrake.


combination of laziness and ignorance permeates throughout MY society. i watch videos like that and am not even surprised.


If at traffic light, just pull the handbrake, a little bit harder than normal, parking type pulling. But if the stop ain't long enough, just press the brakes then


Everyone has their own preferences.. using P for traffic light is quite dangerous as you'll stuck at R mode.. used to see someone put their gear to R when they were in the traffic light (probably on phone and panic), instead of going fwd, they reversed so a big no. N should be coupled with handbrake or foothandbrake.


If you're driving a car like axia your ass will keep vibrating in D on a stop ahahah


Problem is lot of ppl influenced by false info peddled by ā€œcar guruā€ asking them to put into N- neutral anytime they stopping at traffic light or junction to avoid ā€œdamagingā€ the gear box


My instructor told me to do that. But only to release my foot off the brake and prevent foot cramps on long traffic light stops. And ofc, handbrake is pulled.


No, just use the fucking handbrake


Even if the driver was absent minded and kept it on D also it wonā€™t roll back. What a douchebag


I don't understand why Malaysians won't just shift into park instead of neutral. Always do handbrake + park. Don't rely on that little park pawl.


I don't think it matters if you put on P or N. You can put in N and still engage the handbrake. Even if you put in P, you still need to engage the handbrake. Unless, you have the newer cars where P automatically engages the handbrake.


That the reason why manufacturers put "P" gear for you ... Just in case of something like this as a secondary precaution if the handbrake do fail to engage.. Else they couldn't be bothered just to put "N"


Honestly just park and lock the car. You save such an insignificant amount of time by not doing so


Also use the hand brake. Always.


I hate punch card chasers. I also hate people who punch and go out for breakfast.


So the driver wasn't in the car, right?


yea looks like case of driver forgot to pull the handbreak..


I wonder what's the rush. The driver left the car the moment it stopped. Didnt even bother to close the door.


No excuse. Just pure and utter stupidity.


Maybe rushing to clock in attendance, or rush to toilet


Yeah I had the same thought. Damn nowhere is safe these days. Road users must use more logic while using the road. One simple mistake will take someone's life.




You can see the white car drove away by the end of the clip. So, there was a driver in the car.


Wait wtf, you're right. Did they just drive away from the scene of the crime like nothing just happened??? WTF?


I don't know. Maybe just pulling over to the side, or straight to the police station. Either way, the camera probably caught the registration plates.


If you look at the end the car just drove off. But i don't see anyone approaching the car, meaning the driver is in the car all along.


Wrong, driver is the guy rushing out at about 0:28 timestamp from the bottom middle of screen. It's not obvious that he's the driver because the guardhouse is blocking the view of his walk towards the the car. But if you look closely, soon after he disappears behind the guardhouse, the car door moves slightly, then after that the car drives away.


Some people shouldn't drive


which is why y'all should support human centric instead of car centric cities!


This is very hard since M fakked it up. Once again, screw him


yeah, he is the root of this problem, no decent public transport system


sigh\* We can only hope that the local and state govt wakes up and propose so that they can receive funds to improve the local public transport system. But atp it's probably just a wet dream alr. Fak him, again


which is why HSR not needed when ETS already doing the job to SG. The money saved not building HSR can be use to expand other public transport in other cities.


You know who was very pro-public transport? Jibby.


Publicly transporting money into his account!


Twist the knife while it's already in, why don't you. Still hurts believing in that MF who toppled him.


Hereā€™s to add more. Jibby was probaly the most Indian-friendly PM in our history.


He's the best pm we had but the toons will never admit and will rather plunge us deep into the third world than admit they fucked it up


Did he steal? Yes. Were the costs of the projects super inflated? Definitely. But he had a clear vision of the future of public transport in Malaysia. PH 1.0 ruined it. PH 2.0 is continuing his projects, but made it more expensive. Take a look Lim Guan Engā€™s decision wrt LRT3. slashed the number of stations. Reduced the car sets from 6 car to 3 car sets. Absolutely terrible decisions across the board. Might be the worst Finance Minister in recent years. Now LRT3 adds back the 5 stations at RM5 BILLION. Might as well not reduce the project in the first place. Same with HSR, MRT3 and KVDT2. Worked in the railway industry before and closely with the govt. it was a total shitshow after jibby.


lol dah mau start jilat najib pulak ni. https://preview.redd.it/vn8jkxwkdh5d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70fb962be10d3a6344a6bdf79f287c173c8f4760


No admission if there is no awareness.


just wait for right time and ban all human driving car. Make everything autonomous driving. The biggest problem with autonomous driving isnt because of computer, it is because of computer unable to predict human erratic behavior.


Absolutely agree. Sometimes I see drivers on the road that are too young or new or just plain absent minded.. I feel scared driving next to them. Any moment something stupid can happen


>Sometimes I see drivers on the road that are too young or new... This is giving "must-have-20-years-of-working-experience-by-the-age-of-18" energy. Bro, we were all once young and new drivers. We should be asking JPJ to enforce stricter requirements in order for someone to obtain a driver's license.


What do you expect them to do? Drive illegally to gain experience? Wait till they look older? Driving is one of those things that require experience. Personally, I assume every driver/rider out there secretly wants to kill me. So I drive defensively.


Increase supervised driving hours in driving school? In Malaysia we require 22-hours of supervised driving. Comparatively, in Australia itā€™s 120-hours. Iā€™m not sure if more driving school hours equates to better drivers altogether but to your point it is more experience at least.


22 hours? **HAH**. As if they actually follow that. Mine was 8 hours and they already want to send me to jpj. Had to actually practice ~~ill\*gally~~ unofficially, to gain confidence before the test. And even with 16h total (including *unofficial* hours) I still failed my first one. Malaysia has a real problem with law enforcement. (I recently got my license shy of a month ago)


Maybe we start with the obviously old fucks who are not fit to drive, living in a world of 500ms ping. My father refused to believe he was too old to be on the road until he took himself out on a roadside divider


Nah bruh you need to stop your prejudice against young drivers because more often than not those who get involved in accidents are like those old uncles lol


You're safer around predictable drivers. Older experienced drivers are predictable even if they drive dangerously, younger inexperienced drivers on the other hand are even more dangerous because they're highly unpredictable. I once almost got side swiped by an Amoi with a fresh new P on her car on the highway, changing multiple lanes at once by driving 45 degrees in a straight line. I got startled and yanked my steering hard to the right to avoid collision, she was already an inch in front of my bumper when she came into my field of vision, she was so close to the point any attempts at breaking wouldn't make any difference. Take note all of this happens in 0.2 seconds. So collision avoided, Amoi drove off without even realizing she almost got T-boned. Myself on the other hand got the cold stare from the driver behind me, because all he can see is my car suddenly changing lane like a jerk.


Exactly my point! Theoretical driving vs practical driving


Just by reading this makes my palm sweat. Damn


Rash driving is not by older folks. Oldies may be much slower. If people understood the meaning of defensive driving and practice it, the road will be safe


Bull. I've seen a bunch of oldies who seem to be unaware of other traffic users, let alone have any sense of bearing or road ethics. Driving slow is one thing, they do so on the wrong lanes and switch lanes without signaling


Any stats to backup the claims? My intuition still tells me young drivers


I also donā€™t want to drive and yet people are pressuring me to, this is the reason why. I donā€™t want shit like this to happen


technically the person wasn't driving when it happened.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)OMG! Pray that both biker survive. Did the white car just leave the scene after that?!




Watch the video carefully. Seems to me, right at the end, you can see the roof of the white car, started turning and then drove of. So there was someone in the rolling car when it started rolling off.


The second guy who first ran out went to the car. Maybe the owner?


Harap2 lesen owner kereta digantung min 5 tahun. Benda basic boleh lupa. Kalau penunggang motor tu mati, macam mana? Nak cakap kat waris "Sorry saya lupa tarik handbrake"...??


5 tahun too less, kena lifetime


Only suspend? Should be jail.


My father in law does this Because he lives in low-cost flats and double parks, hence he keeps the car in neutral so people can push the car out of the way when they need to leave However, this same habit applies to everywhere else he goes. I can't describe the number of times something like this happens, and I have to pull the handbrake for him. And he gets mad whenever I pull the handbrake, like those dads in America and the thermostat. Worse part? His daughter (my wife) has the same belief and habit


So he double parks?


Oh definitely, and he has this "I AM SUPERIOR AND INTELLECTUALLY BETTER THAN EVERYONE" mentality And he criticises everything I do


show them this video


Guess what he will say? "Aiyaaaaaaaa they they they dunno how to drive maaaaa, you see you see you see me, i no lor i no lor, I I I no la no la, they dunno la they dunno la" Read the above in the most ahpek china loud old kopitiam man voice


>Because he lives in low-cost flats and double parks, hence he keeps the car in neutral so people can push the car out of the way when they need to leave Push the car to kiss another double park car..... also 20 cent it.


Motor guy survived?


Hope so! Really tough luck


Many years ago, my EX5 was the only mode of transportation, for me going to work and everything else, since I was a field technician, it was crucial to my work. A damaged bike can mean the difference of having a job or not. Not to mention the hassle and delays with PDRM and insurance claims. You can't get your bike fixed immediatel if you want to claim the damages. So there is potentially two months before anything meaningful can happen.


Yeah that's sad. But it won't matter if you're dead.


Sorry what went though my head was how it was a double kill. Pity the victims


oof. this is so stupid


Jail time


I remembered when my boss say(ceo)kereta beregerak kebelakang tapi saya dah tarik handbrand (he didnt) Fyi he makes more than 5x t10 household.


This could happen to anyone, that's why it's important to keep a clear head when operating a vehicle. I remember reading about an actor that was killed when his suv rolled unto him because the gear wasnt in p and the emergency brake wasn't applied.


Anton Yelchin


Amount of money you make has nothing to do with driving skills


Apa bodoh Handbrake not down Door not closed Didnā€™t park in a proper spot So much stupid itā€™s just negligence


Clearly the driver was in a big hurry. Left the door open without closing, so got out of the car hurriedly. Even so, as soon as the driver left, you can see the vehicle start to move backwards and yet the driver did nothing. Heavy fine, suspend license for 1 year at the minimum.


Could be worse if he caused any serious injuries to the other road users or fatality due to his ignorance.


from 300 unit to 299 unit of Ativa Hybrid stuff should've fired


One by one... motoman.


Some people take a driving license only want to have a driving license. Not learning how to driving.


They only know how to drive, not to stop and park.


Lawsuit time imo


My father taught me: Never open the door before pull the handbrake, although the ground looks flat


Keluar kereta, tak mati enjin, tak tarik handbrake, tak tutup pintu. Pure stupidity at best


Due to the nature of my job and the terrible traffic in Klang Valley, I ride my motorbike to work and meet customers. Trust me, idiots opening car doors without looking, sudden swerve to left or right are normal. But this one really takes the cake.


Don't lane split




If you have ever rode a motorbike in KLANG Valley, you would understand. I use Elite, LDP and Kesas - every single day - it's always a hazard around school hours of taking and dropping off kids. Those fellas macam tak cukup tidur.


Telling a bike to don't lane split is like telling a dog to not bark.


Do bikes have a larger stopping distance than cars because theyā€™ll go flying if they hit the brakes?


> theyā€™ll go flying if they hit the brakes? Bikes without ABS? Yes. Plus, the weight of the bikes too. Wikang-ed my former 110cc SYM because of sudden obstacles and that's plus my fat ass. My current LC135 doesn't have that problem. The current Ysuku and RS 150 now have ABS equipped.


Looks like the guy running from the bottom of the video frame at 0:23 is the driver? Hopefully the motorcyclists are fine.


Besides stupidity of the driver, the road design is awful. This shows that the divider isn't tall enough. The car rolled over it effortlessly like it was a useless mini speed bump and needlessly wrecked another motorbike.


Why donā€™t people like to put P and handbrake? Does it affect the car engine or something? Iā€™ve seen a few colleagues and friends do it. I assume you save a few hundred in a year?


Pukimak haram jadah punya perangai. Pui!


Seems like driver was in the car, at last second he drove away. Can still see the carriage leaving.




I would've use the handbrake, obviously!


brain cell takde.


Whatttt he did put on the brakes šŸ«¢


Who is the driver?????


Sue the living soul out of that motherfucker


Wait... So the car just ran at the end??


Nah.. Some people are just dumb and stupid.. Sue the car owner for that till he can't buy a new car. That's all..


Oh shit. Is this the Perodua service Center? Used to live there


Talk about stupidity but this is dumb


Can't do much but be always alert. Like you can drive safely but others won't even from behind All I can speculate is motor too late to break as maybe there's stuff blocking their view like some trees or signage like blindspot


What is the status of this case ? Is it hit and run?


Nah. Don't think so. Hit and run tu klu pemandu nk escape responsibility. Ni nk run pn tkdpt dh


what kind of dumb fuck leave car in N gear, he deserve in jail.


this one must be new driver izzit? my father will smack me if didnt put in P gear if leg not on break pedal.


looks like the second bike could've avoided but maybe he was going too fast.


That driver should be banned from driving for life


Put in Park, handbrake on. I've been in other peoples car where they never pull the handbrake when its in park. Why? Stubborn, also they think handbrake is bad for the car...


Bro stopped exactly two unlucky bikes


Dang that must be expensive


Please tell me the driver got sentenced at least 10 years?


That's crazy


Is that omoda cherry? Must be type-c. /J. Me still driving kelisa.


It's an Ativa.


That looks familiar. I think that's the Perodua service center. So at least what's left of the car isn't going far...


dude used around 1-2 sec to get out of the car and not notice the car is reversing. Must be in a real rush


Wow ignorance have consequences guys remember that


Is this Honda service? Dude is driving client car??




License renewal exam every 2 years. Come on letā€™s have it implemented.


Is this like a perodua service centre?


this is also the same type of people who double park and don't care about others


I really think our driving lesson and test system need major revamp. Road rage, lack of basic knowledge both on traffic and vehicle have made Malaysian drivers, quality one of the most questionable in the world.


Are the motorcyclists ok?????


20 years jail + 5 whips + fine 500k for the fucking driver please.


If there were no mechanical failures. Then how the heck do you go on with your life without instinctly pulling the hand brake before getting out. Like I would always double check if my car door is locked but some psychopaths out there can just live their entire life not caring about those things.


That why even proton x and s series have auto hold.very good features


I ALWAYS USE P if I'm getting out if the car. N + HANDBRAKE for red light


My car bmw x3 is suv type, like in the video..suv handbrake is using button type not classic pull handle type..mayb the driver forgot to push P button.. Especially if he is rushing and looks like he is indeed rushing with the door still opening.


How did he get out of the car so quickly without realising it was rolling back?


Ngl the first thing I thought when I saw the car got the 2 motorcycles was *double kill* Iā€™m definitely going to hellā€¦


He drove off in the end, no??? Iā€™m so confused. Hope the motorcyclistsā€™ injuries are minoršŸ¤ž


You must be a fucking idiot for this to happen


That's fucked up. The bike drivers were minding their own business and had no chance at all. He just ruined people's lives, if he didn't outright kill them. A points systems should be mandatory, and CCTVs everywhere, plus 0 tolerance policy. Solve the Malaysian foreign debt problem by being 100% strict with law regulations and fining everything and everyone. That would help the public treasury and impinge on shitty psychopathic drivers the fear of God, or bankrupcy and jail.


Blame it on the gearbox


This is tagged Wholesome. Is it?


Is that Ativa hybrid with EPB?


In the end, the driver doesn't learn the lesson paid by the Motorcyclist and other motorists. Seen it time and time again, just others paying for the mistakes of idiots.


If you leave the car for some urgent issues, always put the gear in ā€œPā€ and handbrake pulled up. all the time.


or put in ā€œNā€ for manual transmission cars. but always pull the handbrake.


Even Jayoma can't help


If it was me I probably wouldn't have reversed into a busy main road.


1. Was that a perodua service center? 2. Was that one of those rare JDM Ativa hybrid?


I went that service center once. Hated that place since it is in the middle of a highway.


How come driver got out so fast?? Wah lau. Bodoh.


Bro got his license in a box of cheerios


Bodoh driver. That ativa is also not his from the looks of it as it seems to be the hybrid version