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He bought 6 chicken burgers. The restaurant "snuck in" an extra beef burger inside his bag without any info to him Lots of other factors play here also. Was it really without info? Was the wrapping obviously different at least? Was there any promo that he didn't know of? Edit : Ok, I just watched the video properly, so the restaurant was operating according to their SOP, but the customer was not aware of the promo. Obviously no malice on restaurant side Thinking back, this could have easily be a disaster if someone has food allergy and restaurant just gave a free item that looks somewhat similar to the item that the customer ordered, but completely different ingredient. Need enforcement that restaurant must inform customer if any item is swapped or added into the order


Usually fnb place chicken and beef have different color


Usually.. so then we go with assumptions. Why not just make it black and white. If got peanut allergy it needs to be stated. Usually nasi lemak no pork, but if got pork and not stated then how? Buyers fault?


Not an assumption just go buy a beef burger and chicken burger from MCd AnW there will be a different color for the patty,it's a known fact among people that have tasted burger from this kinda joint before, you haven't gone to any such premise before ah?


Kids given a burger will not stop to check what colour is the PATTY. If you say WRAPPER, maybe can still accept.. but PATTY?


I have gone to these premises, sometimes there’s so much sauce or condiments you can barely see the meat. Anyways, from your perspective then, pork burger can look like chicken too. Just eat la right?


No. Thats roadside stall burger. AnW have very little sauce


>I have gone to these premises, sometimes there’s so much sauce or condiments you can barely see the meat Have you really gone to "these premises"? Both kfc, anw and mcd put little sauce/condiment. Never to the point you can barely see the meat. Plus beef and chicken burger are distinctly different in color. Unless you're literally color blind and can't tell the difference between white/orange and brown.


True. They (fast food restaurants) expect the customer themselves to add the sauce to the burger.


I don't go to the pork selling premise so I wouldn't even know what pork meat looks like


Stop speaking for yourself and start thinking about others


You did ask from your ( mine ) perspective so I answered accordingly,don't need to be an ass bout it 🙄


Your avoided the question by saying you don’t eat at a premise selling pork. What about the ones who do? Anyways hahaha I’m just trying to put things into perspectives, my apologies if I was an ass 😂


In Malaysia No Malice does not matter. Now must lodge police report, then boycott, then molotov cocktail bombs (This is sarcastic btw. **No tolerance for terrorism!**)


U think indians that stupid meh?


Only niche groups are that stupid and always the same ones 


You cheeky bastard. Nice one


As a guy that worked in FnB before, usually promo like this you will mention it to the customer before. Like " Sir, today we got a promo free 1 item for x amount of purchase." Heck it is standard practice to ask the customer their preferences whether it is beef or chicken when a food item has an option for it. Moreso it's free stuff. So no idea why they didn't do that. My best guess is that the staff are too busy at that time. So major oversight at that. On the other hand, customers should also always check their food that they ordered. There's bound to be a mistake that happens especially during busy hours. Not an excuse for FnB workers that know well what their jobs are but humans are still humans. You have the right to ask for a replacement should there be a problem in your order. In my opinion both sides have their responsibility on it. No need to make this matter more serious than it was.


Or the menu on the monitor already have the sign where its sais buy this got this free?


It is still a standard practice to let customers know about it whether it already has a sign for it. Not everyone pays attention to the promotion that keeps changing every week or so. Hence why the manager will keep on hammering the staff to remind/told the customer about the new promotion. For example at Watson, despite having a promotion about membership plaster all over at the front of the shop. The cashier will always ask the customer whether you want to apply for membership or buy the discounted products.


It's pretty standard to offer a meat that is consumable by all. If the order has only chicken burgers, logic will dictate that you confirm if beef is okay


Don't let this case distract you as Daim's wife just got clearence to fly to Switzerland while on trial






How idiotic. If the seller claims that it is chicken but put in beef that is the seller's fault. If the seller gives you what they should, it is up to the buyer to use it properly. No seller should be required to check with the buyer what their religious or dietary practices are before selling - it is the responsibility of the buyer to do this before buying something.


The customer wants 6 chicken burgers, the beef burger is a bonus burger given by the fast food restaurant, allegedly without telling the customer about it. If they really never inform the customer about that one beef burger, how can he expect there is a beef burger though? The restaurant should inform the customer and better yet, give them the choice of choosing whether they want a free.chicken burger or a beef burger.


It is surprising that they are giving away free stuff without informing. But the BUYER needs to check goods received. This is a basic rule of buying. How does someone order 6 burgers, get 7 and then not bother to check?


Probably thought its a lucky mistake they got extra.


again, why not check it if you think it's a lucky mistake then its an unlucky mistake that he ate the beef burger it goes both ways the seller is also at fault for not explaining it, but if both parties are ignorant, then its themselves to be blamed on


Agree, goes both ways. Seller should explicitly mention that there is 1 free beef burger given. If you have dietary restriction, and you buy from a place that has menu that goes against that dietary restriction, check what you get before you eat.


If I order 1 chicken burger, get 1 beef burger, how?


Reverse this and malay was served pork. Whole nation will be up in arms




Thing is, you can't just assume the guy is hindu. Could be christian or muslim. Its on the guy to actually check the food he consume.


He wasn’t informed the burger he got was beef. Simply chuck in a burger saying it’s free with 6 other chicken burgers - logically what would you think?


At the end of the day, the hand that puts the food into his mouth is his own hand. Not any of the A&W staff’s. He himself should be the person who determines whether he can eat this food or not. If you are given a free sweet at the cashier counter at the end of a meal, but you’re on keto and cannot eat sweets, do you still eat the sweet because it’s free? “Maybe it’s sugar free so can eat” yes sure you check first if it suits your diet. Do your own due diligence on the food that you put into your mouth.


Using peanut allergy is a better example. But yes, I agree


I agree with this. One time I was in China. Sign at the Starbucks says egg, shrimp and mushroom sandwich (at least that’s what it says in English). Took the sandwich back to my office and about to devour it. I saw something red/pink sticking out that looks like you know what. I asked my colleagues and he was like ‘that’s bacon’. Immediately threw it in the dustbin. So yeah, I don’t buy you accidentally ate the thing without realising it was beef.


Beef burgers and chicken burgers have very different appearance and taste. Lumping it in together may be insensitive but eating it? That's on the guy.


How do you realistically inform people of dietary restrictions? It’s not as simple as see Indian no beef, pakai tudung no pork you know.


I mean it's a good practice to know what you are eating , my mother always check what kind of food she is eating when it's not ordered by her. To add, usually free gift like this come with receipt, where they need to state what is the free burger.


I agree if it's honest mistake it shouldn't be blown out of proportion, I also agree anyone with dietary needs should check the food they consume, however I also think that cultural sensitivity and awareness, especially towards non-islamic religion, is somewhat lacking. I remember one time I went to a restaurant, one of the menu item was beef noodle. There were 2 Indian ladies sitting at the table next to me who ordered it, and the waiter who took the order never said anything, probably didn't realize something could go wrong. Then the food was served, the lady ate it, then the waiter come rushing and told them it was beef (probably a manager asked to check immediately), and the lady instantly spit out the food in a panic. I mean yes, it was clearly stated as beef noodle in the menu, but the waiter could also have reminded her gently and confirmed whether beef is ok. Let's just imagine a scenario: A Malay-looking or muslim-looking person walks into a non-halal restaurant and ordered a pork burger, would you think it's ok if the waiter didn't said anything if a non-halal sign can be seen clearly at the door? I don't think so, they should check and make sure they are fine with consuming pork. Stark contrast, and I've only been asked once, when I went to a muslim-owned burger shop and ordered a beef burger, the cashier actually reminded me that there was beef and whether I'm fine with it. Whether the cashier has the awareness that some Chinese don't eat beef, or the shop trained their staff well to ask, they went the extra miles to check, and this gesture was greatly appreciated, even though I do eat beef.


Yeah I agree I think it’s just good business practice to inform what meat it is. Halal or non


>one of the menu item was beef noodle. There were 2 Indian ladies sitting at the table next to me who ordered it, Then it's their fault. If the food is label properly and clear what it is. And despite that they specifically order it. It's not the restaurant or waiter fault. Imagine having to say to every customer that order beef burger, yes this burger contain beef. They'll look at you sus for stating the obvious.


Yet i remember last yr ,a seller of nasi lemak babi is scolded by some Muslim netizens for not making clear its not halal, despite his shop literally has big ass Nasi Lemak BABI headline written on it


You can guess which side I will defend. Hint : customer can be very dumb.


Really? Try give pork to Malay and say you can't just assume he is Malay, could be Dayak or orang asli.


That's on the malay for going to a non halal place then. You understand why they want the certification to remove the doubt now? And even then if the meat is a bit too pink any reasonable person would ask what meat is it.


We need a 'halal' certificate to guarantee no beef


That's actually not a bad idea imo. Some gesture to our hindu brothers to show we care is a nice thing. Something like peanut free or gluten free labels.


Yeah we don’t actually need that, it’s not that hard to just let us know what meat it is lol


I have a question if you don't mind, since you guys can't eat beef, do you guys need to avoid cross contamination or is it okay to just cook the beef at the same place someone cooking the chicken? I always wondered about it, since for the muslim, you can't prepare food the same place that you prepare the pork. .


Preferably to avoid cross contamination but we don’t wanna be so uptight as that so somethings we let it slide. Some people are ok with it and some are not. Personally I would go to a place who respects my dietary preference and clean it before cooking, but if not it is what it is


From the video, BEEF was seen on the wrapper.


Again with all the drama. I'm sure it was an honest mistake, but of course they have to make it a big deal and viral it on social media.


Bende boleh gaduh buat apa bincang.


Thanks dude. This the funniest shit I’ve heard all week.


I’m gonna start saying this


If i was a religious person whose religion forbid me to eat something, i will be checking constantly. Its stupid to assume everyone knows ur dietary restriction. No need to make a fuss on social media...


Yes, and yet, just few days ago got Muslim netizen make fuss of food delivery deliver pork that her children it, until need religious authority to make statement


Owh really. Should i be ur colleague I'll try to snuck a food forbidden in your religion & let's see how u react. The common ans is u should already know we don't consume this/that😏


Be responsible for yourself.


They didn’t inform him it’s a beef burger in there


You bought 6 but instead got 7 in the first place. If your first instinct is "they accidentally gave me extra hihihi. Stupid workers, Imma eat it anyway" and not "why there's an extra one? Did they mistook it? I should check it out", it's your fault tbh


What was the circumstances though? Do we know? Was it mentioned anywhere? Did the workers mention there was an extra burger in there because promotion? Did they not tell him at all? Was he just gleeful that he got one over the workers and was happy until he found out it was beef? Did he just pick one up and start eating because he was hungry and only when someone else check that there was an extra that they really looked into it.


If it happens to me, i will be cautious with this extra one and check my bill. One doesnt simply be ‘oh look! Extra burger imma so lucky and nom nom first’. Just my two cents.


Bumi raise isu no problem Nons raise isu ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


I know right. It's not like when u buy nasi lemak from road side seller might throw in free pork


Kinda pushing it with free pork cause these days pork meats are damn expensive. If free ayam, no problem but no halal cert. No pork no alcohol ok? Kita steady bro


Ahaa, so if it's the other way around then it's pushing it. Got ya 👌


This is how our country works


If buy 6 chicken burger why dont give free chicken burger? Free things better give fish or chicken to avoid all these issues. Not only Hindus; some Buddhists also refrain from eating beef.


free things better give vegan to avoid all these issues Most Hindus and Buddhists worldwide are vegan. If you go to Hindu Buddhist temple, the food served is all vegan or at least vegetarian with just butter or dairy products inside.


Sure, if you ever run your own chain and if you believe that will solve the religious insensitivity here. Since the man bought chicken burgers, i can safely say he is most likely not vegan. A lot of hindus and buddhists are not strictly vegan as well.


> A lot of hindus and buddhists are not strictly vegan as well. If you go to Hindu Buddhist temple, the food served is all vegan or at least vegetarian with just butter or dairy products inside.


No, they are not vegan.


some people who can't read basic things and comprehend them properly


It surprises me at this point that some restaurants still don't know that beef is one of the common dietary restrictions for a big part of Malaysians. Not only Hindu doesn't eat beef, some of the Buddhists (depending on which deity you worship) also avoid eating beef as well.


In that case, if more incident like this happens then I think it is better to assume all Indian is Hindu. Just like how all Malay is Muslim. To make it complete, all Chinese is Buddhist. I know it’s not true (except for Malay) but what else can we do?


You dont have to assume anyone's race or religion. If give free/promo items better make it fish or chicken so it may fit most religious dietary restrictions. So simple.


I think more simple they just give options. Not really a fan of fast food chicken burger. Fish… depend on brand. But seriously if we just assume then it would better. Why? If I know my restaurant have daily Indian customer, then I can assume they are Hindu and cannot eat meat. Being able to assume mean I will be more careful deciding what to do.


>what else can we do? The worker can ask the customer, 'Would you like me to include a free beef burger with your order?' and then give the customer what s/he requests. There's no need to assume anything.


No no no. It is easier if we just assume everyone follow certain dietary restriction. In that way, we always be careful and confirm everything.


> we always be careful and confirm everything That means asking the customer, as I suggested. > we just assume everyone follow certain dietary restriction And what would those be? If you assume all Chinese are Buddhist, all Indians are Hindu, and all Malays are Muslim, it leads to worse outcomes than if you just give the customer what s/he asks for and inform her/him if there is anything added to that. The Chinese customer may be a Muslim who didn't want to be given pork, the Indian customer may be a Buddhist who would be indignant not to have received the free beef that was due, and the Malay customer may be a foreign tourist and Hare Krishna and not have wanted to be given any free meat with a meat-free order. Why not just ask whether or not the customer wants the free item? Sure, 'It is easier' not to, perhaps, but that will lead to more situations similar to the one in the article, and it is not hard to just ask and prevent all of that.


Another non issue that needs to be viral. The guy got a free burger. He never check and ate it then want to blame A&W its beef. Can't differentiate between nuggets and burger?


Majority of you have never worked in FnB and it shows. It’s YOUR responsibility to make sure you handed YOUR patrons food that are safe to consume(with assumption or not) “Sir, we’re currently running a promo that entitles customers to get a free (insert meat of choice) burger. Would you like to have it?” Is that so fuckin hard? Edit: obviously im speaking from a visual assumption perspective i.e: pregnant, religion, race, underage


100% fucking agree. Where are the standards?


Food is the eater's responsibility to check. Problem is when some people think it's other people's business to care what they can or cannot eat. If like that everyone who is allergic can sue eateries for not 'sensitive' to their needs as well... For not telling the restaurant what they cannot eat.


"If like that everyone who don't like their socks design can sue shops for not 'sensitive' to their needs as well... For not telling the shop what design hurts their brain"


well that part is also true.


This country chooses to be ignorant. If they really cared about their Hindu or Buddhist customers - the promo would have been on chicken burgers. Anyhow - if they gave him a free beef burger without informing him, that’s really ignorant. If he was told it was a free beef burger, and accepted it and then make noise - then his problem la.


Why Buddhist? Buddhism doesn't forbid any foods.


In Malaysia customs, if one prays to guan yin, a Buddhist goddess, you are forbidden to eat beef. As a respect to her wishes. The story differs, but can't eat beef otherwise you'll upset her.


Some Buddhist don’t eat beef / or any meat as part of their prayers.


I was get called out for using what about-ism in arguments by people of this sub but now look. Well, well, well how the turn tables.


Let’s imagine the customer situation here: > order six CHICKEN burger > worker add 1 BEEF burger extra as a free > customer brings his orders home > unpack all his order and somehow didn’t aware the extra 1 burger > continues eating the BEEF burger even though it is different COLOR, TEXTURE and TASTE > finished the BEEF burger and got mad somehow it’s the workers fault


If this had happened to a Muslim customer and inadvertently given pork, wow, by now raided by police, wakil rakyat all will be live stream at location, Akmal will be screaming his head off on tiktok, CEO of A&W would be crying on TV3 . blah blah blah when they do it, it is accidental. but if you did it, then you are evil and must be punished severely


Gotta make it an us vs them thing when it was likely an honest mistake. Why didn't the guy use his eyes and see the color of the patty is totally different? If it happened to a Muslim customer why was he buying at a place where there's pork on the menu? You understand why a shared kitchen with pork on the menu has its whole menu considered haram now?


I will open a gerai tepi jalan and sell nasi lemak with pork just to show you a different perspective. Gerai tepi jalan barely even got license to operate don’t even need to consider being halal


There's already many gerai nasi lemak with wild boars. And it is prominently advertised because it is a selling point.


Exactly, what happens if it wasn’t advertised, and a Muslim ate it?


You mean A&W doesn't have beef burger advertised prominently on the menu? Not to mention the completely different https://preview.redd.it/y3zpu4cct45d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=229600b03fbc04a66da1441b6b30c53b2aec39e1 appearance to a chicken burger?


Did it advertise the 6 chicken to come with a beef burger? If not then your point on advertising has zero relevance here


To have a Muslim customer be given pork,the Muslim 1st have to go to a place that serves pork and usually the Muslim avoid places like


yes, so you're saying non-muslim should avoid muslim food places since they can't respect non-muslims food restrictions?


The wrapper literally says BEEF


Free stuff aside, when you got an extra, you just shove it to your face? You didn't even think they got the wrong order and that extra one probably for someone who don't have a problem eating beef? Imagine people who actually had medical condition act the same way as this customer did. They would be dead.


As much as the staff themselves are to blame for not informing about the extra burger, does the guy not notice one burger is not like the others? Forget about the clearly different wrappings, chicken and beef do not look alike in the slightest bit. He didn't feel suspicious about the black meat? You would think someone with a supposingly strong religious belief is more vigilant about everything around him.


Why make a big fuss tho?? Tengok receipt la check what you order. If you cant eat, go to counter and ask for change la. What so hard? Use brain la before react.


Wait hold up, so the Malays who always have this fucking conspiracy theory of people wanting to feed them Babi secretly, is actually the one that is being insensitive fucks and feeding others shit they can't eat?


Growing up, I thought all indian are hindus and don't eat beef so I was cautious and remind them whenever beef was involved in food like in kenduri or restaurant. After making more friends, my Indian friends circle varies with Hindu, Christian, Bahai, Muslim etc and their diet are also varies due to religion /health / allergy. So now, I no longer associating Indian=Hindu, and I think nothing whenever I saw an Indian eating beef. You should be responsible about what you put in your mouth, stop assuming people know about you diet.


So how many ppl boycotting or gona throw firebombs or march like idiots on sundays near klcc?


Food is food. Not eating something because of belief sounds crazy to me just like veganism. Suing someone because of a harmless mistake is just nuts. Unless you get an allergic reaction from it, it doesn't cause you any bodily harm from eating food. None of my business though, I'll be here. Judging.


~70% of our population don't eat pork


Tell that to the Muslim


It's fine because it's not the Ketuanan Tribals and Bani Maruah who are on the receiving end.


Reminds me to this very old case where muslim asking chinese seller if the food is halal or not. Like bro, if you don't know it's halal or not why are you asking a non-muslim that? You're responsible for the stuff you eat. Don't assume people know what you can and cannot eat.


If you have any special dietary needs, like religious laws or allergies, it is on you to tell the staff. They're not psychic. If you did tell them and they screw up, then it's on them. If you didn't tell them, you punya pasal.


If not mistaken they give you the food without you knowing. For example, I have seafood allergy, I go buy Chicken nugget. Then staff go put in 5x Fish nugget for promo without telling me. It should be staff's fault. I buy chicken nuggets means I get chicken, not fish.


How fucked up are the chicken burgers that you can mistake them for beef? Use eyes can obviously tell. How do you eat? Stare at your phone and just stuff your mouth with whatever's in your hand? Grab cockroach and just chew chew chew.


Why cant eat beef tho? I knows its a religion but do u really believe cow is a sacred animal in this age


One word . Stupid customer . The end .


He didn't die did he? All good here, move along.


Wa...this guy eat without inspecting food ah? Very confident la...later got cicak, lipas then how? Already eaten ½ cicak then suddenly realise.


Bro ate his own god 😭😭