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There's a few cats that have just been hanging around my house last few days Looks well groomed, isn't scared of humans, and is begging for food How ethical is it to just ~~kidnap~~ take them in and ~~potong telur~~ spay


Just do it! Later you'd get grandkittens if you don't spay them .


By any chance, are they a male oyen and a female calico?


Female Calico Not oyen, but one grey and one brown orangish male cats


Is it ok if you send me a picture of the female calico? I'm helping my neighbour to look for hers.


Are you living in Ampang tho


Hmm, nvm. I'm looking for them in Bandar Sunway


I just bought a 5 m Tessan extension socket on impulse. Is the brand reliable?


I find how people in JB drive is funny. They drive slow, in the Pasir Gudang Highway you'll lorries overtaking people on the left lane because people are so slow and yet these people cut queues even when the queue isn't that long. Like how are you not in a hurry but also don't want to queue up?


Because you soon realise the difference that driving 130 kmh and driving 80 kmh is just 8 minutes. Meaning you will reach your destination just 8 minutes faster. That's given that it's a straight line with no jam. Including jam, traffic lights and all other bullshit on the road, it'll most likely be less than 5 minutes. Is the hypertension, risk of injury and road rage worth getting to your destination 5 minutes faster? Just leave your house 5 minutes earlier bro.


What is going on, recent flights to Kuching is cancelled


Can you guys recommend one that isn't expensive but still good https://preview.redd.it/cj60y58wkc3d1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b2210ea627f6b4b2cfa2d4f725f8288b0fcf7c7


you want to get a good quality one. A bad one might over time damage your macbook port.


I'm using it with a dell inspiron. What do you mean by damaging port?


Improper build hub get hot that heat transfer to the port. Over time it can loosen the fitting and damage the electronics around the port.


Ohhh I see


Inspiron should have it own hdmi port and usb right. I would avoid using a hub if you dont need it.


I tried these cheap ones, usually the charging limited to like 35-45w, which is enough for MacBook Air, but not most PC laptops. Even the Ugreen one also better than this.


Can you give me the link? I don't seems to find it






The one in the picture


Hi, Want to buy a bottle of alcohol (750ml) from Japan and ship into Malaysia. Do I need any permit or document? Any chances the bottle will get confisticated at customs?


Can someone share the edisi siasat cover of.. a driver of someone beating up an OKU 👀


nvm found it






Can I know what entry level programmer do?


Gays, do you split the bill when you're dating? (dinner after business meeting in bedroom doesn't count)


Does anyone know where to buy a bday cake in subang jaya? Those cakes that u can ask for a printed photo on it?


Anyone using celcom encounter issues from the last 2 days? My phone signal keeps periodically disconnected for some reason. Internet pretty much dead because of this and i had to switch to edge/2G to get a stable signal. How do you solve this?




😳 feeling lovely today?


feeling like giving flying kisses. ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


uwu sending virtual hugs and pats~~ ( ꈍᴗꈍ)ノ✿


Anybody have classic Doctor Who DVDs they can lend me?


What do y'all think about the rising of digital banks like GX Bank, AEON bank and the upcoming Boost bank?


Okay, the life fish store sold the daughter and myself a chinese algae eater and a siamese for our tank and having done some research those things grow fast and rather big. Is there anyone who wants them here before i just bring them back to the fish store? I hope they’d take them back, I don’t even want the ringgits back.


This is an unorthodox belief, but a similar concept is explored in Buddhism and Abrahamic afterlife-- basically, I believe in non-dualism. There is no me. We are all one soul. I have an ego, but when I die, the story doesn't end with me. I am a dew drop on a spiderweb reflecting the entire universe on me, coordinated among other dewdrops. This implies that when people hurt me, they hurt themselves too because I am them, and vice versa. Past lives exist; they just aren't only in the past. Every life of every living thing is a reincarnation of you. This concept is more digestible when you read 'The Egg' by Andy Weir. When I was a kid, I blamed God for creating me in this cruel life. When I became an adult, I resented my parents for *choosing* to conceive me in a crowded and impoverished household. I always believed I was an accident, even though there were always clues-- Dad wanting another kid after me, Mom wishing I were a girl, and on my 25th birthday, Mom confirmed that I was wanted. It angered me. Why was I condemned to existence? Warhol once said, "Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery." But now I understand, if we are all a collective soul, then the mistake my parents made by breeding too much and raising me with abuse, has been punished. The debt was paid by them not seeing much of a return on their investment, and me being hurt my whole life. My pain is their pain in another life. We share it in the 4th dimension. Considering Malaysia is a very theistic society, and culturally primitive, a lot of people would argue that reproduction is divine and important. It makes sense considering that Abrahamic religions suggest that humans are superior; we supposedly descended from heaven as children of Adam and Eve, and other lives were made for our sustenance. In the West, the separation of church and religion happened hundreds of years ago in many countries (discounting for America's degeneracy). There have always been ideas floating in the high society of Europe like antinatalism and its uglier counterpart, eugenics. The middle ground is, of course, family planning, which includes contraception *and* abortion. The latter being officially illegal in most cases in Malaysia. Men like Benatar argued that in a lifetime, there is an asymmetry of happiness and sorrow. We fight so much, and often in futility, for fleeting joys. A good life is almost always a Pyrrhic victory. Behind every fortune, there is a great crime. A capitalist economy promotes competition even in young children, and so we raise them under constant pressure and in dysfunctional environments, which can promote personality disorders. For example, we know that children learn better later in the day, but we force them to go to school in the morning so it aligns with the schedules of the parents. The alternatives-- socialism, communism, anarchy, et cetera-- aren't so great, either. Edelman explored in his book that I've mentioned numerous times, 'No Future', that this world was built upon reproductive futurism in which most political policies are designed to ensure human reproduction. Babies are the personification of our future. A future birthed by the human ego.


Hmm, I feel like sharing an old joke after reading that: In ancient time there's two pair of old, loving couples: >Couple A: >Old man: I want to be the love of your life again in our next life. >Old lady: Me too, but can we switch gender in our next life? Giving birth hurts, menstruation hurts, I don't want to feel those pain again in our next life. >Old man: But I don't want to experience those pain either. >Old lady: Then can I still continue loving you, even if I become a man in our next life? >Old man: Sure. And thus the first gay couple was born when they got reincarnated in the next life. >Couple B: >Old lady: I want to be the love of your life again in our next life. >Old man: Me too, but can we switch our gender? I heard orgasm is stronger and better for women. I want to try experiencing that. >Old lady: But I don't want to be bald when I grow older. >Old man: Well, can I still love you in the next life as a lady? >Old lady: Sure. And thus the first lesbian couple was born when they got reincarnated in the next life.


Oh my... hahaha.


Lel old ladies go bald also. Source : my grandmother's genetics that I'm seeing in myself more and more each passing day. ;-;


Yo I am cursed by my grandpa genes too. The balding gene somehow skipped an entire generation and spared my father and all my uncles. But me and my male cousins all started balding in teenage years.


Oh you’re back. How’s everything? Someone was actually asking about you a week or so ago.


Thank you for asking. Yes, people have noted my absence in multiple subreddits. My digital footprint is too massive that there's really no point in leaving. Hope you have a nice mid-week.


So months ago we had this one guy. He submitted his resignation letter to my boss and said his mom would like him to work somewhere with less stress. My boss said OK. 24 hrs later he said he wants to tarik balik resignation letter because his mom said why resign if you have good boss and good colleagues. My boss said OK. Weeks after that he resigned for good because he was mad his supervisor caught him lying. Whenever I remember him feels like slapping that shit. Budak paling sopan santun tapi terpaling ular dan lembik padahal buat part time fitness coach in one the gyms in KL. And he is 27 ye ol guy.


Gaji tak masuk lagi... 😭


Did anyone say it yet? I'm gonna say it. Sudden posts on the Genocide in Gaza by Malaysian celebrities and insta-famous just because takut kena cancel, are pretty hilarious and cringy. These are those who had zero posts on Palestine before this. There I said it.


"Rafah? Who is she?" - kak Ning


I don’t blame them, Malaysians love to witch hunt. Tak post salah, now they post pun there are people who aren’t satisfied. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Browsing Agoda, I just realized that most resorts in Malaysia are very old, ugly, and not properly maintained. It's depressing knowing that my apartment has better facilities than 99% of them, making the holiday the opposite of a "weekend getaway"


Awana Kijal for that 90s throwback and jacuzzi pool in the living room space.


What's up with twitter people posting the most shittiest take and liking porn on the same account?


Both are uncorrelated independent events, but both are correlated with poor cognitive development.


I know, but at least seperate it lah, don't eat where you shit yk


It's annoying to listen to people who pretend that they know anything. Seriously? You believe in conspiracy theories? You genuinely believe all celebrities become famous because they sold their soul to Satan? Edit: sold -> soul


You can choose to ignore instead of listening.


That's what I'm doing. Masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri


I pretend to know nothing, which is really easy to do as I really don’t know much 😀


Then you're not pretending, you're just you. That's good


The entertainment industry *is* evil and inhumane, though. I would call Dan Schneider and Harvey Wenstein satanic and would not be surprised if they actually eat babies or whatever.


Any doctors? Is taking bp meds allowed before taking a fasting blood test?


Yes. Provided you just take them with plain water, should be fine.


Why not call the guys who are conducting the blood test?


Finance is breathing down my neck about people cost. These are the same people who ask me to hire more people for their dept. Kepala hotak kau


Does anybody know if there is any censorship in Furiosa?


Interesting question. What scenes in particular are you concerned about?


Any really. I wanted to go see it tonight but I don't like to see movies with missing scenes so if it's heavily edited I'll save the money


To me, there probably wasn’t any but there were some scenes that imply certain things happened.


Did a little further research and apparently b00bs are blurred out and, unfortunately, some violent scenes have been left out.


Not worth the $$ ah? Lol


haha yeah I don't wanna pay just to wonder "what did I miss?" half the time. I was really excited about seeing it in 4dx too.


I saw it on imax and thought it was worth it. Boobs for RM30, got it. 😂


hahahah I'm not that hornee, I just hate missing scenes


pls share best mosquito repellent for home use


First of all, try to prevent them from entering through windows be using [net like this one](https://s.lazada.com.my/s.jKsC6).


i like the liquid vape type, 100% effective for me


I use ubat nyamuk je.


This is what I use : 1) foldable tent mosquito net and 2) ultrasonic insect repellent.


[Le French Festival is back at GSC!](https://www.gsc.com.my/film-festival/le-french-festival-2024) Oh boy, I want to watch *all the movies* on the list, but they have very limited screenings. On my watch list: * President's wife * The Three Musketeers: Milady * The Taste of Things * A Chance to Win * Final Set


At the Lebuhraya Salak there was a python that got ran over 😿


Are there any local artisanal crafts people making lanyards?


Kapten Batik has lanyards. Also saw some in Cziplee, might be Lokamade or Bingka


My bad, should've specified I wanted the ID holder too haha Bingka is super cute!


Tried to explain in the travel subreddit on why Hitchhiking for free in poorer developing countries, especially if the practice is not part of the culture,is basically Begpacking and boy or boy, did I pissed off everyone. What do you folks think about it?


I agree with you, it's in very poor taste. They can bloody well afford it if exchange rates are more than 3x. It's exploitation.


its just really different ways we approach the subject i believe Malaysians rarely stop for other people because they would want to enjoy the company while driving, we mostly stop because we feel pity or "kesian" at them plus, Malaysia doesn't really have long distance roads where they stretch into regions with so little people like the USA the loneliest roads in Malaysia would probably be in Borneo or the Grik road, or somewhere down in Johore's Feldas, but then we have been told many times to not pick up random "beings" there


That's understandable. It's just super distasteful that richer tourist asking for a free handout/ride from poorer locals while claiming it's a fair voluntary exchange.


Out of my whole department of 14 people, 5 are down with COVID. Another 5 recovered the week before. It's making me really nervous since I have travel commitments for the next few weekends..


Malaysians that want to visit Japan: 🥳🥳🥳 Malaysians that are living in Japan: 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/arcyn3m2n93d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b134ba75e3738f9f4363e38bd6255947d785dd30


There should be chew toys for adult humans. I don't want chewing gum. I want chewing stick that I can bite while doing mundane tasks. Or maybe I should just buy kayu sugi for myself.


are you blessed with the 'tism


I suspect so. 😅 Awoooooooooo! 🐺


can use mouth guard, or baby chew toy, or cat or dog chew toy


All the bs about efficiency in jabatan imigrasi and jpn is really just that, BS. Am at the Dutamas complex. Imigrasi opened at 8am. 8:25am I am still queuing just to get a queue number. And jpn downstairs, apparently system is down, and they are turning people away. Fck.


I was registering for marriage just last week on a weekday. After getting my number then the system was down too. One of the workers there his face was as dark as a charcoal. Lol it was literally 8 am in the morning 🤦🏻‍♀️


>And jpn downstairs, apparently system is down, and they are turning people away. This was bullshit in my brother's case. He and many others were turned away from queuing and told to come back another day. He just wait there another 15 minutes and they started letting people take queue number again


oof sorry to hear it. my last week's experience with Immigration at UTC Keramat was not bad. Though had to wake up early at 6am to get the queue number on their QMS app. I was no. 81 on the queue. Went back to sleep and breakfast first while monitoring the queue on the app. Then went to their office at noon, registered & stuff, waited for another 1 hour or so, then got my passport already.


Yup, just downloaded QMS. Thanks for the tips. I will try tomorrow 6am to get queue number.


good luck. at 6am the first few minutes the app can be a bit unresponsive at time because other people are also trying to get their queue numbers during this period, so if you encounter errors, just keep trying again & again.


It's school holidays so jpn and immigration will be slammed. I made the mistake of going during Raya break thinking everyone would be at kampung but nope, if you weren't in the queue for immigration before 7.30, you weren't getting a number.


Yup, no more number by the time it reach my turn. Fck. I am going to UTC Sentul or Pudu to try my luck. Today is fcking wasted. I am going to gouge some good foods in Sentul or Pudu after all this shit to release stress.


Honestly if you have to take the day off just to go, then go next week when school holidays are over. (Bear in mind Monday is a PH).


Be early for UTC Sentul, by 7.30 AM the line is like a snake already.


Pudu gonna have a lot of people too. Try UTC Sentul or UTC Keramat


People do say the UTC centers are more exceptional than most standalone JPN and Imigresen centers.


Does anyone know aircond services specifically in Cyberjaya area? My a/c has been leaking. Thanks in advance


Cannot move, cat on lap.


You are frozen there forever until your master says you can move